INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING SURFMODL VERSION 3.0 NOTE: For purposes of maintenance at bigger archive sites, I have renamed the files to include a version number. Copy these files to one or more floppies, each of which must contain a copy of PKUNZIP.EXE, and rename the files as follows: SURFMAI3.ZIP --> SURFMAIN.ZIP SURFDAT3.ZIP --> SURFDATA.ZIP SURFDOC3.ZIP --> SURFDOC.ZIP SURFEMU3.ZIP --> SURFEMUL.ZIP SURFIFF3.ZIP --> SURFIFF.ZIP SURFPRN3.ZIP --> SURFPRNT.ZIP SURFSRC3.ZIP --> SURFSRC.ZIP SURFUTI3.ZIP --> SURFUTIL.ZIP \Gisbert , , WIdO, Bonn, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO INSTALL TO A HARD DRIVE: Simply put the SURFMODL installation disk #1 into a floppy drive, and run the SURFINST program from it. For instance, if you use floppy drive A: you would type: A:SURFINST You will be asked what drive you are installing from, and be given a brief menu of choices. You can select the full installation, or just to update the configuration. You should select the full installation. You will then get a menu of modules, and be given the choice of whether to install each module or not. You will also be allowed to change all of the default destination directories and disk drives. TO INSTALL TO A FLOPPY DRIVE: You will have to manually install SURFMODL by selectively unpacking the archives you want. Start by getting the SURFDOC files: A:PKUNZIP A:SURFDOC.ZIP Look at FILES.IDX for a list of files in each module. At a minimum, you will need SURMODL.EXE, *.BGI, and SURFINST.EXE on a disk. Run SURFINST, but when presented with the first menu just select the option to change the configuration.