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If the size argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached. readline([size]) -> string Return the next line from the file, as a string, retaining newline. A non-negative size argument will limit the maximum number of bytes to return (an incomplete line may be returned then). Return an empty string at EOF. readlines([size]) -> list Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of lines read. The optional size argument, if given, is an approximate bound on the total number of bytes in the lines returned. xreadlines() -> self For backward compatibility. BZ2File objects now include the performance optimizations previously implemented in the xreadlines module. write(data) -> None Write the 'data' string to file. Note that due to buffering, close() may be needed before the file on disk reflects the data written. writelines(sequence_of_strings) -> None Write the sequence of strings to the file. Note that newlines are not added. The sequence can be any iterable object producing strings. This is equivalent to calling write() for each string. seek(offset [, whence]) -> None Move to new file position. Argument offset is a byte count. Optional argument whence defaults to 0 (offset from start of file, offset should be >= 0); other values are 1 (move relative to current position, positive or negative), and 2 (move relative to end of file, usually negative, although many platforms allow seeking beyond the end of a file). Note that seeking of bz2 files is emulated, and depending on the parameters the operation may be extremely slow. tell() -> int Return the current file position, an integer (may be a long integer). close() -> None or (perhaps) an integer Close the file. Sets data attribute .closed to true. A closed file cannot be used for further I/O operations. close() may be called more than once without error. TxH<0*((`! p%%h`'`&'x'l` BZ2File(name [, mode='r', buffering=0, compresslevel=9]) -> file object Open a bz2 file. The mode can be 'r' or 'w', for reading (default) or writing. When opened for writing, the file will be created if it doesn't exist, and truncated otherwise. If the buffering argument is given, 0 means unbuffered, and larger numbers specify the buffer size. If compresslevel is given, must be a number between 1 and 9. Add a 'U' to mode to open the file for input with universal newline support. Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a '\n' in Python. Also, a file so opened gains the attribute 'newlines'; the value for this attribute is one of None (no newline read yet), '\r', '\n', '\r\n' or a tuple containing all the newline types seen. Universal newlines are available only when reading. H *x**8<' compress(data) -> string Provide more data to the compressor object. It will return chunks of compressed data whenever possible. When you've finished providing data to compress, call the flush() method to finish the compression process, and return what is left in the internal buffers. flush() -> string Finish the compression process and return what is left in internal buffers. You must not use the compressor object after calling this method. `+X-xBZ2Compressor([compresslevel=9]) -> compressor object Create a new compressor object. This object may be used to compress data sequentially. If you want to compress data in one shot, use the compress() function instead. The compresslevel parameter, if given, must be a number between 1 and 9. @00X`/ <decompress(data) -> string Provide more data to the decompressor object. It will return chunks of decompressed data whenever possible. If you try to decompress data after the end of stream is found, EOFError will be raised. If any data was found after the end of stream, it'll be ignored and saved in unused_data attribute. `0hBZ2Decompressor() -> decompressor object Create a new decompressor object. This object may be used to decompress data sequentially. If you want to decompress data in one shot, use the decompress() function instead. D3@2 compress(data [, compresslevel=9]) -> string Compress data in one shot. If you want to compress data sequentially, use an instance of BZ2Compressor instead. The compresslevel parameter, if given, must be a number between 1 and 9. decompress(data) -> decompressed data Decompress data in one shot. If you want to decompress data sequentially, use an instance of BZ2Decompressor instead. 3p06hThe python bz2 module provides a comprehensive interface for the bz2 compression library. It implements a complete file interface, one shot (de)compression functions, and types for sequential (de)compression. bzip2/libbzip2: internal error number %d. This is a bug in bzip2/libbzip2, %s. Please report it to me at: If this happened when you were using some program which uses libbzip2 as a component, you should also report this bug to the author(s) of that program. Please make an effort to report this bug; timely and accurate bug reports eventually lead to higher quality software. Thanks. Julian Seward, 15 February 2005. *** A special note about internal error number 1007 *** Experience suggests that a common cause of i.e. 1007 is unreliable memory or other hardware. The 1007 assertion just happens to cross-check the results of huge numbers of memory reads/writes, and so acts (unintendedly) as a stress test of your memory system. I suggest the following: try compressing the file again, possibly monitoring progress in detail with the -vv flag. * If the error cannot be reproduced, and/or happens at different points in compression, you may have a flaky memory system. Try a memory-test program. I have used Memtest86 ( At the time of writing it is free (GPLd). Memtest86 tests memory much more thorougly than your BIOSs power-on test, and may find failures that the BIOS doesn't. * If the error can be repeatably reproduced, this is a bug in bzip2, and I would very much like to hear about it. Please let me know, and, ideally, save a copy of the file causing the problem -- without which I will be unable to investigate it. {0x%08x, 0x%08x}] combined CRCs: stored = 0x%08x, computed = 0x%08x1.0.3, 15-Feb-2005wrbOKSEQUENCE_ERRORPARAM_ERRORMEM_ERRORDATA_ERRORDATA_ERROR_MAGICIO_ERRORUNEXPECTED_EOFOUTBUFF_FULLCONFIG_ERROR??????????????????d h x             n; &C vkkMPG&"֊/aK+d 5ӆ1 Cͼ-}wp4mG0K=V9'C#=.r *ϝxO K} xV|iqލuݓklRobfF^[^Z}Wf`Sc0M-ZI D@ƥ d'NK`%#/+6lA/ ]D@hf+*{Pu&6>;;kvqUP2M_}1>φ˃4y:Z iYmێ`7Od2z~\sKwV OK86F+GB{\=fX@US]CQ;%)&!,G^(BM6P2,v?kZ;&H VM#RV/K`mpl +e= hﶻ'؀odj#ͳ`~>ɐ}:{y`6q}[Fu2 t-0q].KYT@PENOJ+ GC!}{`COFr[v hJGl0a$-eK^VZp0m5= ^[ Q7R3?>:З$:V -T)y&;h+̠ȥPMlk/|vˡv`#ds'ě yg:Ջb}>  q+2h6mf{u]6@ %d in block, %d after MTF & 1-2 coding, %d+2 syms in use initial group %d, [%d .. %d], has %d syms (%4.1f%%) pass %d: size is %d, grp uses are %d bytes: mapping %d, selectors %d, code lengths %d, codes %d block %d: crc = 0x%08x, combined CRC = 0x%08x, size = %d final combined CRC = 0x%08x k0-6_[Om>Ic3n+ecc1^'Oo;{mqi_IzOU!jrRd!3M\cX~Twb)bUfXDu&6(GwCji \0BO$`>a[p_#^]bc4aDOrvoQr} ,5NWN`~YfkD|Rdpk)w4X^QX%.Nq}E) f3&bwA@ir~o<8.);W8V^l;lw0IWa:v6Il1l=RWq&'; $z<P5+R?# %85e&`z=jnt7& {drY 2lrefRZl~ [%d: huff+mtf rt+rld bucket sorting ... depth %6d has %6d unresolved strings reconstructing block ...  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