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ZdevfdYZeiedZdeufdYZeieexiZexiZdeufdYZeiedeufdYZeieeiZeiZeiZeiZeiZdeHfdYZeiedZdZdZdZdZdZdZed Zed!Zd"Zd#Zd$Zd%Zd&Zd'eHfd(YZeied)Z d*Z d+efd,YZ ei e d-eufd.YZ eie exiZd/eufd0YZeied1eHfd2YZeied3efd4YZeied5Zd6Zd7Zd8evfd9YZeied:Zd;Zd<Zd=efd>YZeieexi Z d?Z!d@Z"dAeufdBYZ#ei$e#dCee#fdDYZ%ei&e%dEeufdFYZ'ei(e'dGZ)dHeufdIYZ*ei+e*dJeufdKYZ,ei-e,dLevfdMYZ.ei/e.dNZ0dOZ1dPZ2dQevfdRYZ3ei4e3dSe3fdTYZ5ei6e5dUe3fdVYZ7ei8e7dWe7fdXYZ9ei:e9dYe3fdZYZ;ei<e;ei=Z=ei>Z>ei?Z?d[e;fd\YZ@eiAe@d]e7fd^YZBeiCeBd_eufd`YZDeiEeDdaeufdbYZFeiGeFdce.fddYZHeiIeHexiJZJdeZKdfZLdgZMdheufdiYZNeiOeNdjeufdkYZPeiQePdle@fdmYZReiSeReiTZTeiUZUeiVZVeiWZWeiXZXeiYZYeiZZZei[Z[ei\Z\ei]Z]ei^Z^ei_Z_ei`Z`eiaZaeibZbeicZceidZdeieZeeifZfdnevfdoYZgeihegdpevfdqYZieijeiyekWnCelj o7ddjem_kdd jem_ndrZoeoem_onXdsepdt(Rt__repr__t __class__t __module__R(R tstrthis((s wx\_core.pyct _swig_reprs  t_objectcBseZRS((RR(((s wx\_core.pycR'sicsfd}|S(Ncsf|djo|ii|Snt||p |djo|||ntd|dS(NRRsYou cannot add attributes to %s(RRR R (R RR(tset(s wx\_core.pyctset_attr-s  ((RR((Rs wx\_core.pyct_swig_setattr_nondynamic_method,scs:djodnfd}|_|S(si Create a wrapper function that will raise a DeprecationWarning before calling the callable. s%s is deprecatedcs/ddk}|itdd||S(Nit stackleveli(twarningstwarntDeprecationWarning(targstkwargsR!(tcallabletmsg(s wx\_core.pyctdeprecatedWrapperIs N(R t__doc__(R&R'R(((R&R's wx\_core.pyct _deprecatedBs   tObjectcBseeZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ eedd Z RS( st The base class for most wx objects, although in wxPython not much functionality is needed nor exposed. cCs |iiS((RR(tx((s wx\_core.pyctscCs|ii|S((RR(R,tv((s wx\_core.pycR-stdocsThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pyct__init__scOsti||S(sm GetClassName(self) -> String Returns the class name of the C++ class using wxRTTI. (t_core_tObject_GetClassName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetClassNamescOs$|diitti||S(sb Destroy(self) Deletes the C++ object this Python object is a proxy for. i(RRtFalseR1tObject_Destroy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDestroyscOsti||S(s IsSameAs(self, Object p) -> bool For wx.Objects that use C++ reference counting internally, this method can be used to determine if two objects are referencing the same data object. (R1tObject_IsSameAs(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsSameAsssSee `GetClassName`( RRR)tpropertyRR0RRR3R6R8t ClassName(((s wx\_core.pycR+s   tSizecBspeZdZeddddZeZeeiei Z eei ei Z e Ze ZdZeiZdZdZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$e%i&e$dZ'dZ(dZdZ)dZ*dZ+dZ,e-Z.dZ/RS( s wx.Size is a useful data structure used to represent the size of something. It simply contains integer width and height properties. In most places in wxPython where a wx.Size is expected a (width, height) tuple can be used instead. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sZ __init__(self, int w=0, int h=0) -> Size Creates a size object. N(R1t Size_swiginittnew_Size(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-(scOsti||S(se __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for equality of wx.Size objects. (R1t Size___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__eq__)scOsti||S(sg __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for inequality of wx.Size objects. (R1t Size___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__ne__1scOsti||S(sk __add__(self, Size sz) -> Size Add sz's proprties to this and return the result. (R1t Size___add__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__add__9scOsti||S(ss __sub__(self, Size sz) -> Size Subtract sz's properties from this and return the result. (R1t Size___sub__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__sub__AscOsti||S(s IncTo(self, Size sz) Increments this object so that both of its dimensions are not less than the corresponding dimensions of the size. (R1t Size_IncTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIncToIscOsti||S(s DecTo(self, Size sz) Decrements this object so that both of its dimensions are not greater than the corresponding dimensions of the size. (R1t Size_DecTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDecToRscOsti||S(sIncBy(self, int dx, int dy)(R1t Size_IncBy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIncBy[scOsti||S(sDecBy(self, int dx, int dy)(R1t Size_DecBy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDecBy_scOsti||S(s} Scale(self, float xscale, float yscale) Scales the dimensions of this object by the given factors. (R1t Size_Scale(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctScalecscOsti||S(sM Set(self, int w, int h) Set both width and height. (R1tSize_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetkscOsti||S(sSetWidth(self, int w)(R1t Size_SetWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetWidthsscOsti||S(sSetHeight(self, int h)(R1tSize_SetHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetHeightwscOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R1t Size_GetWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetWidth{scOsti||S(sGetHeight(self) -> int(R1tSize_GetHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetHeightscOsti||S(s} IsFullySpecified(self) -> bool Returns True if both components of the size are non-default values. (R1tSize_IsFullySpecified(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsFullySpecifiedscOsti||S(s SetDefaults(self, Size size) Combine this size with the other one replacing the default components of this object (i.e. equal to -1) with those of the other. (R1tSize_SetDefaults(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetDefaultsscOsti||S(sf Get() -> (width,height) Returns the width and height properties as a tuple. (R1tSize_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|iS(N(tstrR_(R ((s wx\_core.pyct__str__scCsdt|iS(Nswx.Size(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRscCst|iS(N(tlenR_(R ((s wx\_core.pyct__len__scCs|i|S(N(R_(R tindex((s wx\_core.pyct __getitem__scCs>|djo ||_n!|djo ||_ntdS(Nii(twidththeightt IndexError(R Rdtval((s wx\_core.pyct __setitem__s   cCs|idjS(Ni(ii(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pyct __nonzero__scCsti|ifS(N(twxR;R_(R ((s wx\_core.pyct __reduce__s(0RRR)R9RRRR1tSize_width_gettSize_width_setRftSize_height_gettSize_height_setRgR,tyR0t delete_Sizet__swig_destroy__t__del__R?RARCRERGRIRKRMRORQRSRURWRYR[R]R_RlR*tasTupleRaRcReRjRktTruet__safe_for_unpickling__Rm(((s wx\_core.pycR;sH                       t RealPointcBseZdZeddddZeZeeiei Z eei ei Z dZeiZdZdZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zeied ZdZdZdZdZdZdZe Z!dZ"RS(s A data structure for representing a point or position with floating point x and y properties. In wxPython most places that expect a wx.RealPoint can also accept a (x,y) tuple. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(so __init__(self, double x=0.0, double y=0.0) -> RealPoint Create a wx.RealPoint object N(R1tRealPoint_swiginitt new_RealPoint(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sj __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for equality of wx.RealPoint objects. (R1tRealPoint___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR?scOsti||S(sl __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for inequality of wx.RealPoint objects. (R1tRealPoint___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRAscOsti||S(su __add__(self, RealPoint pt) -> RealPoint Add pt's proprties to this and return the result. (R1tRealPoint___add__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRCscOsti||S(s{ __sub__(self, RealPoint pt) -> RealPoint Subtract pt's proprties from this and return the result (R1tRealPoint___sub__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycREscOsti||S(sX Set(self, double x, double y) Set both the x and y properties (R1t RealPoint_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQscOsti||S(sT Get() -> (x,y) Return the x and y properties as a tuple. (R1t RealPoint_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_ss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|iS(N(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRascCsdt|iS(Ns wx.RealPoint(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRscCst|iS(N(RbR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRcscCs|i|S(N(R_(R Rd((s wx\_core.pycRescCs>|djo ||_n!|djo ||_ntdS(Nii(R,RrRh(R RdRi((s wx\_core.pycRjs   cCs|idjS(Ng(gg(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRkscCsti|ifS(N(RlRyR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRms(#RRR)R9RRRR1tRealPoint_x_gettRealPoint_x_setR,tRealPoint_y_gettRealPoint_y_setRrR0tdelete_RealPointRtRuR?RARCRERQR_RlR*RvRaRcReRjRkRwRxRm(((s wx\_core.pycRys.               tPointcBseZdZeddddZeZeeiei Z eei ei Z dZeiZdZdZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZeiedZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!e"Z#dZ$RS(s A data structure for representing a point or position with integer x and y properties. Most places in wxPython that expect a wx.Point can also accept a (x,y) tuple. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s] __init__(self, int x=0, int y=0) -> Point Create a wx.Point object N(R1tPoint_swiginitt new_Point(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sf __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for equality of wx.Point objects. (R1t Point___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR?scOsti||S(sh __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for inequality of wx.Point objects. (R1t Point___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRAscOsti||S(sm __add__(self, Point pt) -> Point Add pt's proprties to this and return the result. (R1t Point___add__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRC$scOsti||S(ss __sub__(self, Point pt) -> Point Subtract pt's proprties from this and return the result (R1t Point___sub__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRE,scOsti||S(sS __iadd__(self, Point pt) -> Point Add pt to this object. (R1tPoint___iadd__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__iadd__4scOsti||S(sZ __isub__(self, Point pt) -> Point Subtract pt from this object. (R1tPoint___isub__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__isub__<scOsti||S(sT Set(self, long x, long y) Set both the x and y properties (R1t Point_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQDscOsti||S(sT Get() -> (x,y) Return the x and y properties as a tuple. (R1t Point_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_Lss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|iS(N(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRaUscCsdt|iS(Nswx.Point(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRVscCst|iS(N(RbR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRcWscCs|i|S(N(R_(R Rd((s wx\_core.pycReXscCs>|djo ||_n!|djo ||_ntdS(Nii(R,RrRh(R RdRi((s wx\_core.pycRjYs   cCs|idjS(Ni(ii(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRk]scCsti|ifS(N(RlRR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRm_s(%RRR)R9RRRR1t Point_x_gett Point_x_setR,t Point_y_gett Point_y_setRrR0t delete_PointRtRuR?RARCRERRRQR_RlR*RvRaRcReRjRkRwRxRm(((s wx\_core.pycRs2                 tRectcBs=eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$d Z%d!Z&d"Z'd#Z(eeeZ)eeeZ*ee!e%Z+ee$e&Z,ee"e'Z-ee#e(Z.d$Z/d%Z0d&Z1d'Z2d(Z3d)Z4d*Z5d+Z6d,Z7d-Z8d.Z9d/Z:d0Z;e:Z<e9Z=e;Z>d1Z?d2Z@e@ZAeeiBeiCZDeeiEeiFZGeeiHeiIZJeeiKeiLZMd3ZNd4ZOePiQeOd5ZRd6ZSd7Zd8ZTd9ZUd:ZVd;ZWeXZYd<ZZee#e(dd=Z[eeedd>Z\eee dd?Z]eeedd@Z^ee!e%ddAZ_eeeddBZ`ee$e&ddCZaeeeddDZbee"e'ddEZceeeddFZdeeeddGZeeeeddHZfee e ddIZgeeeddJZheeddKZiRS(Ls A class for representing and manipulating rectangles. It has x, y, width and height properties. In wxPython most palces that expect a wx.Rect can also accept a (x,y,width,height) tuple. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-kscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-ksR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sx __init__(self, int x=0, int y=0, int width=0, int height=0) -> Rect Create a new Rect object. N(R1t Rect_swiginittnew_Rect(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0mscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-uscOsti||S(sGetX(self) -> int(R1t Rect_GetX(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetXvscOsti||S(sSetX(self, int x)(R1t Rect_SetX(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetXzscOsti||S(sGetY(self) -> int(R1t Rect_GetY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetY~scOsti||S(sSetY(self, int y)(R1t Rect_SetY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetYscOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R1t Rect_GetWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRWscOsti||S(sSetWidth(self, int w)(R1t Rect_SetWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRSscOsti||S(sGetHeight(self) -> int(R1tRect_GetHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRYscOsti||S(sSetHeight(self, int h)(R1tRect_SetHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRUscOsti||S(sGetPosition(self) -> Point(R1tRect_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetPositionscOsti||S(sSetPosition(self, Point p)(R1tRect_SetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetPositionscOsti||S(sGetSize(self) -> Size(R1t Rect_GetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetSizescOsti||S(sSetSize(self, Size s)(R1t Rect_SetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetSizescOsti||S(sIsEmpty(self) -> bool(R1t Rect_IsEmpty(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsEmptyscOsti||S(sGetTopLeft(self) -> Point(R1tRect_GetTopLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetTopLeftscOsti||S(sSetTopLeft(self, Point p)(R1tRect_SetTopLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetTopLeftscOsti||S(sGetBottomRight(self) -> Point(R1tRect_GetBottomRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetBottomRightscOsti||S(sSetBottomRight(self, Point p)(R1tRect_SetBottomRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetBottomRightscOsti||S(sGetTopRight(self) -> Point(R1tRect_GetTopRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetTopRightscOsti||S(sSetTopRight(self, Point p)(R1tRect_SetTopRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetTopRightscOsti||S(sGetBottomLeft(self) -> Point(R1tRect_GetBottomLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetBottomLeftscOsti||S(sSetBottomLeft(self, Point p)(R1tRect_SetBottomLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetBottomLeftscOsti||S(sGetLeft(self) -> int(R1t Rect_GetLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetLeftscOsti||S(sGetTop(self) -> int(R1t Rect_GetTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetTopscOsti||S(sGetBottom(self) -> int(R1tRect_GetBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetBottomscOsti||S(sGetRight(self) -> int(R1t Rect_GetRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRightscOsti||S(sSetLeft(self, int left)(R1t Rect_SetLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetLeftscOsti||S(sSetRight(self, int right)(R1t Rect_SetRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRightscOsti||S(sSetTop(self, int top)(R1t Rect_SetTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetTopscOsti||S(sSetBottom(self, int bottom)(R1tRect_SetBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetBottomscOsti||S(s- Inflate(self, int dx, int dy) -> Rect Increases the size of the rectangle. The left border is moved farther left and the right border is moved farther right by ``dx``. The upper border is moved farther up and the bottom border is moved farther down by ``dy``. (Note the the width and height of the rectangle thus change by ``2*dx`` and ``2*dy``, respectively.) If one or both of ``dx`` and ``dy`` are negative, the opposite happens: the rectangle size decreases in the respective direction. The change is made to the rectangle inplace, if instead you need a copy that is inflated, preserving the original then make the copy first:: copy = wx.Rect(*original) copy.Inflate(10,15) (R1t Rect_Inflate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInflatescOsti||S(s Deflate(self, int dx, int dy) -> Rect Decrease the rectangle size. This method is the opposite of `Inflate` in that Deflate(a,b) is equivalent to Inflate(-a,-b). Please refer to `Inflate` for a full description. (R1t Rect_Deflate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDeflate scOsti||S(s OffsetXY(self, int dx, int dy) Moves the rectangle by the specified offset. If dx is positive, the rectangle is moved to the right, if dy is positive, it is moved to the bottom, otherwise it is moved to the left or top respectively. (R1t Rect_OffsetXY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctOffsetXYscOsti||S(s^ Offset(self, Point pt) Same as `OffsetXY` but uses dx,dy from Point (R1t Rect_Offset(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctOffsetscOsti||S(ss Intersect(self, Rect rect) -> Rect Returns the intersectsion of this rectangle and rect. (R1tRect_Intersect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct Intersect&scOsti||S(sg Union(self, Rect rect) -> Rect Returns the union of this rectangle and rect. (R1t Rect_Union(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctUnion.scOsti||S(s __add__(self, Rect rect) -> Rect Add the properties of rect to this rectangle and return the result. (R1t Rect___add__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRC6scOsti||S(s __iadd__(self, Rect rect) -> Rect Add the properties of rect to this rectangle, updating this rectangle. (R1t Rect___iadd__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR>scOsti||S(se __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for equality of wx.Rect objects. (R1t Rect___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR?FscOsti||S(sg __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for inequality of wx.Rect objects. (R1t Rect___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRANscOsti||S(sn ContainsXY(self, int x, int y) -> bool Return True if the point is inside the rect. (R1tRect_ContainsXY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ContainsXYVscOsti||S(sh Contains(self, Point pt) -> bool Return True if the point is inside the rect. (R1t Rect_Contains(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctContains^scOsti||S(s ContainsRect(self, Rect rect) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the given rectangle is completely inside this rectangle or touches its boundary. (R1tRect_ContainsRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ContainsRectfscOsti||S(s| Intersects(self, Rect rect) -> bool Returns True if the rectangles have a non empty intersection. (R1tRect_Intersects(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IntersectsvscOsti||S(s CenterIn(self, Rect r, int dir=BOTH) -> Rect Center this rectangle within the one passed to the method, which is usually, but not necessarily, the larger one. (R1t Rect_CenterIn(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCenterIn~scOsti||S(so Set(self, int x=0, int y=0, int width=0, int height=0) Set all rectangle properties. (R1tRect_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQscOsti||S(sb Get() -> (x,y,width,height) Return the rectangle properties as a tuple. (R1tRect_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_ss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|iS(N(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRascCsdt|iS(Nswx.Rect(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRscCst|iS(N(RbR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRcscCs|i|S(N(R_(R Rd((s wx\_core.pycRescCsr|djo ||_nU|djo ||_n;|djo ||_n!|djo ||_ntdS(Niiii(R,RrRfRgRh(R RdRi((s wx\_core.pycRjs    cCs|idjS(Ni(iiii(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRkscCsti|ifS(N(RlRR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRmssSee `GetBottom` and `SetBottom`s)See `GetBottomRight` and `SetBottomRight`s'See `GetBottomLeft` and `SetBottomLeft`sSee `GetHeight` and `SetHeight`sSee `GetLeft` and `SetLeft`s#See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`sSee `GetRight` and `SetRight`sSee `GetSize` and `SetSize`sSee `GetTop` and `SetTop`s!See `GetTopLeft` and `SetTopLeft`s#See `GetTopRight` and `SetTopRight`sSee `GetWidth` and `SetWidth`sSee `GetX` and `SetX`sSee `GetY` and `SetY`s See `IsEmpty`(jRRR)R9RRRR0R1t delete_RectRtRuRRRRRWRSRYRURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRtpositiontsizetlefttrightttoptbottomRRRRRRRCRR?RARRRtInsidetInsideXYt InsideRectRRtCentreInt Rect_x_gett Rect_x_setR,t Rect_y_gett Rect_y_setRrtRect_width_gettRect_width_setRftRect_height_gettRect_height_setRgRQR_RlR*RvRaRcReRjRkRwRxRmtBottomt BottomRightt BottomLefttHeighttLefttPositiontRightR;tToptTopLefttTopRighttWidthtXtYtEmpty(((s wx\_core.pycRes                                                      cOsti||}|S(s~ RectPP(Point topLeft, Point bottomRight) -> Rect Create a new Rect object from Points representing two corners. (R1t new_RectPP(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctRectPPscOsti||}|S(s_ RectPS(Point pos, Size size) -> Rect Create a new Rect from a position and size. (R1t new_RectPS(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctRectPSscOsti||}|S(sK RectS(Size size) -> Rect Create a new Rect from a size only. (R1t new_RectS(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctRectSscOsti||S(sj IntersectRect(Rect r1, Rect r2) -> Rect Calculate and return the intersection of r1 and r2. (R1t IntersectRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRstPoint2DcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeiei Z!eei"ei#Z$dZ%dZ&e'i(e&dZ)dZ*dZdZ+d Z,d!Z-d"Z.e/Z0d#Z1ee dd$Z2ee dd%Z3eeedd&Z4eeedd'Z5RS((sm wx.Point2Ds represent a point or a vector in a 2d coordinate system with floating point values. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sk __init__(self, double x=0.0, double y=0.0) -> Point2D Create a w.Point2D object. N(R1tPoint2D_swiginitt new_Point2D(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sA GetFloor() -> (x,y) Convert to integer (R1tPoint2D_GetFloor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFloorscOsti||S(sC GetRounded() -> (x,y) Convert to integer (R1tPoint2D_GetRounded(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetRoundedscOsti||S(sGetVectorLength(self) -> double(R1tPoint2D_GetVectorLength(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetVectorLengthscOsti||S(sGetVectorAngle(self) -> double(R1tPoint2D_GetVectorAngle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetVectorAnglescOsti||S(s$SetVectorLength(self, double length)(R1tPoint2D_SetVectorLength(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetVectorLength scOsti||S(s$SetVectorAngle(self, double degrees)(R1tPoint2D_SetVectorAngle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetVectorAngle scCs|i||i|dS(N(R"R$(R tangletlength((s wx\_core.pyctSetPolarCoordinatess cCs|iddS(Ng?(R"(R ((s wx\_core.pyct NormalizescOsti||S(s'GetDistance(self, Point2D pt) -> double(R1tPoint2D_GetDistance(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetDistancescOsti||S(s-GetDistanceSquare(self, Point2D pt) -> double(R1tPoint2D_GetDistanceSquare(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDistanceSquarescOsti||S(s*GetDotProduct(self, Point2D vec) -> double(R1tPoint2D_GetDotProduct(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetDotProductscOsti||S(s,GetCrossProduct(self, Point2D vec) -> double(R1tPoint2D_GetCrossProduct(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCrossProduct#scOsti||S(sP __neg__(self) -> Point2D the reflection of this point (R1tPoint2D___neg__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__neg__'scOsti||S(s%__iadd__(self, Point2D pt) -> Point2D(R1tPoint2D___iadd__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR/scOsti||S(s%__isub__(self, Point2D pt) -> Point2D(R1tPoint2D___isub__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR3scOsti||S(s%__imul__(self, Point2D pt) -> Point2D(R1tPoint2D___imul__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__imul__7scOsti||S(s%__idiv__(self, Point2D pt) -> Point2D(R1tPoint2D___idiv__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__idiv__;scOsti||S(sh __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for equality of wx.Point2D objects. (R1tPoint2D___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR??scOsti||S(sj __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for inequality of wx.Point2D objects. (R1tPoint2D___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRAGscOsti||S(s!Set(self, double x=0, double y=0)(R1t Point2D_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQQscOsti||S(sO Get() -> (x,y) Return x and y properties as a tuple. (R1t Point2D_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_Uss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|iS(N(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRa^scCsdt|iS(Ns wx.Point2D(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycR_scCst|iS(N(RbR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRc`scCs|i|S(N(R_(R Rd((s wx\_core.pycReascCs>|djo ||_n!|djo ||_ntdS(Nii(R,RrRh(R RdRi((s wx\_core.pycRjbs   cCs|idjS(Ng(gg(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRkfscCsti|ifS(N(RlRR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRmhssSee `GetFloor`sSee `GetRounded`s)See `GetVectorAngle` and `SetVectorAngle`s+See `GetVectorLength` and `SetVectorLength`(6RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_Point2DRtRuRRRR R"R$R'R(R*R,R.R0R2RRR6R8R?RAt Point2D_x_gett Point2D_x_setR,t Point2D_y_gett Point2D_y_setRrRQR_RlR*RvRaRcReRjRkRwRxRmtFloortRoundedt VectorAnglet VectorLength(((s wx\_core.pycRsT                               cOsti||}|S(sL Point2DCopy(Point2D pt) -> Point2D Create a w.Point2D object. (R1tnew_Point2DCopy(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyct Point2DCopypscOsti||}|S(sO Point2DFromPoint(Point pt) -> Point2D Create a w.Point2D object. (R1tnew_Point2DFromPoint(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctPoint2DFromPointystRect2DcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$d Z%d!Z&d"Z'd#Z(d$Z)d%Z*d&Z+d'Z,d(Z-d)Z.d*Z/d+Z0d,Z1d-Z2d.Z3d/Z4d0Z5d1Z6d2Z7d3Z8d4Z9eei:ei;Z<eei=ei>Z?eei@eiAZBeeiCeiDZEd5ZFd6ZGd7ZHd8Zd9ZId:ZJd;ZKd<ZLeMZNd=ZORS(>s wx.Rect2D is a rectangle, with position and size, in a 2D coordinate system with floating point component values. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Double x=0.0, Double y=0.0, Double w=0.0, Double h=0.0) -> Rect2D wx.Rect2D is a rectangle, with position and size, in a 2D coordinate system with floating point component values. N(R1tRect2D_swiginitt new_Rect2D(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sGetPosition(self) -> Point2D(R1tRect2D_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sGetSize(self) -> Size(R1tRect2D_GetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sGetLeft(self) -> Double(R1tRect2D_GetLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetLeft(self, Double n)(R1tRect2D_SetLeft(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sMoveLeftTo(self, Double n)(R1tRect2D_MoveLeftTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MoveLeftToscOsti||S(sGetTop(self) -> Double(R1t Rect2D_GetTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetTop(self, Double n)(R1t Rect2D_SetTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sMoveTopTo(self, Double n)(R1tRect2D_MoveTopTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MoveTopToscOsti||S(sGetBottom(self) -> Double(R1tRect2D_GetBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetBottom(self, Double n)(R1tRect2D_SetBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sMoveBottomTo(self, Double n)(R1tRect2D_MoveBottomTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MoveBottomToscOsti||S(sGetRight(self) -> Double(R1tRect2D_GetRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetRight(self, Double n)(R1tRect2D_SetRight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sMoveRightTo(self, Double n)(R1tRect2D_MoveRightTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MoveRightToscOsti||S(sGetLeftTop(self) -> Point2D(R1tRect2D_GetLeftTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetLeftTopscOsti||S(sSetLeftTop(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_SetLeftTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetLeftTopscOsti||S(sMoveLeftTopTo(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_MoveLeftTopTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MoveLeftTopToscOsti||S(sGetLeftBottom(self) -> Point2D(R1tRect2D_GetLeftBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetLeftBottomscOsti||S(sSetLeftBottom(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_SetLeftBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetLeftBottomscOsti||S(s"MoveLeftBottomTo(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_MoveLeftBottomTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMoveLeftBottomToscOsti||S(sGetRightTop(self) -> Point2D(R1tRect2D_GetRightTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetRightTopscOsti||S(sSetRightTop(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_SetRightTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetRightTopscOsti||S(s MoveRightTopTo(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_MoveRightTopTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMoveRightTopToscOsti||S(sGetRightBottom(self) -> Point2D(R1tRect2D_GetRightBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRightBottomscOsti||S(s SetRightBottom(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_SetRightBottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRightBottomscOsti||S(s#MoveRightBottomTo(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_MoveRightBottomTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMoveRightBottomToscOsti||S(sGetCentre(self) -> Point2D(R1tRect2D_GetCentre(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCentrescOsti||S(sSetCentre(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_SetCentre(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetCentrescOsti||S(sMoveCentreTo(self, Point2D pt)(R1tRect2D_MoveCentreTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MoveCentreTo scOsti||S(s#GetOutcode(self, Point2D pt) -> int(R1tRect2D_GetOutcode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetOutcodescOsti||S(s"Contains(self, Point2D pt) -> bool(R1tRect2D_Contains(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s'ContainsRect(self, Rect2D rect) -> bool(R1tRect2D_ContainsRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sIsEmpty(self) -> bool(R1tRect2D_IsEmpty(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s(HaveEqualSize(self, Rect2D rect) -> bool(R1tRect2D_HaveEqualSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HaveEqualSizescGs ti|S(s{ Inset(self, Double x, Double y) Inset(self, Double left, Double top, Double right, Double bottom) (R1t Rect2D_Inset(R$((s wx\_core.pyctInset"scOsti||S(sOffset(self, Point2D pt)(R1t Rect2D_Offset(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR)scOsti||S(sConstrainTo(self, Rect2D rect)(R1tRect2D_ConstrainTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ConstrainTo-scOsti||S(s?Interpolate(self, int widthfactor, int heightfactor) -> Point2D(R1tRect2D_Interpolate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct Interpolate1scOsti||S(s!Intersect(self, Rect2D otherRect)(R1tRect2D_Intersect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR5scOsti||S(s4CreateIntersection(self, Rect2D otherRect) -> Rect2D(R1tRect2D_CreateIntersection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCreateIntersection9scOsti||S(s%Intersects(self, Rect2D rect) -> bool(R1tRect2D_Intersects(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR=scOsti||S(sUnion(self, Rect2D otherRect)(R1t Rect2D_Union(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRAscOsti||S(s-CreateUnion(self, Rect2D otherRect) -> Rect2D(R1tRect2D_CreateUnion(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct CreateUnionEscGs ti|S(sO Scale(self, Double f) Scale(self, int num, int denum) (R1t Rect2D_Scale(R$((s wx\_core.pycROIscOsti||S(sg __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for equality of wx.Rect2D objects. (R1t Rect2D___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR?PscOsti||S(si __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Test for inequality of wx.Rect2D objects. (R1t Rect2D___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRAXscOsti||S(sBSet(self, Double x=0, Double y=0, Double width=0, Double height=0)(R1t Rect2D_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQdscOsti||S(so Get() -> (x,y, width, height) Return x, y, width and height y properties as a tuple. (R1t Rect2D_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_hscCst|iS(N(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRapscCsdt|iS(Ns wx.Rect2D(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRqscCst|iS(N(RbR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRcrscCs|i|S(N(R_(R Rd((s wx\_core.pycResscCsr|djo ||_nU|djo ||_n;|djo ||_n!|djo ||_ntdS(Niiii(R,RrRfRgRh(R RdRi((s wx\_core.pycRjts    cCs|idjS(Ng(gggg(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRkzscCsti|ifS(N(RlRJR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRm|s(PRRR)R9RRRR0R1t delete_Rect2DRtRuRRRRRRRRRVRRRZRRR^R`RbRdRfRhRjRlRnRpRrRtRvRxRzR|R~RRRRRRRRRRRRRROR?RAt Rect2D_x_gett Rect2D_x_setR,t Rect2D_y_gett Rect2D_y_setRrtRect2D_width_gettRect2D_width_setRftRect2D_height_gettRect2D_height_setRgRQR_RaRcReRjRkRwRxRm(((s wx\_core.pycRJs                                                         t InputStreamcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(sProxy of C++ InputStream classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s)__init__(self, PyObject p) -> InputStreamN(R1tInputStream_swiginittnew_InputStream(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(s close(self)(R1tInputStream_close(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctclosescOsti||S(s flush(self)(R1tInputStream_flush(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctflushscOsti||S(seof(self) -> bool(R1tInputStream_eof(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycteofscOsti||S(s#read(self, int size=-1) -> PyObject(R1tInputStream_read(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctreadscOsti||S(s'readline(self, int size=-1) -> PyObject(R1tInputStream_readline(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctreadlinescOsti||S(s,readlines(self, int sizehint=-1) -> PyObject(R1tInputStream_readlines(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct readlinesscOsti||S(s$seek(self, int offset, int whence=0)(R1tInputStream_seek(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctseekscOsti||S(stell(self) -> int(R1tInputStream_tell(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycttellscOsti||S(sPeek(self) -> char(R1tInputStream_Peek(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPeekscOsti||S(sGetC(self) -> char(R1tInputStream_GetC(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCscOsti||S(sLastRead(self) -> size_t(R1tInputStream_LastRead(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLastReadscOsti||S(sCanRead(self) -> bool(R1tInputStream_CanRead(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCanReadscOsti||S(sEof(self) -> bool(R1tInputStream_Eof(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctEofscOsti||S(sUngetch(self, char c) -> bool(R1tInputStream_Ungetch(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctUngetchscOsti||S(s1SeekI(self, long pos, int mode=FromStart) -> long(R1tInputStream_SeekI(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSeekIscOsti||S(sTellI(self) -> long(R1tInputStream_TellI(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctTellIs(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_InputStreamRtRuRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR(((s wx\_core.pycRs,                  t OutputStreamcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZRS(sProxy of C++ OutputStream classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s*__init__(self, PyObject p) -> OutputStreamN(R1tOutputStream_swiginittnew_OutputStream(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(s close(self)(R1tOutputStream_close(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s flush(self)(R1tOutputStream_flush(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(seof(self) -> bool(R1tOutputStream_eof(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s$seek(self, int offset, int whence=0)(R1tOutputStream_seek(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(stell(self) -> int(R1tOutputStream_tell(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(swrite(self, PyObject data)(R1tOutputStream_write(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctwritescOsti||S(sPutC(self, char c)(R1tOutputStream_PutC(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPutCscOsti||S(sLastWrite(self) -> size_t(R1tOutputStream_LastWrite(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct LastWritescOsti||S(sCSeekO(self, unsigned long pos, int mode=FromStart) -> unsigned long(R1tOutputStream_SeekO(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSeekOscOsti||S(sTellO(self) -> unsigned long(R1tOutputStream_TellO(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctTellOs(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_OutputStreamRtRuRRRRRRRRRR(((s wx\_core.pycRs             tFSFilecBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zeedd ZeeddZeeddZeeddZee ddZRS(sProxy of C++ FSFile classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, InputStream stream, String loc, String mimetype, String anchor, DateTime modif) -> FSFile N(R1tFSFile_swiginitt new_FSFile(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sGetStream(self) -> InputStream(R1tFSFile_GetStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetStreamscOsti||S(sDetachStream(self)(R1tFSFile_DetachStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DetachStreamscOsti||S(sGetMimeType(self) -> String(R1tFSFile_GetMimeType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMimeTypescOsti||S(sGetLocation(self) -> String(R1tFSFile_GetLocation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetLocationscOsti||S(sGetAnchor(self) -> String(R1tFSFile_GetAnchor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetAnchor#scOsti||S(s%GetModificationTime(self) -> DateTime(R1tFSFile_GetModificationTime(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetModificationTime'ssSee `GetAnchor`sSee `GetLocation`sSee `GetMimeType`sSee `GetModificationTime`sSee `GetStream`(RRR)R9RRRR0R1t delete_FSFileRtRuRRRRRRtAnchortLocationtMimeTypetModificationTimetStream(((s wx\_core.pycRs"         tCPPFileSystemHandlercBsJeZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ RS(s'Proxy of C++ CPPFileSystemHandler classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-4scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-4sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR05scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-8s( RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_CPPFileSystemHandlerRtRu(((s wx\_core.pycR2s   tFileSystemHandlercBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZeeddZeeddZeeddZee ddZeeddZRS(s$Proxy of C++ FileSystemHandler classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-=scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-=sR/sThe membership flagcOs3ti|ti||ti||tdS(s#__init__(self) -> FileSystemHandlerN(R1tFileSystemHandler_swiginittnew_FileSystemHandlerRt_setCallbackInfo(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0?scOsti||S(s6_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)(R1t"FileSystemHandler__setCallbackInfo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRDscOsti||S(s&CanOpen(self, String location) -> bool(R1tFileSystemHandler_CanOpen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCanOpenHscOsti||S(s8OpenFile(self, FileSystem fs, String location) -> FSFile(R1tFileSystemHandler_OpenFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctOpenFileLscOsti||S(s3FindFirst(self, String spec, int flags=0) -> String(R1tFileSystemHandler_FindFirst(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FindFirstPscOsti||S(sFindNext(self) -> String(R1tFileSystemHandler_FindNext(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindNextTscOsti||S(s,GetProtocol(self, String location) -> String(R1tFileSystemHandler_GetProtocol(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetProtocolXscOsti||S(s0GetLeftLocation(self, String location) -> String(R1t!FileSystemHandler_GetLeftLocation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetLeftLocation\scOsti||S(s*GetAnchor(self, String location) -> String(R1tFileSystemHandler_GetAnchor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR`scOsti||S(s1GetRightLocation(self, String location) -> String(R1t"FileSystemHandler_GetRightLocation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRightLocationdscOsti||S(s3GetMimeTypeFromExt(self, String location) -> String(R1t$FileSystemHandler_GetMimeTypeFromExt(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMimeTypeFromExthssSee `GetAnchor`sSee `GetLeftLocation`sSee `GetMimeTypeFromExt`sSee `GetProtocol`sSee `GetRightLocation`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRRRRRRRRt LeftLocationtMimeTypeFromExttProtocolt RightLocation(((s wx\_core.pycR;s&           t FileSystemcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZeeZd ZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZee ddZRS(sProxy of C++ FileSystem classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-uscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-usR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> FileSystemN(R1tFileSystem_swiginittnew_FileSystem(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0wscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-{scOsti||S(s6ChangePathTo(self, String location, bool is_dir=False)(R1tFileSystem_ChangePathTo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ChangePathTo|scOsti||S(sGetPath(self) -> String(R1tFileSystem_GetPath(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetPathscOsti||S(s)OpenFile(self, String location) -> FSFile(R1tFileSystem_OpenFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s3FindFirst(self, String spec, int flags=0) -> String(R1tFileSystem_FindFirst(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sFindNext(self) -> String(R1tFileSystem_FindNext(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s(AddHandler(CPPFileSystemHandler handler)(R1tFileSystem_AddHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AddHandlerscOsti||S(sCRemoveHandler(CPPFileSystemHandler handler) -> CPPFileSystemHandler(R1tFileSystem_RemoveHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RemoveHandlerscOsti||S(sCleanUpHandlers()(R1tFileSystem_CleanUpHandlers(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCleanUpHandlersscOsti||S(s(FileNameToURL(String filename) -> String(R1tFileSystem_FileNameToURL(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FileNameToURLscOsti||S(s#URLToFileName(String url) -> String(R1tFileSystem_URLToFileName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct URLToFileNamess See `GetPath`(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_FileSystemRtRuR RRRRRt staticmethodRRRRtPath(((s wx\_core.pycRss,                  cOsti||S(s3FileSystem_AddHandler(CPPFileSystemHandler handler)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sNFileSystem_RemoveHandler(CPPFileSystemHandler handler) -> CPPFileSystemHandler(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscGs ti|S(sFileSystem_CleanUpHandlers()(R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s3FileSystem_FileNameToURL(String filename) -> String(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s.FileSystem_URLToFileName(String url) -> String(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRstInternetFSHandlercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ RS(s$Proxy of C++ InternetFSHandler classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s#__init__(self) -> InternetFSHandlerN(R1tInternetFSHandler_swiginittnew_InternetFSHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s&CanOpen(self, String location) -> bool(R1tInternetFSHandler_CanOpen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s8OpenFile(self, FileSystem fs, String location) -> FSFile(R1tInternetFSHandler_OpenFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRs( RRR)R9RRRR0RR(((s wx\_core.pycRs   t ZipFSHandlercBs\eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z RS( sProxy of C++ ZipFSHandler classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> ZipFSHandlerN(R1tZipFSHandler_swiginittnew_ZipFSHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s&CanOpen(self, String location) -> bool(R1tZipFSHandler_CanOpen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s8OpenFile(self, FileSystem fs, String location) -> FSFile(R1tZipFSHandler_OpenFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s3FindFirst(self, String spec, int flags=0) -> String(R1tZipFSHandler_FindFirst(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sFindNext(self) -> String(R1tZipFSHandler_FindNext(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRs( RRR)R9RRRR0RRRR(((s wx\_core.pycR$s    cOsti||S(sL__wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxImage(String filename, Image image, long type)(R1t#__wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxImage(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(sO__wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxBitmap(String filename, Bitmap bitmap, long type)(R1t$__wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxBitmap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(s@__wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_Data(String filename, PyObject data)(R1t __wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_Data(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR-scCst|tiot|||nUt|tiot|||n.t|tjot||n t ddS(s= Add 'file' to the memory filesystem. The dataItem parameter can either be a `wx.Bitmap`, `wx.Image` or a string that can contain arbitrary data. If a bitmap or image is used then the imgType parameter should specify what kind of image file it should be written as, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, etc. s&wx.Image, wx.Bitmap or string expectedN( t isinstanceRltImageR+tBitmapR,RR`R-t TypeError(tfilenametdataItemtimgType((s wx\_core.pyctMemoryFSHandler_AddFilestMemoryFSHandlercBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZe eZe e Z dZ e e Z dZ d Zd Zd ZRS( s"Proxy of C++ MemoryFSHandler classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s!__init__(self) -> MemoryFSHandlerN(R1tMemoryFSHandler_swiginittnew_MemoryFSHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scOsti||S(sRemoveFile(String filename)(R1tMemoryFSHandler_RemoveFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RemoveFile scOsti||S(sDAddFileWithMimeType(String filename, PyObject data, String mimetype)(R1t#MemoryFSHandler_AddFileWithMimeType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAddFileWithMimeType scOsti||S(s&CanOpen(self, String location) -> bool(R1tMemoryFSHandler_CanOpen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s8OpenFile(self, FileSystem fs, String location) -> FSFile(R1tMemoryFSHandler_OpenFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s3FindFirst(self, String spec, int flags=0) -> String(R1tMemoryFSHandler_FindFirst(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR! scOsti||S(sFindNext(self) -> String(R1tMemoryFSHandler_FindNext(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR% s(RRR)R9RRRR0R:RR5tAddFileR<RRRR(((s wx\_core.pycR6 s         cOsti||S(s+MemoryFSHandler_RemoveFile(String filename)(R1R9(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR9+ scOsti||S(sTMemoryFSHandler_AddFileWithMimeType(String filename, PyObject data, String mimetype)(R1R;(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR;/ st ImageHandlercBseZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZee eddZee eddZeeeddZee eddZRS(s This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data. It is used within `wx.Image` and is not normally seen by the application. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-@ scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-@ sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0A scOsti||S(sGetName(self) -> String(R1tImageHandler_GetName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetNameC scOsti||S(sGetExtension(self) -> String(R1tImageHandler_GetExtension(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetExtensionG scOsti||S(sGetType(self) -> long(R1tImageHandler_GetType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetTypeK scOsti||S(sGetMimeType(self) -> String(R1tImageHandler_GetMimeType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRO scOsti||S(s"CanRead(self, String name) -> bool(R1tImageHandler_CanRead(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRS scOsti||S(s/CanReadStream(self, InputStream stream) -> bool(R1tImageHandler_CanReadStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct CanReadStreamW scOsti||S(sSetName(self, String name)(R1tImageHandler_SetName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetName[ scOsti||S(s$SetExtension(self, String extension)(R1tImageHandler_SetExtension(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetExtension_ scOsti||S(sSetType(self, long type)(R1tImageHandler_SetType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetTypec scOsti||S(s"SetMimeType(self, String mimetype)(R1tImageHandler_SetMimeType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetMimeTypeg ss%See `GetExtension` and `SetExtension`s#See `GetMimeType` and `SetMimeType`sSee `GetName` and `SetName`sSee `GetType` and `SetType`(RRR)R9RR0RRRDRFRHRRRLRNRPRRRTt ExtensionRtNametType(((s wx\_core.pycRB: s$           tPyImageHandlercBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZdZRS(s This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data, all written in Python. To create a custom image handler derive a new class from wx.PyImageHandler and provide the following methods:: def DoCanRead(self, stream) --> bool '''Check if this handler can read the image on the stream''' def LoadFile(self, image, stream, verbose, index) --> bool '''Load image data from the stream and load it into image.''' def SaveFile(self, image, stream, verbose) --> bool '''Save the iamge data in image to the stream using this handler's image file format.''' def GetImageCount(self, stream) --> int '''If this image format can hold more than one image, how many does the image on the stream have?''' To activate your handler create an instance of it and pass it to `wx.Image_AddHandler`. Be sure to call `SetName`, `SetType`, and `SetExtension` from your constructor. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s __init__(self) -> PyImageHandler This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data, all written in Python. To create a custom image handler derive a new class from wx.PyImageHandler and provide the following methods:: def DoCanRead(self, stream) --> bool '''Check if this handler can read the image on the stream''' def LoadFile(self, image, stream, verbose, index) --> bool '''Load image data from the stream and load it into image.''' def SaveFile(self, image, stream, verbose) --> bool '''Save the iamge data in image to the stream using this handler's image file format.''' def GetImageCount(self, stream) --> int '''If this image format can hold more than one image, how many does the image on the stream have?''' To activate your handler create an instance of it and pass it to `wx.Image_AddHandler`. Be sure to call `SetName`, `SetType`, and `SetExtension` from your constructor. N(R1tPyImageHandler_swiginittnew_PyImageHandlert_SetSelf(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scOsti||S(s_SetSelf(self, PyObject self)(R1tPyImageHandler__SetSelf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR[ s( RRR)R9RRRR0R[(((s wx\_core.pycRXq s  tImageHistogramcBsqeZdZeddddZeZdZdZe eZdZ dZ d Z d Z RS( s!Proxy of C++ ImageHistogram classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> ImageHistogramN(R1tImageHistogram_swiginittnew_ImageHistogram(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scOsti||S(s MakeKey(byte r, byte g, byte b) -> unsigned long Get the key in the histogram for the given RGB values (R1tImageHistogram_MakeKey(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMakeKey scOsti||S(s% FindFirstUnusedColour(int startR=1, int startG=0, int startB=0) -> (success, r, g, b) Find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher RGB values than startR, startG, startB. Returns a tuple consisting of a success flag and rgb values. (R1t$ImageHistogram_FindFirstUnusedColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindFirstUnusedColour scOsti||S(s GetCount(self, unsigned long key) -> unsigned long Returns the pixel count for the given key. Use `MakeKey` to create a key value from a RGB tripple. (R1tImageHistogram_GetCount(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCount scOsti||S(s GetCountRGB(self, byte r, byte g, byte b) -> unsigned long Returns the pixel count for the given RGB values. (R1tImageHistogram_GetCountRGB(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCountRGB scOsti||S(s GetCountColour(self, Colour colour) -> unsigned long Returns the pixel count for the given `wx.Colour` value. (R1tImageHistogram_GetCountColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCountColour s(RRR)R9RRRR0RaRRcReRgRi(((s wx\_core.pycR] s    cOsti||S(s ImageHistogram_MakeKey(byte r, byte g, byte b) -> unsigned long Get the key in the histogram for the given RGB values (R1R`(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR` stImage_RGBValuecBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ eei ei ZeeieiZeeieiZRS(s An object that contains values for red, green and blue which represent the value of a color. It is used by `wx.Image.HSVtoRGB` and `wx.Image.RGBtoHSV`, which converts between HSV color space and RGB color space. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sf __init__(self, byte r=0, byte g=0, byte b=0) -> Image_RGBValue Constructor. N(R1tImage_RGBValue_swiginittnew_Image_RGBValue(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR- s(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_Image_RGBValueRtRutImage_RGBValue_red_gettImage_RGBValue_red_settredtImage_RGBValue_green_gettImage_RGBValue_green_settgreentImage_RGBValue_blue_gettImage_RGBValue_blue_settblue(((s wx\_core.pycRj s   tImage_HSVValuecBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ eei ei ZeeieiZeeieiZRS(s An object that contains values for hue, saturation and value which represent the value of a color. It is used by `wx.Image.HSVtoRGB` and `wx.Image.RGBtoHSV`, which +converts between HSV color space and RGB color space. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sr __init__(self, double h=0.0, double s=0.0, double v=0.0) -> Image_HSVValue Constructor. N(R1tImage_HSVValue_swiginittnew_Image_HSVValue(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR- s(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_Image_HSVValueRtRutImage_HSVValue_hue_gettImage_HSVValue_hue_setthuetImage_HSVValue_saturation_gettImage_HSVValue_saturation_sett saturationtImage_HSVValue_value_gettImage_HSVValue_value_setR(((s wx\_core.pycRw s   R/cBsjeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$d Z%e&e%Z%d!Z'e&e'Z'd"Z(d#Z)d$Z*d%Z+d&Z,d'Z-d(Z.e&e.Z.d)Z/d*Z0d+Z1e1Z2d,Z3d-Z4d.Z5d/Z6d0Z7d1Z8d2Z9d3Z:d4Z;d5Z<d6Z=d7Z>d8Z?d9Z@d:ZAd;ZBd<ZCd=ZDd>ZEd?ZFd@ZGdAZHdBZIdCZJdDZKdEZLdFZMdGZNdHZOdIZPdJZQdKZRdLZSdMZTdNZUdOZVe&eVZVdPZWe&eWZWdQZXe&eXZXdRZYe&eYZYdSZZe&eZZZdTZ[dUZ\dVZ]dWZ^e&e^Z^dXZ_e&e_Z_dYZ`dZZaee@eAdd[Zbee>e?dd\Zcee:e;dd]Zdee<e=dd^Zeee4dd_ZfeeFdd`ZgeeEddaZheeDddbZiee3ddcZjRS(ds, A platform-independent image class. An image can be created from data, or using `wx.Bitmap.ConvertToImage`, or loaded from a file in a variety of formats. Functions are available to set and get image bits, so it can be used for basic image manipulation. A wx.Image cannot be drawn directly to a `wx.DC`. Instead, a platform-specific `wx.Bitmap` object must be created from it using the `wx.BitmapFromImage` constructor. This bitmap can then be drawn in a device context, using `wx.DC.DrawBitmap`. One colour value of the image may be used as a mask colour which will lead to the automatic creation of a `wx.Mask` object associated to the bitmap object. wx.Image supports alpha channel data, that is in addition to a byte for the red, green and blue colour components for each pixel it also stores a byte representing the pixel opacity. An alpha value of 0 corresponds to a transparent pixel (null opacity) while a value of 255 means that the pixel is 100% opaque. Unlike RGB data, not all images have an alpha channel and before using `GetAlpha` you should check if this image contains an alpha channel with `HasAlpha`. Note that currently only images loaded from PNG files with transparency information will have an alpha channel. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-8 scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-8 sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, String name, long type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index=-1) -> Image Loads an image from a file. N(R1tImage_swiginitt new_Image(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0: scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-B scOsti||S(s Create(self, int width, int height, bool clear=True) Creates a fresh image. If clear is ``True``, the new image will be initialized to black. Otherwise, the image data will be uninitialized. (R1t Image_Create(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCreateC scOs$|diitti||S(sA Destroy(self) Destroys the image data. i(RRR4R1t Image_Destroy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR6L scOsti||S(s Scale(self, int width, int height, int quality=IMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL) -> Image Returns a scaled version of the image. This is also useful for scaling bitmaps in general as the only other way to scale bitmaps is to blit a `wx.MemoryDC` into another `wx.MemoryDC`. The ``quality`` parameter specifies what method to use for resampling the image. It can be either wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL, which uses the normal default scaling method of pixel replication, or wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH which uses bicubic and box averaging resampling methods for upsampling and downsampling respectively. (R1t Image_Scale(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycROU s cOsti||S(s1ResampleBox(self, int width, int height) -> Image(R1tImage_ResampleBox(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ResampleBoxd scOsti||S(s5ResampleBicubic(self, int width, int height) -> Image(R1tImage_ResampleBicubic(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctResampleBicubich scOsti||S(s Blur(self, int radius) -> Image Blurs the image in both horizontal and vertical directions by the specified pixel ``radius``. This should not be used when using a single mask colour for transparency. (R1t Image_Blur(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctBlurl scOsti||S(s BlurHorizontal(self, int radius) -> Image Blurs the image in the horizontal direction only. This should not be used when using a single mask colour for transparency. (R1tImage_BlurHorizontal(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctBlurHorizontalv scOsti||S(s BlurVertical(self, int radius) -> Image Blurs the image in the vertical direction only. This should not be used when using a single mask colour for transparency. (R1tImage_BlurVertical(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct BlurVertical scOsti||S(s ShrinkBy(self, int xFactor, int yFactor) -> Image Return a version of the image scaled smaller by the given factors. (R1tImage_ShrinkBy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctShrinkBy scOsti||S(s% Rescale(self, int width, int height, int quality=IMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL) -> Image Changes the size of the image in-place by scaling it: after a call to this function, the image will have the given width and height. Returns the (modified) image itself. (R1t Image_Rescale(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRescale s cOsti||S(sk Resize(self, Size size, Point pos, int r=-1, int g=-1, int b=-1) -> Image Changes the size of the image in-place without scaling it, by adding either a border with the given colour or cropping as necessary. The image is pasted into a new image with the given size and background colour at the position pos relative to the upper left of the new image. If red = green = blue = -1 then use either the current mask colour if set or find, use, and set a suitable mask colour for any newly exposed areas. Returns the (modified) image itself. (R1t Image_Resize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctResize scOsti||S(s SetRGB(self, int x, int y, byte r, byte g, byte b) Sets the pixel at the given coordinate. This routine performs bounds-checks for the coordinate so it can be considered a safe way to manipulate the data, but in some cases this might be too slow so that the data will have to be set directly. In that case you will have to get access to the image data using the `GetData` method. (R1t Image_SetRGB(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRGB s cOsti||S(s  SetRGBRect(self, Rect rect, byte r, byte g, byte b) Sets the colour of the pixels within the given rectangle. This routine performs bounds-checks for the rectangle so it can be considered a safe way to manipulate the data. (R1tImage_SetRGBRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetRGBRect scOsti||S(sp GetRed(self, int x, int y) -> byte Returns the red intensity at the given coordinate. (R1t Image_GetRed(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRed scOsti||S(st GetGreen(self, int x, int y) -> byte Returns the green intensity at the given coordinate. (R1tImage_GetGreen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetGreen scOsti||S(sr GetBlue(self, int x, int y) -> byte Returns the blue intensity at the given coordinate. (R1t Image_GetBlue(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetBlue scOsti||S(s SetAlpha(self, int x, int y, byte alpha) Sets the alpha value for the given pixel. This function should only be called if the image has alpha channel data, use `HasAlpha` to check for this. (R1tImage_SetAlpha(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetAlpha scOsti||S(s GetAlpha(self, int x, int y) -> byte Returns the alpha value for the given pixel. This function may only be called for the images with alpha channel, use `HasAlpha` to check for this. The returned value is the *opacity* of the image, i.e. the value of 0 corresponds to the fully transparent pixels while the value of 255 to the fully opaque pixels. (R1tImage_GetAlpha(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetAlpha s cOsti||S(sp HasAlpha(self) -> bool Returns true if this image has alpha channel, false otherwise. (R1tImage_HasAlpha(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHasAlpha scOsti||S(s\ InitAlpha(self) Initializes the image alpha channel data. It is an error to call it if the image already has alpha data. If it doesn't, alpha data will be by default initialized to all pixels being fully opaque. But if the image has a a mask colour, all mask pixels will be completely transparent. (R1tImage_InitAlpha(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct InitAlpha s cOsti||S(s IsTransparent(self, int x, int y, byte threshold=IMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) -> bool Returns ``True`` if this pixel is masked or has an alpha value less than the spcified threshold. (R1tImage_IsTransparent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsTransparent scOsti||S(s% FindFirstUnusedColour(int startR=1, int startG=0, int startB=0) -> (success, r, g, b) Find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher RGB values than startR, startG, startB. Returns a tuple consisting of a success flag and rgb values. (R1tImage_FindFirstUnusedColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRc scOsti||S(s ConvertAlphaToMask(self, byte threshold=IMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) -> bool If the image has alpha channel, this method converts it to mask. All pixels with alpha value less than ``threshold`` are replaced with the mask colour and the alpha channel is removed. The mask colour is chosen automatically using `FindFirstUnusedColour`. If the image image doesn't have alpha channel, ConvertAlphaToMask does nothing. (R1tImage_ConvertAlphaToMask(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertAlphaToMask s cOsti||S(sZ ConvertColourToAlpha(self, byte r, byte g, byte b) -> bool This method converts an image where the original alpha information is only available as a shades of a colour (actually shades of grey) typically when you draw anti-aliased text into a bitmap. The DC drawing routines draw grey values on the black background although they actually mean to draw white with differnt alpha values. This method reverses it, assuming a black (!) background and white text. The method will then fill up the whole image with the colour given. (R1tImage_ConvertColourToAlpha(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertColourToAlpha& s cOsti||S(s SetMaskFromImage(self, Image mask, byte mr, byte mg, byte mb) -> bool Sets the image's mask so that the pixels that have RGB value of ``(mr,mg,mb)`` in ``mask`` will be masked in this image. This is done by first finding an unused colour in the image, setting this colour as the mask colour and then using this colour to draw all pixels in the image who corresponding pixel in mask has given RGB value. Returns ``False`` if ``mask`` does not have same dimensions as the image or if there is no unused colour left. Returns ``True`` if the mask was successfully applied. Note that this method involves computing the histogram, which is computationally intensive operation. (R1tImage_SetMaskFromImage(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMaskFromImage4 scOsti||S(sr CanRead(String filename) -> bool Returns True if the image handlers can read this file. (R1t Image_CanRead(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRG scOsti||S(s GetImageCount(String filename, long type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) -> int If the image file contains more than one image and the image handler is capable of retrieving these individually, this function will return the number of available images. (R1tImage_GetImageCount(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetImageCountP scOsti||S(s LoadFile(self, String name, long type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index=-1) -> bool Loads an image from a file. If no handler type is provided, the library will try to autodetect the format. (R1tImage_LoadFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLoadFile[ scOsti||S(s LoadMimeFile(self, String name, String mimetype, int index=-1) -> bool Loads an image from a file, specifying the image type with a MIME type string. (R1tImage_LoadMimeFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct LoadMimeFiled scOsti||S(sj SaveFile(self, String name, int type) -> bool Saves an image in the named file. (R1tImage_SaveFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSaveFilem scOsti||S(su SaveMimeFile(self, String name, String mimetype) -> bool Saves an image in the named file. (R1tImage_SaveMimeFile(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SaveMimeFileu scOsti||S(sv SaveStream(self, wxOutputStream stream, int type) -> bool Saves an image in the named file. (R1tImage_SaveStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SaveStream} scOsti||S(s SaveMimeStream(self, wxOutputStream stream, String mimetype) -> bool Saves an image in the named file. (R1tImage_SaveMimeStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSaveMimeStream scOsti||S(s CanReadStream(InputStream stream) -> bool Returns True if the image handlers can read an image file from the data currently on the input stream, or a readable Python file-like object. (R1tImage_CanReadStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRL scOsti||S(s LoadStream(self, InputStream stream, long type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index=-1) -> bool Loads an image from an input stream or a readable Python file-like object. If no handler type is provided, the library will try to autodetect the format. (R1tImage_LoadStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct LoadStream scOsti||S(s LoadMimeStream(self, InputStream stream, String mimetype, int index=-1) -> bool Loads an image from an input stream or a readable Python file-like object, using a MIME type string to specify the image file format. (R1tImage_LoadMimeStream(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLoadMimeStream scOsti||S(sT IsOk(self) -> bool Returns true if image data is present. (R1t Image_IsOk(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsOk scOsti||S(sW GetWidth(self) -> int Gets the width of the image in pixels. (R1tImage_GetWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRW scOsti||S(sY GetHeight(self) -> int Gets the height of the image in pixels. (R1tImage_GetHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRY scOsti||S(sY GetSize(self) -> Size Returns the size of the image in pixels. (R1t Image_GetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s GetSubImage(self, Rect rect) -> Image Returns a sub image of the current one as long as the rect belongs entirely to the image. (R1tImage_GetSubImage(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSubImage scOsti||S(s? Size(self, Size size, Point pos, int r=-1, int g=-1, int b=-1) -> Image Returns a resized version of this image without scaling it by adding either a border with the given colour or cropping as necessary. The image is pasted into a new image with the given size and background colour at the position ``pos`` relative to the upper left of the new image. If red = green = blue = -1 then use either the current mask colour if set or find, use, and set a suitable mask colour for any newly exposed areas. (R1t Image_Size(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR; s cOsti||S(sV Copy(self) -> Image Returns an identical copy of the image. (R1t Image_Copy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCopy scOsti||S(s Paste(self, Image image, int x, int y) Pastes ``image`` into this instance and takes care of the mask colour and any out of bounds problems. (R1t Image_Paste(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPaste scOsti||S(sv GetData(self) -> PyObject Returns a string containing a copy of the RGB bytes of the image. (R1t Image_GetData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetData scOsti||S(s SetData(self, buffer data) Resets the Image's RGB data from a buffer of RGB bytes. Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data must be width*height*3. (R1t Image_SetData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetData scOsti||S(s GetDataBuffer(self) -> PyObject Returns a writable Python buffer object that is pointing at the RGB image data buffer inside the wx.Image. You need to ensure that you do not use this buffer object after the image has been destroyed. (R1tImage_GetDataBuffer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetDataBuffer scOsti||S(s SetDataBuffer(self, buffer data) Sets the internal image data pointer to point at a Python buffer object. This can save making an extra copy of the data but you must ensure that the buffer object lives longer than the wx.Image does. (R1tImage_SetDataBuffer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetDataBuffer scOsti||S(s} GetAlphaData(self) -> PyObject Returns a string containing a copy of the alpha bytes of the image. (R1tImage_GetAlphaData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetAlphaData scOsti||S(s SetAlphaData(self, buffer alpha) Resets the Image's alpha data from a buffer of bytes. Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data must be width*height. (R1tImage_SetAlphaData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetAlphaData" scOsti||S(s GetAlphaBuffer(self) -> PyObject Returns a writable Python buffer object that is pointing at the Alpha data buffer inside the wx.Image. You need to ensure that you do not use this buffer object after the image has been destroyed. (R1tImage_GetAlphaBuffer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetAlphaBuffer, scOsti||S(s SetAlphaBuffer(self, buffer alpha) Sets the internal image alpha pointer to point at a Python buffer object. This can save making an extra copy of the data but you must ensure that the buffer object lives as long as the wx.Image does. (R1tImage_SetAlphaBuffer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetAlphaBuffer6 scOsti||S(s SetMaskColour(self, byte r, byte g, byte b) Sets the mask colour for this image (and tells the image to use the mask). (R1tImage_SetMaskColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetMaskColour@ scOsti||S(sr GetOrFindMaskColour() -> (r,g,b) Get the current mask colour or find a suitable colour. (R1tImage_GetOrFindMaskColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetOrFindMaskColourI scOsti||S(s^ GetMaskRed(self) -> byte Gets the red component of the mask colour. (R1tImage_GetMaskRed(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMaskRedQ scOsti||S(sb GetMaskGreen(self) -> byte Gets the green component of the mask colour. (R1tImage_GetMaskGreen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMaskGreenY scOsti||S(s` GetMaskBlue(self) -> byte Gets the blue component of the mask colour. (R1tImage_GetMaskBlue(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMaskBluea scOsti||S(s SetMask(self, bool mask=True) Specifies whether there is a mask or not. The area of the mask is determined by the current mask colour. (R1t Image_SetMask(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMaski scOsti||S(sq HasMask(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if there is a mask active, ``False`` otherwise. (R1t Image_HasMask(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHasMaskr scOsti||S(s6 Rotate(self, double angle, Point centre_of_rotation, bool interpolating=True, Point offset_after_rotation=None) -> Image Rotates the image about the given point, by ``angle`` radians. Passing ``True`` to ``interpolating`` results in better image quality, but is slower. If the image has a mask, then the mask colour is used for the uncovered pixels in the rotated image background. Otherwise, black will be used as the fill colour. Returns the rotated image, leaving this image intact. (R1t Image_Rotate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRotatez s cOsti||S(s Rotate90(self, bool clockwise=True) -> Image Returns a copy of the image rotated 90 degrees in the direction indicated by ``clockwise``. (R1tImage_Rotate90(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRotate90 scOsti||S(s Mirror(self, bool horizontally=True) -> Image Returns a mirrored copy of the image. The parameter ``horizontally`` indicates the orientation. (R1t Image_Mirror(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMirror scOsti||S(s Replace(self, byte r1, byte g1, byte b1, byte r2, byte g2, byte b2) Replaces the colour specified by ``(r1,g1,b1)`` by the colour ``(r2,g2,b2)``. (R1t Image_Replace(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctReplace scOsti||S(s- ConvertToGreyscale(self, double lr=0.299, double lg=0.587, double lb=0.114) -> Image Convert to greyscale image. Uses the luminance component (Y) of the image. The luma value (YUV) is calculated using (R * lr) + (G * lg) + (B * lb), defaults to ITU-T BT.601 (R1tImage_ConvertToGreyscale(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertToGreyscale scOsti||S(s ConvertToMono(self, byte r, byte g, byte b) -> Image Returns monochromatic version of the image. The returned image has white colour where the original has ``(r,g,b)`` colour and black colour everywhere else. (R1tImage_ConvertToMono(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ConvertToMono scOsti||S(s SetOption(self, String name, String value) Sets an image handler defined option. For example, when saving as a JPEG file, the option ``wx.IMAGE_OPTION_QUALITY`` is used, which is a number between 0 and 100 (0 is terrible, 100 is very good). (R1tImage_SetOption(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetOption scOsti||S(si SetOptionInt(self, String name, int value) Sets an image option as an integer. (R1tImage_SetOptionInt(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetOptionInt scOsti||S(sl GetOption(self, String name) -> String Gets the value of an image handler option. (R1tImage_GetOption(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetOption scOsti||S(s GetOptionInt(self, String name) -> int Gets the value of an image handler option as an integer. If the given option is not present, the function returns 0. (R1tImage_GetOptionInt(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetOptionInt scOsti||S(sl HasOption(self, String name) -> bool Returns true if the given option is present. (R1tImage_HasOption(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HasOption scOsti||S(sOCountColours(self, unsigned long stopafter=(unsigned long) -1) -> unsigned long(R1tImage_CountColours(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct CountColours scOsti||S(s9ComputeHistogram(self, ImageHistogram h) -> unsigned long(R1tImage_ComputeHistogram(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctComputeHistogram scOsti||S(s AddHandler(ImageHandler handler)(R1tImage_AddHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s#InsertHandler(ImageHandler handler)(R1tImage_InsertHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct InsertHandler scOsti||S(s"RemoveHandler(String name) -> bool(R1tImage_RemoveHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(sGetHandlers() -> PyObject(R1tImage_GetHandlers(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetHandlers scOsti||S(s GetImageExtWildcard() -> String Iterates all registered wxImageHandler objects, and returns a string containing file extension masks suitable for passing to file open/save dialog boxes. (R1tImage_GetImageExtWildcard(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetImageExtWildcard scOsti||S(s-ConvertToBitmap(self, int depth=-1) -> Bitmap(R1tImage_ConvertToBitmap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertToBitmap scOsti||S(sDConvertToMonoBitmap(self, byte red, byte green, byte blue) -> Bitmap(R1tImage_ConvertToMonoBitmap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertToMonoBitmap scOsti||S(s RotateHue(self, double angle) Rotates the hue of each pixel of the image. Hue is a double in the range -1.0..1.0 where -1.0 is -360 degrees and 1.0 is 360 degrees (R1tImage_RotateHue(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RotateHue scOsti||S(s RGBtoHSV(Image_RGBValue rgb) -> Image_HSVValue Converts a color in RGB color space to HSV color space. (R1tImage_RGBtoHSV(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRGBtoHSV scOsti||S(s HSVtoRGB(Image_HSVValue hsv) -> Image_RGBValue Converts a color in HSV color space to RGB color space. (R1tImage_HSVtoRGB(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHSVtoRGB$ scCs |iS(N(R(R ((s wx\_core.pycRk- scOsti||S(s AdjustChannels(self, double factor_red, double factor_green, double factor_blue, double factor_alpha=1.0) -> Image This function muliplies all 4 channels (red, green, blue, alpha) with a factor (around 1.0). Useful for gamma correction, colour correction and to add a certain amount of transparency to a image (fade in fade out effects). If factor_alpha is given but the original image has no alpha channel then a alpha channel will be added. (R1tImage_AdjustChannels(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAdjustChannels. s s)See `GetAlphaBuffer` and `SetAlphaBuffer`s%See `GetAlphaData` and `SetAlphaData`sSee `GetData` and `SetData`s'See `GetDataBuffer` and `SetDataBuffer`sSee `GetHeight`sSee `GetMaskBlue`sSee `GetMaskGreen`sSee `GetMaskRed`sSee `GetWidth`(kRRR)R9RRRR0R1t delete_ImageRtRuRR6RORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRcRRRRRRRRRRRRRLRRRtOkRWRYRRR;RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R RRRRRRRRRRRkRt AlphaBuffert AlphaDatatDatat DataBufferRtMaskBluet MaskGreentMaskRedR (((s wx\_core.pycR/ s                                                            cOsti||}|S(s ImageFromMime(String name, String mimetype, int index=-1) -> Image Loads an image from a file, using a MIME type string (such as 'image/jpeg') to specify image type. (R1tnew_ImageFromMime(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyct ImageFromMimeF scOsti||}|S(s ImageFromStream(InputStream stream, long type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index=-1) -> Image Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like object. (R1tnew_ImageFromStream(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctImageFromStreamP scOsti||}|S(s ImageFromStreamMime(InputStream stream, String mimetype, int index=-1) -> Image Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like object, specifying the image format with a MIME type string. (R1tnew_ImageFromStreamMime(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctImageFromStreamMimeZ scOsti||}|S(s EmptyImage(int width=0, int height=0, bool clear=True) -> Image Construct an empty image of a given size, optionally setting all pixels to black. (R1tnew_EmptyImage(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyct EmptyImaged scOsti||}|S(s] ImageFromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) -> Image Construct an Image from a `wx.Bitmap`. (R1tnew_ImageFromBitmap(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctImageFromBitmapn scOsti||}|S(s ImageFromData(int width, int height, buffer data) -> Image Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes. Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data must be width*height*3. (R1tnew_ImageFromData(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyct ImageFromDataw scOsti||}|S(sc ImageFromDataWithAlpha(int width, int height, buffer data, buffer alpha) -> Image Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes with an Alpha channel. Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data must be width*height*3 bytes, and the length of the alpha data must be width*height bytes. (R1tnew_ImageFromDataWithAlpha(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctImageFromDataWithAlpha s cOsti||S(sl Image_CanRead(String filename) -> bool Returns True if the image handlers can read this file. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s  Image_GetImageCount(String filename, long type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) -> int If the image file contains more than one image and the image handler is capable of retrieving these individually, this function will return the number of available images. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s Image_CanReadStream(InputStream stream) -> bool Returns True if the image handlers can read an image file from the data currently on the input stream, or a readable Python file-like object. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s&Image_AddHandler(ImageHandler handler)(R1R (R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR  scOsti||S(s)Image_InsertHandler(ImageHandler handler)(R1R (R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR  scOsti||S(s(Image_RemoveHandler(String name) -> bool(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scGs ti|S(sImage_GetHandlers() -> PyObject(R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycR scGs ti|S(s Image_GetImageExtWildcard() -> String Iterates all registered wxImageHandler objects, and returns a string containing file extension masks suitable for passing to file open/save dialog boxes. (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s{ Image_RGBtoHSV(Image_RGBValue rgb) -> Image_HSVValue Converts a color in RGB color space to HSV color space. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s{ Image_HSVtoRGB(Image_HSVValue hsv) -> Image_RGBValue Converts a color in HSV color space to RGB color space. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(sP_ImageFromBuffer(int width, int height, buffer data, buffer alpha=None) -> Image(R1t_ImageFromBuffer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR7 scCs.ti||||}||_||_|S(s Creates a `wx.Image` from the data in dataBuffer. The dataBuffer parameter must be a Python object that implements the buffer interface, such as a string, array, etc. The dataBuffer object is expected to contain a series of RGB bytes and be width*height*3 bytes long. A buffer object can optionally be supplied for the image's alpha channel data, and it is expected to be width*height bytes long. The wx.Image will be created with its data and alpha pointers initialized to the memory address pointed to by the buffer objects, thus saving the time needed to copy the image data from the buffer object to the wx.Image. While this has advantages, it also has the shoot-yourself-in-the-foot risks associated with sharing a C pointer between two objects. To help alleviate the risk a reference to the data and alpha buffer objects are kept with the wx.Image, so that they won't get deleted until after the wx.Image is deleted. However please be aware that it is not guaranteed that an object won't move its memory buffer to a new location when it needs to resize its contents. If that happens then the wx.Image will end up referring to an invalid memory location and could cause the application to crash. Therefore care should be taken to not manipulate the objects used for the data and alpha buffers in a way that would cause them to change size. (R1R7t_buffert_alpha(RfRgt dataBuffert alphaBuffertimage((s wx\_core.pyctImageFromBuffer s  cCsdS(s The former functionality of InitAllImageHanders is now done internal to the _core_ extension module and so this function has become a simple NOP. N((((s wx\_core.pyctInitAllImageHandlers st BMPHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s,A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.bmp bitmap files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sd __init__(self) -> BMPHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.bmp bitmap files. N(R1tBMPHandler_swiginittnew_BMPHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycR? st ICOHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s*A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.ico icon files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-*scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-*sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sb __init__(self) -> ICOHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.ico icon files. N(R1tICOHandler_swiginittnew_ICOHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0,s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRB(st CURHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s,A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.cur cursor files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-7scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-7sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sd __init__(self) -> CURHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.cur cursor files. N(R1tCURHandler_swiginittnew_CURHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR09s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRE5st ANIHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s5A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.ani animated cursor files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-DscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-DsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sm __init__(self) -> ANIHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.ani animated cursor files. N(R1tANIHandler_swiginittnew_ANIHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0Fs(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRHBst PNGHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s(A `wx.ImageHandler` for PNG image files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-QscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-QsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s` __init__(self) -> PNGHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for PNG image files. N(R1tPNGHandler_swiginittnew_PNGHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0Ss(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRKOst GIFHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s(A `wx.ImageHandler` for GIF image files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-^scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-^sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s` __init__(self) -> GIFHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for GIF image files. N(R1tGIFHandler_swiginittnew_GIFHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0`s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRN\st PCXHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s)A `wx.ImageHandler` for PCX imager files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-kscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-ksR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sa __init__(self) -> PCXHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for PCX imager files. N(R1tPCXHandler_swiginittnew_PCXHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0ms(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRQist JPEGHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s-A `wx.ImageHandler` for JPEG/JPG image files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-xscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-xsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sf __init__(self) -> JPEGHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for JPEG/JPG image files. N(R1tJPEGHandler_swiginittnew_JPEGHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0zs(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRTvst PNMHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s(A `wx.ImageHandler` for PNM image files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s` __init__(self) -> PNMHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for PNM image files. N(R1tPNMHandler_swiginittnew_PNMHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRWst XPMHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s"A `wx.ImageHandler` for XPM image.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sZ __init__(self) -> XPMHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for XPM image. N(R1tXPMHandler_swiginittnew_XPMHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRZst TIFFHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s)A `wx.ImageHandler` for TIFF image files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sb __init__(self) -> TIFFHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for TIFF image files. N(R1tTIFFHandler_swiginittnew_TIFFHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycR]st TGAHandlercBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s(A `wx.ImageHandler` for TGA image files.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s` __init__(self) -> TGAHandler A `wx.ImageHandler` for TGA image files. N(R1tTGAHandler_swiginittnew_TGAHandler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycR`stQuantizecBsMeZdZeddddZdZeZdZe eZRS(s9Performs quantization, or colour reduction, on a wxImage.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s Quantize(Image src, Image dest, int desiredNoColours=236, int flags=wxQUANTIZE_INCLUDE_WINDOWS_COLOURS|wxQUANTIZE_FILL_DESTINATION_IMAGE) -> bool Reduce the colours in the source image and put the result into the destination image, setting the palette in the destination if needed. Both images may be the same, to overwrite the source image. (R1tQuantize_Quantize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRcs( RRR)R9RR0RRRcR(((s wx\_core.pycRcs   cOsti||S(su Quantize_Quantize(Image src, Image dest, int desiredNoColours=236, int flags=wxQUANTIZE_INCLUDE_WINDOWS_COLOURS|wxQUANTIZE_FILL_DESTINATION_IMAGE) -> bool Reduce the colours in the source image and put the result into the destination image, setting the palette in the destination if needed. Both images may be the same, to overwrite the source image. (R1Rd(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRdst EvtHandlercBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdeieidZdeieidZee e ddZeee ddZee e ddZRS(sProxy of C++ EvtHandler classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s__init__(self) -> EvtHandlerN(R1tEvtHandler_swiginittnew_EvtHandlert _setOORInfo(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s"GetNextHandler(self) -> EvtHandler(R1tEvtHandler_GetNextHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetNextHandlerscOsti||S(s&GetPreviousHandler(self) -> EvtHandler(R1tEvtHandler_GetPreviousHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetPreviousHandlerscOsti||S(s(SetNextHandler(self, EvtHandler handler)(R1tEvtHandler_SetNextHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetNextHandlerscOsti||S(s,SetPreviousHandler(self, EvtHandler handler)(R1tEvtHandler_SetPreviousHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetPreviousHandlerscOsti||S(s"GetEvtHandlerEnabled(self) -> bool(R1tEvtHandler_GetEvtHandlerEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetEvtHandlerEnabledscOsti||S(s(SetEvtHandlerEnabled(self, bool enabled)(R1tEvtHandler_SetEvtHandlerEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetEvtHandlerEnabledscOsti||S(s'ProcessEvent(self, Event event) -> bool(R1tEvtHandler_ProcessEvent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ProcessEventscOsti||S(s"AddPendingEvent(self, Event event)(R1tEvtHandler_AddPendingEvent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAddPendingEventscOsti||S(sProcessPendingEvents(self)(R1tEvtHandler_ProcessPendingEvents(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctProcessPendingEventsscOsti||S(s?Connect(self, int id, int lastId, int eventType, PyObject func)(R1tEvtHandler_Connect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConnectscOsti||S(sODisconnect(self, int id, int lastId=-1, EventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL) -> bool(R1tEvtHandler_Disconnect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DisconnectscOs*ti||}|diit|S(s3_setOORInfo(self, PyObject _self, bool incref=True)i(R1tEvtHandler__setOORInfoRRR4(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pycRh scCs7|dj o|i}n|i||||dS(s  Bind an event to an event handler. :param event: One of the EVT_* objects that specifies the type of event to bind, :param handler: A callable object to be invoked when the event is delivered to self. Pass None to disconnect an event handler. :param source: Sometimes the event originates from a different window than self, but you still want to catch it in self. (For example, a button event delivered to a frame.) By passing the source of the event, the event handling system is able to differentiate between the same event type from different controls. :param id: Used to spcify the event source by ID instead of instance. :param id2: Used when it is desirable to bind a handler to a range of IDs, such as with EVT_MENU_RANGE. N(R tGetIdtBind(R teventthandlertsourcetidtid2((s wx\_core.pycRs cCs0|dj o|i}n|i|||S(sp Disconnects the event handler binding for event from self. Returns True if successful. N(R RtUnbind(R RRRR((s wx\_core.pycR0s s5See `GetEvtHandlerEnabled` and `SetEvtHandlerEnabled`s)See `GetNextHandler` and `SetNextHandler`s1See `GetPreviousHandler` and `SetPreviousHandler`N(RRR)R9RRRR0RjRlRnRpRrRtRvRxRzR|R~RhR RltID_ANYRRtEvtHandlerEnabledt NextHandlertPreviousHandler(((s wx\_core.pycRes*              t PyEvtHandlercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ RS(s" The wx.PyEvtHandler class can be used to intercept calls to the `ProcessEvent` method. Simply derive a new class from this one, override ProcessEvent, and then push an instance of the class onto the event handler chain for a window using `wx.Window.PushEventHandler`. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-EscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-EsR/sThe membership flagcOs@ti|ti|||i|ti||tdS(s^ __init__(self) -> PyEvtHandler The wx.PyEvtHandler class can be used to intercept calls to the `ProcessEvent` method. Simply derive a new class from this one, override ProcessEvent, and then push an instance of the class onto the event handler chain for a window using `wx.Window.PushEventHandler`. N(R1tPyEvtHandler_swiginittnew_PyEvtHandlerRhRR(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0Gs  cOsti||S(s6_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)(R1tPyEvtHandler__setCallbackInfo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRSscOsti||S(s ProcessEvent(self, Event event) -> bool Override this method to intercept the events being sent to the window. The default implementation searches the event tables and calls event handler functions if matching event bindings are found. (R1tPyEvtHandler_ProcessEvent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRvWs( RRR)R9RRRR0RRv(((s wx\_core.pycR>s  t PyEventBindercBsJeZdZddZdZdZdZeeZdZ RS(sY Instances of this class are used to bind specific events to event handlers. icCsf|djo tdn||_t|tjpt|tjo ||_n |g|_dS(NiiisInvalid number of expectedIDs(iii(t ValueErrort expectedIDsRtlistttupletevtType(R RR((s wx\_core.pycR0js    & cCs.x'|iD]}|i||||q WdS(s'Bind this set of event types to target.N(RR|(R ttargettid1Rtfunctiontet((s wx\_core.pycRus cCs=d}x*|iD]}||i|||7}qW|djS(sRemove an event binding.i(RR~(R RRRtsuccessR((s wx\_core.pycR{s  cCs |idS(sf Make it easy to get to the default wxEventType typeID for this event binder. i(R(R ((s wx\_core.pyct _getEvtTypescGst|d|ijptti}ti}|d}|idjo|d}nd|idjo|d}|d}n<|idjo"|d}|d}|d}n td|i||||dS(s For backwards compatibility with the old EVT_* functions. Should be called with either (window, func), (window, ID, func) or (window, ID1, ID2, func) parameters depending on the type of the event. iiiisUnexpected number of IDsN(RbRtAssertionErrorRlRRR(R R$RRRtfunc((s wx\_core.pyct__call__s!       ( RRR)R0RRRR9ttypeIdR(((s wx\_core.pycRes    cCs|i|d||dS(Ni(R|(twinRtcmdR((s wx\_core.pyct EVT_COMMANDscCs|i||||dS(N(R|(RRRRR((s wx\_core.pyctEVT_COMMAND_RANGEscGs ti|S(sNewEventType() -> EventType(R1t NewEventType(R$((s wx\_core.pycRsitEventcBs7eZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeeddZee e ddZeeeddZeeddZeeeddZRS(s An event is a structure holding information about an event passed to a callback or member function. wx.Event is an abstract base class for other event classes cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sa SetEventType(self, EventType typ) Sets the specific type of the event. (R1tEvent_SetEventType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetEventTypescOsti||S(s GetEventType(self) -> EventType Returns the identifier of the given event type, such as ``wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED``. (R1tEvent_GetEventType(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetEventTypescOsti||S(s GetEventObject(self) -> Object Returns the object (usually a window) associated with the event, if any. (R1tEvent_GetEventObject(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetEventObjectscOsti||S(s SetEventObject(self, Object obj) Sets the originating object, or in other words, obj is normally the object that is sending the event. (R1tEvent_SetEventObject(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetEventObject scOsti||S(sGetTimestamp(self) -> long(R1tEvent_GetTimestamp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetTimestampscOsti||S(sSetTimestamp(self, long ts=0)(R1tEvent_SetTimestamp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetTimestampscOsti||S(s GetId(self) -> int Returns the identifier associated with this event, such as a button command id. (R1t Event_GetId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s SetId(self, int Id) Set's the ID for the event. This is usually the ID of the window that is sending the event, but it can also be a command id from a menu item, etc. (R1t Event_SetId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetId&scOsti||S(s IsCommandEvent(self) -> bool Returns true if the event is or is derived from `wx.CommandEvent` else it returns false. Note: Exists only for optimization purposes. (R1tEvent_IsCommandEvent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsCommandEvent0scOsti||S(s Skip(self, bool skip=True) This method can be used inside an event handler to control whether further event handlers bound to this event will be called after the current one returns. Without Skip() (or equivalently if Skip(False) is used), the event will not be processed any more. If Skip(True) is called, the event processing system continues searching for a further handler function for this event, even though it has been processed already in the current handler. (R1t Event_Skip(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSkip9s cOsti||S(s GetSkipped(self) -> bool Returns true if the event handler should be skipped, false otherwise. :see: `Skip` (R1tEvent_GetSkipped(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSkippedGscOsti||S(s ShouldPropagate(self) -> bool Test if this event should be propagated to the parent window or not, i.e. if the propagation level is currently greater than 0. (R1tEvent_ShouldPropagate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctShouldPropagatePscOsti||S(s StopPropagation(self) -> int Stop the event from propagating to its parent window. Returns the old propagation level value which may be later passed to `ResumePropagation` to allow propagating the event again. (R1tEvent_StopPropagation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctStopPropagationYscOsti||S(s ResumePropagation(self, int propagationLevel) Resume the event propagation by restoring the propagation level. (For example, you can use the value returned by an earlier call to `StopPropagation`.) (R1tEvent_ResumePropagation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctResumePropagationcs cOsti||S(sClone(self) -> Event(R1t Event_Clone(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctClonenss)See `GetEventObject` and `SetEventObject`s%See `GetEventType` and `SetEventType`sSee `GetId` and `SetId`sSee `GetSkipped`s%See `GetTimestamp` and `SetTimestamp`( RRR)R9RR0RRR1t delete_EventRtRuRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRt EventObjectt EventTypetIdtSkippedt Timestamp(((s wx\_core.pycRs4        tPropagationDisablercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s Helper class to temporarily change an event not to propagate. Simply create an instance of this class and then whe it is destroyed the propogation of the event will be restored. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Event event) -> PropagationDisabler Helper class to temporarily change an event not to propagate. Simply create an instance of this class and then whe it is destroyed the propogation of the event will be restored. N(R1tPropagationDisabler_swiginittnew_PropagationDisabler(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-s( RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_PropagationDisablerRtRu(((s wx\_core.pycR{s  t PropagateOncecBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s A helper class that will temporarily lower propagation level of an event. Simply create an instance of this class and then whe it is destroyed the propogation of the event will be restored. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Event event) -> PropagateOnce A helper class that will temporarily lower propagation level of an event. Simply create an instance of this class and then whe it is destroyed the propogation of the event will be restored. N(R1tPropagateOnce_swiginittnew_PropagateOnce(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-s( RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_PropagateOnceRtRu(((s wx\_core.pycRs  t CommandEventcBs1eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z e Z d Z d Zd Zd ZdZdZdZeZeZdZeeeddZeeeddZeeeddZeeeddZeeddZee e ddZRS(s This event class contains information about command events, which originate from a variety of simple controls, as well as menus and toolbars. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, EventType commandType=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0) -> CommandEvent This event class contains information about command events, which originate from a variety of simple controls, as well as menus and toolbars. N(R1tCommandEvent_swiginittnew_CommandEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetSelection(self) -> int Returns item index for a listbox or choice selection event (not valid for a deselection). (R1tCommandEvent_GetSelection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSelectionscOsti||S(sSetString(self, String s)(R1tCommandEvent_SetString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetStringscOsti||S(s GetString(self) -> String Returns item string for a listbox or choice selection event (not valid for a deselection). (R1tCommandEvent_GetString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetStringscOsti||S(s IsChecked(self) -> bool This method can be used with checkbox and menu events: for the checkboxes, the method returns true for a selection event and false for a deselection one. For the menu events, this method indicates if the menu item just has become checked or unchecked (and thus only makes sense for checkable menu items). (R1tCommandEvent_IsChecked(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsCheckeds cOsti||S(s IsSelection(self) -> bool For a listbox or similar event, returns true if it is a selection, false if it is a deselection. (R1tCommandEvent_IsSelection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsSelectionscOsti||S(s"SetExtraLong(self, long extraLong)(R1tCommandEvent_SetExtraLong(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetExtraLongscOsti||S(s GetExtraLong(self) -> long Returns extra information dependant on the event objects type. If the event comes from a listbox selection, it is a boolean determining whether the event was a selection (true) or a deselection (false). A listbox deselection only occurs for multiple-selection boxes, and in this case the index and string values are indeterminate and the listbox must be examined by the application. (R1tCommandEvent_GetExtraLong(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetExtraLongs cOsti||S(sSetInt(self, int i)(R1tCommandEvent_SetInt(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetIntscOsti||S(s GetInt(self) -> int Returns the integer identifier corresponding to a listbox, choice or radiobox selection (only if the event was a selection, not a deselection), or a boolean value representing the value of a checkbox. (R1tCommandEvent_GetInt(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetIntscOsti||S(s GetClientData(self) -> PyObject Returns the client data object for a listbox or choice selection event, (if any.) (R1tCommandEvent_GetClientData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetClientDatascOsti||S(s SetClientData(self, PyObject clientData) Associate the given client data with the item at position n. (R1tCommandEvent_SetClientData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetClientData scOsti||S(sClone(self) -> Event(R1tCommandEvent_Clone(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRss'See `GetClientData` and `SetClientData`s+See `GetClientObject` and `SetClientObject`s%See `GetExtraLong` and `SetExtraLong`sSee `GetInt` and `SetInt`sSee `GetSelection`sSee `GetString` and `SetString`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRtCheckedRRRRRRRtGetClientObjecttSetClientObjectRt ClientDatat ClientObjectt ExtraLongtIntt SelectiontString(((s wx\_core.pycRs2       t NotifyEventcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ RS( s! An instance of this class (or one of its derived classes) is sent from a control when the control's state is being changed and the control allows that change to be prevented from happening. The event handler can call `Veto` or `Allow` to tell the control what to do. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-+scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-+sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, EventType commandType=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0) -> NotifyEvent An instance of this class (or one of its derived classes) is sent from a control when the control's state is being changed and the control allows that change to be prevented from happening. The event handler can call `Veto` or `Allow` to tell the control what to do. N(R1tNotifyEvent_swiginittnew_NotifyEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0-s cOsti||S(sJ Veto(self) Prevents the change announced by this event from happening. It is in general a good idea to notify the user about the reasons for vetoing the change because otherwise the applications behaviour (which just refuses to do what the user wants) might be quite surprising. (R1tNotifyEvent_Veto(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctVeto7s cOsti||S(sJ Allow(self) This is the opposite of `Veto`: it explicitly allows the event to be processed. For most events it is not necessary to call this method as the events are allowed anyhow but some are forbidden by default (this will be mentioned in the corresponding event description). (R1tNotifyEvent_Allow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAllowCs cOsti||S(s IsAllowed(self) -> bool Returns true if the change is allowed (`Veto` hasn't been called) or false otherwise (if it was). (R1tNotifyEvent_IsAllowed(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsAllowedNs( RRR)R9RRRR0RRR(((s wx\_core.pycR$s t ScrollEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z eee dd Z ee e dd Z RS( s A scroll event holds information about events sent from stand-alone scrollbars and sliders. Note that scrolled windows do not send instances of this event class, but send the `wx.ScrollWinEvent` instead. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-bscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-bsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, EventType commandType=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0, int pos=0, int orient=0) -> ScrollEvent N(R1tScrollEvent_swiginittnew_ScrollEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0dscOsti||S(s GetOrientation(self) -> int Returns wx.HORIZONTAL or wx.VERTICAL, depending on the orientation of the scrollbar. (R1tScrollEvent_GetOrientation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetOrientationjscOsti||S(sZ GetPosition(self) -> int Returns the position of the scrollbar. (R1tScrollEvent_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRsscOsti||S(s SetOrientation(self, int orient)(R1tScrollEvent_SetOrientation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetOrientation{scOsti||S(sSetPosition(self, int pos)(R1tScrollEvent_SetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRss)See `GetOrientation` and `SetOrientation`s#See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRt OrientationR(((s wx\_core.pycR[s    tScrollWinEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z eee dd Z ee e dd Z RS( sg A wx.ScrollWinEvent holds information about scrolling and is sent from scrolling windows. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, EventType commandType=wxEVT_NULL, int pos=0, int orient=0) -> ScrollWinEvent A wx.ScrollWinEvent holds information about scrolling and is sent from scrolling windows. N(R1tScrollWinEvent_swiginittnew_ScrollWinEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetOrientation(self) -> int Returns wx.HORIZONTAL or wx.VERTICAL, depending on the orientation of the scrollbar. (R1tScrollWinEvent_GetOrientation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s GetPosition(self) -> int Returns the position of the scrollbar for the thumb track and release events. Note that this field can't be used for the other events, you need to query the window itself for the current position in that case. (R1tScrollWinEvent_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s SetOrientation(self, int orient)(R1tScrollWinEvent_SetOrientation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetPosition(self, int pos)(R1tScrollWinEvent_SetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRss)See `GetOrientation` and `SetOrientation`s#See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRRR(((s wx\_core.pycRs   t MouseEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!d Z"d!Z#d"Z$d#Z%d$Z&d%Z'd&Z(d'Z)d(Z*d)Z+d*Z,ee-i.e-i/Z0ee-i1e-i2Z3ee-i4e-i5Z6ee-i7e-i8Z9ee-i:e-i;Z<ee-i=e-i>Z?ee-i@e-iAZBee-iCe-iDZEee-iFe-iGZHee-iIe-iJZKee-iLe-iMZNee-iOe-iPZQeedd+Z ee+dd,ZRee&dd-ZSee$dd.ZTee*dd/ZUee)dd0ZVee'dd1ZWee(dd2ZXRS(3sc This event class contains information about the events generated by the mouse: they include mouse buttons press and release events and mouse move events. All mouse events involving the buttons use ``wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT`` for the left mouse button, ``wx.MOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE`` for the middle one and ``wx.MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT`` for the right one. Note that not all mice have a middle button so a portable application should avoid relying on the events from it. Note the difference between methods like `LeftDown` and `LeftIsDown`: the former returns true when the event corresponds to the left mouse button click while the latter returns true if the left mouse button is currently being pressed. For example, when the user is dragging the mouse you can use `LeftIsDown` to test whether the left mouse button is (still) depressed. Also, by convention, if `LeftDown` returns true, `LeftIsDown` will also return true in wxWidgets whatever the underlying GUI behaviour is (which is platform-dependent). The same applies, of course, to other mouse buttons as well. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s  __init__(self, EventType mouseType=wxEVT_NULL) -> MouseEvent Constructs a wx.MouseEvent. Valid event types are: * wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW * wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW * wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN * wxEVT_LEFT_UP * wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK * wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN * wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP * wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK * wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN * wxEVT_RIGHT_UP * wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK * wxEVT_MOTION * wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL N(R1tMouseEvent_swiginittnew_MouseEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s IsButton(self) -> bool Returns true if the event was a mouse button event (not necessarily a button down event - that may be tested using `ButtonDown`). (R1tMouseEvent_IsButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsButtonscOsti||S(s4 ButtonDown(self, int but=MOUSE_BTN_ANY) -> bool If the argument is omitted, this returns true if the event was any mouse button down event. Otherwise the argument specifies which button-down event shold be checked for (see `Button` for the possible values). (R1tMouseEvent_ButtonDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ButtonDowns cOsti||S(s0 ButtonDClick(self, int but=MOUSE_BTN_ANY) -> bool If the argument is omitted, this returns true if the event was any mouse double click event. Otherwise the argument specifies which double click event to check for (see `Button` for the possible values). (R1tMouseEvent_ButtonDClick(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ButtonDClicks cOsti||S(s ButtonUp(self, int but=MOUSE_BTN_ANY) -> bool If the argument is omitted, this returns true if the event was any mouse button up event. Otherwise the argument specifies which button up event to check for (see `Button` for the possible values). (R1tMouseEvent_ButtonUp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctButtonUp scOsti||S(s\ Button(self, int button) -> bool Returns true if the identified mouse button is changing state. Valid values of button are: ==================== ===================================== wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT check if left button was pressed wx.MOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE check if middle button was pressed wx.MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT check if right button was pressed wx.MOUSE_BTN_ANY check if any button was pressed ==================== ===================================== (R1tMouseEvent_Button(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctButtonscOsti||S(s#ButtonIsDown(self, int but) -> bool(R1tMouseEvent_ButtonIsDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ButtonIsDown%scOsti||S(s GetButton(self) -> int Returns the mouse button which generated this event or wx.MOUSE_BTN_NONE if no button is involved (for mouse move, enter or leave event, for example). Otherwise wx.MOUSE_BTN_LEFT is returned for the left button down, up and double click events, wx.MOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE and wx.MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT for the same events for the middle and the right buttons respectively. (R1tMouseEvent_GetButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetButton)s cOsti||S(sw ControlDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the control key was down at the time of the event. (R1tMouseEvent_ControlDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ControlDown6scOsti||S(sq MetaDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the Meta key was down at the time of the event. (R1tMouseEvent_MetaDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMetaDown>scOsti||S(so AltDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the Alt key was down at the time of the event. (R1tMouseEvent_AltDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAltDownFscOsti||S(ss ShiftDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the Shift key was down at the time of the event. (R1tMouseEvent_ShiftDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ShiftDownNscOsti||S(s CmdDown(self) -> bool "Cmd" is a pseudo key which is the same as Control for PC and Unix platforms but the special "Apple" (a.k.a as "Command") key on Macs. It often makes sense to use it instead of, say, `ControlDown` because Cmd key is used for the same thing under Mac as Ctrl elsewhere. The Ctrl key still exists, it's just not used for this purpose. So for non-Mac platforms this is the same as `ControlDown` and Macs this is the same as `MetaDown`. (R1tMouseEvent_CmdDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCmdDownVs cOsti||S(sn LeftDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the left mouse button state changed to down. (R1tMouseEvent_LeftDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLeftDowndscOsti||S(sr MiddleDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the middle mouse button state changed to down. (R1tMouseEvent_MiddleDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MiddleDownlscOsti||S(sp RightDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the right mouse button state changed to down. (R1tMouseEvent_RightDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RightDowntscOsti||S(sj LeftUp(self) -> bool Returns true if the left mouse button state changed to up. (R1tMouseEvent_LeftUp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLeftUp|scOsti||S(sn MiddleUp(self) -> bool Returns true if the middle mouse button state changed to up. (R1tMouseEvent_MiddleUp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMiddleUpscOsti||S(sl RightUp(self) -> bool Returns true if the right mouse button state changed to up. (R1tMouseEvent_RightUp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRightUpscOsti||S(sm LeftDClick(self) -> bool Returns true if the event was a left button double click. (R1tMouseEvent_LeftDClick(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct LeftDClickscOsti||S(sq MiddleDClick(self) -> bool Returns true if the event was a middle button double click. (R1tMouseEvent_MiddleDClick(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MiddleDClickscOsti||S(so RightDClick(self) -> bool Returns true if the event was a right button double click. (R1tMouseEvent_RightDClick(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RightDClickscOsti||S(s# LeftIsDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the left mouse button is currently down, independent of the current event type. Please notice that it is not the same as LeftDown which returns true if the left mouse button was just pressed. Rather, it describes the state of the mouse button before the event happened. This event is usually used in the mouse event handlers which process "move mouse" messages to determine whether the user is (still) dragging the mouse. (R1tMouseEvent_LeftIsDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct LeftIsDownscOsti||S(s MiddleIsDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the middle mouse button is currently down, independent of the current event type. (R1tMouseEvent_MiddleIsDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MiddleIsDownscOsti||S(s RightIsDown(self) -> bool Returns true if the right mouse button is currently down, independent of the current event type. (R1tMouseEvent_RightIsDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RightIsDownscOsti||S(s Dragging(self) -> bool Returns true if this was a dragging event (motion while a button is depressed). (R1tMouseEvent_Dragging(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDraggingscOsti||S(s Moving(self) -> bool Returns true if this was a motion event and no mouse buttons were pressed. If any mouse button is held pressed, then this method returns false and Dragging returns true. (R1tMouseEvent_Moving(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMovingscOsti||S(sd Entering(self) -> bool Returns true if the mouse was entering the window. (R1tMouseEvent_Entering(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctEnteringscOsti||S(sb Leaving(self) -> bool Returns true if the mouse was leaving the window. (R1tMouseEvent_Leaving(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLeavingscOsti||S(s GetPosition(self) -> Point Returns the pixel position of the mouse in window coordinates when the event happened. (R1tMouseEvent_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s GetPositionTuple() -> (x,y) Returns the pixel position of the mouse in window coordinates when the event happened. (R1tMouseEvent_GetPositionTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetPositionTuplescOsti||S(s GetLogicalPosition(self, DC dc) -> Point Returns the logical mouse position in pixels (i.e. translated according to the translation set for the DC, which usually indicates that the window has been scrolled). (R1tMouseEvent_GetLogicalPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetLogicalPositionscOsti||S(sg GetX(self) -> int Returns X coordinate of the physical mouse event position. (R1tMouseEvent_GetX(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sg GetY(self) -> int Returns Y coordinate of the physical mouse event position. (R1tMouseEvent_GetY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s* GetWheelRotation(self) -> int Get wheel rotation, positive or negative indicates direction of rotation. Current devices all send an event when rotation is equal to +/-WheelDelta, but this allows for finer resolution devices to be created in the future. Because of this you shouldn't assume that one event is equal to 1 line or whatever, but you should be able to either do partial line scrolling or wait until +/-WheelDelta rotation values have been accumulated before scrolling. (R1tMouseEvent_GetWheelRotation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetWheelRotations cOsti||S(s GetWheelDelta(self) -> int Get wheel delta, normally 120. This is the threshold for action to be taken, and one such action (for example, scrolling one increment) should occur for each delta. (R1tMouseEvent_GetWheelDelta(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetWheelDelta,scOsti||S(s GetLinesPerAction(self) -> int Returns the configured number of lines (or whatever) to be scrolled per wheel action. Defaults to three. (R1tMouseEvent_GetLinesPerAction(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetLinesPerAction6scOsti||S(s IsPageScroll(self) -> bool Returns true if the system has been setup to do page scrolling with the mouse wheel instead of line scrolling. (R1tMouseEvent_IsPageScroll(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsPageScroll?ssSee `GetButton`sSee `GetLinesPerAction`sSee `GetLogicalPosition`sSee `GetPosition`sSee `GetWheelDelta`sSee `GetWheelRotation`s See `GetX`s See `GetY`(YRRR)R9RRRR0RRRRRRRR!R#R%R'R)R+R-R/R1R3R5R7R9R;R=R?RARCRERGRIRRLRNRRRRRTRVRXR1tMouseEvent_m_x_gettMouseEvent_m_x_settm_xtMouseEvent_m_y_gettMouseEvent_m_y_settm_ytMouseEvent_m_leftDown_gettMouseEvent_m_leftDown_sett m_leftDowntMouseEvent_m_middleDown_gettMouseEvent_m_middleDown_sett m_middleDowntMouseEvent_m_rightDown_gettMouseEvent_m_rightDown_sett m_rightDowntMouseEvent_m_controlDown_gettMouseEvent_m_controlDown_sett m_controlDowntMouseEvent_m_shiftDown_gettMouseEvent_m_shiftDown_sett m_shiftDowntMouseEvent_m_altDown_gettMouseEvent_m_altDown_sett m_altDowntMouseEvent_m_metaDown_gettMouseEvent_m_metaDown_sett m_metaDowntMouseEvent_m_wheelRotation_gettMouseEvent_m_wheelRotation_settm_wheelRotationtMouseEvent_m_wheelDelta_gettMouseEvent_m_wheelDelta_sett m_wheelDeltatMouseEvent_m_linesPerAction_gettMouseEvent_m_linesPerAction_settm_linesPerActiontLinesPerActiontLogicalPositionRt WheelDeltat WheelRotationR R (((s wx\_core.pycRsz                        tSetCursorEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z ee e dd Z eedd Zee dd ZRS(s^ A SetCursorEvent is generated when the mouse cursor is about to be set as a result of mouse motion. This event gives the application the chance to perform specific mouse cursor processing based on the current position of the mouse within the window. Use the `SetCursor` method to specify the cursor you want to be displayed. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-hscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-hsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sr __init__(self, int x=0, int y=0) -> SetCursorEvent Construct a new `wx.SetCursorEvent`. N(R1tSetCursorEvent_swiginittnew_SetCursorEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0jscOsti||S(si GetX(self) -> int Returns the X coordinate of the mouse in client coordinates. (R1tSetCursorEvent_GetX(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRqscOsti||S(si GetY(self) -> int Returns the Y coordinate of the mouse in client coordinates. (R1tSetCursorEvent_GetY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRyscOsti||S(se SetCursor(self, Cursor cursor) Sets the cursor associated with this event. (R1tSetCursorEvent_SetCursor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetCursorscOsti||S(so GetCursor(self) -> Cursor Returns a reference to the cursor specified by this event. (R1tSetCursorEvent_GetCursor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCursorscOsti||S(sx HasCursor(self) -> bool Returns true if the cursor specified by this event is a valid cursor. (R1tSetCursorEvent_HasCursor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HasCursorssSee `GetCursor` and `SetCursor`s See `GetX`s See `GetY`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRRtCursorR R (((s wx\_core.pycR`s      tKeyEventcBs3eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeieiZeeieiZeei ei!Z"eei#ei$Z%eei&ei'Z(eei)ei*Z+eei,ei-Z.eei/ei0Z1eei2ei3Z4eei5ei6Z7eeddZ8eeddZ9eeddZ:eeddZ;eeddZ<eeeddZ=eeddZ>eeddZ?RS(s` This event class contains information about keypress and character events. These events are only sent to the widget that currently has the keyboard focus. Notice that there are three different kinds of keyboard events in wxWidgets: key down and up events and char events. The difference between the first two is clear - the first corresponds to a key press and the second to a key release - otherwise they are identical. Just note that if the key is maintained in a pressed state you will typically get a lot of (automatically generated) down events but only one up so it is wrong to assume that there is one up event corresponding to each down one. Both key events provide untranslated key codes while the char event carries the translated one. The untranslated code for alphanumeric keys is always an upper case value. For the other keys it is one of WXK_XXX values from the keycodes table. The translated key is, in general, the character the user expects to appear as the result of the key combination when typing the text into a text entry zone, for example. A few examples to clarify this (all assume that CAPS LOCK is unpressed and the standard US keyboard): when the 'A' key is pressed, the key down event key code is equal to ASCII A == 65. But the char event key code is ASCII a == 97. On the other hand, if you press both SHIFT and 'A' keys simultaneously , the key code in key down event will still be just 'A' while the char event key code parameter will now be 'A' as well. Although in this simple case it is clear that the correct key code could be found in the key down event handler by checking the value returned by `ShiftDown`, in general you should use EVT_CHAR for this as for non alphanumeric keys or non-US keyboard layouts the translation is keyboard-layout dependent and can only be done properly by the system itself. Another kind of translation is done when the control key is pressed: for example, for CTRL-A key press the key down event still carries the same key code 'A' as usual but the char event will have key code of 1, the ASCII value of this key combination. You may discover how the other keys on your system behave interactively by running the KeyEvents sample in the wxPython demo and pressing some keys while the blue box at the top has the keyboard focus. **Note**: If a key down event is caught and the event handler does not call event.Skip() then the coresponding char event will not happen. This is by design and enables the programs that handle both types of events to be a bit simpler. **Note for Windows programmers**: The key and char events in wxWidgets are similar to but slightly different from Windows WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR events. In particular, Alt-x combination will generate a char event in wxWidgets (unless it is used as an accelerator). **Tip**: be sure to call event.Skip() for events that you don't process in key event function, otherwise menu shortcuts may cease to work under Windows. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, EventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL) -> KeyEvent Construct a new `wx.KeyEvent`. Valid event types are: * N(R1tKeyEvent_swiginitt new_KeyEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sv GetModifiers(self) -> int Returns a bitmask of the current modifier settings. Can be used to check if the key event has exactly the given modifiers without having to explicitly check that the other modifiers are not down. For example:: if event.GetModifers() == wx.MOD_CONTROL: DoSomething() (R1tKeyEvent_GetModifiers(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetModifierss cOsti||S(s{ ControlDown(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the Control key was down at the time of the event. (R1tKeyEvent_ControlDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR!scOsti||S(su MetaDown(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the Meta key was down at the time of the event. (R1tKeyEvent_MetaDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR#scOsti||S(ss AltDown(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the Alt key was down at the time of the event. (R1tKeyEvent_AltDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR%scOsti||S(sw ShiftDown(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the Shift key was down at the time of the event. (R1tKeyEvent_ShiftDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR'scOsti||S(s  CmdDown(self) -> bool "Cmd" is a pseudo key which is the same as Control for PC and Unix platforms but the special "Apple" (a.k.a as "Command") key on Macs. It makes often sense to use it instead of, say, `ControlDown` because Cmd key is used for the same thing under Mac as Ctrl elsewhere. The Ctrl still exists, it's just not used for this purpose. So for non-Mac platforms this is the same as `ControlDown` and Macs this is the same as `MetaDown`. (R1tKeyEvent_CmdDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR)s cOsti||S(s HasModifiers(self) -> bool Returns true if either CTRL or ALT keys was down at the time of the key event. Note that this function does not take into account neither SHIFT nor META key states (the reason for ignoring the latter is that it is common for NUMLOCK key to be configured as META under X but the key presses even while NUMLOCK is on should be still processed normally). (R1tKeyEvent_HasModifiers(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HasModifiers&s cOsti||S(s& GetKeyCode(self) -> int Returns the virtual key code. ASCII events return normal ASCII values, while non-ASCII events return values such as WXK_LEFT for the left cursor key. See `wx.KeyEvent` for a full list of the virtual key codes. Note that in Unicode build, the returned value is meaningful only if the user entered a character that can be represented in current locale's default charset. You can obtain the corresponding Unicode character using `GetUnicodeKey`. (R1tKeyEvent_GetKeyCode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetKeyCode3scOsti||S(s GetUnicodeKey(self) -> int Returns the Unicode character corresponding to this key event. This function is only meaningfule in a Unicode build of wxPython. (R1tKeyEvent_GetUnicodeKey(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetUnicodeKeyCscOsti||S(s SetUnicodeKey(self, int uniChar) Set the Unicode value of the key event, but only if this is a Unicode build of wxPython. (R1tKeyEvent_SetUnicodeKey(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetUnicodeKeyMscOsti||S(s GetRawKeyCode(self) -> unsigned int Returns the raw key code for this event. This is a platform-dependent scan code which should only be used in advanced applications. Currently the raw key codes are not supported by all ports. (R1tKeyEvent_GetRawKeyCode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetRawKeyCodeVs cOsti||S(s GetRawKeyFlags(self) -> unsigned int Returns the low level key flags for this event. The flags are platform-dependent and should only be used in advanced applications. Currently the raw key flags are not supported by all ports. (R1tKeyEvent_GetRawKeyFlags(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRawKeyFlagsascOsti||S(sd GetPosition(self) -> Point Find the position of the event, if applicable. (R1tKeyEvent_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRkscOsti||S(se GetPositionTuple() -> (x,y) Find the position of the event, if applicable. (R1tKeyEvent_GetPositionTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRLsscOsti||S(s GetX(self) -> int Returns the X position (in client coordinates) of the event, if applicable. (R1t KeyEvent_GetX(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR{scOsti||S(s GetY(self) -> int Returns the Y position (in client coordinates) of the event, if applicable. (R1t KeyEvent_GetY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRssSee `GetKeyCode`sSee `GetModifiers`sSee `GetPosition`sSee `GetRawKeyCode`sSee `GetRawKeyFlags`s'See `GetUnicodeKey` and `SetUnicodeKey`s See `GetX`s See `GetY`(@RRR)R9RRRR0RR!R#R%R'R)RRRt GetUniCharRRRRRLRRR1tKeyEvent_m_x_gettKeyEvent_m_x_setR[tKeyEvent_m_y_gettKeyEvent_m_y_setR^tKeyEvent_m_keyCode_gettKeyEvent_m_keyCode_sett m_keyCodetKeyEvent_m_controlDown_gettKeyEvent_m_controlDown_setRjtKeyEvent_m_shiftDown_gettKeyEvent_m_shiftDown_setRmtKeyEvent_m_altDown_gettKeyEvent_m_altDown_setRptKeyEvent_m_metaDown_gettKeyEvent_m_metaDown_setRstKeyEvent_m_scanCode_gettKeyEvent_m_scanCode_sett m_scanCodetKeyEvent_m_rawCode_gettKeyEvent_m_rawCode_sett m_rawCodetKeyEvent_m_rawFlags_gettKeyEvent_m_rawFlags_sett m_rawFlagstKeyCodet ModifiersRt RawKeyCodet RawKeyFlagst UnicodeKeyR R (((s wx\_core.pycRsN>            t SizeEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z ee i e iZee ie iZee e dd Zeee dd ZRS( s A size event holds information about size change events. The EVT_SIZE handler function will be called when the window it is bound to has been resized. Note that the size passed is of the whole window: call `wx.Window.GetClientSize` for the area which may be used by the application. When a window is resized, usually only a small part of the window is damaged and and that area is all that is in the update region for the next paint event. However, if your drawing depends on the size of the window, you may need to clear the DC explicitly and repaint the whole window. In which case, you may need to call `wx.Window.Refresh` to invalidate the entire window. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sz __init__(self, Size sz=DefaultSize, int winid=0) -> SizeEvent Construct a new ``wx.SizeEvent``. N(R1tSizeEvent_swiginitt new_SizeEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetSize(self) -> Size Returns the entire size of the window generating the size change event. (R1tSizeEvent_GetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sGetRect(self) -> Rect(R1tSizeEvent_GetRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRectscOsti||S(sSetRect(self, Rect rect)(R1tSizeEvent_SetRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRectscOsti||S(sSetSize(self, Size size)(R1tSizeEvent_SetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRssSee `GetRect` and `SetRect`sSee `GetSize` and `SetSize`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRR1tSizeEvent_m_size_gettSizeEvent_m_size_settm_sizetSizeEvent_m_rect_gettSizeEvent_m_rect_settm_rectRR;(((s wx\_core.pycRs    t MoveEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z eee Z ee e Z eee dd Zee e dd ZRS( sm This event object is sent for EVT_MOVE event bindings when a window is moved to a new position. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sk __init__(self, Point pos=DefaultPosition, int winid=0) -> MoveEvent Constructor. N(R1tMoveEvent_swiginitt new_MoveEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sz GetPosition(self) -> Point Returns the position of the window generating the move change event. (R1tMoveEvent_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sGetRect(self) -> Rect(R1tMoveEvent_GetRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetRect(self, Rect rect)(R1tMoveEvent_SetRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetPosition(self, Point pos)(R1tMoveEvent_SetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRss#See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`sSee `GetRect` and `SetRect`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRtm_posRRR(((s wx\_core.pycRs     t PaintEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s A paint event is sent when a window's contents needs to be repainted. Note that in an EVT_PAINT handler the application must *always* create a `wx.PaintDC` object, even if you do not use it. Otherwise MS Windows assumes that the window has not been painted yet and will send the event again, causing endless refreshes. You can optimize painting by retrieving the rectangles that have been damaged using `wx.Window.GetUpdateRegion` and/or `wx.RegionIterator`, and only repainting these rectangles. The rectangles are in terms of the client area, and are unscrolled, so you will need to do some calculations using the current view position to obtain logical, scrolled units. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s&__init__(self, int Id=0) -> PaintEventN(R1tPaintEvent_swiginittnew_PaintEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRst NcPaintEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(sProxy of C++ NcPaintEvent classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s+__init__(self, int winid=0) -> NcPaintEventN(R1tNcPaintEvent_swiginittnew_NcPaintEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0!s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRst EraseEventcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZeeddZ RS(s An erase event is sent whenever the background of a window needs to be repainted. To intercept this event use the EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event binder. On some platforms, such as GTK+, this event is simulated (simply generated just before the paint event) and may cause flicker. To paint a custom background use the `GetDC` method and use the returned device context if it is not ``None``, otherwise create a temporary `wx.ClientDC` and draw on that. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-4scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-4sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sY __init__(self, int Id=0, DC dc=None) -> EraseEvent Constructor N(R1tEraseEvent_swiginittnew_EraseEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR06scOsti||S(s GetDC(self) -> DC Returns the device context the event handler should draw upon. If ``None`` is returned then create a temporary `wx.ClientDC` and use that instead. (R1tEraseEvent_GetDC(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDC=ss See `GetDC`( RRR)R9RRRR0RtDC(((s wx\_core.pycR(s    t FocusEventcBs_eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ eee ddZ RS( s A focus event is sent when a window's focus changes. The window losing focus receives an EVT_KILL_FOCUS event while the window gaining it gets an EVT_SET_FOCUS event. Notice that the set focus event happens both when the user gives focus to the window (whether using the mouse or keyboard) and when it is done from the program itself using `wx.Window.SetFocus`. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-WscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-WsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sk __init__(self, EventType type=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0) -> FocusEvent Constructor N(R1tFocusEvent_swiginittnew_FocusEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0YscOsti||S(sE GetWindow(self) -> Window Returns the other window associated with this event, that is the window which had the focus before for the EVT_SET_FOCUS event and the window which is going to receive focus for the wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS event. Warning: the window returned may be None! (R1tFocusEvent_GetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetWindow`s cOsti||S(sSetWindow(self, Window win)(R1tFocusEvent_SetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetWindowlssSee `GetWindow` and `SetWindow`( RRR)R9RRRR0RRtWindow(((s wx\_core.pycRLs   tChildFocusEventcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZeeddZ RS(s A child focus event is sent to a (parent-)window when one of its child windows gains focus, so that the window could restore the focus back to its corresponding child if it loses it now and regains later. Notice that child window is the direct child of the window receiving the event, and so may not be the actual widget recieving focus if it is further down the containment heirarchy. Use `wx.Window.FindFocus` to get the widget that is actually receiving focus. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sY __init__(self, Window win=None) -> ChildFocusEvent Constructor N(R1tChildFocusEvent_swiginittnew_ChildFocusEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetWindow(self) -> Window The window, or (grand)parent of the window which has just received the focus. (R1tChildFocusEvent_GetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRssSee `GetWindow`( RRR)R9RRRR0RR(((s wx\_core.pycRus    t ActivateEventcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZeeddZ RS(s An activate event is sent when a top-level window or the entire application is being activated or deactivated. A top-level window (a dialog or frame) receives an activate event when is being activated or deactivated. This is indicated visually by the title bar changing colour, and a subwindow gaining the keyboard focus. An application is activated or deactivated when one of its frames becomes activated, or a frame becomes inactivate resulting in all application frames being inactive. Please note that usually you should call event.Skip() in your handlers for these events so the default handlers will still be called, as not doing so can result in strange effects. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s} __init__(self, EventType type=wxEVT_NULL, bool active=True, int Id=0) -> ActivateEvent Constructor N(R1tActivateEvent_swiginittnew_ActivateEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetActive(self) -> bool Returns true if the application or window is being activated, false otherwise. (R1tActivateEvent_GetActive(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetActivessSee `GetActive`( RRR)R9RRRR0RtActive(((s wx\_core.pycRs   tInitDialogEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(sU A wx.InitDialogEvent is sent as a dialog is being initialised, or for any window when `wx.Window.InitDialog` is called. Handlers for this event can transfer data to the window, or anything else that should be done before the user begins editing the form. The default handler calls `wx.Window.TransferDataToWindow`. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sR __init__(self, int Id=0) -> InitDialogEvent Constructor N(R1tInitDialogEvent_swiginittnew_InitDialogEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRst MenuEventcBsweZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ ee dd Z eedd Z RS( s1 This class is used for a variety of menu-related events. Note that these do not include menu command events, which are handled by sending `wx.CommandEvent` objects. The default handler for wx.EVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT displays menu item help text in the first field of the status bar. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sz __init__(self, EventType type=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0, Menu menu=None) -> MenuEvent Constructor N(R1tMenuEvent_swiginitt new_MenuEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetMenuId(self) -> int Returns the menu identifier associated with the event. This method should be only used with the HIGHLIGHT events. (R1tMenuEvent_GetMenuId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMenuIdscOsti||S(s IsPopup(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the menu which is being opened or closed is a popup menu, ``False`` if it is a normal one. This method should only be used with the OPEN and CLOSE events. (R1tMenuEvent_IsPopup(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsPopupscOsti||S(s GetMenu(self) -> Menu Returns the menu which is being opened or closed. This method should only be used with the OPEN and CLOSE events. (R1tMenuEvent_GetMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMenuss See `GetMenu`sSee `GetMenuId`( RRR)R9RRRR0RRRtMenutMenuId(((s wx\_core.pycRs  t CloseEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z ee edd ZRS( s. This event class contains information about window and session close events. The handler function for EVT_CLOSE is called when the user has tried to close a a frame or dialog box using the window manager controls or the system menu. It can also be invoked by the application itself programmatically, for example by calling the `wx.Window.Close` function. You should check whether the application is forcing the deletion of the window using `CanVeto`. If it returns ``False``, you must destroy the window using `wx.Window.Destroy`. If the return value is ``True``, it is up to you whether you respond by destroying the window or not. For example you may wish to display a message dialog prompting to save files or to cancel the close. If you don't destroy the window, you should call `Veto` to let the calling code know that you did not destroy the window. This allows the `wx.Window.Close` function to return ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the close instruction was honored or not. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sl __init__(self, EventType type=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0) -> CloseEvent Constructor. N(R1tCloseEvent_swiginittnew_CloseEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0!scOsti||S(sX SetLoggingOff(self, bool logOff) Sets the 'logging off' flag. (R1tCloseEvent_SetLoggingOff(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetLoggingOff(scOsti||S(s" GetLoggingOff(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the user is logging off or ``False`` if the system is shutting down. This method can only be called for end session and query end session events, it doesn't make sense for close window event. (R1tCloseEvent_GetLoggingOff(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetLoggingOff0s cOsti||S(s Veto(self, bool veto=True) Call this from your event handler to veto a system shutdown or to signal to the calling application that a window close did not happen. You can only veto a shutdown or close if `CanVeto` returns true. (R1tCloseEvent_Veto(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR;s cOsti||S(sGetVeto(self) -> bool(R1tCloseEvent_GetVeto(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetVetoFscOsti||S(sS SetCanVeto(self, bool canVeto) Sets the 'can veto' flag. (R1tCloseEvent_SetCanVeto(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetCanVetoJscOsti||S(s- CanVeto(self) -> bool Returns true if you can veto a system shutdown or a window close event. Vetoing a window close event is not possible if the calling code wishes to force the application to exit, and so this function must be called to check this. (R1tCloseEvent_CanVeto(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCanVetoRs s'See `GetLoggingOff` and `SetLoggingOff`(RRR)R9RRRR0R RRRRRt LoggingOff(((s wx\_core.pycRs     t ShowEventcBs_eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ ee eddZ RS( s;An EVT_SHOW event is sent when a window is shown or hidden.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-dscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-dsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int winid=0, bool show=False) -> ShowEvent An EVT_SHOW event is sent when a window is shown or hidden. N(R1tShowEvent_swiginitt new_ShowEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0fscOsti||S(sSetShow(self, bool show)(R1tShowEvent_SetShow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetShowmscOsti||S(sGetShow(self) -> bool(R1tShowEvent_GetShow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetShowqssSee `GetShow` and `SetShow`( RRR)R9RRRR0RRtShow(((s wx\_core.pycRbs   t IconizeEventcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZdZRS(s\ An EVT_ICONIZE event is sent when a frame is iconized (minimized) or restored. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int id=0, bool iconized=True) -> IconizeEvent An EVT_ICONIZE event is sent when a frame is iconized (minimized) or restored. N(R1tIconizeEvent_swiginittnew_IconizeEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s Iconized(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the frame has been iconized, ``False`` if it has been restored. (R1tIconizeEvent_Iconized(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIconizeds( RRR)R9RRRR0R#(((s wx\_core.pycRzs  t MaximizeEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(sDAn EVT_MAXIMIZE event is sent when a frame is maximized or restored.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int id=0) -> MaximizeEvent An EVT_MAXIMIZE event is sent when a frame is maximized or restored. N(R1tMaximizeEvent_swiginittnew_MaximizeEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycR$stDropFilesEventcBseZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ ee dd Z ee dd Z eedd Z RS( sP This class is used for drop files events, that is, when files have been dropped onto the window. This functionality is only available under Windows. The window must have previously been enabled for dropping by calling `wx.Window.DragAcceptFiles`. Important note: this is a separate implementation to the more general drag and drop implementation using `wx.FileDropTarget`, and etc. This implementation uses the older, Windows message-based approach of dropping files. Use wx.EVT_DROP_FILES to bind an event handler to receive file drop events. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sk GetPosition(self) -> Point Returns the position at which the files were dropped. (R1tDropFilesEvent_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s] GetNumberOfFiles(self) -> int Returns the number of files dropped. (R1tDropFilesEvent_GetNumberOfFiles(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetNumberOfFilesscOsti||S(sh GetFiles(self) -> PyObject Returns a list of the filenames that were dropped. (R1tDropFilesEvent_GetFiles(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFilesssSee `GetFiles`sSee `GetNumberOfFiles`sSee `GetPosition`(RRR)R9RR0RRRR*R,tFilest NumberOfFilesR(((s wx\_core.pycR's    t UpdateUIEventcBsveZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZeeeddZee eddZee eddZee eddZRS(s This class is used for EVT_UPDATE_UI pseudo-events which are sent by wxWidgets to give an application the chance to update various user interface elements. Without update UI events, an application has to work hard to check/uncheck, enable/disable, and set the text for elements such as menu items and toolbar buttons. The code for doing this has to be mixed up with the code that is invoked when an action is invoked for a menu item or button. With update UI events, you define an event handler to look at the state of the application and change UI elements accordingly. wxWidgets will call your handler functions in idle time, so you don't have to worry where to call this code. In addition to being a clearer and more declarative method, it also means you don't have to worry whether you're updating a toolbar or menubar identifier. The same handler can update a menu item and toolbar button, if the ID values are the same. Instead of directly manipulating the menu or button, you call functions in the event object, such as `Check`. wxWidgets will determine whether such a call has been made, and which UI element to update. These events will work for popup menus as well as menubars. Just before a menu is popped up, `wx.Menu.UpdateUI` is called to process any UI events for the window that owns the menu. If you find that the overhead of UI update processing is affecting your application, you can do one or both of the following: 1. Call `wx.UpdateUIEvent.SetMode` with a value of wx.UPDATE_UI_PROCESS_SPECIFIED, and set the extra style wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_UPDATE_EVENTS for every window that should receive update events. No other windows will receive update events. 2. Call `wx.UpdateUIEvent.SetUpdateInterval` with a millisecond value to set the delay between updates. You may need to call `wx.Window.UpdateWindowUI` at critical points, for example when a dialog is about to be shown, in case the user sees a slight delay before windows are updated. Note that although events are sent in idle time, defining a EVT_IDLE handler for a window does not affect this because the events are sent from an internal idle handler. wxWidgets tries to optimize update events on some platforms. On Windows and GTK+, events for menubar items are only sent when the menu is about to be shown, and not in idle time. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sW __init__(self, int commandId=0) -> UpdateUIEvent Constructor N(R1tUpdateUIEvent_swiginittnew_UpdateUIEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(si GetChecked(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the UI element should be checked. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetChecked(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCheckedscOsti||S(si GetEnabled(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the UI element should be enabled. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetEnabledscOsti||S(se GetShown(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the UI element should be shown. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetShown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetShown'scOsti||S(sj GetText(self) -> String Returns the text that should be set for the UI element. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetText/scOsti||S(s GetSetText(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the application has called `SetText`. For wxWidgets internal use only. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetSetText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSetText7scOsti||S(s GetSetChecked(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the application has called `Check`. For wxWidgets internal use only. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetSetChecked(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSetChecked@scOsti||S(s GetSetEnabled(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the application has called `Enable`. For wxWidgets internal use only. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetSetEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSetEnabledIscOsti||S(s GetSetShown(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the application has called `Show`. For wxWidgets internal use only. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetSetShown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSetShownRscOsti||S(sS Check(self, bool check) Check or uncheck the UI element. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_Check(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCheck[scOsti||S(sV Enable(self, bool enable) Enable or disable the UI element. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_Enable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctEnablecscOsti||S(sM Show(self, bool show) Show or hide the UI element. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_Show(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRkscOsti||S(sX SetText(self, String text) Sets the text for this UI element. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_SetText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetTextsscOsti||S(s" SetUpdateInterval(long updateInterval) Sets the interval between updates in milliseconds. Set to -1 to disable updates, or to 0 to update as frequently as possible. The default is 0. Use this to reduce the overhead of UI update events if your application has a lot of windows. If you set the value to -1 or greater than 0, you may also need to call `wx.Window.UpdateWindowUI` at appropriate points in your application, such as when a dialog is about to be shown. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_SetUpdateInterval(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetUpdateInterval{scOsti||S(s GetUpdateInterval() -> long Returns the current interval between updates in milliseconds. -1 disables updates, 0 updates as frequently as possible. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetUpdateInterval(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetUpdateIntervalscOsti||S(s  CanUpdate(Window win) -> bool Returns ``True`` if it is appropriate to update (send UI update events to) this window. This function looks at the mode used (see `wx.UpdateUIEvent.SetMode`), the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_UPDATE_EVENTS flag in window, the time update events were last sent in idle time, and the update interval, to determine whether events should be sent to this window now. By default this will always return true because the update mode is initially wx.UPDATE_UI_PROCESS_ALL and the interval is set to 0; so update events will be sent as often as possible. You can reduce the frequency that events are sent by changing the mode and/or setting an update interval. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_CanUpdate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct CanUpdatescOsti||S(s ResetUpdateTime() Used internally to reset the last-updated time to the current time. It is assumed that update events are normally sent in idle time, so this is called at the end of idle processing. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_ResetUpdateTime(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctResetUpdateTimescOsti||S(s SetMode(int mode) Specify how wxWidgets will send update events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. The mode may be one of the following values: ============================= ========================================== wxUPDATE_UI_PROCESS_ALL Send UI update events to all windows. This is the default setting. wxUPDATE_UI_PROCESS_SPECIFIED Send UI update events only to windows that have the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_UI_UPDATES extra style set. ============================= ========================================== (R1tUpdateUIEvent_SetMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetModescOsti||S(s GetMode() -> int Returns a value specifying how wxWidgets will send update events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. (R1tUpdateUIEvent_GetMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetModessSee `GetChecked`sSee `GetEnabled`sSee `GetShown`sSee `GetText` and `SetText`(RRR)R9RRRR0R3R5R7R9R;R=R?RARCRERRHRJRRLRNRPRRRTRtEnabledtShowntText(((s wx\_core.pycR/s@4                  cOsti||S(s UpdateUIEvent_SetUpdateInterval(long updateInterval) Sets the interval between updates in milliseconds. Set to -1 to disable updates, or to 0 to update as frequently as possible. The default is 0. Use this to reduce the overhead of UI update events if your application has a lot of windows. If you set the value to -1 or greater than 0, you may also need to call `wx.Window.UpdateWindowUI` at appropriate points in your application, such as when a dialog is about to be shown. (R1RI(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRIscGs ti|S(s UpdateUIEvent_GetUpdateInterval() -> long Returns the current interval between updates in milliseconds. -1 disables updates, 0 updates as frequently as possible. (R1RK(R$((s wx\_core.pycRKscOsti||S(s UpdateUIEvent_CanUpdate(Window win) -> bool Returns ``True`` if it is appropriate to update (send UI update events to) this window. This function looks at the mode used (see `wx.UpdateUIEvent.SetMode`), the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_UPDATE_EVENTS flag in window, the time update events were last sent in idle time, and the update interval, to determine whether events should be sent to this window now. By default this will always return true because the update mode is initially wx.UPDATE_UI_PROCESS_ALL and the interval is set to 0; so update events will be sent as often as possible. You can reduce the frequency that events are sent by changing the mode and/or setting an update interval. (R1RM(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRMscGs ti|S(s UpdateUIEvent_ResetUpdateTime() Used internally to reset the last-updated time to the current time. It is assumed that update events are normally sent in idle time, so this is called at the end of idle processing. (R1RO(R$((s wx\_core.pycRO scOsti||S(s UpdateUIEvent_SetMode(int mode) Specify how wxWidgets will send update events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. The mode may be one of the following values: ============================= ========================================== wxUPDATE_UI_PROCESS_ALL Send UI update events to all windows. This is the default setting. wxUPDATE_UI_PROCESS_SPECIFIED Send UI update events only to windows that have the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_UI_UPDATES extra style set. ============================= ========================================== (R1RQ(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQscGs ti|S(s UpdateUIEvent_GetMode() -> int Returns a value specifying how wxWidgets will send update events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. (R1RS(R$((s wx\_core.pycRS'stSysColourChangedEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s This class is used for EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED, which are generated when the user changes the colour settings using the control panel. This is only applicable under Windows. The default event handler for this event propagates the event to child windows, since Windows only sends the events to top-level windows. If intercepting this event for a top-level window, remember to call `Skip` so the the base class handler will still be executed, or to pass the event on to the window's children explicitly. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-@scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-@sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sN __init__(self) -> SysColourChangedEvent Constructor N(R1tSysColourChangedEvent_swiginittnew_SysColourChangedEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0Bs(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRX3s tMouseCaptureChangedEventcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZeeddZ RS(s An mouse capture changed event (EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED) is sent to a window that loses its mouse capture. This is called even if `wx.Window.ReleaseMouse` was called by the application code. Handling this event allows an application to cater for unexpected capture releases which might otherwise confuse mouse handling code. This event is implemented under Windows only. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-WscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-WsR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sy __init__(self, int winid=0, Window gainedCapture=None) -> MouseCaptureChangedEvent Constructor N(R1t!MouseCaptureChangedEvent_swiginittnew_MouseCaptureChangedEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0YscOsti||S(s GetCapturedWindow(self) -> Window Returns the window that gained the capture, or ``None`` if it was a non-wxWidgets window. (R1t*MouseCaptureChangedEvent_GetCapturedWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCapturedWindow`ssSee `GetCapturedWindow`( RRR)R9RRRR0R_tCapturedWindow(((s wx\_core.pycR[Ms    tMouseCaptureLostEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(sQ A mouse capture lost event is sent to a window that obtained mouse capture, which was subsequently loss due to "external" event, for example when a dialog box is shown or if another application captures the mouse. If this happens, this event is sent to all windows that are on the capture stack (i.e. a window that called `wx.Window.CaptureMouse`, but didn't call `wx.Window.ReleaseMouse` yet). The event is *not* sent if the capture changes because of a call to CaptureMouse or ReleaseMouse. This event is currently emitted under Windows only. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-~scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-~sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int winid=0) -> MouseCaptureLostEvent A mouse capture lost event is sent to a window that obtained mouse capture, which was subsequently loss due to "external" event, for example when a dialog box is shown or if another application captures the mouse. If this happens, this event is sent to all windows that are on the capture stack (i.e. a window that called `wx.Window.CaptureMouse`, but didn't call `wx.Window.ReleaseMouse` yet). The event is *not* sent if the capture changes because of a call to CaptureMouse or ReleaseMouse. This event is currently emitted under Windows only. N(R1tMouseCaptureLostEvent_swiginittnew_MouseCaptureLostEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRanstDisplayChangedEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s An EVT_DISPLAY_CHANGED event is sent to all windows when the display resolution has changed. This event is implemented under Windows only. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s%__init__(self) -> DisplayChangedEventN(R1tDisplayChangedEvent_swiginittnew_DisplayChangedEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s(RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRdstPaletteChangedEventcBs_eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ ee eddZ RS( s An EVT_PALETTE_CHANGED event is sent when the system palette has changed, thereby giving each window a chance to redo their own to match. This event is implemented under Windows only. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int id=0) -> PaletteChangedEvent An EVT_PALETTE_CHANGED event is sent when the system palette has changed, thereby giving each window a chance to redo their own to match. This event is implemented under Windows only. N(R1tPaletteChangedEvent_swiginittnew_PaletteChangedEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0s cOsti||S(s"SetChangedWindow(self, Window win)(R1t$PaletteChangedEvent_SetChangedWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetChangedWindowscOsti||S(s GetChangedWindow(self) -> Window(R1t$PaletteChangedEvent_GetChangedWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetChangedWindowss-See `GetChangedWindow` and `SetChangedWindow`( RRR)R9RRRR0RkRmt ChangedWindow(((s wx\_core.pycRgs  tQueryNewPaletteEventcBs_eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ ee eddZ RS( s An EVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETE event indicates the window is getting keyboard focus and should re-do its palette. This event is implemented under Windows only. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s[ __init__(self, int winid=0) -> QueryNewPaletteEvent Constructor. N(R1tQueryNewPaletteEvent_swiginittnew_QueryNewPaletteEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sq SetPaletteRealized(self, bool realized) App should set this if it changes the palette. (R1t'QueryNewPaletteEvent_SetPaletteRealized(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetPaletteRealizedscOsti||S(s GetPaletteRealized(self) -> bool(R1t'QueryNewPaletteEvent_GetPaletteRealized(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetPaletteRealizedss1See `GetPaletteRealized` and `SetPaletteRealized`( RRR)R9RRRR0RsRutPaletteRealized(((s wx\_core.pycRos   tNavigationKeyEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZeiZeiZeiZeiZeeeddZeee ddZRS(s EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY events are used to control moving the focus between widgets, otherwise known as tab-traversal. You woudl normally not catch navigation events in applications as there are already appropriate handlers in `wx.Dialog` and `wx.Panel`, but you may find it useful to send navigation events in certain situations to change the focus in certain ways, although it's probably easier to just call `wx.Window.Navigate`. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s$__init__(self) -> NavigationKeyEventN(R1tNavigationKeyEvent_swiginittnew_NavigationKeyEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sx GetDirection(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the direction is forward, ``False`` otherwise. (R1tNavigationKeyEvent_GetDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetDirectionscOsti||S(s SetDirection(self, bool forward) Specify the direction that the navigation should take. Usually the difference between using Tab and Shift-Tab. (R1tNavigationKeyEvent_SetDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetDirectionscOsti||S(se IsWindowChange(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if window change is allowed. (R1t!NavigationKeyEvent_IsWindowChange(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsWindowChange scOsti||S(s SetWindowChange(self, bool ischange) Specify if the navigation should be able to change parent windows. For example, changing notebook pages, etc. This is usually implemented by using Control-Tab. (R1t"NavigationKeyEvent_SetWindowChange(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetWindowChangescOsti||S(s IsFromTab(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the navigation event is originated from the Tab key. (R1tNavigationKeyEvent_IsFromTab(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsFromTabscOsti||S(s SetFromTab(self, bool bIs) Set to true under MSW if the event was generated using the tab key. This is required for proper navogation over radio buttons. (R1tNavigationKeyEvent_SetFromTab(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetFromTab%scOsti||S(s* SetFlags(self, long flags) Set the navigation flags to a combination of the following: * wx.NavigationKeyEvent.IsBackward * wx.NavigationKeyEvent.IsForward * wx.NavigationKeyEvent.WinChange * wx.NavigationKeyEvent.FromTab (R1tNavigationKeyEvent_SetFlags(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetFlags.s cOsti||S(s GetCurrentFocus(self) -> Window Returns the child window which currenty has the focus. May be ``None``. (R1t"NavigationKeyEvent_GetCurrentFocus(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCurrentFocus<scOsti||S(s_ SetCurrentFocus(self, Window win) Set the window that has the focus. (R1t"NavigationKeyEvent_SetCurrentFocus(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetCurrentFocusEss+See `GetCurrentFocus` and `SetCurrentFocus`s%See `GetDirection` and `SetDirection`(RRR)R9RRRR0R{R}RRRRRRRR1tNavigationKeyEvent_IsBackwardt IsBackwardtNavigationKeyEvent_IsForwardt IsForwardtNavigationKeyEvent_WinChanget WinChangetNavigationKeyEvent_FromTabtFromTabt CurrentFocust Direction(((s wx\_core.pycRws&          tWindowCreateEventcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZeeddZ RS(sr The EVT_WINDOW_CREATE event is sent as soon as the window object (the underlying GUI object) exists. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-\scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-\sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Window win=None) -> WindowCreateEvent The EVT_WINDOW_CREATE event is sent as soon as the window object (the underlying GUI object) exists. N(R1tWindowCreateEvent_swiginittnew_WindowCreateEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0^scOsti||S(sb GetWindow(self) -> Window Returns the window that this event refers to. (R1tWindowCreateEvent_GetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRfssSee `GetWindow`( RRR)R9RRRR0RR(((s wx\_core.pycRWs   tWindowDestroyEventcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZeeddZ RS(s The EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY event is sent from the `wx.Window` destructor when the GUI window is destroyed. When a class derived from `wx.Window` is destroyed its destructor will have already run by the time this event is sent. Therefore this event will not usually be received at all by the window itself. Since it is received after the destructor has run, an object should not try to handle its own wx.WindowDestroyEvent, but it can be used to get notification of the destruction of another window. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-}scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-}sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sz __init__(self, Window win=None) -> WindowDestroyEvent The EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY event is sent from the `wx.Window` destructor when the GUI window is destroyed. When a class derived from `wx.Window` is destroyed its destructor will have already run by the time this event is sent. Therefore this event will not usually be received at all by the window itself. Since it is received after the destructor has run, an object should not try to handle its own wx.WindowDestroyEvent, but it can be used to get notification of the destruction of another window. N(R1tWindowDestroyEvent_swiginittnew_WindowDestroyEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sb GetWindow(self) -> Window Returns the window that this event refers to. (R1tWindowDestroyEvent_GetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRssSee `GetWindow`( RRR)R9RRRR0RR(((s wx\_core.pycRqs    tContextMenuEventcBs_eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ eee ddZ RS( s This class is used for context menu events (EVT_CONTECT_MENU,) sent to give the application a chance to show a context (popup) menu. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, EventType type=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0, Point pt=DefaultPosition) -> ContextMenuEvent Constructor. N(R1tContextMenuEvent_swiginittnew_ContextMenuEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetPosition(self) -> Point Returns the position (in screen coordinants) at which the menu should be shown. (R1tContextMenuEvent_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sl SetPosition(self, Point pos) Sets the position at which the menu should be shown. (R1tContextMenuEvent_SetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRss#See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`( RRR)R9RRRR0RRR(((s wx\_core.pycRs  t IdleEventcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ e e Z d Z e e Z d Z e e Z RS( s* This class is used for EVT_IDLE events, which are generated and sent when the application *becomes* idle. In other words, the when the event queue becomes empty then idle events are sent to all windows (by default) and as long as none of them call `RequestMore` then there are no more idle events until after the system event queue has some normal events and then becomes empty again. By default, idle events are sent to all windows. If this is causing a significant overhead in your application, you can call `wx.IdleEvent.SetMode` with the value wx.IDLE_PROCESS_SPECIFIED, and set the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE extra window style for every window which should receive idle events. Then idle events will only be sent to those windows and not to any others. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sB __init__(self) -> IdleEvent Constructor N(R1tIdleEvent_swiginitt new_IdleEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s  RequestMore(self, bool needMore=True) Tells wxWidgets that more processing is required. This function can be called by an EVT_IDLE handler for a window to indicate that the application should forward the EVT_IDLE event once more to the application windows. If no window calls this function during its EVT_IDLE handler, then the application will remain in a passive event loop until a new event is posted to the application by the windowing system. (R1tIdleEvent_RequestMore(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RequestMores cOsti||S(s MoreRequested(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the OnIdle function processing this event requested more processing time. (R1tIdleEvent_MoreRequested(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MoreRequestedscOsti||S(s SetMode(int mode) Static method for specifying how wxWidgets will send idle events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. The mode can be one of the following values: ========================= ======================================== wx.IDLE_PROCESS_ALL Send idle events to all windows wx.IDLE_PROCESS_SPECIFIED Send idle events only to windows that have the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE extra style flag set. ========================= ======================================== (R1tIdleEvent_SetMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRRscOsti||S(s GetMode() -> int Static method returning a value specifying how wxWidgets will send idle events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. (R1tIdleEvent_GetMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRTscOsti||S(sG CanSend(Window win) -> bool Returns ``True`` if it is appropriate to send idle events to this window. This function looks at the mode used (see `wx.IdleEvent.SetMode`), and the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE style in window to determine whether idle events should be sent to this window now. By default this will always return ``True`` because the update mode is initially wx.IDLE_PROCESS_ALL. You can change the mode to only send idle events to windows with the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE extra window style set. (R1tIdleEvent_CanSend(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCanSends(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRRRTR(((s wx\_core.pycRs      cOsti||S(s IdleEvent_SetMode(int mode) Static method for specifying how wxWidgets will send idle events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. The mode can be one of the following values: ========================= ======================================== wx.IDLE_PROCESS_ALL Send idle events to all windows wx.IDLE_PROCESS_SPECIFIED Send idle events only to windows that have the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE extra style flag set. ========================= ======================================== (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR$scGs ti|S(s IdleEvent_GetMode() -> int Static method returning a value specifying how wxWidgets will send idle events: to all windows, or only to those which specify that they will process the events. (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycR8scOsti||S(s) IdleEvent_CanSend(Window win) -> bool Returns ``True`` if it is appropriate to send idle events to this window. This function looks at the mode used (see `wx.IdleEvent.SetMode`), and the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE style in window to determine whether idle events should be sent to this window now. By default this will always return ``True`` because the update mode is initially wx.IDLE_PROCESS_ALL. You can change the mode to only send idle events to windows with the wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE extra window style set. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRBstClipboardTextEventcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(sW A Clipboard Text event is sent when a window intercepts a text copy/cut/paste message, i.e. the user has cut/copied/pasted data from/into a text control via ctrl-C/X/V, ctrl/shift-del/insert, a popup menu command, etc. NOTE : under windows these events are *NOT* generated automatically for a Rich Edit text control. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-\scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-\sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, EventType type=wxEVT_NULL, int winid=0) -> ClipboardTextEvent A Clipboard Text event is sent when a window intercepts a text copy/cut/paste message, i.e. the user has cut/copied/pasted data from/into a text control via ctrl-C/X/V, ctrl/shift-del/insert, a popup menu command, etc. NOTE : under windows these events are *NOT* generated automatically for a Rich Edit text control. N(R1tClipboardTextEvent_swiginittnew_ClipboardTextEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0^s (RRR)R9RRRR0(((s wx\_core.pycRTstPyEventcBs\eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ RS( s wx.PyEvent can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python. You should derived from this class instead of `wx.Event` because this class is Python-aware and is able to transport its Python bits safely through the wxWidgets event system and have them still be there when the event handler is invoked. :see: `wx.PyCommandEvent` cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-xscCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-xsR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(sF__init__(self, int winid=0, EventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL) -> PyEventN(R1tPyEvent_swiginitt new_PyEventR[(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0zscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(s_SetSelf(self, PyObject self)(R1tPyEvent__SetSelf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR[scOsti||S(s_GetSelf(self) -> PyObject(R1tPyEvent__GetSelf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct_GetSelfs(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_PyEventRtRuR[R(((s wx\_core.pycRms     tPyCommandEventcBs\eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ RS( s wx.PyCommandEvent can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python, where the event shoudl travel up to parent windows looking for a handler. You should derived from this class instead of `wx.CommandEvent` because this class is Python-aware and is able to transport its Python bits safely through the wxWidgets event system and have them still be there when the event handler is invoked. :see: `wx.PyEvent` cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(sJ__init__(self, EventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL, int id=0) -> PyCommandEventN(R1tPyCommandEvent_swiginittnew_PyCommandEventR[(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(s_SetSelf(self, PyObject self)(R1tPyCommandEvent__SetSelf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR[scOsti||S(s_GetSelf(self) -> PyObject(R1tPyCommandEvent__GetSelf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRs(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_PyCommandEventRtRuR[R(((s wx\_core.pycRs     t DateEventcBs_eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ eee ddZ RS( s This event class holds information about a date change event and is used together with `wx.DatePickerCtrl`. It also serves as a base class for `wx.calendar.CalendarEvent`. Bind these event types with EVT_DATE_CHANGED. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sD__init__(self, Window win, DateTime dt, EventType type) -> DateEventN(R1tDateEvent_swiginitt new_DateEvent(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sF GetDate(self) -> DateTime Returns the date. (R1tDateEvent_GetDate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDatescOsti||S(s SetDate(self, DateTime date) Sets the date carried by the event, normally only used by the library internally. (R1tDateEvent_SetDate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetDatessSee `GetDate` and `SetDate`( RRR)R9RRRR0RRtDate(((s wx\_core.pycRs   tPyAppcBs\eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%d Z&d!Z'd"Z(d#Z)d$Z*d%Z+d&Z,d'Z-d(Z.ee.Z.d)Z/ee/Z/d*Z0ee0Z0d+Z1ee1Z1d,Z2ee2Z2d-Z3ee3Z3d.Z4ee4Z4d/Z5ee5Z5d0Z6ee6Z6d1Z7ee7Z7d2Z8d3Z9ee9Z9d4Z:ee:Z:ee edd5Z;ee+e*dd6Z<eeedd7Z=ee%e$dd8Z>eedd9Z?ee)e(dd:Z@ee#e"dd;ZAeedd<ZBee'e&dd=ZCeeedd>ZDee!ZERS(?s The ``wx.PyApp`` class is an *implementation detail*, please use the `wx.App` class (or some other derived class) instead. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOsSti|ti|||i|tti||t|iit dS(ss __init__(self) -> PyApp Create a new application object, starting the bootstrap process. N( R1tPyApp_swiginitt new_PyAppRhR4RRRRRw(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sI_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class, bool incref=False)(R1tPyApp__setCallbackInfo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sO GetAppName(self) -> String Get the application name. (R1tPyApp_GetAppName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetAppNamescOsti||S(s SetAppName(self, String name) Set the application name. This value may be used automatically by `wx.Config` and such. (R1tPyApp_SetAppName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetAppNamescOsti||S(sY GetClassName(self) -> String Get the application's class name. (R1tPyApp_GetClassName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR3scOsti||S(s SetClassName(self, String name) Set the application's class name. This value may be used for X-resources if applicable for the platform (R1tPyApp_SetClassName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetClassNamescOsti||S(s[ GetVendorName(self) -> String Get the application's vendor name. (R1tPyApp_GetVendorName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetVendorName scOsti||S(s SetVendorName(self, String name) Set the application's vendor name. This value may be used automatically by `wx.Config` and such. (R1tPyApp_SetVendorName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetVendorNamescOsti||S(s GetTraits(self) -> wxAppTraits Return (and create if necessary) the app traits object to which we delegate for everything which either should be configurable by the user (then he can change the default behaviour simply by overriding CreateTraits() and returning his own traits object) or which is GUI/console dependent as then wx.AppTraits allows us to abstract the differences behind the common facade. :todo: Add support for overriding CreateAppTraits in wxPython. (R1tPyApp_GetTraits(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetTraitss cOsti||S(s ProcessPendingEvents(self) Process all events in the Pending Events list -- it is necessary to call this function to process posted events. This normally happens during each event loop iteration. (R1tPyApp_ProcessPendingEvents(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRz-scOsti||S(sk Yield(self, bool onlyIfNeeded=False) -> bool Process all currently pending events right now, instead of waiting until return to the event loop. It is an error to call ``Yield`` recursively unless the value of ``onlyIfNeeded`` is True. :warning: This function is dangerous as it can lead to unexpected reentrancies (i.e. when called from an event handler it may result in calling the same event handler again), use with extreme care or, better, don't use at all! :see: `wx.Yield`, `wx.YieldIfNeeded`, `wx.SafeYield` (R1t PyApp_Yield(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctYield7scOsti||S(st WakeUpIdle(self) Make sure that idle events are sent again. :see: `wx.WakeUpIdle` (R1tPyApp_WakeUpIdle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct WakeUpIdleIscOsti||S(s IsMainLoopRunning() -> bool Returns True if we're running the main loop, i.e. if the events can currently be dispatched. (R1tPyApp_IsMainLoopRunning(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsMainLoopRunningRscOsti||S(s MainLoop(self) -> int Execute the main GUI loop, the function doesn't normally return until all top level windows have been closed and destroyed. (R1tPyApp_MainLoop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMainLoop\scOsti||S(sr Exit(self) Exit the main loop thus terminating the application. :see: `wx.Exit` (R1t PyApp_Exit(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctExitescOsti||S(sn GetLayoutDirection(self) -> int Return the layout direction for the current locale. (R1tPyApp_GetLayoutDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetLayoutDirectionnscOsti||S(s ExitMainLoop(self) Exit the main GUI loop during the next iteration of the main loop, (i.e. it does not stop the program immediately!) (R1tPyApp_ExitMainLoop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ExitMainLoopvscOsti||S(sq Pending(self) -> bool Returns True if there are unprocessed events in the event queue. (R1t PyApp_Pending(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPendingscOsti||S(s Dispatch(self) -> bool Process the first event in the event queue (blocks until an event appears if there are none currently) (R1tPyApp_Dispatch(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDispatchscOsti||S(s ProcessIdle(self) -> bool Called from the MainLoop when the application becomes idle (there are no pending events) and sends a `wx.IdleEvent` to all interested parties. Returns True if more idle events are needed, False if not. (R1tPyApp_ProcessIdle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ProcessIdlescOsti||S(s SendIdleEvents(self, Window win, IdleEvent event) -> bool Send idle event to window and all subwindows. Returns True if more idle time is requested. (R1tPyApp_SendIdleEvents(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSendIdleEventsscOsti||S(sS IsActive(self) -> bool Return True if our app has focus. (R1tPyApp_IsActive(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsActivescOsti||S(sY SetTopWindow(self, Window win) Set the *main* top level window (R1tPyApp_SetTopWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetTopWindowscOsti||S(s GetTopWindow(self) -> Window Return the *main* top level window (if it hadn't been set previously with SetTopWindow(), will return just some top level window and, if there not any, will return None) (R1tPyApp_GetTopWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetTopWindowscOsti||S(s SetExitOnFrameDelete(self, bool flag) Control the exit behaviour: by default, the program will exit the main loop (and so, usually, terminate) when the last top-level program window is deleted. Beware that if you disable this behaviour (with SetExitOnFrameDelete(False)), you'll have to call ExitMainLoop() explicitly from somewhere. (R1tPyApp_SetExitOnFrameDelete(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetExitOnFrameDeletes cOsti||S(se GetExitOnFrameDelete(self) -> bool Get the current exit behaviour setting. (R1tPyApp_GetExitOnFrameDelete(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetExitOnFrameDeletescOsti||S(s SetUseBestVisual(self, bool flag, bool forceTrueColour=False) Set whether the app should try to use the best available visual on systems where more than one is available, (Sun, SGI, XFree86 4, etc.) (R1tPyApp_SetUseBestVisual(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetUseBestVisualscOsti||S(s\ GetUseBestVisual(self) -> bool Get current UseBestVisual setting. (R1tPyApp_GetUseBestVisual(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetUseBestVisualscOsti||S(sSetPrintMode(self, int mode)(R1tPyApp_SetPrintMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetPrintModescOsti||S(sGetPrintMode(self) -> int(R1tPyApp_GetPrintMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetPrintModescOsti||S(sp SetAssertMode(self, int mode) Set the OnAssert behaviour for debug and hybrid builds. (R1tPyApp_SetAssertMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetAssertModescOsti||S(sa GetAssertMode(self) -> int Get the current OnAssert behaviour setting. (R1tPyApp_GetAssertMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetAssertModescOsti||S(s MacHideApp(self) Hide all application windows just as the user can do with the system Hide command. Mac only. (R1tPyApp_MacHideApp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MacHideAppscOsti||S(s$MacRequestUserAttention(self, int ?)(R1tPyApp_MacRequestUserAttention(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMacRequestUserAttentionscOsti||S(s&GetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts() -> bool(R1t"PyApp_GetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMacSupportPCMenuShortcutsscOsti||S(sGetMacAboutMenuItemId() -> long(R1tPyApp_GetMacAboutMenuItemId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMacAboutMenuItemId scOsti||S(s%GetMacPreferencesMenuItemId() -> long(R1t!PyApp_GetMacPreferencesMenuItemId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMacPreferencesMenuItemIdscOsti||S(sGetMacExitMenuItemId() -> long(R1tPyApp_GetMacExitMenuItemId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMacExitMenuItemIdscOsti||S(s#GetMacHelpMenuTitleName() -> String(R1tPyApp_GetMacHelpMenuTitleName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMacHelpMenuTitleNamescOsti||S(s&SetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts(bool val)(R1t"PyApp_SetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts scOsti||S(sSetMacAboutMenuItemId(long val)(R1tPyApp_SetMacAboutMenuItemId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMacAboutMenuItemId%scOsti||S(s%SetMacPreferencesMenuItemId(long val)(R1t!PyApp_SetMacPreferencesMenuItemId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMacPreferencesMenuItemId*scOsti||S(sSetMacExitMenuItemId(long val)(R1tPyApp_SetMacExitMenuItemId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMacExitMenuItemId/scOsti||S(s#SetMacHelpMenuTitleName(String val)(R1tPyApp_SetMacHelpMenuTitleName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMacHelpMenuTitleName4scOsti||S(sD _BootstrapApp(self) For internal use only (R1tPyApp__BootstrapApp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct _BootstrapApp9scOsti||S(s GetComCtl32Version() -> int Returns 400, 470, 471, etc. for comctl32.dll 4.00, 4.70, 4.71 or 0 if it wasn't found at all. Raises an exception on non-Windows platforms. (R1tPyApp_GetComCtl32Version(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetComCtl32VersionAscOsti||S(s IsDisplayAvailable() -> bool Tests if it is possible to create a GUI in the current environment. This will mean different things on the different platforms. * On X Windows systems this function will return ``False`` if it is not able to open a connection to the X display, which can happen if $DISPLAY is not set, or is not set correctly. * On Mac OS X a ``False`` return value will mean that wx is not able to access the window manager, which can happen if logged in remotely or if running from the normal version of python instead of the framework version, (i.e., pythonw.) * On MS Windows... (R1tPyApp_IsDisplayAvailable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsDisplayAvailableKss!See `GetAppName` and `SetAppName`s'See `GetAssertMode` and `SetAssertMode`s%See `GetClassName` and `SetClassName`s5See `GetExitOnFrameDelete` and `SetExitOnFrameDelete`sSee `GetLayoutDirection`s%See `GetPrintMode` and `SetPrintMode`s%See `GetTopWindow` and `SetTopWindow`sSee `GetTraits`s-See `GetUseBestVisual` and `SetUseBestVisual`s'See `GetVendorName` and `SetVendorName`(FRRR)R9RRRR0R1t delete_PyAppRtRuRRRR3RRRRRzRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R RRRRRRRRRR!tAppNamet AssertModeR:tExitOnFrameDeletetLayoutDirectiont PrintModet TopWindowtTraitst UseBestVisualt VendorNameR(((s wx\_core.pycRs                                            cGs ti|S(s PyApp_IsMainLoopRunning() -> bool Returns True if we're running the main loop, i.e. if the events can currently be dispatched. (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRnscGs ti|S(s,PyApp_GetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts() -> bool(R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRwscGs ti|S(s%PyApp_GetMacAboutMenuItemId() -> long(R1R (R$((s wx\_core.pycR {scGs ti|S(s+PyApp_GetMacPreferencesMenuItemId() -> long(R1R (R$((s wx\_core.pycR scGs ti|S(s$PyApp_GetMacExitMenuItemId() -> long(R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscGs ti|S(s)PyApp_GetMacHelpMenuTitleName() -> String(R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s,PyApp_SetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts(bool val)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s%PyApp_SetMacAboutMenuItemId(long val)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s+PyApp_SetMacPreferencesMenuItemId(long val)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s$PyApp_SetMacExitMenuItemId(long val)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s)PyApp_SetMacHelpMenuTitleName(String val)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscGs ti|S(s PyApp_GetComCtl32Version() -> int Returns 400, 470, 471, etc. for comctl32.dll 4.00, 4.70, 4.71 or 0 if it wasn't found at all. Raises an exception on non-Windows platforms. (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscGs ti|S(s PyApp_IsDisplayAvailable() -> bool Tests if it is possible to create a GUI in the current environment. This will mean different things on the different platforms. * On X Windows systems this function will return ``False`` if it is not able to open a connection to the X display, which can happen if $DISPLAY is not set, or is not set correctly. * On Mac OS X a ``False`` return value will mean that wx is not able to access the window manager, which can happen if logged in remotely or if running from the normal version of python instead of the framework version, (i.e., pythonw.) * On MS Windows... (R1R (R$((s wx\_core.pycR scGs ti|S(s[ Exit() Force an exit of the application. Convenience for wx.GetApp().Exit() (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscGs ti|S(sa Yield() -> bool Yield to other apps/messages. Convenience for wx.GetApp().Yield() (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscGs ti|S(sm YieldIfNeeded() -> bool Yield to other apps/messages. Convenience for wx.GetApp().Yield(True) (R1t YieldIfNeeded(R$((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(s SafeYield(Window win=None, bool onlyIfNeeded=False) -> bool This function is similar to `wx.Yield`, except that it disables the user input to all program windows before calling `wx.Yield` and re-enables it again afterwards. If ``win`` is not None, this window will remain enabled, allowing the implementation of some limited user interaction. :Returns: the result of the call to `wx.Yield`. (R1t SafeYield(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR-s cGs ti|S(sk WakeUpIdle() Cause the message queue to become empty again, so idle events will be sent. (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s PostEvent(EvtHandler dest, Event event) Send an event to a window or other wx.EvtHandler to be processed later. (R1t PostEvent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR.scGs ti|S(su App_CleanUp() For internal use only, it is used to cleanup after wxWidgets when Python shuts down. (R1t App_CleanUp(R$((s wx\_core.pycR/scGs ti|S(sQ GetApp() -> PyApp Return a reference to the current wx.App object. (R1tGetApp(R$((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s SetDefaultPyEncoding(string encoding) Sets the encoding that wxPython will use when it needs to convert a Python string or unicode object to or from a wxString. The default encoding is the value of ``locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]`` but please be aware that the default encoding within the same locale may be slightly different on different platforms. For example, please see http://www.alanwood.net/demos/charsetdiffs.html for differences between the common latin/roman encodings. (R1tSetDefaultPyEncoding(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR1 s cGs ti|S(s GetDefaultPyEncoding() -> string Gets the current encoding that wxPython will use when it needs to convert a Python string or unicode object to or from a wxString. (R1tGetDefaultPyEncoding(R$((s wx\_core.pycR2stPyOnDemandOutputWindowcBsbeZdZddZdZdZdZdZdZdZ d Z d Z RS( s A class that can be used for redirecting Python's stdout and stderr streams. It will do nothing until something is wrriten to the stream at which point it will create a Frame with a text area and write the text there. swxPython: stdout/stderrcCs=d|_||_ti|_d|_d|_g|_dS(Nii,(ii,( R tframettitleRltDefaultPositiontposRtparentttriggers(R R5((s wx\_core.pycR0)s      cCs ||_dS(s6Set the window to be used as the popup Frame's parent.N(R8(R R8((s wx\_core.pyct SetParent2scCs<ddk}t||ijo |g}n||_dS(s Trigger is a string or list of strings that will cause the output window to be raised when that trigger text is written. iN(ttypesRt StringTypesR9(R ttriggerR;((s wx\_core.pyct RaiseWhenSeen7s  cCsti|id|i|i|idti|_ti|idddti ti B|_ |i i ||ii t|iiti|idS(NitstyleR(RltFrameR8R5R7RtDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLER4tTextCtrlt TE_MULTILINEt TE_READONLYttextt AppendTextRRwRt EVT_CLOSEt OnCloseWindow(R tst((s wx\_core.pyctCreateOutputWindowBs$cCs7|idj o|iind|_d|_dS(N(R4R R6RE(R R((s wx\_core.pycRHLs cCsz|idjo5tipti|i|qv|i|n2tipti|i|n|i|dS(s Create the output window if needed and write the string to it. If not called in the context of the gui thread then uses CallAfter to do the work there. N(R4R Rlt Thread_IsMaint CallAfterRJt_PyOnDemandOutputWindow__write(R RE((s wx\_core.pycRTs  cCsG|ii|x0|iD]%}||jo|iiPqqWdS(N(RERFR9R4tRaise(R REtitem((s wx\_core.pyct__writees    cCs+|idj oti|iindS(N(R4R RlRLtClose(R ((s wx\_core.pycRoscCsdS(N((R ((s wx\_core.pycRts( RRR)R0R:R>RJRHRRMRR(((s wx\_core.pycR3"s    t __WXMSW__t __WXMAC__tAppcBseZdZeZed eedZ dZ e i i dZ dZdZdZd dZdZd d d d ZRS( sG The ``wx.App`` class represents the application and is used to: * bootstrap the wxPython system and initialize the underlying gui toolkit * set and get application-wide properties * implement the windowing system main message or event loop, and to dispatch events to window instances * etc. Every application must have a ``wx.App`` instance, and all creation of UI objects should be delayed until after the ``wx.App`` object has been created in order to ensure that the gui platform and wxWidgets have been fully initialized. Normally you would derive from this class and implement an ``OnInit`` method that creates a frame and then calls ``self.SetTopWindow(frame)``. :see: `wx.PySimpleApp` for a simpler app class that can be used directly. cCstii||ipJtidjo d}n!tidjo d}nd}t|n|i||o4y&ddk}|i|i|i WqqXnd|_ t i t if|_|o|i|ntiiit itiidd |idS( s! Construct a ``wx.App`` object. :param redirect: Should ``sys.stdout`` and ``sys.stderr`` be redirected? Defaults to True on Windows and Mac, False otherwise. If `filename` is None then output will be redirected to a window that pops up as needed. (You can control what kind of window is created for the output by resetting the class variable ``outputWindowClass`` to a class of your choosing.) :param filename: The name of a file to redirect output to, if redirect is True. :param useBestVisual: Should the app try to use the best available visual provided by the system (only relevant on systems that have more than one visual.) This parameter must be used instead of calling `SetUseBestVisual` later on because it must be set before the underlying GUI toolkit is initialized. :param clearSigInt: Should SIGINT be cleared? This allows the app to terminate upon a Ctrl-C in the console like other GUI apps will. :note: You should override OnInit to do applicaition initialization to ensure that the system, toolkit and wxWidgets are fully initialized. RSsThis program needs access to the screen. Please run with 'pythonw', not 'python', and only when you are logged in on the main display of your Mac.t __WXGTK__s9Unable to access the X Display, is $DISPLAY set properly?sUnable to create GUIiNsmac.listctrl.always_use_generici(RlRR0R!tPlatformt SystemExitRtsignaltSIGINTtSIG_DFLR tstdioWint_syststdouttstderrt saveStdiot RedirectStdiot StandardPathsR_tSetInstallPrefixtprefixt SystemOptionsRR(R tredirectR2t useBestVisualt clearSigIntR'RX((s wx\_core.pycR0s,       cCstiidS(s Things that must be done after _BootstrapApp has done its thing, but would be nice if they were already done by the time that OnInit is called. N(RltStockGDIt_initStockObjects(R ((s wx\_core.pyct OnPreInitscCs|i||dS(N(t RestoreStdio(R tdestroy((s wx\_core.pycRus cCs$|iittii|dS(N(RRR4RlRR6(R ((s wx\_core.pycR6scCs5|io|ii|ntii||dS(sSet the "main" top level windowN(R[R:RlRR(R R4((s wx\_core.pycRs cCstii||idS(sExecute the main GUI event loopN(RlRRRk(R ((s wx\_core.pycRscCsJ|ot|dt_t_n#|i|_|it_t_dS(s?Redirect sys.stdout and sys.stderr to a file or a popup window.taN(topenR\R]R^toutputWindowClassR[(R R2((s wx\_core.pycR` scCs'y|i\t_t_WnnXdS(N(R_R\R]R^(R ((s wx\_core.pycRkscCsi|io[|dj o||i_n|dj o||i_n|dj o||i_qendS(s Set the title, position and/or size of the output window if the stdio has been redirected. This should be called before any output would cause the output window to be created. N(R[R R5R7R(R R5R7R((s wx\_core.pyctSetOutputWindowAttributess    N(RRR)R3Rot _defRedirectR R4RwR0RjRlRRuR6RRR`RkRp(((s wx\_core.pycRT}sS     t PySimpleAppcBs,eZdZedeedZdZRS(sH A simple application class. You can just create one of these and then then make your top level windows later, and not have to worry about OnInit. For example:: app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = wx.Frame(None, title='Hello World') frame.Show() app.MainLoop() :see: `wx.App` cCs tii|||||dS(s) :see: `wx.App.__init__` N(RlRTR0(R ReR2RfRg((s wx\_core.pycR0GscCstS(N(Rw(R ((s wx\_core.pyctOnInitNsN(RRR)R4R RwR0Rs(((s wx\_core.pycRr9s tPyWidgetTestercBs&eZddZdZdZRS(iidcCs ||_tii|ddS(Ni(RRlRTR0(R R((s wx\_core.pycR0Us cCs;tidddddd|i|_|i|itS(Nis Widget TesterR7iR(ii(RlR@R RR4RRw(R ((s wx\_core.pycRsYs'cOs)||i||}|iitdS(N(R4RRw(R t widgetClassR$R%tw((s wx\_core.pyct SetWidget^s(iid(RRR0RsRw(((s wx\_core.pycRtTs  t __wxPyCleanupcBseZdZdZRS(cCsti|_dS(N(R1R/tcleanup(R ((s wx\_core.pycR0iscCs|idS(N(Ry(R ((s wx\_core.pycRuks(RRR0Ru(((s wx\_core.pycRxhs t EventLoopcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZeeZd ZeeZRS(sProxy of C++ EventLoop classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-{scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-{sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> EventLoopN(R1tEventLoop_swiginitt new_EventLoop(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0}scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sRun(self) -> int(R1t EventLoop_Run(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRunscOsti||S(sExit(self, int rc=0)(R1tEventLoop_Exit(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sPending(self) -> bool(R1tEventLoop_Pending(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sDispatch(self) -> bool(R1tEventLoop_Dispatch(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sIsRunning(self) -> bool(R1tEventLoop_IsRunning(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsRunningscOsti||S(sGetActive() -> EventLoop(R1tEventLoop_GetActive(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sSetActive(EventLoop loop)(R1tEventLoop_SetActive(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetActives(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_EventLoopRtRuR~RRRRRRR(((s wx\_core.pycRzys           cGs ti|S(s"EventLoop_GetActive() -> EventLoop(R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(s#EventLoop_SetActive(EventLoop loop)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRstEventLoopActivatorcBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s%Proxy of C++ EventLoopActivator classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s7__init__(self, EventLoop evtLoop) -> EventLoopActivatorN(R1tEventLoopActivator_swiginittnew_EventLoopActivator(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-s( RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_EventLoopActivatorRtRu(((s wx\_core.pycRs   tEventLoopGuarantorcBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s%Proxy of C++ EventLoopGuarantor classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s$__init__(self) -> EventLoopGuarantorN(R1tEventLoopGuarantor_swiginittnew_EventLoopGuarantor(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-s( RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_EventLoopGuarantorRtRu(((s wx\_core.pycRs   tAcceleratorEntrycBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ ee Z d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZeeddZeeddZeeddZRS(s8 A class used to define items in an `wx.AcceleratorTable`. wxPython programs can choose to use wx.AcceleratorEntry objects, but using a list of 3-tuple of integers (flags, keyCode, cmdID) usually works just as well. See `__init__` for of the tuple values. :see: `wx.AcceleratorTable` cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int flags=0, int keyCode=0, int cmdID=0) -> AcceleratorEntry Construct a wx.AcceleratorEntry. N(R1tAcceleratorEntry_swiginittnew_AcceleratorEntry(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(s Set(self, int flags, int keyCode, int cmd) (Re)set the attributes of a wx.AcceleratorEntry. :see `__init__` (R1tAcceleratorEntry_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQscOsti||S(s Create(String str) -> AcceleratorEntry Create accelerator corresponding to the specified string, or None if it coulnd't be parsed. (R1tAcceleratorEntry_Create(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sR GetFlags(self) -> int Get the AcceleratorEntry's flags. (R1tAcceleratorEntry_GetFlags(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFlagsscOsti||S(sV GetKeyCode(self) -> int Get the AcceleratorEntry's keycode. (R1tAcceleratorEntry_GetKeyCode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRscOsti||S(sY GetCommand(self) -> int Get the AcceleratorEntry's command ID. (R1tAcceleratorEntry_GetCommand(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCommandscOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R1tAcceleratorEntry_IsOk(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s ToString(self) -> String Returns a string representation for the this accelerator. The string is formatted using the - format where maybe a hyphen-separed list of "shift|alt|ctrl" (R1tAcceleratorEntry_ToString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctToString s cOsti||S(s FromString(self, String str) -> bool Returns true if the given string correctly initialized this object. (R1tAcceleratorEntry_FromString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FromString ssSee `GetCommand`sSee `GetFlags`sSee `GetKeyCode`(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_AcceleratorEntryRtRuRQRRRRRRRRtCommandtFlagsR(((s wx\_core.pycRs$         cOsti||S(s AcceleratorEntry_Create(String str) -> AcceleratorEntry Create accelerator corresponding to the specified string, or None if it coulnd't be parsed. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR" stAcceleratorTablecBsYeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ e Z RS(s An accelerator table allows the application to specify a table of keyboard shortcuts for menus or other commands. On Windows, menu or button commands are supported; on GTK, only menu commands are supported. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-2 scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-2 sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(entries) -> AcceleratorTable Construct an AcceleratorTable from a list of `wx.AcceleratorEntry` items or or of 3-tuples (flags, keyCode, cmdID) :see: `wx.AcceleratorEntry` N(R1tAcceleratorTable_swiginittnew_AcceleratorTable(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR04 s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-? scOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R1tAcceleratorTable_IsOk(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR@ s(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_AcceleratorTableRtRuRR!(((s wx\_core.pycR+ s   cOsti||S(s4GetAccelFromString(String label) -> AcceleratorEntry(R1tGetAccelFromString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRH stWindowList_iteratorcBsSeZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ RS(s;This class serves as an iterator for a wxWindowList object.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-O scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-O sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0P scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-S scOsti||S(snext(self) -> Window(R1tWindowList_iterator_next(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctnextT s( RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_WindowList_iteratorRtRuR(((s wx\_core.pycRM s   t WindowListcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZRS( s This class wraps a wxList-based class and gives it a Python sequence-like interface. Sequence operations supported are length, index access and iteration. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-b scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-b sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0c scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-f scOsti||S(s__len__(self) -> size_t(R1tWindowList___len__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRcg scOsti||S(s)__getitem__(self, size_t index) -> Window(R1tWindowList___getitem__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRek scOsti||S(s&__contains__(self, Window obj) -> bool(R1tWindowList___contains__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct __contains__o scOsti||S(s%__iter__(self) -> WindowList_iterator(R1tWindowList___iter__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct__iter__s scOsti||S(sindex(self, Window obj) -> int(R1tWindowList_index(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRdw scCsdtt|S(NswxWindowList: (treprR(R ((s wx\_core.pycR{ s(RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_WindowListRtRuRcReRRRd(((s wx\_core.pycR\ s        tVisualAttributescBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zee Zee ZeeZRS( s8struct containing all the visual attributes of a controlcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sv __init__(self) -> VisualAttributes struct containing all the visual attributes of a control N(R1tVisualAttributes_swiginittnew_VisualAttributes(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR- scOsti||S(s_get_font(self) -> Font(R1tVisualAttributes__get_font(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct _get_font scOsti||S(s_get_colFg(self) -> Colour(R1tVisualAttributes__get_colFg(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct _get_colFg scOsti||S(s_get_colBg(self) -> Colour(R1tVisualAttributes__get_colBg(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct _get_colBg s(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_VisualAttributesRtRuRRRtfonttcolFgtcolBg(((s wx\_core.pycR s        RcBsX eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ e Z!dZ"dZ#e$i%e#d Z&d!Z'd"Z(d#Z)d$Z*d%Z+d&Z,d'Z-d(Z.d)Z/d*Z0d+Z1d,Z2d-Z3d.Z4d/Z5d0Z6d1Z7d2Z8d3Z9d4Z:d5Z;d6Z<d7Z=d8Z>e$i%e>d9Z?d:Z@e$i%e@d9Z@d;ZAeAZBd<ZCeCZDd=ZEd>ZFd?ZGd@ZHdAZIdBZJdCZKdDZLdEZMdFZNdGZOdHZPdIZQdJZRdKZSdLZTdMZUdNZVdOZWdPZXdQZYdRZZdSZ[dTZ\dUZ]dVZ^dWZ_dXZ`dYZae`ZbeaZcdZZdd[Zed\Zfd]Zgd^Zhd_Zid`ZjdaZkdbZldcZmddZneenZndeZodfZpdgZqdhZrdiZsdjZtdkZudlZvdmZwdnZxdoZydpZzdqZ{drZ|dsZ}dtZ~duZdvZdwZdxZdyZdzZd{Zd|Zd}Zd~ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeeddZeeeddZeeeddZeeeddZee>ddZee:ddZeeXddZeeddZeeeddZeeddZeeddZeetddZee6ddZee7e+ddZee4e)ddZeeeddZeeeddZeeeddZeeddZ eeeddZ eeeddZ eehegddZ eeeddZ eeeddZeevddZeewddZeeddZeeeddZeeedd Zeee dd Zeeedd ZeeRdd ZeeKeNdd ZeeQddZeePddZeeLeMddZeeOddZeeeddZeeuddZee,e!ddZee3eddZee.ddZ ee0ddZ!ee1eddZ"eeeddZ#eekejddZ$eeeddZ%eeddZ&eeddZ'eeeddZ(eeUeSddZ)eecebdd Z*eeae`dd!Z+eeedd"Z,ee]eYdd#Z-ee^e[dd$Z.eexdd%Z/eeZ0RS(&s wx.Window is the base class for all windows and represents any visible object on the screen. All controls, top level windows and so on are wx.Windows. Sizers and device contexts are not however, as they don't appear on screen themselves. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR- scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR- sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s __init__(self, Window parent, int id=-1, Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize, long style=0, String name=PanelNameStr) -> Window Construct and show a generic Window. N(R1tWindow_swiginitt new_WindowRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0 scOsti||S(s Create(self, Window parent, int id=-1, Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize, long style=0, String name=PanelNameStr) -> bool Create the GUI part of the Window for 2-phase creation mode. (R1t Window_Create(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR scOsti||S(s_ Close(self, bool force=False) -> bool This function simply generates a EVT_CLOSE event whose handler usually tries to close the window. It doesn't close the window itself, however. If force is False (the default) then the window's close handler will be allowed to veto the destruction of the window. (R1t Window_Close(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQ s cOs$|diitti||S(s  Destroy(self) -> bool Destroys the window safely. Frames and dialogs are not destroyed immediately when this function is called -- they are added to a list of windows to be deleted on idle time, when all the window's events have been processed. This prevents problems with events being sent to non-existent windows. Returns True if the window has either been successfully deleted, or it has been added to the list of windows pending real deletion. i(RRR4R1tWindow_Destroy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR6 s cOsti||S(s DestroyChildren(self) -> bool Destroys all children of a window. Called automatically by the destructor. (R1tWindow_DestroyChildren(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDestroyChildren scOsti||S(sf IsBeingDeleted(self) -> bool Is the window in the process of being deleted? (R1tWindow_IsBeingDeleted(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsBeingDeleted scOsti||S(sw SetLabel(self, String label) Set the text which the window shows in its label if applicable. (R1tWindow_SetLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetLabel scOsti||S(s GetLabel(self) -> String Generic way of getting a label from any window, for identification purposes. The interpretation of this function differs from class to class. For frames and dialogs, the value returned is the title. For buttons or static text controls, it is the button text. This function can be useful for meta-programs such as testing tools or special-needs access programs)which need to identify windows by name. (R1tWindow_GetLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetLabel s cOsti||S(s SetName(self, String name) Sets the window's name. The window name is used for ressource setting in X, it is not the same as the window title/label (R1tWindow_SetName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRN!scOsti||S(s GetName(self) -> String Returns the windows name. This name is not guaranteed to be unique; it is up to the programmer to supply an appropriate name in the window constructor or via wx.Window.SetName. (R1tWindow_GetName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRD !scOsti||S(s SetWindowVariant(self, int variant) Sets the variant of the window/font size to use for this window, if the platform supports variants, for example, wxMac. (R1tWindow_SetWindowVariant(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetWindowVariant!scOsti||S(sGetWindowVariant(self) -> int(R1tWindow_GetWindowVariant(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetWindowVariant!scOsti||S(s? SetId(self, int winid) Sets the identifier of the window. Each window has an integer identifier. If the application has not provided one, an identifier will be generated. Normally, the identifier should be provided on creation and should not be modified subsequently. (R1t Window_SetId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR!!s cOsti||S(s GetId(self) -> int Returns the identifier of the window. Each window has an integer identifier. If the application has not provided one (or the default Id -1 is used) then an unique identifier with a negative value will be generated. (R1t Window_GetId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,!s cOsti||S(sq NewControlId() -> int Generate a control id for the controls which were not given one. (R1tWindow_NewControlId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct NewControlId7!scOsti||S(s NextControlId(int winid) -> int Get the id of the control following the one with the given autogenerated) id (R1tWindow_NextControlId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct NextControlId@!scOsti||S(s PrevControlId(int winid) -> int Get the id of the control preceding the one with the given autogenerated) id (R1tWindow_PrevControlId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct PrevControlIdJ!scOsti||S(s GetLayoutDirection(self) -> int Get the layout direction (LTR or RTL) for this window. Returns ``wx.Layout_Default`` if layout direction is not supported. (R1tWindow_GetLayoutDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRT!scOsti||S(ss SetLayoutDirection(self, int dir) Set the layout direction (LTR or RTL) for this window. (R1tWindow_SetLayoutDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetLayoutDirection]!scOsti||S(s AdjustForLayoutDirection(self, int x, int width, int widthTotal) -> int Mirror coordinates for RTL layout if this window uses it and if the mirroring is not done automatically like Win32. (R1tWindow_AdjustForLayoutDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAdjustForLayoutDirectione!scOsti||S(sZ SetSize(self, Size size) Sets the size of the window in pixels. (R1tWindow_SetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRn!scOsti||S(s SetDimensions(self, int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags=SIZE_AUTO) Sets the position and size of the window in pixels. The sizeFlags parameter indicates the interpretation of the other params if they are equal to -1. ======================== ====================================== wx.SIZE_AUTO A -1 indicates that a class-specific default should be used. wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING Existing dimensions should be used if -1 values are supplied. wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE Allow dimensions of -1 and less to be interpreted as real dimensions, not default values. ======================== ====================================== (R1tWindow_SetDimensions(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetDimensionsv!scOsti||S(s SetRect(self, Rect rect, int sizeFlags=SIZE_AUTO) Sets the position and size of the window in pixels using a wx.Rect. (R1tWindow_SetRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR!scOsti||S(sh SetSizeWH(self, int width, int height) Sets the size of the window in pixels. (R1tWindow_SetSizeWH(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetSizeWH!scOsti||S(st Move(self, Point pt, int flags=SIZE_USE_EXISTING) Moves the window to the given position. (R1t Window_Move(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMove!scOsti||S(sz MoveXY(self, int x, int y, int flags=SIZE_USE_EXISTING) Moves the window to the given position. (R1t Window_MoveXY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMoveXY!scOsti||S(s SetInitialSize(self, Size size=DefaultSize) A 'Smart' SetSize that will fill in default size components with the window's *best size* values. Also set's the minsize for use with sizers. (R1tWindow_SetInitialSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetInitialSize!ssUse `SetInitialSize`cOsti||S(s Raise(self) Raises the window to the top of the window hierarchy. In current version of wxWidgets this works both for managed and child windows. (R1t Window_Raise(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRN!scOsti||S(s Lower(self) Lowers the window to the bottom of the window hierarchy. In current version of wxWidgets this works both for managed and child windows. (R1t Window_Lower(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLower!scOsti||S(s SetClientSize(self, Size size) This sets the size of the window client area in pixels. Using this function to size a window tends to be more device-independent than wx.Window.SetSize, since the application need not worry about what dimensions the border or title bar have when trying to fit the window around panel items, for example. (R1tWindow_SetClientSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetClientSize!s cOsti||S(s SetClientSizeWH(self, int width, int height) This sets the size of the window client area in pixels. Using this function to size a window tends to be more device-independent than wx.Window.SetSize, since the application need not worry about what dimensions the border or title bar have when trying to fit the window around panel items, for example. (R1tWindow_SetClientSizeWH(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetClientSizeWH!s cOsti||S(s SetClientRect(self, Rect rect) This sets the size of the window client area in pixels. Using this function to size a window tends to be more device-independent than wx.Window.SetSize, since the application need not worry about what dimensions the border or title bar have when trying to fit the window around panel items, for example. (R1tWindow_SetClientRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetClientRect!s cOsti||S(s- GetPosition(self) -> Point Get the window's position. Notice that the position is in client coordinates for child windows and screen coordinates for the top level ones, use `GetScreenPosition` if you need screen coordinates for all kinds of windows. (R1tWindow_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR!s cOsti||S(s. GetPositionTuple() -> (x,y) Get the window's position. Notice that the position is in client coordinates for child windows and screen coordinates for the top level ones, use `GetScreenPosition` if you need screen coordinates for all kinds of windows. (R1tWindow_GetPositionTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRL!s cOsti||S(sr GetScreenPosition(self) -> Point Get the position of the window in screen coordinantes. (R1tWindow_GetScreenPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetScreenPosition"scOsti||S(ss GetScreenPositionTuple() -> (x,y) Get the position of the window in screen coordinantes. (R1tWindow_GetScreenPositionTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetScreenPositionTuple "scOsti||S(s GetScreenRect(self) -> Rect Returns the size and position of the window in screen coordinantes as a `wx.Rect` object. (R1tWindow_GetScreenRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetScreenRect"scOsti||S(sE GetSize(self) -> Size Get the window size. (R1tWindow_GetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR"scOsti||S(sQ GetSizeTuple() -> (width, height) Get the window size. (R1tWindow_GetSizeTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSizeTuple#"scOsti||S(ss GetRect(self) -> Rect Returns the size and position of the window as a `wx.Rect` object. (R1tWindow_GetRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+"scOsti||S(s GetClientSize(self) -> Size This gets the size of the window's 'client area' in pixels. The client area is the area which may be drawn on by the programmer, excluding title bar, border, scrollbars, etc. (R1tWindow_GetClientSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetClientSize3"scOsti||S(s GetClientSizeTuple() -> (width, height) This gets the size of the window's 'client area' in pixels. The client area is the area which may be drawn on by the programmer, excluding title bar, border, scrollbars, etc. (R1tWindow_GetClientSizeTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetClientSizeTuple="scOsti||S(s GetClientAreaOrigin(self) -> Point Get the origin of the client area of the window relative to the window's top left corner (the client area may be shifted because of the borders, scrollbars, other decorations...) (R1tWindow_GetClientAreaOrigin(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetClientAreaOriginG"scOsti||S(ss GetClientRect(self) -> Rect Get the client area position and size as a `wx.Rect` object. (R1tWindow_GetClientRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetClientRectQ"scOsti||S(s+ClientToWindowSize(self, Size size) -> Size(R1tWindow_ClientToWindowSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctClientToWindowSizeY"scOsti||S(s+WindowToClientSize(self, Size size) -> Size(R1tWindow_WindowToClientSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctWindowToClientSize]"scOsti||S(s GetBestSize(self) -> Size This function returns the best acceptable minimal size for the window, if applicable. For example, for a static text control, it will be the minimal size such that the control label is not truncated. For windows containing subwindows (such as wx.Panel), the size returned by this function will be the same as the size the window would have had after calling Fit. (R1tWindow_GetBestSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetBestSizea"s cOsti||S(s GetBestSizeTuple() -> (width, height) This function returns the best acceptable minimal size for the window, if applicable. For example, for a static text control, it will be the minimal size such that the control label is not truncated. For windows containing subwindows (such as wx.Panel), the size returned by this function will be the same as the size the window would have had after calling Fit. (R1tWindow_GetBestSizeTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetBestSizeTuplen"s cOsti||S(s InvalidateBestSize(self) Reset the cached best size value so it will be recalculated the next time it is needed. (R1tWindow_InvalidateBestSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInvalidateBestSize{"scOsti||S(s CacheBestSize(self, Size size) Cache the best size so it doesn't need to be calculated again, (at least until some properties of the window change.) (R1tWindow_CacheBestSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct CacheBestSize"scOsti||S(s GetEffectiveMinSize(self) -> Size This function will merge the window's best size into the window's minimum size, giving priority to the min size components, and returns the results. (R1tWindow_GetEffectiveMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetEffectiveMinSize"s s"Use `GetEffectiveMinSize` instead.cCs@|i}tit|i|it|i|iS(N(RRlR;tmaxRft GetMinWidthRgt GetMinHeight(R ts((s wx\_core.pyctGetAdjustedBestSize"s cOsti||S(s Center(self, int direction=BOTH) Centers the window. The parameter specifies the direction for centering, and may be wx.HORIZONTAL, wx.VERTICAL or wx.BOTH. It may also include wx.CENTER_ON_SCREEN flag if you want to center the window on the entire screen and not on its parent window. If it is a top-level window and has no parent then it will always be centered relative to the screen. (R1t Window_Center(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCenter"s cOsti||S(sj CenterOnParent(self, int dir=BOTH) Center with respect to the the parent window (R1tWindow_CenterOnParent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCenterOnParent"scOsti||S(s Fit(self) Sizes the window so that it fits around its subwindows. This function won't do anything if there are no subwindows and will only really work correctly if sizers are used for the subwindows layout. Also, if the window has exactly one subwindow it is better (faster and the result is more precise as Fit adds some margin to account for fuzziness of its calculations) to call window.SetClientSize(child.GetSize()) instead of calling Fit. (R1t Window_Fit(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFit"s cOsti||S(su FitInside(self) Similar to Fit, but sizes the interior (virtual) size of a window. Mainly useful with scrolled windows to reset scrollbars after sizing changes that do not trigger a size event, and/or scrolled windows without an interior sizer. This function similarly won't do anything if there are no subwindows. (R1tWindow_FitInside(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FitInside"s cOsti||S(s SetSizeHints(self, int minW, int minH, int maxW=-1, int maxH=-1, int incW=-1, int incH=-1) Allows specification of minimum and maximum window sizes, and window size increments. If a pair of values is not set (or set to -1), the default values will be used. If this function is called, the user will not be able to size the window outside the given bounds (if it is a top-level window.) Sizers will also inspect the minimum window size and will use that value if set when calculating layout. The resizing increments are only significant under Motif or Xt. (R1tWindow_SetSizeHints(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetSizeHints"scOsti||S(st SetSizeHintsSz(self, Size minSize, Size maxSize=DefaultSize, Size incSize=DefaultSize) Allows specification of minimum and maximum window sizes, and window size increments. If a pair of values is not set (or set to -1), the default values will be used. If this function is called, the user will not be able to size the window outside the given bounds (if it is a top-level window.) Sizers will also inspect the minimum window size and will use that value if set when calculating layout. The resizing increments are only significant under Motif or Xt. (R1tWindow_SetSizeHintsSz(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetSizeHintsSz"s cOsti||S(s SetVirtualSizeHints(self, int minW, int minH, int maxW=-1, int maxH=-1) Allows specification of minimum and maximum virtual window sizes. If a pair of values is not set (or set to -1), the default values will be used. If this function is called, the user will not be able to size the virtual area of the window outside the given bounds. (R1tWindow_SetVirtualSizeHints(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetVirtualSizeHints"s cOsti||S(s SetVirtualSizeHintsSz(self, Size minSize, Size maxSize=DefaultSize) Allows specification of minimum and maximum virtual window sizes. If a pair of values is not set (or set to -1), the default values will be used. If this function is called, the user will not be able to size the virtual area of the window outside the given bounds. (R1tWindow_SetVirtualSizeHintsSz(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetVirtualSizeHintsSz"s cOsti||S(sGetMaxSize(self) -> Size(R1tWindow_GetMaxSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMaxSize#scOsti||S(sGetMinSize(self) -> Size(R1tWindow_GetMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMinSize #scOsti||S(s SetMinSize(self, Size minSize) A more convenient method than `SetSizeHints` for setting just the min size. (R1tWindow_SetMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetMinSize #scOsti||S(s SetMaxSize(self, Size maxSize) A more convenient method than `SetSizeHints` for setting just the max size. (R1tWindow_SetMaxSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetMaxSize#scOsti||S(sGetMinWidth(self) -> int(R1tWindow_GetMinWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR#scOsti||S(sGetMinHeight(self) -> int(R1tWindow_GetMinHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR##scOsti||S(sGetMaxWidth(self) -> int(R1tWindow_GetMaxWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMaxWidth'#scOsti||S(sGetMaxHeight(self) -> int(R1tWindow_GetMaxHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMaxHeight+#scOsti||S(s SetVirtualSize(self, Size size) Set the the virtual size of a window in pixels. For most windows this is just the client area of the window, but for some like scrolled windows it is more or less independent of the screen window size. (R1tWindow_SetVirtualSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetVirtualSize/#scOsti||S(s SetVirtualSizeWH(self, int w, int h) Set the the virtual size of a window in pixels. For most windows this is just the client area of the window, but for some like scrolled windows it is more or less independent of the screen window size. (R1tWindow_SetVirtualSizeWH(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetVirtualSizeWH9#scOsti||S(s GetVirtualSize(self) -> Size Get the the virtual size of the window in pixels. For most windows this is just the client area of the window, but for some like scrolled windows it is more or less independent of the screen window size. (R1tWindow_GetVirtualSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetVirtualSizeC#scOsti||S(s  GetVirtualSizeTuple() -> (width, height) Get the the virtual size of the window in pixels. For most windows this is just the client area of the window, but for some like scrolled windows it is more or less independent of the screen window size. (R1tWindow_GetVirtualSizeTuple(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetVirtualSizeTupleM#scOsti||S(sv GetWindowBorderSize(self) -> Size Return the size of the left/right and top/bottom borders. (R1tWindow_GetWindowBorderSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetWindowBorderSizeW#scOsti||S(s GetBestVirtualSize(self) -> Size Return the largest of ClientSize and BestSize (as determined by a sizer, interior children, or other means) (R1tWindow_GetBestVirtualSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetBestVirtualSize_#scOsti||S(s Show(self, bool show=True) -> bool Shows or hides the window. You may need to call Raise for a top level window if you want to bring it to top, although this is not needed if Show is called immediately after the frame creation. Returns True if the window has been shown or hidden or False if nothing was done because it already was in the requested state. (R1t Window_Show(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRh#s cOsti||S(sP Hide(self) -> bool Equivalent to calling Show(False). (R1t Window_Hide(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHidet#scOsti||S(s Enable(self, bool enable=True) -> bool Enable or disable the window for user input. Note that when a parent window is disabled, all of its children are disabled as well and they are reenabled again when the parent is. Returns true if the window has been enabled or disabled, false if nothing was done, i.e. if the window had already been in the specified state. (R1t Window_Enable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRE|#s cOsti||S(s\ Disable(self) -> bool Disables the window, same as Enable(false). (R1tWindow_Disable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDisable#scOsti||S(sr IsShown(self) -> bool Returns true if the window is shown, false if it has been hidden. (R1tWindow_IsShown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsShown#scOsti||S(st IsEnabled(self) -> bool Returns true if the window is enabled for input, false otherwise. (R1tWindow_IsEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsEnabled#scOsti||S(s IsShownOnScreen(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the window is physically visible on the screen, i.e. it is shown and all its parents up to the toplevel window are shown as well. (R1tWindow_IsShownOnScreen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsShownOnScreen#scOsti||S(s- SetWindowStyleFlag(self, long style) Sets the style of the window. Please note that some styles cannot be changed after the window creation and that Refresh() might need to be called after changing the others for the change to take place immediately. (R1tWindow_SetWindowStyleFlag(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetWindowStyleFlag#s cOsti||S(s GetWindowStyleFlag(self) -> long Gets the window style that was passed to the constructor or Create method. (R1tWindow_GetWindowStyleFlag(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetWindowStyleFlag#scOsti||S(sj HasFlag(self, int flag) -> bool Test if the given style is set for this window. (R1tWindow_HasFlag(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHasFlag#scOsti||S(s IsRetained(self) -> bool Returns true if the window is retained, false otherwise. Retained windows are only available on X platforms. (R1tWindow_IsRetained(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsRetained#scOsti||S(s ToggleWindowStyle(self, int flag) -> bool Turn the flag on if it had been turned off before and vice versa, returns True if the flag is turned on by this function call. (R1tWindow_ToggleWindowStyle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctToggleWindowStyle#scOsti||S(s SetExtraStyle(self, long exStyle) Sets the extra style bits for the window. Extra styles are the less often used style bits which can't be set with the constructor or with SetWindowStyleFlag() (R1tWindow_SetExtraStyle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetExtraStyle#scOsti||S(sc GetExtraStyle(self) -> long Returns the extra style bits for the window. (R1tWindow_GetExtraStyle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetExtraStyle#scOsti||S(s MakeModal(self, bool modal=True) Disables all other windows in the application so that the user can only interact with this window. Passing False will reverse this effect. (R1tWindow_MakeModal(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct MakeModal#scOsti||S(sr SetThemeEnabled(self, bool enableTheme) This function tells a window if it should use the system's "theme" code to draw the windows' background instead if its own background drawing code. This will only have an effect on platforms that support the notion of themes in user defined windows. One such platform is GTK+ where windows can have (very colourful) backgrounds defined by a user's selected theme. Dialogs, notebook pages and the status bar have this flag set to true by default so that the default look and feel is simulated best. (R1tWindow_SetThemeEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetThemeEnabled#scOsti||S(sV GetThemeEnabled(self) -> bool Return the themeEnabled flag. (R1tWindow_GetThemeEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetThemeEnabled$scOsti||S(sp SetFocus(self) Set's the focus to this window, allowing it to receive keyboard input. (R1tWindow_SetFocus(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetFocus $scOsti||S(s SetFocusFromKbd(self) Set focus to this window as the result of a keyboard action. Normally only called internally. (R1tWindow_SetFocusFromKbd(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetFocusFromKbd$scOsti||S(s FindFocus() -> Window Returns the window or control that currently has the keyboard focus, or None. (R1tWindow_FindFocus(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FindFocus$scOsti||S(sQ AcceptsFocus(self) -> bool Can this window have focus? (R1tWindow_AcceptsFocus(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AcceptsFocus($scOsti||S(s AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard(self) -> bool Can this window be given focus by keyboard navigation? if not, the only way to give it focus (provided it accepts it at all) is to click it. (R1tWindow_AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAcceptsFocusFromKeyboard0$scOsti||S(s Navigate(self, int flags=NavigationKeyEvent.IsForward) -> bool Does keyboard navigation from this window to another, by sending a `wx.NavigationKeyEvent`. (R1tWindow_Navigate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctNavigate:$scOsti||S(s MoveAfterInTabOrder(self, Window win) Moves this window in the tab navigation order after the specified sibling window. This means that when the user presses the TAB key on that other window, the focus switches to this window. The default tab order is the same as creation order. This function and `MoveBeforeInTabOrder` allow to change it after creating all the windows. (R1tWindow_MoveAfterInTabOrder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMoveAfterInTabOrderC$s cOsti||S(s MoveBeforeInTabOrder(self, Window win) Same as `MoveAfterInTabOrder` except that it inserts this window just before win instead of putting it right after it. (R1tWindow_MoveBeforeInTabOrder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMoveBeforeInTabOrderR$scOsti||S(s GetChildren(self) -> WindowList Returns an object containing a list of the window's children. The object provides a Python sequence-like interface over the internal list maintained by the window.. (R1tWindow_GetChildren(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetChildren[$scOsti||S(sz GetParent(self) -> Window Returns the parent window of this window, or None if there isn't one. (R1tWindow_GetParent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetParente$scOsti||S(s GetGrandParent(self) -> Window Returns the parent of the parent of this window, or None if there isn't one. (R1tWindow_GetGrandParent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetGrandParentm$scOsti||S(s GetTopLevelParent(self) -> Window Returns the first frame or dialog in this window's parental hierarchy. (R1tWindow_GetTopLevelParent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetTopLevelParentv$scOsti||S(s IsTopLevel(self) -> bool Returns true if the given window is a top-level one. Currently all frames and dialogs are always considered to be top-level windows (even if they have a parent window). (R1tWindow_IsTopLevel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsTopLevel~$scOsti||S(s~ Reparent(self, Window newParent) -> bool Reparents the window, i.e the window will be removed from its current parent window (e.g. a non-standard toolbar in a wxFrame) and then re-inserted into another. Available on Windows and GTK. Returns True if the parent was changed, False otherwise (error or newParent == oldParent) (R1tWindow_Reparent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctReparent$s cOsti||S(s AddChild(self, Window child) Adds a child window. This is called automatically by window creation functions so should not be required by the application programmer. (R1tWindow_AddChild(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAddChild$scOsti||S(s RemoveChild(self, Window child) Removes a child window. This is called automatically by window deletion functions so should not be required by the application programmer. (R1tWindow_RemoveChild(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RemoveChild$scOsti||S(sn FindWindowById(self, long winid) -> Window Find a child of this window by window ID (R1tWindow_FindWindowById(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindWindowById$scOsti||S(sl FindWindowByName(self, String name) -> Window Find a child of this window by name (R1tWindow_FindWindowByName(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindWindowByName$scOsti||S(so FindWindowByLabel(self, String label) -> Window Find a child of this window by label (R1tWindow_FindWindowByLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindWindowByLabel$scOsti||S(s GetEventHandler(self) -> EvtHandler Returns the event handler for this window. By default, the window is its own event handler. (R1tWindow_GetEventHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetEventHandler$scOsti||S(s SetEventHandler(self, EvtHandler handler) Sets the event handler for this window. An event handler is an object that is capable of processing the events sent to a window. (In other words, is able to dispatch the events to handler function.) By default, the window is its own event handler, but an application may wish to substitute another, for example to allow central implementation of event-handling for a variety of different window classes. It is usually better to use `wx.Window.PushEventHandler` since this sets up a chain of event handlers, where an event not handled by one event handler is handed off to the next one in the chain. (R1tWindow_SetEventHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetEventHandler$scOsti||S(s! PushEventHandler(self, EvtHandler handler) Pushes this event handler onto the event handler stack for the window. An event handler is an object that is capable of processing the events sent to a window. (In other words, is able to dispatch the events to a handler function.) By default, the window is its own event handler, but an application may wish to substitute another, for example to allow central implementation of event-handling for a variety of different window classes. wx.Window.PushEventHandler allows an application to set up a chain of event handlers, where an event not handled by one event handler is handed to the next one in the chain. Use `wx.Window.PopEventHandler` to remove the event handler. Ownership of the handler is *not* given to the window, so you should be sure to pop the handler before the window is destroyed and either let PopEventHandler destroy it, or call its Destroy method yourself. (R1tWindow_PushEventHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPushEventHandler$scOsti||S(s8 PopEventHandler(self, bool deleteHandler=False) -> EvtHandler Removes and returns the top-most event handler on the event handler stack. If deleteHandler is True then the wx.EvtHandler object will be destroyed after it is popped, and ``None`` will be returned instead. (R1tWindow_PopEventHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPopEventHandler$scOsti||S(s RemoveEventHandler(self, EvtHandler handler) -> bool Find the given handler in the event handler chain and remove (but not delete) it from the event handler chain, returns True if it was found and False otherwise (this also results in an assert failure so this function should only be called when the handler is supposed to be there.) (R1tWindow_RemoveEventHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRemoveEventHandler$s cOsti||S(s SetValidator(self, Validator validator) Deletes the current validator (if any) and sets the window validator, having called wx.Validator.Clone to create a new validator of this type. (R1tWindow_SetValidator(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetValidator%scOsti||S(s GetValidator(self) -> Validator Returns a pointer to the current validator for the window, or None if there is none. (R1tWindow_GetValidator(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetValidator%scOsti||S(sG Validate(self) -> bool Validates the current values of the child controls using their validators. If the window has wx.WS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY extra style flag set, the method will also call Validate() of all child windows. Returns false if any of the validations failed. (R1tWindow_Validate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctValidate%s cOsti||S(s5 TransferDataToWindow(self) -> bool Transfers values to child controls from data areas specified by their validators. If the window has wx.WS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY extra style flag set, the method will also call TransferDataToWindow() of all child windows. (R1tWindow_TransferDataToWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctTransferDataToWindow$%s cOsti||S(s] TransferDataFromWindow(self) -> bool Transfers values from child controls to data areas specified by their validators. Returns false if a transfer failed. If the window has wx.WS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY extra style flag set, the method will also call TransferDataFromWindow() of all child windows. (R1tWindow_TransferDataFromWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctTransferDataFromWindow/%s cOsti||S(s InitDialog(self) Sends an EVT_INIT_DIALOG event, whose handler usually transfers data to the dialog via validators. (R1tWindow_InitDialog(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct InitDialog:%scOsti||S(sx SetAcceleratorTable(self, AcceleratorTable accel) Sets the accelerator table for this window. (R1tWindow_SetAcceleratorTable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetAcceleratorTableC%scOsti||S(st GetAcceleratorTable(self) -> AcceleratorTable Gets the accelerator table for this window. (R1tWindow_GetAcceleratorTable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetAcceleratorTableK%scOsti||S(sL RegisterHotKey(self, int hotkeyId, int modifiers, int keycode) -> bool Registers a system wide hotkey. Every time the user presses the hotkey registered here, this window will receive a hotkey event. It will receive the event even if the application is in the background and does not have the input focus because the user is working with some other application. To bind an event handler function to this hotkey use EVT_HOTKEY with an id equal to hotkeyId. Returns True if the hotkey was registered successfully. (R1tWindow_RegisterHotKey(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRegisterHotKeyS%s cOsti||S(si UnregisterHotKey(self, int hotkeyId) -> bool Unregisters a system wide hotkey. (R1tWindow_UnregisterHotKey(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctUnregisterHotKeya%scOsti||S(s ConvertDialogPointToPixels(self, Point pt) -> Point Converts a point or size from dialog units to pixels. Dialog units are used for maintaining a dialog's proportions even if the font changes. For the x dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character width and then divided by 4. For the y dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character height and then divided by 8. (R1t!Window_ConvertDialogPointToPixels(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertDialogPointToPixelsi%s cOsti||S(s ConvertDialogSizeToPixels(self, Size sz) -> Size Converts a point or size from dialog units to pixels. Dialog units are used for maintaining a dialog's proportions even if the font changes. For the x dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character width and then divided by 4. For the y dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character height and then divided by 8. (R1t Window_ConvertDialogSizeToPixels(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertDialogSizeToPixelsv%s cOsti||S(s DLG_PNT(self, Point pt) -> Point Converts a point or size from dialog units to pixels. Dialog units are used for maintaining a dialog's proportions even if the font changes. For the x dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character width and then divided by 4. For the y dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character height and then divided by 8. (R1tWindow_DLG_PNT(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDLG_PNT%s cOsti||S(s DLG_SZE(self, Size sz) -> Size Converts a point or size from dialog units to pixels. Dialog units are used for maintaining a dialog's proportions even if the font changes. For the x dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character width and then divided by 4. For the y dimension, the dialog units are multiplied by the average character height and then divided by 8. (R1tWindow_DLG_SZE(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDLG_SZE%s cOsti||S(s2ConvertPixelPointToDialog(self, Point pt) -> Point(R1t Window_ConvertPixelPointToDialog(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertPixelPointToDialog%scOsti||S(s/ConvertPixelSizeToDialog(self, Size sz) -> Size(R1tWindow_ConvertPixelSizeToDialog(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctConvertPixelSizeToDialog%scOsti||S(s  WarpPointer(self, int x, int y) Moves the pointer to the given position on the window. NOTE: This function is not supported under Mac because Apple Human Interface Guidelines forbid moving the mouse cursor programmatically. (R1tWindow_WarpPointer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct WarpPointer%s cOsti||S(sS CaptureMouse(self) Directs all mouse input to this window. Call wx.Window.ReleaseMouse to release the capture. Note that wxWindows maintains the stack of windows having captured the mouse and when the mouse is released the capture returns to the window which had had captured it previously and it is only really released if there were no previous window. In particular, this means that you must release the mouse as many times as you capture it, unless the window receives the `wx.MouseCaptureLostEvent` event. Any application which captures the mouse in the beginning of some operation *must* handle `wx.MouseCaptureLostEvent` and cancel this operation when it receives the event. The event handler must not recapture mouse. (R1tWindow_CaptureMouse(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct CaptureMouse%scOsti||S(sh ReleaseMouse(self) Releases mouse input captured with wx.Window.CaptureMouse. (R1tWindow_ReleaseMouse(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ReleaseMouse%scOsti||S(so GetCapture() -> Window Returns the window which currently captures the mouse or None (R1tWindow_GetCapture(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCapture%scOsti||S(sn HasCapture(self) -> bool Returns true if this window has the current mouse capture. (R1tWindow_HasCapture(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HasCapture%scOsti||S(s Refresh(self, bool eraseBackground=True, Rect rect=None) Mark the specified rectangle (or the whole window) as "dirty" so it will be repainted. Causes an EVT_PAINT event to be generated and sent to the window. (R1tWindow_Refresh(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRefresh%scOsti||S(s RefreshRect(self, Rect rect, bool eraseBackground=True) Redraws the contents of the given rectangle: the area inside it will be repainted. This is the same as Refresh but has a nicer syntax. (R1tWindow_RefreshRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RefreshRect%scOsti||S(s Update(self) Calling this method immediately repaints the invalidated area of the window instead of waiting for the EVT_PAINT event to happen, (normally this would usually only happen when the flow of control returns to the event loop.) Notice that this function doesn't refresh the window and does nothing if the window has been already repainted. Use `Refresh` first if you want to immediately redraw the window (or some portion of it) unconditionally. (R1t Window_Update(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctUpdate%s cOsti||S(s ClearBackground(self) Clears the window by filling it with the current background colour. Does not cause an erase background event to be generated. (R1tWindow_ClearBackground(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctClearBackground%scOsti||S(s Freeze(self) Freezes the window or, in other words, prevents any updates from taking place on screen, the window is not redrawn at all. Thaw must be called to reenable window redrawing. Calls to Freeze/Thaw may be nested, with the actual Thaw being delayed until all the nesting has been undone. This method is useful for visual appearance optimization (for example, it is a good idea to use it before inserting large amount of text into a wxTextCtrl under wxGTK) but is not implemented on all platforms nor for all controls so it is mostly just a hint to wxWindows and not a mandatory directive. (R1t Window_Freeze(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFreeze&scOsti||S(s IsFrozen(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the window has been frozen and not thawed yet. :see: `Freeze` and `Thaw` (R1tWindow_IsFrozen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsFrozen&scOsti||S(s Thaw(self) Reenables window updating after a previous call to Freeze. Calls to Freeze/Thaw may be nested, so Thaw must be called the same number of times that Freeze was before the window will be updated. (R1t Window_Thaw(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctThaw$&scOsti||S(s PrepareDC(self, DC dc) Call this function to prepare the device context for drawing a scrolled image. It sets the device origin according to the current scroll position. (R1tWindow_PrepareDC(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct PrepareDC.&scOsti||S(s! IsDoubleBuffered(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the window contents is double-buffered by the system, i.e. if any drawing done on the window is really done on a temporary backing surface and transferred to the screen all at once later. (R1tWindow_IsDoubleBuffered(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsDoubleBuffered8&s cOsti||S(sz SetDoubleBuffered(self, bool on) Put the native window into double buffered or composited mode. (R1tWindow_SetDoubleBuffered(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetDoubleBufferedC&scOsti||S(s GetUpdateRegion(self) -> Region Returns the region specifying which parts of the window have been damaged. Should only be called within an EVT_PAINT handler. (R1tWindow_GetUpdateRegion(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetUpdateRegionK&scOsti||S(s{ GetUpdateClientRect(self) -> Rect Get the update rectangle region bounding box in client coords. (R1tWindow_GetUpdateClientRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetUpdateClientRectT&scOsti||S(s7 IsExposed(self, int x, int y, int w=1, int h=1) -> bool Returns true if the given point or rectangle area has been exposed since the last repaint. Call this in an paint event handler to optimize redrawing by only redrawing those areas, which have been exposed. (R1tWindow_IsExposed(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsExposed\&s cOsti||S(s& IsExposedPoint(self, Point pt) -> bool Returns true if the given point or rectangle area has been exposed since the last repaint. Call this in an paint event handler to optimize redrawing by only redrawing those areas, which have been exposed. (R1tWindow_IsExposedPoint(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsExposedPointg&s cOsti||S(s& IsExposedRect(self, Rect rect) -> bool Returns true if the given point or rectangle area has been exposed since the last repaint. Call this in an paint event handler to optimize redrawing by only redrawing those areas, which have been exposed. (R1tWindow_IsExposedRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsExposedRectr&s cOsti||S(s GetDefaultAttributes(self) -> VisualAttributes Get the default attributes for an instance of this class. This is useful if you want to use the same font or colour in your own control as in a standard control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the user's system, especially if it uses themes. (R1tWindow_GetDefaultAttributes(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDefaultAttributes}&s cOsti||S(s GetClassDefaultAttributes(int variant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> VisualAttributes Get the default attributes for this class. This is useful if you want to use the same font or colour in your own control as in a standard control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the user's system, especially if it uses themes. The variant parameter is only relevant under Mac currently and is ignore under other platforms. Under Mac, it will change the size of the returned font. See `wx.Window.SetWindowVariant` for more about this. (R1t Window_GetClassDefaultAttributes(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetClassDefaultAttributes&scOsti||S(s` SetBackgroundColour(self, Colour colour) -> bool Sets the background colour of the window. Returns True if the colour was changed. The background colour is usually painted by the default EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event handler function under Windows and automatically under GTK. Using `wx.NullColour` will reset the window to the default background colour. Note that setting the background colour may not cause an immediate refresh, so you may wish to call `ClearBackground` or `Refresh` after calling this function. Using this function will disable attempts to use themes for this window, if the system supports them. Use with care since usually the themes represent the appearance chosen by the user to be used for all applications on the system. (R1tWindow_SetBackgroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetBackgroundColour&scOsti||S(s+SetOwnBackgroundColour(self, Colour colour)(R1tWindow_SetOwnBackgroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetOwnBackgroundColour&scOsti||S(sJ SetForegroundColour(self, Colour colour) -> bool Sets the foreground colour of the window. Returns True is the colour was changed. The interpretation of foreground colour is dependent on the window class; it may be the text colour or other colour, or it may not be used at all. (R1tWindow_SetForegroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetForegroundColour&s cOsti||S(s+SetOwnForegroundColour(self, Colour colour)(R1tWindow_SetOwnForegroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetOwnForegroundColour&scOsti||S(sk GetBackgroundColour(self) -> Colour Returns the background colour of the window. (R1tWindow_GetBackgroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetBackgroundColour&scOsti||S(s GetForegroundColour(self) -> Colour Returns the foreground colour of the window. The interpretation of foreground colour is dependent on the window class; it may be the text colour or other colour, or it may not be used at all. (R1tWindow_GetForegroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetForegroundColour&scOsti||S(s&InheritsBackgroundColour(self) -> bool(R1tWindow_InheritsBackgroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInheritsBackgroundColour&scOsti||S(sUseBgCol(self) -> bool(R1tWindow_UseBgCol(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctUseBgCol&scOsti||S(s SetBackgroundStyle(self, int style) -> bool Returns the background style of the window. The background style indicates how the background of the window is drawn. ====================== ======================================== wx.BG_STYLE_SYSTEM The background colour or pattern should be determined by the system wx.BG_STYLE_COLOUR The background should be a solid colour wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM The background will be implemented by the application. ====================== ======================================== On GTK+, use of wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM allows the flicker-free drawing of a custom background, such as a tiled bitmap. Currently the style has no effect on other platforms. :see: `GetBackgroundStyle`, `SetBackgroundColour` (R1tWindow_SetBackgroundStyle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetBackgroundStyle&scOsti||S(s GetBackgroundStyle(self) -> int Returns the background style of the window. :see: `SetBackgroundStyle` (R1tWindow_GetBackgroundStyle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetBackgroundStyle&scOsti||S(s HasTransparentBackground(self) -> bool Returns True if this window's background is transparent (as, for example, for `wx.StaticText`) and should show the parent window's background. This method is mostly used internally by the library itself and you normally shouldn't have to call it. You may, however, have to override it in your custom control classes to ensure that background is painted correctly. (R1tWindow_HasTransparentBackground(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHasTransparentBackground&s cOsti||S(s) SetCursor(self, Cursor cursor) -> bool Sets the window's cursor. Notice that the window cursor also sets it for the children of the window implicitly. The cursor may be wx.NullCursor in which case the window cursor will be reset back to default. (R1tWindow_SetCursor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR 's cOsti||S(sc GetCursor(self) -> Cursor Return the cursor associated with this window. (R1tWindow_GetCursor(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR'scOsti||S(sZ SetFont(self, Font font) -> bool Sets the font for this window. (R1tWindow_SetFont(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetFont!'scOsti||S(sSetOwnFont(self, Font font)(R1tWindow_SetOwnFont(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetOwnFont)'scOsti||S(s_ GetFont(self) -> Font Returns the default font used for this window. (R1tWindow_GetFont(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFont-'scOsti||S(sa SetCaret(self, Caret caret) Sets the caret associated with the window. (R1tWindow_SetCaret(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetCaret5'scOsti||S(s` GetCaret(self) -> Caret Returns the caret associated with the window. (R1tWindow_GetCaret(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCaret='scOsti||S(sl GetCharHeight(self) -> int Get the (average) character size for the current font. (R1tWindow_GetCharHeight(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCharHeightE'scOsti||S(sk GetCharWidth(self) -> int Get the (average) character size for the current font. (R1tWindow_GetCharWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCharWidthM'scOsti||S(s GetTextExtent(String string) -> (width, height) Get the width and height of the text using the current font. (R1tWindow_GetTextExtent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetTextExtentU'scOsti||S(s GetFullTextExtent(String string, Font font=None) -> (width, height, descent, externalLeading) Get the width, height, decent and leading of the text using the current or specified font. (R1tWindow_GetFullTextExtent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFullTextExtent]'scOsti||S(s ClientToScreenXY(int x, int y) -> (x,y) Converts to screen coordinates from coordinates relative to this window. (R1tWindow_ClientToScreenXY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctClientToScreenXYg'scOsti||S(su ScreenToClientXY(int x, int y) -> (x,y) Converts from screen to client window coordinates. (R1tWindow_ScreenToClientXY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctScreenToClientXYo'scOsti||S(s ClientToScreen(self, Point pt) -> Point Converts to screen coordinates from coordinates relative to this window. (R1tWindow_ClientToScreen(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctClientToScreenw'scOsti||S(su ScreenToClient(self, Point pt) -> Point Converts from screen to client window coordinates. (R1tWindow_ScreenToClient(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctScreenToClient'scOsti||S(sr HitTestXY(self, int x, int y) -> int Test where the given (in client coords) point lies (R1tWindow_HitTestXY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HitTestXY'scOsti||S(sl HitTest(self, Point pt) -> int Test where the given (in client coords) point lies (R1tWindow_HitTest(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHitTest'scGs ti|S(s GetBorder(self, long flags) -> int GetBorder(self) -> int Get border for the flags of this window (R1tWindow_GetBorder(R$((s wx\_core.pyct GetBorder'scOsti||S(s UpdateWindowUI(self, long flags=UPDATE_UI_NONE) This function sends EVT_UPDATE_UI events to the window. The particular implementation depends on the window; for example a wx.ToolBar will send an update UI event for each toolbar button, and a wx.Frame will send an update UI event for each menubar menu item. You can call this function from your application to ensure that your UI is up-to-date at a particular point in time (as far as your EVT_UPDATE_UI handlers are concerned). This may be necessary if you have called `wx.UpdateUIEvent.SetMode` or `wx.UpdateUIEvent.SetUpdateInterval` to limit the overhead that wxWindows incurs by sending update UI events in idle time. (R1tWindow_UpdateWindowUI(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctUpdateWindowUI'scOsti||S(s PopupMenuXY(self, Menu menu, int x=-1, int y=-1) -> bool Pops up the given menu at the specified coordinates, relative to this window, and returns control when the user has dismissed the menu. If a menu item is selected, the corresponding menu event is generated and will be processed as usual. If the default position is given then the current position of the mouse cursor will be used. (R1tWindow_PopupMenuXY(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct PopupMenuXY's cOsti||S(s PopupMenu(self, Menu menu, Point pos=DefaultPosition) -> bool Pops up the given menu at the specified coordinates, relative to this window, and returns control when the user has dismissed the menu. If a menu item is selected, the corresponding menu event is generated and will be processed as usual. If the default position is given then the current position of the mouse cursor will be used. (R1tWindow_PopupMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct PopupMenu's cOsti||S(sHasMultiplePages(self) -> bool(R1tWindow_HasMultiplePages(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctHasMultiplePages'scOsti||S(s GetHandle(self) -> long Returns the platform-specific handle (as a long integer) of the physical window. On wxMSW this is the win32 window handle, on wxGTK it is the XWindow ID, and on wxMac it is the ControlRef. (R1tWindow_GetHandle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetHandle'scOsti||S(sk AssociateHandle(self, long handle) Associate the window with a new native handle (R1tWindow_AssociateHandle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAssociateHandle'scOsti||S(sf DissociateHandle(self) Dissociate the current native handle from the window (R1tWindow_DissociateHandle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDissociateHandle'scOsti||S(s GetGtkWidget(self) -> long On wxGTK returns a pointer to the GtkWidget for this window as a long integer. On the other platforms this method returns zero. (R1tWindow_GetGtkWidget(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetGtkWidget'scOsti||S(sOnPaint(self, PaintEvent event)(R1tWindow_OnPaint(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctOnPaint'scOsti||S(sz HasScrollbar(self, int orient) -> bool Does the window have the scrollbar for this orientation? (R1tWindow_HasScrollbar(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HasScrollbar'scOsti||S(s SetScrollbar(self, int orientation, int position, int thumbSize, int range, bool refresh=True) Sets the scrollbar properties of a built-in scrollbar. (R1tWindow_SetScrollbar(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetScrollbar'scOsti||S(s SetScrollPos(self, int orientation, int pos, bool refresh=True) Sets the position of one of the built-in scrollbars. (R1tWindow_SetScrollPos(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetScrollPos(scOsti||S(sn GetScrollPos(self, int orientation) -> int Returns the built-in scrollbar position. (R1tWindow_GetScrollPos(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetScrollPos (scOsti||S(sr GetScrollThumb(self, int orientation) -> int Returns the built-in scrollbar thumb size. (R1tWindow_GetScrollThumb(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetScrollThumb(scOsti||S(sm GetScrollRange(self, int orientation) -> int Returns the built-in scrollbar range. (R1tWindow_GetScrollRange(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetScrollRange(scOsti||S(sj ScrollWindow(self, int dx, int dy, Rect rect=None) Physically scrolls the pixels in the window and move child windows accordingly. Use this function to optimise your scrolling implementations, to minimise the area that must be redrawn. Note that it is rarely required to call this function from a user program. (R1tWindow_ScrollWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ScrollWindow%(s cOsti||S(sS ScrollLines(self, int lines) -> bool If the platform and window class supports it, scrolls the window by the given number of lines down, if lines is positive, or up if lines is negative. Returns True if the window was scrolled, False if it was already on top/bottom and nothing was done. (R1tWindow_ScrollLines(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ScrollLines0(s cOsti||S(sS ScrollPages(self, int pages) -> bool If the platform and window class supports it, scrolls the window by the given number of pages down, if pages is positive, or up if pages is negative. Returns True if the window was scrolled, False if it was already on top/bottom and nothing was done. (R1tWindow_ScrollPages(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ScrollPages;(s cOsti||S(s[ LineUp(self) -> bool This is just a wrapper for ScrollLines(-1). (R1t Window_LineUp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLineUpF(scOsti||S(s\ LineDown(self) -> bool This is just a wrapper for ScrollLines(1). (R1tWindow_LineDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLineDownN(scOsti||S(s[ PageUp(self) -> bool This is just a wrapper for ScrollPages(-1). (R1t Window_PageUp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPageUpV(scOsti||S(s\ PageDown(self) -> bool This is just a wrapper for ScrollPages(1). (R1tWindow_PageDown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPageDown^(scOsti||S(s SetHelpText(self, String text) Sets the help text to be used as context-sensitive help for this window. Note that the text is actually stored by the current `wx.HelpProvider` implementation, and not in the window object itself. (R1tWindow_SetHelpText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetHelpTextf(scOsti||S(s SetHelpTextForId(self, String text) Associate this help text with all windows with the same id as this one. (R1tWindow_SetHelpTextForId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetHelpTextForIdp(scOsti||S(s@ GetHelpTextAtPoint(self, Point pt, wxHelpEvent::Origin origin) -> String Get the help string associated with the given position in this window. Notice that pt may be invalid if event origin is keyboard or unknown and this method should return the global window help text then (R1tWindow_GetHelpTextAtPoint(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetHelpTextAtPointy(s cOsti||S(s  GetHelpText(self) -> String Gets the help text to be used as context-sensitive help for this window. Note that the text is actually stored by the current `wx.HelpProvider` implementation, and not in the window object itself. (R1tWindow_GetHelpText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetHelpText(scOsti||S(s] SetToolTipString(self, String tip) Attach a tooltip to the window. (R1tWindow_SetToolTipString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetToolTipString(scOsti||S(sX SetToolTip(self, ToolTip tip) Attach a tooltip to the window. (R1tWindow_SetToolTip(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetToolTip(scOsti||S(sa GetToolTip(self) -> ToolTip get the associated tooltip or None if none (R1tWindow_GetToolTip(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetToolTip(scOsti||S(s SetDropTarget(self, DropTarget dropTarget) Associates a drop target with this window. If the window already has a drop target, it is deleted. (R1tWindow_SetDropTarget(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetDropTarget(scOsti||S(ss GetDropTarget(self) -> DropTarget Returns the associated drop target, which may be None. (R1tWindow_GetDropTarget(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetDropTarget(scOsti||S(s DragAcceptFiles(self, bool accept) Enables or disables eligibility for drop file events, EVT_DROP_FILES. Only functional on Windows. (R1tWindow_DragAcceptFiles(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDragAcceptFiles(scOsti||S(s SetConstraints(self, LayoutConstraints constraints) Sets the window to have the given layout constraints. If an existing layout constraints object is already owned by the window, it will be deleted. Pass None to disassociate and delete the window's current constraints. You must call SetAutoLayout to tell a window to use the constraints automatically in its default EVT_SIZE handler; otherwise, you must handle EVT_SIZE yourself and call Layout() explicitly. When setting both a wx.LayoutConstraints and a wx.Sizer, only the sizer will have effect. (R1tWindow_SetConstraints(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetConstraints(scOsti||S(s GetConstraints(self) -> LayoutConstraints Returns a pointer to the window's layout constraints, or None if there are none. (R1tWindow_GetConstraints(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetConstraints(scOsti||S(s1 SetAutoLayout(self, bool autoLayout) Determines whether the Layout function will be called automatically when the window is resized. lease note that this only happens for the windows usually used to contain children, namely `wx.Panel` and `wx.TopLevelWindow` (and the classes deriving from them). This method is called implicitly by `SetSizer` but if you use `SetConstraints` you should call it manually or otherwise the window layout won't be correctly updated when its size changes. (R1tWindow_SetAutoLayout(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetAutoLayout(s cOsti||S(s] GetAutoLayout(self) -> bool Returns the current autoLayout setting (R1tWindow_GetAutoLayout(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetAutoLayout(scOsti||S(s3 Layout(self) -> bool Invokes the constraint-based layout algorithm or the sizer-based algorithm for this window. See SetAutoLayout: when auto layout is on, this function gets called automatically by the default EVT_SIZE handler when the window is resized. (R1t Window_Layout(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLayout(s cOsti||S(s SetSizer(self, Sizer sizer, bool deleteOld=True) Sets the window to have the given layout sizer. The window will then own the object, and will take care of its deletion. If an existing layout sizer object is already owned by the window, it will be deleted if the deleteOld parameter is true. Note that this function will also call SetAutoLayout implicitly with a True parameter if the sizer is non-None, and False otherwise. (R1tWindow_SetSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetSizer(s cOsti||S(s SetSizerAndFit(self, Sizer sizer, bool deleteOld=True) The same as SetSizer, except it also sets the size hints for the window based on the sizer's minimum size. (R1tWindow_SetSizerAndFit(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetSizerAndFit )scOsti||S(s GetSizer(self) -> Sizer Return the sizer associated with the window by a previous call to SetSizer or None if there isn't one. (R1tWindow_GetSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetSizer)scOsti||S(s SetContainingSizer(self, Sizer sizer) This normally does not need to be called by application code. It is called internally when a window is added to a sizer, and is used so the window can remove itself from the sizer when it is destroyed. (R1tWindow_SetContainingSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetContainingSizer)scOsti||S(s GetContainingSizer(self) -> Sizer Return the sizer that this window is a member of, if any, otherwise None. (R1tWindow_GetContainingSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetContainingSizer&)scOsti||S(s InheritAttributes(self) This function is (or should be, in case of custom controls) called during window creation to intelligently set up the window visual attributes, that is the font and the foreground and background colours. By 'intelligently' the following is meant: by default, all windows use their own default attributes. However if some of the parent's attributes are explicitly changed (that is, using SetFont and not SetOwnFont) and if the corresponding attribute hadn't been explicitly set for this window itself, then this window takes the same value as used by the parent. In addition, if the window overrides ShouldInheritColours to return false, the colours will not be changed no matter what and only the font might. This rather complicated logic is necessary in order to accommodate the different usage scenarios. The most common one is when all default attributes are used and in this case, nothing should be inherited as in modern GUIs different controls use different fonts (and colours) than their siblings so they can't inherit the same value from the parent. However it was also deemed desirable to allow to simply change the attributes of all children at once by just changing the font or colour of their common parent, hence in this case we do inherit the parents attributes. (R1tWindow_InheritAttributes(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInheritAttributes.)scOsti||S(sd ShouldInheritColours(self) -> bool Return true from here to allow the colours of this window to be changed by InheritAttributes, returning false forbids inheriting them from the parent window. The base class version returns false, but this method is overridden in wxControl where it returns true. (R1tWindow_ShouldInheritColours(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctShouldInheritColoursM)s cOsti||S(s CanSetTransparent(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the platform supports setting the transparency for this window. Note that this method will err on the side of caution, so it is possible that this will return ``False`` when it is in fact possible to set the transparency. NOTE: On X-windows systems the X server must have the composite extension loaded, and there must be a composite manager program (such as xcompmgr) running. (R1tWindow_CanSetTransparent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCanSetTransparentZ)s cOsti||S(s. SetTransparent(self, byte alpha) -> bool Attempt to set the transparency of this window to the ``alpha`` value, returns True on success. The ``alpha`` value is an integer in the range of 0 to 255, where 0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque. (R1tWindow_SetTransparent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetTransparenti)s c Cs|i|_|i|_d|_t|do+y|i|Wq\tj oq\Xnt|do1y|i||iWqtj oqXndS(s Phase 3 of the 2-phase create Call this method after precreating the window with the 2-phase create method. iRhRN(RRR RhR1RR(R tpre((s wx\_core.pyct PostCreatet)s    cCs |iitiddS(Ni(ii(RRvRlR(R ((s wx\_core.pyct SendSizeEvent)ss3See `GetAcceleratorTable` and `SetAcceleratorTable`s'See `GetAutoLayout` and `SetAutoLayout`s3See `GetBackgroundColour` and `SetBackgroundColour`s1See `GetBackgroundStyle` and `SetBackgroundStyle`sSee `GetEffectiveMinSize`sSee `GetBestSize`sSee `GetBestVirtualSize`sSee `GetBorder`sSee `GetCaret` and `SetCaret`sSee `GetCharHeight`sSee `GetCharWidth`sSee `GetChildren`sSee `GetClientAreaOrigin`s'See `GetClientRect` and `SetClientRect`s'See `GetClientSize` and `SetClientSize`s)See `GetConstraints` and `SetConstraints`s1See `GetContainingSizer` and `SetContainingSizer`sSee `GetCursor` and `SetCursor`sSee `GetDefaultAttributes`s'See `GetDropTarget` and `SetDropTarget`s+See `GetEventHandler` and `SetEventHandler`s'See `GetExtraStyle` and `SetExtraStyle`sSee `GetFont` and `SetFont`s3See `GetForegroundColour` and `SetForegroundColour`sSee `GetGrandParent`sSee `GetTopLevelParent`sSee `GetHandle`s#See `GetHelpText` and `SetHelpText`sSee `GetId` and `SetId`sSee `GetLabel` and `SetLabel`s1See `GetLayoutDirection` and `SetLayoutDirection`sSee `GetMaxHeight`s!See `GetMaxSize` and `SetMaxSize`sSee `GetMaxWidth`sSee `GetMinHeight`s!See `GetMinSize` and `SetMinSize`sSee `GetMinWidth`sSee `GetName` and `SetName`sSee `GetParent`s#See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`sSee `GetRect` and `SetRect`sSee `GetScreenPosition`sSee `GetScreenRect`sSee `GetSize` and `SetSize`sSee `GetSizer` and `SetSizer`s+See `GetThemeEnabled` and `SetThemeEnabled`s!See `GetToolTip` and `SetToolTip`sSee `GetUpdateClientRect`sSee `GetUpdateRegion`s%See `GetValidator` and `SetValidator`s)See `GetVirtualSize` and `SetVirtualSize`s)See `GetWindowStyle` and `SetWindowStyle`s1See `GetWindowStyleFlag` and `SetWindowStyleFlag`s-See `GetWindowVariant` and `SetWindowVariant`sSee `IsShown` and `Show`sSee `IsEnabled` and `Enable`sSee `IsTopLevel`(1RRR)R9RRRR0RRQR6RRRRRNRDRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRlR*tSetBestFittingSizeRNRRRRRRLRRRRRRRRR R R RRRRRRtGetBestFittingSizeRR tCentreR"tCentreOnParentR$R&R(R*R,R.R0R2R4R6RRR:R<R>R@RBRDRFRHRRKRERNRPRRRTRVRXtSetWindowStyletGetWindowStyleRZR\R^R`RbRdRfRhRjRlRnRpRrRtRvRxRzR|R~RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R RRRRRRRRRR R"R$R&R(R*R,R.R0R2R4R6R8R:R<R>R@RBRDRFRHRJRLRNRPRRRTRVRXRZR\R^R`RbRdRfRhRjRlRnRpRrRtRvRxRzR{Rt AutoLayouttBackgroundColourtBackgroundStyletEffectiveMinSizetBestSizetBestVirtualSizetBordertCarett CharHeightt CharWidthtChildrentClientAreaOrigint ClientRectt ClientSizet ConstraintstContainingSizerRtDefaultAttributest DropTargett EventHandlert ExtraStyletFonttForegroundColourt GrandParenttTopLevelParenttHandletHelpTextRtLabelR&t MaxHeighttMaxSizetMaxWidtht MinHeighttMinSizetMinWidthRVtParentRRtScreenPositiont ScreenRectR;tSizert ThemeEnabledtToolTiptUpdateClientRectt UpdateRegiont Validatort VirtualSizet WindowStyletWindowStyleFlagt WindowVariantRVRUtTopLevelt GtkWidget(((s wx\_core.pycR sb                                                                                                                            cOsti||}|S(sM PreWindow() -> Window Precreate a Window for 2-phase creation. (R1t new_PreWindow(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyct PreWindow)scGs ti|S(sl Window_NewControlId() -> int Generate a control id for the controls which were not given one. (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycR)scOsti||S(s Window_NextControlId(int winid) -> int Get the id of the control following the one with the given autogenerated) id (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR)scOsti||S(s Window_PrevControlId(int winid) -> int Get the id of the control preceding the one with the given autogenerated) id (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR)scGs ti|S(s} Window_FindFocus() -> Window Returns the window or control that currently has the keyboard focus, or None. (R1Rm(R$((s wx\_core.pycRm)scGs ti|S(sj Window_GetCapture() -> Window Returns the window which currently captures the mouse or None (R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycR)scOsti||S(s Window_GetClassDefaultAttributes(int variant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> VisualAttributes Get the default attributes for this class. This is useful if you want to use the same font or colour in your own control as in a standard control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the user's system, especially if it uses themes. The variant parameter is only relevant under Mac currently and is ignore under other platforms. Under Mac, it will change the size of the returned font. See `wx.Window.SetWindowVariant` for more about this. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR)scCs;|djo|i|Sn|iti||SdS(sb Convenience function for converting a Point or (x,y) in dialog units to pixel units. N(R RRlR(Rt point_or_xRr((s wx\_core.pycR *s cCs;|djo|i|Sn|iti||SdS(sa Convenience function for converting a Size or (w,h) in dialog units to pixel units. N(R RRlR;(Rt size_widthRg((s wx\_core.pycR*s cOsti||S(sO FindWindowById(long id, Window parent=None) -> Window Find the first window in the application with the given id. If parent is None, the search will start from all top-level frames and dialog boxes; if non-None, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy. The search is recursive in both cases. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR *s cOsti||S(s FindWindowByName(String name, Window parent=None) -> Window Find a window by its name (as given in a window constructor or Create function call). If parent is None, the search will start from all top-level frames and dialog boxes; if non-None, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy. The search is recursive in both cases. If no window with such name is found, wx.FindWindowByLabel is called. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+*s cOsti||S(s FindWindowByLabel(String label, Window parent=None) -> Window Find a window by its label. Depending on the type of window, the label may be a window title or panel item label. If parent is None, the search will start from all top-level frames and dialog boxes; if non-None, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy. The search is recursive in both cases. (R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR9*s cOsti||S(s=Window_FromHWND(Window parent, unsigned long _hWnd) -> Window(R1tWindow_FromHWND(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRE*scGs ti|S(s GetTopLevelWindows() -> WindowList Returns a list-like object of the the application's top-level windows, (frames, dialogs, etc.) (R1tGetTopLevelWindows(R$((s wx\_core.pycRI*sRcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d ZeeZd ZeeZee e ddZRS(sProxy of C++ Validator classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-U*scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-U*sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s__init__(self) -> ValidatorN(R1tValidator_swiginitt new_ValidatorRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0W*scOsti||S(sClone(self) -> Validator(R1tValidator_Clone(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR\*scOsti||S(s%Validate(self, Window parent) -> bool(R1tValidator_Validate(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR`*scOsti||S(sTransferToWindow(self) -> bool(R1tValidator_TransferToWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctTransferToWindowd*scOsti||S(s TransferFromWindow(self) -> bool(R1tValidator_TransferFromWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctTransferFromWindowh*scOsti||S(sGetWindow(self) -> Window(R1tValidator_GetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRl*scOsti||S(sSetWindow(self, Window window)(R1tValidator_SetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRp*scOsti||S(sIsSilent() -> bool(R1tValidator_IsSilent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsSilentt*scOsti||S(sSetBellOnError(int doIt=True)(R1tValidator_SetBellOnError(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetBellOnErrory*ssSee `GetWindow` and `SetWindow`(RRR)R9RRRR0RRRRRRRRRR(((s wx\_core.pycRS*s           cGs ti|S(sValidator_IsSilent() -> bool(R1R(R$((s wx\_core.pycR*scOsti||S(s'Validator_SetBellOnError(int doIt=True)(R1R(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR*st PyValidatorcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZdZRS(sProxy of C++ PyValidator classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-*scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-*sR/sThe membership flagcOs@ti|ti|||i|ti||tdS(s__init__(self) -> PyValidatorN(R1tPyValidator_swiginittnew_PyValidatorRhRR(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0*s cOsti||S(sD_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class, int incref=1)(R1tPyValidator__setCallbackInfo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR*s( RRR)R9RRRR0R(((s wx\_core.pycR*s  tMenuItemList_iteratorcBsSeZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ RS(s=This class serves as an iterator for a wxMenuItemList object.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-*scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-*sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-*scOsti||S(snext(self) -> MenuItem(R1tMenuItemList_iterator_next(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR*s( RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_MenuItemList_iteratorRtRuR(((s wx\_core.pycR*s   t MenuItemListcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZRS( s This class wraps a wxList-based class and gives it a Python sequence-like interface. Sequence operations supported are length, index access and iteration. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-*scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-*sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-*scOsti||S(s__len__(self) -> size_t(R1tMenuItemList___len__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRc*scOsti||S(s+__getitem__(self, size_t index) -> MenuItem(R1tMenuItemList___getitem__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRe*scOsti||S(s(__contains__(self, MenuItem obj) -> bool(R1tMenuItemList___contains__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR*scOsti||S(s'__iter__(self) -> MenuItemList_iterator(R1tMenuItemList___iter__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR*scOsti||S(s index(self, MenuItem obj) -> int(R1tMenuItemList_index(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRd*scCsdtt|S(NswxMenuItemList: (RR(R ((s wx\_core.pycR*s(RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_MenuItemListRtRuRcReRRRd(((s wx\_core.pycR*s        RcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!d Z"d!Z#d"Z$d#Z%d$Z&d%Z'd&Z(d'Z)d(Z*d)Z+d*Z,d+Z-d,Z.d-Z/d.Z0d/Z1d0Z2d1Z3d2Z4d3Z5d4Z6d5Z7d6Z8d7Z9d8Z:d9Z;d:Z<d;Z=d<Z>ee3e2dd=Z?ee/e.dd>Z@ee5e4dd?ZAee8dd@ZBee#ddAZCee$ddBZDee=e<ddCZEee6ddDZFee1e0ddEZGRS(FsProxy of C++ Menu classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-*scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-*sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s>__init__(self, String title=EmptyString, long style=0) -> MenuN(R1t Menu_swiginittnew_MenuRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0*scOsti||S(s Append(self, int id, String text=EmptyString, String help=EmptyString, int kind=ITEM_NORMAL) -> MenuItem (R1t Menu_Append(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAppend*scOsti||S(s!AppendSeparator(self) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_AppendSeparator(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAppendSeparator*scOsti||S(sOAppendCheckItem(self, int id, String text, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_AppendCheckItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAppendCheckItem*scOsti||S(sOAppendRadioItem(self, int id, String text, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_AppendRadioItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAppendRadioItem*scOsti||S(sXAppendMenu(self, int id, String text, Menu submenu, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_AppendMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AppendMenu*scOsti||S(sSAppendSubMenu(self, Menu submenu, String text, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_AppendSubMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AppendSubMenu*scOsti||S(s+AppendItem(self, MenuItem item) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_AppendItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AppendItem*scOsti||S(s7InsertItem(self, size_t pos, MenuItem item) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_InsertItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct InsertItem*scOsti||S(s,PrependItem(self, MenuItem item) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_PrependItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct PrependItem*scOsti||S(s Break(self)(R1t Menu_Break(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctBreak*scOsti||S(s Insert(self, size_t pos, int id, String text=EmptyString, String help=EmptyString, int kind=ITEM_NORMAL) -> MenuItem (R1t Menu_Insert(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInsert+scOsti||S(s-InsertSeparator(self, size_t pos) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_InsertSeparator(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInsertSeparator+scOsti||S(s[InsertCheckItem(self, size_t pos, int id, String text, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_InsertCheckItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInsertCheckItem +scOsti||S(s[InsertRadioItem(self, size_t pos, int id, String text, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_InsertRadioItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInsertRadioItem+scOsti||S(sdInsertMenu(self, size_t pos, int id, String text, Menu submenu, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_InsertMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct InsertMenu+scOsti||S(s Prepend(self, int id, String text=EmptyString, String help=EmptyString, int kind=ITEM_NORMAL) -> MenuItem (R1t Menu_Prepend(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPrepend+scOsti||S(s"PrependSeparator(self) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_PrependSeparator(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPrependSeparator+scOsti||S(sPPrependCheckItem(self, int id, String text, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_PrependCheckItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPrependCheckItem"+scOsti||S(sPPrependRadioItem(self, int id, String text, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_PrependRadioItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPrependRadioItem&+scOsti||S(sYPrependMenu(self, int id, String text, Menu submenu, String help=EmptyString) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_PrependMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct PrependMenu*+scOsti||S(s Remove(self, int id) -> MenuItem(R1t Menu_Remove(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRemove.+scCs<ti||}|ii|ii|ii|S(s+RemoveItem(self, MenuItem item) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_RemoveItemRRtdisown(R RORi((s wx\_core.pyct RemoveItem2+s cOsti||S(sDelete(self, int id) -> bool(R1t Menu_Delete(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDelete<+scOsti||S(s'DeleteItem(self, MenuItem item) -> bool(R1tMenu_DeleteItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DeleteItem@+scOs$|diitti||S(sb Destroy(self) Deletes the C++ object this Python object is a proxy for. i(RRR4R1t Menu_Destroy(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR6D+scOsti||S(sDestroyId(self, int id) -> bool(R1tMenu_DestroyId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DestroyIdM+scOsti||S(s(DestroyItem(self, MenuItem item) -> bool(R1tMenu_DestroyItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DestroyItemQ+scOsti||S(s GetMenuItemCount(self) -> size_t(R1tMenu_GetMenuItemCount(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMenuItemCountU+scOsti||S(s"GetMenuItems(self) -> MenuItemList(R1tMenu_GetMenuItems(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMenuItemsY+scOsti||S(s"FindItem(self, String item) -> int(R1t Menu_FindItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindItem]+scOsti||S(s&FindItemById(self, int id) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_FindItemById(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FindItemByIda+scOsti||S(s5FindItemByPosition(self, size_t position) -> MenuItem(R1tMenu_FindItemByPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindItemByPositione+scOsti||S(s!Enable(self, int id, bool enable)(R1t Menu_Enable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycREi+scOsti||S(sIsEnabled(self, int id) -> bool(R1tMenu_IsEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRRm+scOsti||S(sCheck(self, int id, bool check)(R1t Menu_Check(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRCq+scOsti||S(sIsChecked(self, int id) -> bool(R1tMenu_IsChecked(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRu+scOsti||S(s$SetLabel(self, int id, String label)(R1t Menu_SetLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRy+scOsti||S(s GetLabel(self, int id) -> String(R1t Menu_GetLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR}+scOsti||S(s.SetHelpString(self, int id, String helpString)(R1tMenu_SetHelpString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetHelpString+scOsti||S(s%GetHelpString(self, int id) -> String(R1tMenu_GetHelpString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetHelpString+scOsti||S(sSetTitle(self, String title)(R1t Menu_SetTitle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetTitle+scOsti||S(sGetTitle(self) -> String(R1t Menu_GetTitle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetTitle+scOsti||S(s)SetEventHandler(self, EvtHandler handler)(R1tMenu_SetEventHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(s#GetEventHandler(self) -> EvtHandler(R1tMenu_GetEventHandler(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(s#SetInvokingWindow(self, Window win)(R1tMenu_SetInvokingWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetInvokingWindow+scOsti||S(s!GetInvokingWindow(self) -> Window(R1tMenu_GetInvokingWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetInvokingWindow+scOsti||S(sGetStyle(self) -> long(R1t Menu_GetStyle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetStyle+scOsti||S(s&UpdateUI(self, EvtHandler source=None)(R1t Menu_UpdateUI(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctUpdateUI+scOsti||S(sGetMenuBar(self) -> MenuBar(R1tMenu_GetMenuBar(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMenuBar+scOsti||S(s#Attach(self, wxMenuBarBase menubar)(R1t Menu_Attach(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAttach+scOsti||S(s Detach(self)(R1t Menu_Detach(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDetach+scOsti||S(sIsAttached(self) -> bool(R1tMenu_IsAttached(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsAttached+scOsti||S(sSetParent(self, Menu parent)(R1tMenu_SetParent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR:+scOsti||S(sGetParent(self) -> Menu(R1tMenu_GetParent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR|+scOsti||S(s(GetLabelText(self, int itemid) -> String(R1tMenu_GetLabelText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetLabelText+ss+See `GetEventHandler` and `SetEventHandler`s'See `GetHelpString` and `SetHelpString`s/See `GetInvokingWindow` and `SetInvokingWindow`sSee `GetMenuBar`sSee `GetMenuItemCount`sSee `GetMenuItems`sSee `GetParent` and `SetParent`sSee `GetStyle`sSee `GetTitle` and `SetTitle`(HRRR)R9RRRR0RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R R6R R R R R R R RERRRCRRRR R R! R# RRR' R) R+ R- R/ R1 R3 R5 R:R|R9 Rt HelpStringtInvokingWindowtMenuBart MenuItemCountt MenuItemsRtStyletTitle(((s wx\_core.pycR*s                                                      R< cBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!d Z"e#e"Z"d!Z$e#e$Z$d"Z%e#e%Z%d#Z&d$Z'd%Z(d&Z)d'Z*eedd(Z+ee dd)Z,ee)e*dd*Z-RS(+sProxy of C++ MenuBar classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-+scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-+sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s'__init__(self, long style=0) -> MenuBarN(R1tMenuBar_swiginitt new_MenuBarRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0+scOsti||S(s-Append(self, Menu menu, String title) -> bool(R1tMenuBar_Append(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(s9Insert(self, size_t pos, Menu menu, String title) -> bool(R1tMenuBar_Insert(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(sGetMenuCount(self) -> size_t(R1tMenuBar_GetMenuCount(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMenuCount+scOsti||S(s!GetMenu(self, size_t pos) -> Menu(R1tMenuBar_GetMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(s:Replace(self, size_t pos, Menu menu, String title) -> Menu(R1tMenuBar_Replace(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(s Remove(self, size_t pos) -> Menu(R1tMenuBar_Remove(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR+scOsti||S(s(EnableTop(self, size_t pos, bool enable)(R1tMenuBar_EnableTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct EnableTop+scOsti||S(s&IsEnabledTop(self, size_t pos) -> bool(R1tMenuBar_IsEnabledTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsEnabledTop+scOsti||S(s+SetLabelTop(self, size_t pos, String label)(R1tMenuBar_SetLabelTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetLabelTop+scOsti||S(s'GetLabelTop(self, size_t pos) -> String(R1tMenuBar_GetLabelTop(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetLabelTop+scOsti||S(s3FindMenuItem(self, String menu, String item) -> int(R1tMenuBar_FindMenuItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FindMenuItem,scOsti||S(s&FindItemById(self, int id) -> MenuItem(R1tMenuBar_FindItemById(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR ,scOsti||S(s#FindMenu(self, String title) -> int(R1tMenuBar_FindMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindMenu ,scOsti||S(s!Enable(self, int id, bool enable)(R1tMenuBar_Enable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRE,scOsti||S(sCheck(self, int id, bool check)(R1t MenuBar_Check(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRC,scOsti||S(sIsChecked(self, int id) -> bool(R1tMenuBar_IsChecked(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(sIsEnabled(self, int id) -> bool(R1tMenuBar_IsEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRR,scOsti||S(s$SetLabel(self, int id, String label)(R1tMenuBar_SetLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(s GetLabel(self, int id) -> String(R1tMenuBar_GetLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR#,scOsti||S(s.SetHelpString(self, int id, String helpString)(R1tMenuBar_SetHelpString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR ',scOsti||S(s%GetHelpString(self, int id) -> String(R1tMenuBar_GetHelpString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR +,scOsti||S(sGetFrame(self) -> wxFrame(R1tMenuBar_GetFrame(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFrame/,scOsti||S(sIsAttached(self) -> bool(R1tMenuBar_IsAttached(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR5 3,scOsti||S(sAttach(self, wxFrame frame)(R1tMenuBar_Attach(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR1 7,scOsti||S(s Detach(self)(R1tMenuBar_Detach(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR3 ;,scOsti||S(sUpdateMenus(self)(R1tMenuBar_UpdateMenus(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct UpdateMenus?,scOsti||S(sSetAutoWindowMenu(bool enable)(R1tMenuBar_SetAutoWindowMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetAutoWindowMenuC,scOsti||S(sGetAutoWindowMenu() -> bool(R1tMenuBar_GetAutoWindowMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetAutoWindowMenuH,scOsti||S(s$MacSetCommonMenuBar(MenuBar menubar)(R1tMenuBar_MacSetCommonMenuBar(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctMacSetCommonMenuBarM,scOsti||S(s(GetMenuLabel(self, size_t pos) -> String(R1tMenuBar_GetMenuLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMenuLabelR,scOsti||S(s,SetMenuLabel(self, size_t pos, String label)(R1tMenuBar_SetMenuLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetMenuLabelV,scOsti||S(s,GetMenuLabelText(self, size_t pos) -> String(R1tMenuBar_GetMenuLabelText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMenuLabelTextZ,scCsCg}t|iD]%}||i||i|fq~S(sCReturn a list of (menu, label) items for the menus in the MenuBar. (trangeRF RRQ (R t_[1]ti((s wx\_core.pyctGetMenus^,scCs_x1t|idddD]}|i|qWx$|D]\}}|i||q;WdS(sKClear and add new menus to the MenuBar from a list of (menu, label) items. iiN(Rr RF RR(R titemsRt tmtl((s wx\_core.pyctSetMenusc,s  sSee `GetFrame`sSee `GetMenuCount`sSee `GetMenus` and `SetMenus`(.RRR)R9RRRR0RRRF RRRRK RM RO RQ RS R RV RERCRRRRRR R R` R5 R1 R3 Re Rg RRi Rk Rm Ro Rq Ru Ry R@t MenuCounttMenus(((s wx\_core.pycR< +sX                                      cOsti||S(s&MenuBar_SetAutoWindowMenu(bool enable)(R1Rf (R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRf o,scGs ti|S(s#MenuBar_GetAutoWindowMenu() -> bool(R1Rh (R$((s wx\_core.pycRh s,scOsti||S(s,MenuBar_MacSetCommonMenuBar(MenuBar menubar)(R1Rj (R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRj w,stMenuItemcBsDeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZeeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%d Z&d!Z'd"Z(d#Z)d$Z*d%Z+d&Z,d'Z-d(Z.d)Z/d*Z0d+Z1d,Z2d-Z3d.Z4ee4Z4d/Z5d0Z6d1Z7d2Z8d3Z9d4Z:d5Z;ee;Z;ee%e&dd6Z<ee.e-dd7Z=ee(e'dd8Z>ee1e0dd9Z?ee*e)dd:Z@ee$e#dd;ZAeeedd<ZBeeedd=ZCeedd>ZDee3e2dd?ZEee edd@ZFeeeddAZGeeeddBZHee,e+ddCZIee8ZJRS(DsProxy of C++ MenuItem classcCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-,scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-,sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Menu parentMenu=None, int id=ID_SEPARATOR, String text=EmptyString, String help=EmptyString, int kind=ITEM_NORMAL, Menu subMenu=None) -> MenuItem N(R1tMenuItem_swiginitt new_MenuItem(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0,scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-,scCsdS(N((R ((s wx\_core.pycR6,scOsti||S(sGetMenu(self) -> Menu(R1tMenuItem_GetMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(sSetMenu(self, Menu menu)(R1tMenuItem_SetMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMenu,scOsti||S(sSetId(self, int id)(R1tMenuItem_SetId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(sGetId(self) -> int(R1tMenuItem_GetId(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(sIsSeparator(self) -> bool(R1tMenuItem_IsSeparator(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsSeparator,scOsti||S(sSetText(self, String str)(R1tMenuItem_SetText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRH,scOsti||S(sGetLabel(self) -> String(R1tMenuItem_GetLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(sGetText(self) -> String(R1tMenuItem_GetText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR9,scOsti||S(s'GetLabelFromText(String text) -> String(R1tMenuItem_GetLabelFromText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetLabelFromText,scOsti||S(sGetKind(self) -> int(R1tMenuItem_GetKind(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetKind,scOsti||S(sSetKind(self, int kind)(R1tMenuItem_SetKind(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetKind,scOsti||S(s"SetCheckable(self, bool checkable)(R1tMenuItem_SetCheckable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetCheckable,scOsti||S(sIsCheckable(self) -> bool(R1tMenuItem_IsCheckable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsCheckable,scOsti||S(sIsSubMenu(self) -> bool(R1tMenuItem_IsSubMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsSubMenu,scOsti||S(sSetSubMenu(self, Menu menu)(R1tMenuItem_SetSubMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetSubMenu,scOsti||S(sGetSubMenu(self) -> Menu(R1tMenuItem_GetSubMenu(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSubMenu,scOsti||S(sEnable(self, bool enable=True)(R1tMenuItem_Enable(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRE,scOsti||S(sIsEnabled(self) -> bool(R1tMenuItem_IsEnabled(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRR,scOsti||S(sCheck(self, bool check=True)(R1tMenuItem_Check(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRC,scOsti||S(sIsChecked(self) -> bool(R1tMenuItem_IsChecked(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(s Toggle(self)(R1tMenuItem_Toggle(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctToggle,scOsti||S(sSetHelp(self, String str)(R1tMenuItem_SetHelp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetHelp,scOsti||S(sGetHelp(self) -> String(R1tMenuItem_GetHelp(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetHelp,scOsti||S(s"GetAccel(self) -> AcceleratorEntry(R1tMenuItem_GetAccel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetAccel,scOsti||S(s&SetAccel(self, AcceleratorEntry accel)(R1tMenuItem_SetAccel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetAccel,scOsti||S(sSetBitmap(self, Bitmap bitmap)(R1tMenuItem_SetBitmap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetBitmap,scOsti||S(sGetBitmap(self) -> Bitmap(R1tMenuItem_GetBitmap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetBitmap,scOsti||S(sSetFont(self, Font font)(R1tMenuItem_SetFont(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(sGetFont(self) -> Font(R1tMenuItem_GetFont(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,scOsti||S(s#SetTextColour(self, Colour colText)(R1tMenuItem_SetTextColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetTextColour-scOsti||S(sGetTextColour(self) -> Colour(R1tMenuItem_GetTextColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetTextColour-scOsti||S(s)SetBackgroundColour(self, Colour colBack)(R1tMenuItem_SetBackgroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(s#GetBackgroundColour(self) -> Colour(R1tMenuItem_GetBackgroundColour(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR -scOsti||S(sESetBitmaps(self, Bitmap bmpChecked, Bitmap bmpUnchecked=wxNullBitmap)(R1tMenuItem_SetBitmaps(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetBitmaps-scOsti||S(s+SetDisabledBitmap(self, Bitmap bmpDisabled)(R1tMenuItem_SetDisabledBitmap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetDisabledBitmap-scOsti||S(s!GetDisabledBitmap(self) -> Bitmap(R1tMenuItem_GetDisabledBitmap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDisabledBitmap-scOsti||S(s SetMarginWidth(self, int nWidth)(R1tMenuItem_SetMarginWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetMarginWidth-scOsti||S(sGetMarginWidth(self) -> int(R1tMenuItem_GetMarginWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMarginWidth -scOsti||S(sGetDefaultMarginWidth() -> int(R1tMenuItem_GetDefaultMarginWidth(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDefaultMarginWidth$-scOsti||S(sIsOwnerDrawn(self) -> bool(R1tMenuItem_IsOwnerDrawn(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IsOwnerDrawn)-scOsti||S(s)SetOwnerDrawn(self, bool ownerDrawn=True)(R1tMenuItem_SetOwnerDrawn(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetOwnerDrawn--scOsti||S(sResetOwnerDrawn(self)(R1tMenuItem_ResetOwnerDrawn(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctResetOwnerDrawn1-scOsti||S(sGetItemLabel(self) -> String(R1tMenuItem_GetItemLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetItemLabel5-scOsti||S(sSetItemLabel(self, String str)(R1tMenuItem_SetItemLabel(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetItemLabel9-scOsti||S(s GetItemLabelText(self) -> String(R1tMenuItem_GetItemLabelText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetItemLabelText=-scOsti||S(s$GetLabelText(String label) -> String(R1tMenuItem_GetLabelText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR9 A-ssSee `GetAccel` and `SetAccel`s3See `GetBackgroundColour` and `SetBackgroundColour`sSee `GetBitmap` and `SetBitmap`s/See `GetDisabledBitmap` and `SetDisabledBitmap`sSee `GetFont` and `SetFont`sSee `GetHelp` and `SetHelp`sSee `GetId` and `SetId`sSee `GetKind` and `SetKind`sSee `GetLabel`s)See `GetMarginWidth` and `SetMarginWidth`sSee `GetMenu` and `SetMenu`s!See `GetSubMenu` and `SetSubMenu`sSee `GetText` and `SetText`s'See `GetTextColour` and `SetTextColour`(KRRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_MenuItemRtRuR6RR RRR RHRR9R RR R R R R R R RERRRCRR R R R R R R RRR R RRR R R R R R R R R R R R R9 tAccelRR0tDisabledBitmapRtHelpRtKindRt MarginWidthRtSubMenuRWt TextColourt ItemLabel(((s wx\_core.pycR| },s                                                     cOsti||S(s0MenuItem_GetLabelFromText(String text) -> String(R1R (R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR W-scGs ti|S(s'MenuItem_GetDefaultMarginWidth() -> int(R1R (R$((s wx\_core.pycR [-scOsti||S(s-MenuItem_GetLabelText(String label) -> String(R1R (R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR _-stControlcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z e e Z ee dd Zee dd ZRS( s This is the base class for a control or 'widget'. A control is generally a small window which processes user input and/or displays one or more item of data. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-l-scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-l-sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(sp __init__(self, Window parent, int id=-1, Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize, long style=0, Validator validator=DefaultValidator, String name=ControlNameStr) -> Control Create a Control. Normally you should only call this from a subclass' __init__ as a plain old wx.Control is not very useful. N(R1tControl_swiginitt new_ControlRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0n-s cOsti||S(s Create(self, Window parent, int id=-1, Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize, long style=0, Validator validator=DefaultValidator, String name=ControlNameStr) -> bool Do the 2nd phase and create the GUI control. (R1tControl_Create(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRz-scOsti||S(su GetAlignment(self) -> int Get the control alignment (left/right/centre, top/bottom/centre) (R1tControl_GetAlignment(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetAlignment-scOsti||S(sy GetLabelText(self) -> String Get just the text of the label, without mnemonic characters ('&') (R1tControl_GetLabelText(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR9 -scOsti||S(s Command(self, CommandEvent event) Simulates the effect of the user issuing a command to the item. :see: `wx.CommandEvent` (R1tControl_Command(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR-s cOsti||S(s GetClassDefaultAttributes(int variant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> VisualAttributes Get the default attributes for this class. This is useful if you want to use the same font or colour in your own control as in a standard control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the user's system, especially if it uses themes. The variant parameter is only relevant under Mac currently and is ignore under other platforms. Under Mac, it will change the size of the returned font. See `wx.Window.SetWindowVariant` for more about this. (R1t!Control_GetClassDefaultAttributes(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR-ssSee `GetAlignment`sSee `GetLabelText`(RRR)R9RRRR0RR R9 RRRt Alignmentt LabelText(((s wx\_core.pycR e-s    cOsti||}|S(sW PreControl() -> Control Precreate a Control control for 2-phase creation (R1tnew_PreControl(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyct PreControl-scOsti||S(s Control_GetClassDefaultAttributes(int variant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> VisualAttributes Get the default attributes for this class. This is useful if you want to use the same font or colour in your own control as in a standard control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the user's system, especially if it uses themes. The variant parameter is only relevant under Mac currently and is ignore under other platforms. Under Mac, it will change the size of the returned font. See `wx.Window.SetWindowVariant` for more about this. (R1R (R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR -st ItemContainercBsOeZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeddZeeeddZeeeddZeeeddZeeddZ RS(sl The wx.ItemContainer class defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems, each of which may be selected, such as `wx.ListBox`, `wx.CheckListBox`, `wx.Choice` as well as `wx.ComboBox` which implements an extended interface deriving from this one. It defines the methods for accessing the control's items and although each of the derived classes implements them differently, they still all conform to the same interface. The items in a wx.ItemContainer have (non empty) string labels and, optionally, client data associated with them. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR--scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR--sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0-scOsti||S(se Append(self, String item, PyObject clientData=None) -> int Adds the item to the control, associating the given data with the item if not None. The return value is the index of the newly added item which may be different from the last one if the control is sorted (e.g. has wx.LB_SORT or wx.CB_SORT style). (R1tItemContainer_Append(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR-s cOsti||S(s AppendItems(self, List strings) Apend several items at once to the control. Notice that calling this method may be much faster than appending the items one by one if you need to add a lot of items. (R1tItemContainer_AppendItems(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AppendItems-scOsti||S(s Insert(self, String item, int pos, PyObject clientData=None) -> int Insert an item into the control before the item at the ``pos`` index, optionally associating some data object with the item. (R1tItemContainer_Insert(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR-scOsti||S(sJ Clear(self) Removes all items from the control. (R1tItemContainer_Clear(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctClear.scOsti||S(sA Delete(self, int n) Deletes the item at the zero-based index 'n' from the control. Note that it is an error (signalled by a `wx.PyAssertionError` exception if enabled) to remove an item with the index negative or greater or equal than the number of items in the control. (R1tItemContainer_Delete(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR .s cOsti||S(s GetClientData(self, int n) -> PyObject Returns the client data associated with the given item, (if any.) (R1tItemContainer_GetClientData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR.scOsti||S(s SetClientData(self, int n, PyObject clientData) Associate the given client data with the item at position n. (R1tItemContainer_SetClientData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR.scOsti||S(s\ GetCount(self) -> int Returns the number of items in the control. (R1tItemContainer_GetCount(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRe&.scOsti||S(st IsEmpty(self) -> bool Returns True if the control is empty or False if it has some items. (R1tItemContainer_IsEmpty(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR..scOsti||S(so GetString(self, int n) -> String Returns the label of the item with the given index. (R1tItemContainer_GetString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR6.scOsti||S(s!GetStrings(self) -> wxArrayString(R1tItemContainer_GetStrings(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetStrings>.scOsti||S(s^ SetString(self, int n, String s) Sets the label for the given item. (R1tItemContainer_SetString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRB.scOsti||S(s FindString(self, String s) -> int Finds an item whose label matches the given string. Returns the zero-based position of the item, or ``wx.NOT_FOUND`` if the string was not found. (R1tItemContainer_FindString(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FindStringJ.scOsti||S(sh SetSelection(self, int n) Sets the item at index 'n' to be the selected item. (R1tItemContainer_SetSelection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetSelectionT.scOsti||S(s GetSelection(self) -> int Returns the index of the selected item or ``wx.NOT_FOUND`` if no item is selected. (R1tItemContainer_GetSelection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR\.scOsti||S(s*SetStringSelection(self, String s) -> bool(R1t ItemContainer_SetStringSelection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetStringSelectione.scOsti||S(s GetStringSelection(self) -> String Returns the label of the selected item or an empty string if no item is selected. (R1t ItemContainer_GetStringSelection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetStringSelectioni.scOsti||S(s Select(self, int n) This is the same as `SetSelection` and exists only because it is slightly more natural for controls which support multiple selection. (R1tItemContainer_Select(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSelectr.scCs4g}t|iD]}||i|q~S(s+Return a list of the strings in the control(txrangeReR(R Rs Rt ((s wx\_core.pyctGetItems{.scCs,|ix|D]}|i|qWdS(s4Clear and set the strings in the control from a listN(R R(R Rv Rt ((s wx\_core.pyctSetItems.s sSee `GetCount`sSee `GetItems` and `SetItems`s%See `GetSelection` and `SetSelection`s1See `GetStringSelection` and `SetStringSelection`sSee `GetStrings`(!RRR)R9RR0RRRR RR R RRReRRR RR R RR R R R R tCounttItemsRtStringSelectiontStrings(((s wx\_core.pycR -s:             tControlWithItemscBs8eZdZeddddZdZeZRS(s wx.ControlWithItems combines the ``wx.ItemContainer`` class with the wx.Control class, and is used for the base class of various controls that have items. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-.scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-.sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0.s(RRR)R9RR0RR(((s wx\_core.pycR .s t SizerFlagscBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZdZ dZ!RS(s Normally, when you add an item to a sizer via `wx.Sizer.Add`, you have to specify a lot of flags and parameters which can be unwieldy. This is where wx.SizerFlags comes in: it allows you to specify all parameters using the named methods instead. For example, instead of:: sizer.Add(ctrl, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) you can now write:: sizer.AddF(ctrl, wx.SizerFlags().Expand().Border(wx.ALL, 10)) This is more readable and also allows you to create wx.SizerFlags objects which can be reused for several sizer items.:: flagsExpand = wx.SizerFlags(1) flagsExpand.Expand().Border(wx.ALL, 10) sizer.AddF(ctrl1, flagsExpand) sizer.AddF(ctrl2, flagsExpand) Note that by specification, all methods of wx.SizerFlags return the wx.SizerFlags object itself allowing chaining multiple method calls like in the examples above. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-.scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-.sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int proportion=0) -> SizerFlags Constructs the flags object with the specified proportion. N(R1tSizerFlags_swiginittnew_SizerFlags(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0.scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-.scOsti||S(sk Proportion(self, int proportion) -> SizerFlags Sets the item's proportion value. (R1tSizerFlags_Proportion(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct Proportion.scOsti||S(s] Align(self, int alignment) -> SizerFlags Sets the item's alignment (R1tSizerFlags_Align(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAlign.scOsti||S(s Expand(self) -> SizerFlags Sets the wx.EXPAND flag, which will cause the item to be expanded to fill as much space as it is given by the sizer. (R1tSizerFlags_Expand(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctExpand.scOsti||S(sv Centre(self) -> SizerFlags Same as `Center` for those with an alternate dialect of English. (R1tSizerFlags_Centre(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR~.scOsti||S(sY Center(self) -> SizerFlags Sets the centering alignment flags. (R1tSizerFlags_Center(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR .scOsti||S(s Left(self) -> SizerFlags Aligns the object to the left, a shortcut for calling Align(wx.ALIGN_LEFT) (R1tSizerFlags_Left(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR.scOsti||S(s Right(self) -> SizerFlags Aligns the object to the right, a shortcut for calling Align(wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) (R1tSizerFlags_Right(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR.scOsti||S(s Top(self) -> SizerFlags Aligns the object to the top of the available space, a shortcut for calling Align(wx.ALIGN_TOP) (R1tSizerFlags_Top(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR.scOsti||S(s Bottom(self) -> SizerFlags Aligns the object to the bottom of the available space, a shortcut for calling Align(wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM) (R1tSizerFlags_Bottom(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR/scOsti||S(sN Shaped(self) -> SizerFlags Sets the wx.SHAPED flag. (R1tSizerFlags_Shaped(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctShaped /scOsti||S(s[ FixedMinSize(self) -> SizerFlags Sets the wx.FIXED_MINSIZE flag. (R1tSizerFlags_FixedMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct FixedMinSize/scOsti||S(sx ReserveSpaceEvenIfHidden(self) -> SizerFlags Makes the item ignore window's visibility status (R1t#SizerFlags_ReserveSpaceEvenIfHidden(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctReserveSpaceEvenIfHidden/scOsti||S(s8 Border(self, int direction=ALL, int borderInPixels=-1) -> SizerFlags Sets the border of the item in the direction(s) or sides given by the direction parameter. If the borderInPixels value is not given then the default border size (see `GetDefaultBorder`) will be used. (R1tSizerFlags_Border(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR$/scOsti||S(s DoubleBorder(self, int direction=ALL) -> SizerFlags Sets the border in the given direction to twice the default border size. (R1tSizerFlags_DoubleBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DoubleBorder./scOsti||S(s TripleBorder(self, int direction=ALL) -> SizerFlags Sets the border in the given direction to three times the default border size. (R1tSizerFlags_TripleBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct TripleBorder7/scOsti||S(su HorzBorder(self) -> SizerFlags Sets the left and right borders to the default border size. (R1tSizerFlags_HorzBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct HorzBorder@/scOsti||S(s DoubleHorzBorder(self) -> SizerFlags Sets the left and right borders to twice the default border size. (R1tSizerFlags_DoubleHorzBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctDoubleHorzBorderH/scOsti||S(su GetDefaultBorder() -> int Returns the default border size used by the other border methods (R1tSizerFlags_GetDefaultBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDefaultBorderP/scOsti||S(sp GetProportion(self) -> int Returns the proportion value to be used in the sizer item. (R1tSizerFlags_GetProportion(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetProportionY/scOsti||S(sf GetFlags(self) -> int Returns the flags value to be used in the sizer item. (R1tSizerFlags_GetFlags(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRa/scOsti||S(sz GetBorderInPixels(self) -> int Returns the border value in pixels to be used in the sizer item. (R1tSizerFlags_GetBorderInPixels(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetBorderInPixelsi/s("RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_SizerFlagsRtRuR R R R~R RRRRR R R RR R R R" R$ RR& RR) (((s wx\_core.pycR .s8                cGs ti|S(st SizerFlags_GetDefaultBorder() -> int Returns the default border size used by the other border methods (R1R# (R$((s wx\_core.pycR# s/stSizerItemList_iteratorcBsSeZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ RS(s>This class serves as an iterator for a wxSizerItemList object.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-/scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-/sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0/scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-/scOsti||S(snext(self) -> SizerItem(R1tSizerItemList_iterator_next(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR/s( RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_SizerItemList_iteratorRtRuR(((s wx\_core.pycR+ }/s   t SizerItemListcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZRS( s This class wraps a wxList-based class and gives it a Python sequence-like interface. Sequence operations supported are length, index access and iteration. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-/scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-/sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0/scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-/scOsti||S(s__len__(self) -> size_t(R1tSizerItemList___len__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRc/scOsti||S(s,__getitem__(self, size_t index) -> SizerItem(R1tSizerItemList___getitem__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRe/scOsti||S(s)__contains__(self, SizerItem obj) -> bool(R1tSizerItemList___contains__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR/scOsti||S(s(__iter__(self) -> SizerItemList_iterator(R1tSizerItemList___iter__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR/scOsti||S(s!index(self, SizerItem obj) -> int(R1tSizerItemList_index(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRd/scCsdtt|S(NswxSizerItemList: (RR(R ((s wx\_core.pycR/s(RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_SizerItemListRtRuRcReRRRd(((s wx\_core.pycR. /s        t SizerItemcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeiedZ eiedZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&d Z'd!Z(d"Z)d#Z*d$Z+d%Z,d&Z-d'Z.d(Z/d)Z0ee%e$dd*Z1ee#e"dd+Z2eedd,Z3eedd-Z4ee.dd.Z5eeedd/Z6eeedd0Z7eedd1Z8eedd2Z9ee(e)dd3Z:ee*e+dd4Z;ee/e0dd5Z<ee&e'dd6Z=RS(7s- The wx.SizerItem class is used to track the position, size and other attributes of each item managed by a `wx.Sizer`. It is not usually necessary to use this class because the sizer elements can also be identified by their positions or window or sizer references but sometimes it may be more convenient to use wx.SizerItem directly. Also, custom classes derived from `wx.PySizer` will probably need to use the collection of wx.SizerItems held by wx.Sizer when calculating layout. :see: `wx.Sizer`, `wx.GBSizerItem` cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-/scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-/sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> SizerItem Constructs an empty wx.SizerItem. Either a window, sizer or spacer size will need to be set before this item can be used in a Sizer. You will probably never need to create a wx.SizerItem directly as they are created automatically when the sizer's Add, Insert or Prepend methods are called. :see: `wx.SizerItemSpacer`, `wx.SizerItemWindow`, `wx.SizerItemSizer` N(R1tSizerItem_swiginitt new_SizerItem(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0/s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-/scOsti||S(s DeleteWindows(self) Destroy the window or the windows in a subsizer, depending on the type of item. (R1tSizerItem_DeleteWindows(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DeleteWindows/scOsti||S(sr DetachSizer(self) Enable deleting the SizerItem without destroying the contained sizer. (R1tSizerItem_DetachSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct DetachSizer/scOsti||S(sm GetSize(self) -> Size Get the current size of the item, as set in the last Layout. (R1tSizerItem_GetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR/scOsti||S(s CalcMin(self) -> Size Calculates the minimum desired size for the item, including any space needed by borders. (R1tSizerItem_CalcMin(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCalcMin/scOsti||S(s- SetDimension(self, Point pos, Size size) Set the position and size of the space allocated for this item by the sizer, and adjust the position and size of the item (window or subsizer) to be within that space taking alignment and borders into account. (R1tSizerItem_SetDimension(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetDimension/s cOsti||S(s] GetMinSize(self) -> Size Get the minimum size needed for the item. (R1tSizerItem_GetMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR2/scOsti||S(s GetMinSizeWithBorder(self) -> Size Get the minimum size needed for the item with space for the borders added, if needed. (R1tSizerItem_GetMinSizeWithBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetMinSizeWithBorder0scOsti||S(sSetInitSize(self, int x, int y)(R1tSizerItem_SetInitSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetInitSize 0scOsti||S(s` SetRatioWH(self, int width, int height) Set the ratio item attribute. (R1tSizerItem_SetRatioWH(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetRatioWH0scOsti||S(sV SetRatioSize(self, Size size) Set the ratio item attribute. (R1tSizerItem_SetRatioSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetRatioSize0scOsti||S(sT SetRatio(self, float ratio) Set the ratio item attribute. (R1tSizerItem_SetRatio(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRatio0scOsti||S(sP GetRatio(self) -> float Set the ratio item attribute. (R1tSizerItem_GetRatio(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRatio'0scOsti||S(sh GetRect(self) -> Rect Returns the rectangle that the sizer item should occupy (R1tSizerItem_GetRect(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR/0scOsti||S(sN IsWindow(self) -> bool Is this sizer item a window? (R1tSizerItem_IsWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsWindow70scOsti||S(sO IsSizer(self) -> bool Is this sizer item a subsizer? (R1tSizerItem_IsSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsSizer?0scOsti||S(sN IsSpacer(self) -> bool Is this sizer item a spacer? (R1tSizerItem_IsSpacer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctIsSpacerG0scOsti||S(sf SetProportion(self, int proportion) Set the proportion value for this item. (R1tSizerItem_SetProportion(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetProportionO0scOsti||S(s] GetProportion(self) -> int Get the proportion value for this item. (R1tSizerItem_GetProportion(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR& W0ss#Please use `SetProportion` instead.s#Please use `GetProportion` instead.cOsti||S(sT SetFlag(self, int flag) Set the flag value for this item. (R1tSizerItem_SetFlag(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetFlaga0scOsti||S(sQ GetFlag(self) -> int Get the flag value for this item. (R1tSizerItem_GetFlag(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFlagi0scOsti||S(sZ SetBorder(self, int border) Set the border value for this item. (R1tSizerItem_SetBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetBorderq0scOsti||S(sU GetBorder(self) -> int Get the border value for this item. (R1tSizerItem_GetBorder(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRy0scOsti||S(sp GetWindow(self) -> Window Get the window (if any) that is managed by this sizer item. (R1tSizerItem_GetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sj SetWindow(self, Window window) Set the window to be managed by this sizer item. (R1tSizerItem_SetWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sp GetSizer(self) -> Sizer Get the subsizer (if any) that is managed by this sizer item. (R1tSizerItem_GetSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRl0scOsti||S(si SetSizer(self, Sizer sizer) Set the subsizer to be managed by this sizer item. (R1tSizerItem_SetSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRh0scOsti||S(si GetSpacer(self) -> Size Get the size of the spacer managed by this sizer item. (R1tSizerItem_GetSpacer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetSpacer0scOsti||S(sr SetSpacer(self, Size size) Set the size of the spacer to be managed by this sizer item. (R1tSizerItem_SetSpacer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetSpacer0scOsti||S(s Show(self, bool show) Set the show item attribute, which sizers use to determine if the item is to be made part of the layout or not. If the item is tracking a window then it is shown or hidden as needed. (R1tSizerItem_Show(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(sW IsShown(self) -> bool Is the item to be shown in the layout? (R1tSizerItem_IsShown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRP0scOsti||S(sz GetPosition(self) -> Point Returns the current position of the item, as set in the last Layout. (R1tSizerItem_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0scOsti||S(s GetUserData(self) -> PyObject Returns the userData associated with this sizer item, or None if there isn't any. (R1tSizerItem_GetUserData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetUserData0scOsti||S(so SetUserData(self, PyObject userData) Associate a Python object with this sizer item. (R1tSizerItem_SetUserData(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetUserData0ssSee `GetBorder` and `SetBorder`sSee `GetFlag` and `SetFlag`sSee `GetMinSize`sSee `GetMinSizeWithBorder`sSee `GetPosition`s'See `GetProportion` and `SetProportion`sSee `GetRatio` and `SetRatio`s See `GetRect`s See `GetSize`sSee `GetSizer` and `SetSizer`sSee `GetSpacer` and `SetSpacer`s#See `GetUserData` and `SetUserData`sSee `GetWindow` and `SetWindow`(>RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_SizerItemRtRuR9 R; RR> R@ R2RC RE RG RI RK RM RRP RR RT RV R& RlR*RRRY R[ R] RRRRlRhRd Rf RRPRRk Rm RtFlagRtMinSizeWithBorderRR tRatioRR;RtSpacertUserDataR(((s wx\_core.pycR5 /sl                               cOsti||}|S(s SizerItemWindow(Window window, int proportion, int flag, int border, PyObject userData=None) -> SizerItem Constructs a `wx.SizerItem` for tracking a window. (R1tnew_SizerItemWindow(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctSizerItemWindow0scOsti||}|S(s SizerItemSpacer(int width, int height, int proportion, int flag, int border, PyObject userData=None) -> SizerItem Constructs a `wx.SizerItem` for tracking a spacer. (R1tnew_SizerItemSpacer(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctSizerItemSpacer0scOsti||}|S(s SizerItemSizer(Sizer sizer, int proportion, int flag, int border, PyObject userData=None) -> SizerItem Constructs a `wx.SizerItem` for tracking a subsizer (R1tnew_SizerItemSizer(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctSizerItemSizer0sRcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZedZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%d d!Z&d d"Z'd d#Z(d$Z)d%Z*d&Z+d'Z,d(Z-d)Z.d*Z/d+Z0d,Z1d-Z2d.Z3d/Z4d0Z5d1Z6d2Z7d3Z8d4Z9d5Z:d6Z;d7Z<d8Z=d9Z>d:Z?d;Z@d<ZAd=ZBd>ZCd?ZDd@ZEdAZFdBZGedCZHdDZIeeEddEZJeeeddFZKee6e3ddGZLee5ddHZMee4ddIZNRS(Js wx.Sizer is the abstract base class used for laying out subwindows in a window. You cannot use wx.Sizer directly; instead, you will have to use one of the sizer classes derived from it such as `wx.BoxSizer`, `wx.StaticBoxSizer`, `wx.GridSizer`, `wx.FlexGridSizer` and `wx.GridBagSizer`. The concept implemented by sizers in wxWidgets is closely related to layout tools in other GUI toolkits, such as Java's AWT, the GTK toolkit or the Qt toolkit. It is based upon the idea of the individual subwindows reporting their minimal required size and their ability to get stretched if the size of the parent window has changed. This will most often mean that the programmer does not set the original size of a dialog in the beginning, rather the dialog will assigned a sizer and this sizer will be queried about the recommended size. The sizer in turn will query its children, which can be normal windows or contorls, empty space or other sizers, so that a hierarchy of sizers can be constructed. Note that wxSizer does not derive from wxWindow and thus do not interfere with tab ordering and requires very little resources compared to a real window on screen. What makes sizers so well fitted for use in wxWidgets is the fact that every control reports its own minimal size and the algorithm can handle differences in font sizes or different window (dialog item) sizes on different platforms without problems. If for example the standard font as well as the overall design of Mac widgets requires more space than on Windows, then the initial size of a dialog using a sizer will automatically be bigger on Mac than on Windows. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-'1scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-'1sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0(1scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-+1scOsti||S(s!_setOORInfo(self, PyObject _self)(R1tSizer__setOORInfo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRh,1scOsti||S(s Add(self, item, int proportion=0, int flag=0, int border=0, PyObject userData=None) -> wx.SizerItem Appends a child item to the sizer. (R1t Sizer_Add(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAdd01scOsti||S(s AddF(self, item, wx.SizerFlags flags) -> wx.SizerItem Similar to `Add` but uses the `wx.SizerFlags` convenience class for setting the various flags, options and borders. (R1t Sizer_AddF(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAddF91scOsti||S(s4 Insert(self, int before, item, int proportion=0, int flag=0, int border=0, PyObject userData=None) -> wx.SizerItem Inserts a new item into the list of items managed by this sizer before the item at index *before*. See `Add` for a description of the parameters. (R1t Sizer_Insert(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRB1scOsti||S(s InsertF(self, int before, item, wx.SizerFlags flags) -> wx.SizerItem Similar to `Insert`, but uses the `wx.SizerFlags` convenience class for setting the various flags, options and borders. (R1t Sizer_InsertF(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctInsertFL1scOsti||S(s Prepend(self, item, int proportion=0, int flag=0, int border=0, PyObject userData=None) -> wx.SizerItem Adds a new item to the begining of the list of sizer items managed by this sizer. See `Add` for a description of the parameters. (R1t Sizer_Prepend(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRU1scOsti||S(s PrependF(self, item, wx.SizerFlags flags) -> wx.SizerItem Similar to `Prepend` but uses the `wx.SizerFlags` convenience class for setting the various flags, options and borders. (R1tSizer_PrependF(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctPrependF_1scOsti||S(s Remove(self, item) -> bool Removes an item from the sizer and destroys it. This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call `Layout` to update the layout on screen after removing a child from the sizer. The *item* parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of an item to remove. Returns True if the child item was found and removed. (R1t Sizer_Remove(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRh1s cOsti||S(s Detach(self, item) -> bool Detaches an item from the sizer without destroying it. This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call `Layout` to do so. The *item* parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of the item to be detached. Returns True if the child item was found and detached. (R1t Sizer_Detach(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR3 u1s cOsti||S(s GetItem(self, item, recursive=False) -> wx.SizerItem Returns the `wx.SizerItem` which holds the *item* given. The *item* parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of the item to be found. (R1t Sizer_GetItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetItem1scOsti||S(s/_SetItemMinSize(self, PyObject item, Size size)(R1tSizer__SetItemMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct_SetItemMinSize1scOsti||S(sM_ReplaceWin(self, Window oldwin, Window newwin, bool recursive=False) -> bool(R1tSizer__ReplaceWin(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct _ReplaceWin1scOsti||S(sK_ReplaceSizer(self, Sizer oldsz, Sizer newsz, bool recursive=False) -> bool(R1tSizer__ReplaceSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct _ReplaceSizer1scOsti||S(s;_ReplaceItem(self, size_t index, SizerItem newitem) -> bool(R1tSizer__ReplaceItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct _ReplaceItem1scCst|tio|i|||Sn[t|tio|i|||Sn1t|to|i||Sn tddS(s> Detaches the given ``olditem`` from the sizer and replaces it with ``item`` which can be a window, sizer, or `wx.SizerItem`. The detached child is destroyed only if it is not a window, (because windows are owned by their parent, not the sizer.) The ``recursive`` parameter can be used to search for the given element recursivly in subsizers. This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call `Layout` to do so. Returns ``True`` if the child item was found and removed. s7Expected Window, Sizer, or integer for first parameter.N( R.RlRR RR tintR R1(R tolditemROt recursive((s wx\_core.pycR1scOsti||S(st SetContainingWindow(self, Window window) Set (or unset) the window this sizer is used in. (R1tSizer_SetContainingWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetContainingWindow1scOsti||S(sd GetContainingWindow(self) -> Window Get the window this sizer is used in. (R1tSizer_GetContainingWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetContainingWindow1scGs?t|djo|i||Sn|i||dSdS(s] SetItemMinSize(self, item, Size size) Sets the minimum size that will be allocated for an item in the sizer. The *item* parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of the item. If a window or sizer is given then it will be searched for recursivly in subsizers if neccessary. iiN(RbR (R ROR$((s wx\_core.pyctSetItemMinSize1s cOsti||S(s\ AddItem(self, SizerItem item) Adds a `wx.SizerItem` to the sizer. (R1t Sizer_AddItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAddItem1scOsti||S(s InsertItem(self, int index, SizerItem item) Inserts a `wx.SizerItem` to the sizer at the position given by *index*. (R1tSizer_InsertItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR1scOsti||S(sd PrependItem(self, SizerItem item) Prepends a `wx.SizerItem` to the sizer. (R1tSizer_PrependItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR1scCsxxq|D]i}t|tdjp0t|djo*t|dtdjo |f}n|i|qWdS(s AddMany is a convenience method for adding several items to a sizer at one time. Simply pass it a list of tuples, where each tuple consists of the parameters that you would normally pass to the `Add` method. iiiN((RRbR| (R Rv RO((s wx\_core.pyctAddMany1s I cOsT|o9t|dtjo"|i|d|dfdSn|i||SdS(s\AddSpacer(int size) --> SizerItem Add a spacer that is (size,size) pixels. iN(RR R| (R R$tkw((s wx\_core.pyct AddSpacer1s"cOsT|o9t|dtjo"|i|d|dfdSn|i||SdS(s\PrependSpacer(int size) --> SizerItem Prepend a spacer that is (size, size) pixels.iN(RR R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct PrependSpacer1s"cOsZ|o<t|dtjo%|i||d|dfdSn|i|||SdS(swInsertSpacer(int index, int size) --> SizerItem Insert a spacer at position index that is (size, size) pixels.iN(RR R(R RdR$R ((s wx\_core.pyct InsertSpacer2s%icCs|id|S(sMAddStretchSpacer(int prop=1) --> SizerItem Add a stretchable spacer.i(ii(R| (R tprop((s wx\_core.pyctAddStretchSpacer2scCs|id|S(sUPrependStretchSpacer(int prop=1) --> SizerItem Prepend a stretchable spacer.i(ii(R(R R ((s wx\_core.pyctPrependStretchSpacer2scCs|i|d|S(s^InsertStretchSpacer(int index, int prop=1) --> SizerItem Insert a stretchable spacer.i(ii(R(R RdR ((s wx\_core.pyctInsertStretchSpacer2scOs|i||S(sCompatibility alias for `Add`.(R| (R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct AddWindow"2scOs|i||S(sCompatibility alias for `Add`.(R| (R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyctAddSizer%2scOs|i||S(s"Compatibility alias for `Prepend`.(R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct PrependWindow)2scOs|i||S(s"Compatibility alias for `Prepend`.(R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct PrependSizer,2scOs|i||S(s!Compatibility alias for `Insert`.(R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct InsertWindow02scOs|i||S(s!Compatibility alias for `Insert`.(R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct InsertSizer32scOs|i||S(s!Compatibility alias for `Remove`.(R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct RemoveWindow72scOs|i||S(s!Compatibility alias for `Remove`.(R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct RemoveSizer:2scOs|i||S(s!Compatibility alias for `Remove`.(R(R R$R ((s wx\_core.pyct RemovePos=2scOsti||S(sA SetDimension(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Call this to force the sizer to take the given dimension and thus force the items owned by the sizer to resize themselves according to the rules defined by the parameter in the `Add`, `Insert` or `Prepend` methods. (R1tSizer_SetDimension(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR@ B2s cOsti||S(s SetMinSize(self, Size size) Call this to give the sizer a minimal size. Normally, the sizer will calculate its minimal size based purely on how much space its children need. After calling this method `GetMinSize` will return either the minimal size as requested by its children or the minimal size set here, depending on which is bigger. (R1tSizer_SetMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR4M2s cOsti||S(sl GetSize(self) -> Size Returns the current size of the space managed by the sizer. (R1t Sizer_GetSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRY2scOsti||S(sp GetPosition(self) -> Point Returns the current position of the sizer's managed space. (R1tSizer_GetPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRa2scOsti||S(s GetMinSize(self) -> Size Returns the minimal size of the sizer. This is either the combined minimal size of all the children and their borders or the minimal size set by SetMinSize, depending on which is bigger. (R1tSizer_GetMinSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR2i2scCs|iiS(N(RR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRs2scCs|iiS(N(RR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRLu2scCs|iiS(N(R2R_(R ((s wx\_core.pyctGetMinSizeTuplew2scOsti||S(s RecalcSizes(self) Using the sizes calculated by `CalcMin` reposition and resize all the items managed by this sizer. You should not need to call this directly as it is called by `Layout`. (R1tSizer_RecalcSizes(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct RecalcSizesz2scOsti||S(s CalcMin(self) -> Size This method is where the sizer will do the actual calculation of its children's minimal sizes. You should not need to call this directly as it is called by `Layout`. (R1t Sizer_CalcMin(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR> 2scOsti||S(s Layout(self) This method will force the recalculation and layout of the items controlled by the sizer using the current space allocated to the sizer. Normally this is called automatically from the owning window's EVT_SIZE handler, but it is also useful to call it from user code when one of the items in a sizer change size, or items are added or removed. (R1t Sizer_Layout(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRf2s cOsti||S(s5ComputeFittingClientSize(self, Window window) -> Size(R1tSizer_ComputeFittingClientSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctComputeFittingClientSize2scOsti||S(s5ComputeFittingWindowSize(self, Window window) -> Size(R1tSizer_ComputeFittingWindowSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctComputeFittingWindowSize2scOsti||S(s Fit(self, Window window) -> Size Tell the sizer to resize the *window* to match the sizer's minimal size. This is commonly done in the constructor of the window itself in order to set its initial size to match the needs of the children as determined by the sizer. Returns the new size. For a top level window this is the total window size, not the client size. (R1t Sizer_Fit(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR$2s cOsti||S(s FitInside(self, Window window) Tell the sizer to resize the *virtual size* of the *window* to match the sizer's minimal size. This will not alter the on screen size of the window, but may cause the addition/removal/alteration of scrollbars required to view the virtual area in windows which manage it. :see: `wx.ScrolledWindow.SetScrollbars`, `SetVirtualSizeHints` (R1tSizer_FitInside(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR&2s cOsti||S(s SetSizeHints(self, Window window) Tell the sizer to set (and `Fit`) the minimal size of the *window* to match the sizer's minimal size. This is commonly done in the constructor of the window itself if the window is resizable (as are many dialogs under Unix and frames on probably all platforms) in order to prevent the window from being sized smaller than the minimal size required by the sizer. (R1tSizer_SetSizeHints(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR(2s cOsti||S(s0 SetVirtualSizeHints(self, Window window) Tell the sizer to set the minimal size of the window virtual area to match the sizer's minimal size. For windows with managed scrollbars this will set them appropriately. :see: `wx.ScrolledWindow.SetScrollbars` (R1tSizer_SetVirtualSizeHints(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR,2s cOsti||S(s Clear(self, bool deleteWindows=False) Clear all items from the sizer, optionally destroying the window items as well. (R1t Sizer_Clear(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR 2scOsti||S(sX DeleteWindows(self) Destroy all windows managed by the sizer. (R1tSizer_DeleteWindows(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR9 2scOsti||S(s GetChildren(self) -> SizerItemList Returns all of the `wx.SizerItem` objects managed by the sizer in a list-like object. (R1tSizer_GetChildren(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRz2scOsti||S(s Show(self, item, bool show=True, bool recursive=false) -> bool Shows or hides an item managed by the sizer. To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show followed by `Layout`. The *item* parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of the item. Use the recursive parameter to show or hide an item in a subsizer. Returns True if the item was found. (R1t Sizer_Show(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR2s cOsti||S(s IsShown(self, item) Determines if the item is currently shown. To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show followed by `Layout`. The *item* parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of the item. (R1t Sizer_IsShown(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRP2s cCs|i|t|S(sK A convenience method for `Show` (item, False, recursive). (RR4(R ROR ((s wx\_core.pycRK 3scOsti||S(sn ShowItems(self, bool show) Recursively call `wx.SizerItem.Show` on all sizer items. (R1tSizer_ShowItems(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ShowItems3ssSee `GetChildren`s3See `GetContainingWindow` and `SetContainingWindow`s!See `GetMinSize` and `SetMinSize`sSee `GetPosition`s See `GetSize`(ORRR)R9RR0RRR1t delete_SizerRtRuRhR| R~ RR RR RR3 R R R R R R4RR R R R RRR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R@ R4RRR2RRLR R R> RfR R R$R&R(R,R R9 RzRRPRKR RtContainingWindowRRR;(((s wx\_core.pycR 1s                                       tPySizercBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZdZRS(s wx.PySizer is a special version of `wx.Sizer` that has been instrumented to allow the C++ virtual methods to be overloaded in Python derived classes. You would derive from this class if you are wanting to implement a custom sizer in Python code. Simply implement `CalcMin` and `RecalcSizes` in the derived class and you're all set. For example:: class MySizer(wx.PySizer): def __init__(self): wx.PySizer.__init__(self) def CalcMin(self): for item in self.GetChildren(): # calculate the total minimum width and height needed # by all items in the sizer according to this sizer's # layout algorithm. ... return wx.Size(width, height) def RecalcSizes(self): # find the space allotted to this sizer pos = self.GetPosition() size = self.GetSize() for item in self.GetChildren(): # Recalculate (if necessary) the position and size of # each item and then call item.SetDimension to do the # actual positioning and sizing of the items within the # space alloted to this sizer. ... item.SetDimension(itemPos, itemSize) When `Layout` is called it first calls `CalcMin` followed by `RecalcSizes` so you can optimize a bit by saving the results of `CalcMin` and reusing them in `RecalcSizes`. :see: `wx.SizerItem`, `wx.Sizer.GetChildren` cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-H3scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-H3sR/sThe membership flagcOs@ti|ti|||i|ti||tdS(s __init__(self) -> PySizer Creates a wx.PySizer. Must be called from the __init__ in the derived class. N(R1tPySizer_swiginitt new_PySizerRhR R(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0J3s cOsti||S(s6_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)(R1tPySizer__setCallbackInfo(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRT3s( RRR)R9RRRR0R(((s wx\_core.pycR 3s ) tBoxSizercBs_eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ eee ddZ RS( sK The basic idea behind a box sizer is that windows will most often be laid out in rather simple basic geometry, typically in a row or a column or nested hierarchies of either. A wx.BoxSizer will lay out its items in a simple row or column, depending on the orientation parameter passed to the constructor. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-d3scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-d3sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s __init__(self, int orient=HORIZONTAL) -> BoxSizer Constructor for a wx.BoxSizer. *orient* may be one of ``wx.VERTICAL`` or ``wx.HORIZONTAL`` for creating either a column sizer or a row sizer. N(R1tBoxSizer_swiginitt new_BoxSizerRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0f3scOsti||S(sd GetOrientation(self) -> int Returns the current orientation of the sizer. (R1tBoxSizer_GetOrientation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRq3scOsti||S(s` SetOrientation(self, int orient) Resets the orientation of the sizer. (R1tBoxSizer_SetOrientation(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRy3ss)See `GetOrientation` and `SetOrientation`( RRR)R9RRRR0RRR(((s wx\_core.pycR \3s  tStaticBoxSizercBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZeeddZ RS(s wx.StaticBoxSizer derives from and functions identically to the `wx.BoxSizer` and adds a `wx.StaticBox` around the items that the sizer manages. Note that this static box must be created separately and passed to the sizer constructor. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-3scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-3sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s  __init__(self, StaticBox box, int orient=HORIZONTAL) -> StaticBoxSizer Constructor. It takes an associated static box and the orientation *orient* as parameters - orient can be either of ``wx.VERTICAL`` or ``wx.HORIZONTAL``. N(R1tStaticBoxSizer_swiginittnew_StaticBoxSizerRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR03scOsti||S(sm GetStaticBox(self) -> StaticBox Returns the static box associated with this sizer. (R1tStaticBoxSizer_GetStaticBox(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetStaticBox3ssSee `GetStaticBox`( RRR)R9RRRR0R t StaticBox(((s wx\_core.pycR 3s  t GridSizercBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZee eddZeee ddZee e ddZeee ddZRS(s. A grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all cells having the same size. In other words, the width of each cell within the grid is the width of the widest item added to the sizer and the height of each grid cell is the height of the tallest item. An optional vertical and/or horizontal gap between items can also be specified (in pixels.) Items are placed in the cells of the grid in the order they are added, in row-major order. In other words, the first row is filled first, then the second, and so on until all items have been added. (If neccessary, additional rows will be added as items are added.) If you need to have greater control over the cells that items are placed in then use the `wx.GridBagSizer`. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-3scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-3sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s __init__(self, int rows=1, int cols=0, int vgap=0, int hgap=0) -> GridSizer Constructor for a wx.GridSizer. *rows* and *cols* determine the number of columns and rows in the sizer - if either of the parameters is zero, it will be calculated to from the total number of children in the sizer, thus making the sizer grow dynamically. *vgap* and *hgap* define extra space between all children. N(R1tGridSizer_swiginitt new_GridSizerRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR03s cOsti||S(s[ SetCols(self, int cols) Sets the number of columns in the sizer. (R1tGridSizer_SetCols(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetCols3scOsti||S(sX SetRows(self, int rows) Sets the number of rows in the sizer. (R1tGridSizer_SetRows(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRows3scOsti||S(ss SetVGap(self, int gap) Sets the vertical gap (in pixels) between the cells in the sizer. (R1tGridSizer_SetVGap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetVGap3scOsti||S(sp SetHGap(self, int gap) Sets the horizontal gap (in pixels) between cells in the sizer (R1tGridSizer_SetHGap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetHGap3scOsti||S(s[ GetCols(self) -> int Returns the number of columns in the sizer. (R1tGridSizer_GetCols(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCols3scOsti||S(sX GetRows(self) -> int Returns the number of rows in the sizer. (R1tGridSizer_GetRows(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRows3scOsti||S(st GetVGap(self) -> int Returns the vertical gap (in pixels) between the cells in the sizer. (R1tGridSizer_GetVGap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetVGap3scOsti||S(sr GetHGap(self) -> int Returns the horizontal gap (in pixels) between cells in the sizer. (R1tGridSizer_GetHGap(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetHGap3scCst|i}|i}|i}|djp|djp td|djo||d|}n$|djo||d|}n||fS(s CalcRowsCols() -> (rows, cols) Calculates how many rows and columns will be in the sizer based on the current number of items and also the rows, cols specified in the constructor. is1Grid sizer must have either rows or columns fixedi(RbRzR R R(R tnitemstrowstcols((s wx\_core.pyct CalcRowsCols4s  $  sSee `GetCols` and `SetCols`sSee `GetHGap` and `SetHGap`sSee `GetRows` and `SetRows`sSee `GetVGap` and `SetVGap`(RRR)R9RRRR0R R R R R R R R R tColstHGaptRowstVGap(((s wx\_core.pycR 3s"         t FlexGridSizercBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZeeddZee e ddZeeeddZeeddZRS(s A flex grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all table cells in one row having the same height and all cells in one column having the same width, but all rows or all columns are not necessarily the same height or width as in the `wx.GridSizer`. wx.FlexGridSizer can also size items equally in one direction but unequally ("flexibly") in the other. If the sizer is only flexible in one direction (this can be changed using `SetFlexibleDirection`), it needs to be decided how the sizer should grow in the other ("non flexible") direction in order to fill the available space. The `SetNonFlexibleGrowMode` method serves this purpose. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-54scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-54sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s __init__(self, int rows=1, int cols=0, int vgap=0, int hgap=0) -> FlexGridSizer Constructor for a wx.FlexGridSizer. *rows* and *cols* determine the number of columns and rows in the sizer - if either of the parameters is zero, it will be calculated to from the total number of children in the sizer, thus making the sizer grow dynamically. *vgap* and *hgap* define extra space between all children. N(R1tFlexGridSizer_swiginittnew_FlexGridSizerRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR074s cOsti||S(s AddGrowableRow(self, size_t idx, int proportion=0) Specifies that row *idx* (starting from zero) should be grown if there is extra space available to the sizer. The *proportion* parameter has the same meaning as the stretch factor for the box sizers except that if all proportions are 0, then all columns are resized equally (instead of not being resized at all). (R1tFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAddGrowableRowD4s cOsti||S(sn RemoveGrowableRow(self, size_t idx) Specifies that row *idx* is no longer growable. (R1tFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableRow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRemoveGrowableRowQ4scOsti||S(s AddGrowableCol(self, size_t idx, int proportion=0) Specifies that column *idx* (starting from zero) should be grown if there is extra space available to the sizer. The *proportion* parameter has the same meaning as the stretch factor for the box sizers except that if all proportions are 0, then all columns are resized equally (instead of not being resized at all). (R1tFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableCol(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAddGrowableColY4s cOsti||S(sq RemoveGrowableCol(self, size_t idx) Specifies that column *idx* is no longer growable. (R1tFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableCol(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRemoveGrowableColf4scOsti||S(s SetFlexibleDirection(self, int direction) Specifies whether the sizer should flexibly resize its columns, rows, or both. Argument *direction* can be one of the following values. Any other value is ignored. ============== ======================================= wx.VERTICAL Rows are flexibly sized. wx.HORIZONTAL Columns are flexibly sized. wx.BOTH Both rows and columns are flexibly sized (this is the default value). ============== ======================================= Note that this method does not trigger relayout. (R1t"FlexGridSizer_SetFlexibleDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetFlexibleDirectionn4scOsti||S(s GetFlexibleDirection(self) -> int Returns a value that specifies whether the sizer flexibly resizes its columns, rows, or both (default). :see: `SetFlexibleDirection` (R1t"FlexGridSizer_GetFlexibleDirection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetFlexibleDirection4s cOsti||S(s SetNonFlexibleGrowMode(self, int mode) Specifies how the sizer should grow in the non-flexible direction if there is one (so `SetFlexibleDirection` must have been called previously). Argument *mode* can be one of the following values: ========================== ================================================= wx.FLEX_GROWMODE_NONE Sizer doesn't grow in the non flexible direction. wx.FLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED Sizer honors growable columns/rows set with `AddGrowableCol` and `AddGrowableRow`. In this case equal sizing applies to minimum sizes of columns or rows (this is the default value). wx.FLEX_GROWMODE_ALL Sizer equally stretches all columns or rows in the non flexible direction, whether they are growable or not in the flexbile direction. ========================== ================================================= Note that this method does not trigger relayout. (R1t$FlexGridSizer_SetNonFlexibleGrowMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetNonFlexibleGrowMode4scOsti||S(s GetNonFlexibleGrowMode(self) -> int Returns the value that specifies how the sizer grows in the non-flexible direction if there is one. :see: `SetNonFlexibleGrowMode` (R1t$FlexGridSizer_GetNonFlexibleGrowMode(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetNonFlexibleGrowMode4s cOsti||S(s GetRowHeights(self) -> list Returns a list of integers representing the heights of each of the rows in the sizer. (R1tFlexGridSizer_GetRowHeights(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetRowHeights4scOsti||S(s GetColWidths(self) -> list Returns a list of integers representing the widths of each of the columns in the sizer. (R1tFlexGridSizer_GetColWidths(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetColWidths4ssSee `GetColWidths`s5See `GetFlexibleDirection` and `SetFlexibleDirection`s9See `GetNonFlexibleGrowMode` and `SetNonFlexibleGrowMode`sSee `GetRowHeights`(RRR)R9RRRR0R R R R R R R R R R t ColWidthstFlexibleDirectiontNonFlexibleGrowModet RowHeights(((s wx\_core.pycR $4s$     tStdDialogButtonSizercBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZee e ddZeeddZeee ddZeeddZeee ddZRS(sJ A special sizer that knows how to order and position standard buttons in order to conform to the current platform's standards. You simply need to add each `wx.Button` to the sizer, and be sure to create the buttons using the standard ID's. Then call `Realize` and the sizer will take care of the rest. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-4scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-4sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s&__init__(self) -> StdDialogButtonSizerN(R1tStdDialogButtonSizer_swiginittnew_StdDialogButtonSizer(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR04scOsti||S(s AddButton(self, wxButton button) Use this to add the buttons to this sizer. Do not use the `Add` method in the base class. (R1tStdDialogButtonSizer_AddButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AddButton4scOsti||S(s Realize(self) This funciton needs to be called after all the buttons have been added to the sizer. It will reorder them and position them in a platform specifc manner. (R1tStdDialogButtonSizer_Realize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRealize4scOsti||S(s+SetAffirmativeButton(self, wxButton button)(R1t)StdDialogButtonSizer_SetAffirmativeButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetAffirmativeButton4scOsti||S(s(SetNegativeButton(self, wxButton button)(R1t&StdDialogButtonSizer_SetNegativeButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetNegativeButton4scOsti||S(s&SetCancelButton(self, wxButton button)(R1t$StdDialogButtonSizer_SetCancelButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetCancelButton4scOsti||S(s&GetAffirmativeButton(self) -> wxButton(R1t)StdDialogButtonSizer_GetAffirmativeButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetAffirmativeButton4scOsti||S(s GetApplyButton(self) -> wxButton(R1t#StdDialogButtonSizer_GetApplyButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetApplyButton4scOsti||S(s#GetNegativeButton(self) -> wxButton(R1t&StdDialogButtonSizer_GetNegativeButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetNegativeButton4scOsti||S(s!GetCancelButton(self) -> wxButton(R1t$StdDialogButtonSizer_GetCancelButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCancelButton5scOsti||S(sGetHelpButton(self) -> wxButton(R1t"StdDialogButtonSizer_GetHelpButton(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetHelpButton5ss5See `GetAffirmativeButton` and `SetAffirmativeButton`sSee `GetApplyButton`s+See `GetCancelButton` and `SetCancelButton`sSee `GetHelpButton`s/See `GetNegativeButton` and `SetNegativeButton`(RRR)R9RRRR0R R R R R R R R! R# R% tAffirmativeButtont ApplyButtont CancelButtont HelpButtontNegativeButton(((s wx\_core.pycR 4s&         t GBPositioncBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZeiedZdZdZdZdZdZdZeZdZee eZee eZ RS(sc This class represents the position of an item in a virtual grid of rows and columns managed by a `wx.GridBagSizer`. wxPython has typemaps that will automatically convert from a 2-element sequence of integers to a wx.GBPosition, so you can use the more pythonic representation of the position nearly transparently in Python code. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-5scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-5sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int row=0, int col=0) -> GBPosition This class represents the position of an item in a virtual grid of rows and columns managed by a `wx.GridBagSizer`. wxPython has typemaps that will automatically convert from a 2-element sequence of integers to a wx.GBPosition, so you can use the more pythonic representation of the position nearly transparently in Python code. N(R1tGBPosition_swiginittnew_GBPosition(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR05s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-'5scOsti||S(sGetRow(self) -> int(R1tGBPosition_GetRow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRow(5scOsti||S(sGetCol(self) -> int(R1tGBPosition_GetCol(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetCol,5scOsti||S(sSetRow(self, int row)(R1tGBPosition_SetRow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRow05scOsti||S(sSetCol(self, int col)(R1tGBPosition_SetCol(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetCol45scOsti||S(s` __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Compare GBPosition for equality. (R1tGBPosition___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR?85scOsti||S(sb __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Compare GBPosition for inequality. (R1tGBPosition___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRA@5scOsti||S(sSet(self, int row=0, int col=0)(R1tGBPosition_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQH5scOsti||S(sGet(self) -> PyObject(R1tGBPosition_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_L5ss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|iS(N(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRaQ5scCsdt|iS(Ns wx.GBPosition(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRR5scCst|iS(N(RbR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRcS5scCs|i|S(N(R_(R Rd((s wx\_core.pycReT5scCsF|djo|i|n%|djo|i|ntdS(Nii(R3 R5 Rh(R RdRi((s wx\_core.pycRjU5s   cCs|idjS(Ni(ii(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRkY5scCsti|ifS(N(RlR+ R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRm[5s(!RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_GBPositionRtRuR/ R1 R3 R5 R?RARQR_RlR*RvRaRcReRjRkRwRxRmtrowtcol(((s wx\_core.pycR+ 5s2                 tGBSpancBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZeiedZdZdZdZdZdZdZeZdZee eZee eZ RS(sK This class is used to hold the row and column spanning attributes of items in a `wx.GridBagSizer`. wxPython has typemaps that will automatically convert from a 2-element sequence of integers to a wx.GBSpan, so you can use the more pythonic representation of the span nearly transparently in Python code. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-k5scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-k5sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int rowspan=1, int colspan=1) -> GBSpan Construct a new wxGBSpan, optionally setting the rowspan and colspan. The default is (1,1). (Meaning that the item occupies one cell in each direction. N(R1tGBSpan_swiginitt new_GBSpan(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0m5scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-w5scOsti||S(sGetRowspan(self) -> int(R1tGBSpan_GetRowspan(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetRowspanx5scOsti||S(sGetColspan(self) -> int(R1tGBSpan_GetColspan(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetColspan|5scOsti||S(sSetRowspan(self, int rowspan)(R1tGBSpan_SetRowspan(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetRowspan5scOsti||S(sSetColspan(self, int colspan)(R1tGBSpan_SetColspan(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetColspan5scOsti||S(s^ __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Compare wxGBSpan for equality. (R1t GBSpan___eq__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR?5scOsti||S(s^ __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Compare GBSpan for inequality. (R1t GBSpan___ne__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRA5scOsti||S(s'Set(self, int rowspan=1, int colspan=1)(R1t GBSpan_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQ5scOsti||S(sGet(self) -> PyObject(R1t GBSpan_Get(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_5ss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|iS(N(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRa5scCsdt|iS(Ns wx.GBSpan(R`R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycR5scCst|iS(N(RbR_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRc5scCs|i|S(N(R_(R Rd((s wx\_core.pycRe5scCsF|djo|i|n%|djo|i|ntdS(Nii(RE RG Rh(R RdRi((s wx\_core.pycRj5s   cCs|idjS(Ni(ii(R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRk5scCsti|ifS(N(RlR= R_(R ((s wx\_core.pycRm5s(!RRR)R9RRRR0R1t delete_GBSpanRtRuRA RC RE RG R?RARQR_RlR*RvRaRcReRjRkRwRxRmtrowspantcolspan(((s wx\_core.pycR= b5s2                 t GBSizerItemcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZeeddZeeeddZee eddZeeeddZRS(s The wx.GBSizerItem class is used to track the additional data about items in a `wx.GridBagSizer` such as the item's position in the grid and how many rows or columns it spans. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-5scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-5sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> GBSizerItem Constructs an empty wx.GBSizerItem. Either a window, sizer or spacer size will need to be set, as well as a position and span before this item can be used in a Sizer. You will probably never need to create a wx.GBSizerItem directly as they are created automatically when the sizer's Add method is called. N(R1tGBSizerItem_swiginittnew_GBSizerItem(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR05s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-5scOsti||S(sW GetPos(self) -> GBPosition Get the grid position of the item (R1tGBSizerItem_GetPos(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetPos5scCs|iiS(N(RS R_(R ((s wx\_core.pyct GetPosTuple5scOsti||S(s^ GetSpan(self) -> GBSpan Get the row and column spanning of the item (R1tGBSizerItem_GetSpan(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetSpan5scCs|iiS(N(RV R_(R ((s wx\_core.pyct GetSpanTuple5scOsti||S(sa SetPos(self, GBPosition pos) -> bool If the item is already a member of a sizer then first ensure that there is no other item that would intersect with this one at the new position, then set the new position. Returns True if the change is successful and after the next Layout() the item will be moved. (R1tGBSizerItem_SetPos(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetPos5s cOsti||S(si SetSpan(self, GBSpan span) -> bool If the item is already a member of a sizer then first ensure that there is no other item that would intersect with this one with its new spanning size, then set the new spanning. Returns True if the change is successful and after the next Layout() the item will be resized. (R1tGBSizerItem_SetSpan(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetSpan5s cOsti||S(s Intersects(self, GBSizerItem other) -> bool Returns True if this item and the other item instersect. (R1tGBSizerItem_Intersects(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR5scOsti||S(s IntersectsPos(self, GBPosition pos, GBSpan span) -> bool Returns True if the given pos/span would intersect with this item. (R1tGBSizerItem_IntersectsPos(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct IntersectsPos5scOsti||S(sm GetEndPos(self) -> GBPosition Get the row and column of the endpoint of this item. (R1tGBSizerItem_GetEndPos(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetEndPos6scOsti||S(sc GetGBSizer(self) -> GridBagSizer Get the sizer this item is a member of. (R1tGBSizerItem_GetGBSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetGBSizer 6scOsti||S(sg SetGBSizer(self, GridBagSizer sizer) Set the sizer this item is a member of. (R1tGBSizerItem_SetGBSizer(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetGBSizer6ssSee `GetEndPos`s!See `GetGBSizer` and `SetGBSizer`sSee `GetPos` and `SetPos`sSee `GetSpan` and `SetSpan`(RRR)R9RRRR0R1tdelete_GBSizerItemRtRuRS RT RV RW RY R[ RR^ R` Rb Rd tEndPostGBSizertPostSpan(((s wx\_core.pycRO 5s*           cOsti||}|S(s GBSizerItemWindow(Window window, GBPosition pos, GBSpan span, int flag, int border, PyObject userData=None) -> GBSizerItem Construct a `wx.GBSizerItem` for a window. (R1tnew_GBSizerItemWindow(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctGBSizerItemWindow!6scOsti||}|S(s GBSizerItemSizer(Sizer sizer, GBPosition pos, GBSpan span, int flag, int border, PyObject userData=None) -> GBSizerItem Construct a `wx.GBSizerItem` for a sizer (R1tnew_GBSizerItemSizer(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctGBSizerItemSizer+6scOsti||}|S(s GBSizerItemSpacer(int width, int height, GBPosition pos, GBSpan span, int flag, int border, PyObject userData=None) -> GBSizerItem Construct a `wx.GBSizerItem` for a spacer. (R1tnew_GBSizerItemSpacer(R$R%Ri((s wx\_core.pyctGBSizerItemSpacer56stGBSizerItemList_iteratorcBsSeZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ RS(s@This class serves as an iterator for a wxGBSizerItemList object.cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-A6scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-A6sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0B6scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-E6scOsti||S(snext(self) -> GBSizerItem(R1tGBSizerItemList_iterator_next(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRF6s( RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_GBSizerItemList_iteratorRtRuR(((s wx\_core.pycRp ?6s   tGBSizerItemListcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZRS( s This class wraps a wxList-based class and gives it a Python sequence-like interface. Sequence operations supported are length, index access and iteration. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-R6scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-R6sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0S6scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-V6scOsti||S(s__len__(self) -> size_t(R1tGBSizerItemList___len__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRcW6scOsti||S(s.__getitem__(self, size_t index) -> GBSizerItem(R1tGBSizerItemList___getitem__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRe[6scOsti||S(s+__contains__(self, GBSizerItem obj) -> bool(R1tGBSizerItemList___contains__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR_6scOsti||S(s*__iter__(self) -> GBSizerItemList_iterator(R1tGBSizerItemList___iter__(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRc6scOsti||S(s#index(self, GBSizerItem obj) -> int(R1tGBSizerItemList_index(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRdg6scCsdtt|S(NswxGBSizerItemList: (RR(R ((s wx\_core.pycRk6s(RRR)R9RR0RRR1tdelete_GBSizerItemListRtRuRcReRRRd(((s wx\_core.pycRs L6s        t GridBagSizercBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s A `wx.Sizer` that can lay out items in a virtual grid like a `wx.FlexGridSizer` but in this case explicit positioning of the items is allowed using `wx.GBPosition`, and items can optionally span more than one row and/or column using `wx.GBSpan`. The total size of the virtual grid is determined by the largest row and column that items are positioned at, adjusted for spanning. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-z6scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-z6sR/sThe membership flagcOs-ti|ti|||i|dS(s __init__(self, int vgap=0, int hgap=0) -> GridBagSizer Constructor, with optional parameters to specify the gap between the rows and columns. N(R1tGridBagSizer_swiginittnew_GridBagSizerRh(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR0|6scOsti||S(s Add(self, item, GBPosition pos, GBSpan span=DefaultSpan, int flag=0, int border=0, userData=None) -> wx.GBSizerItem Adds an item to the sizer at the grid cell *pos*, optionally spanning more than one row or column as specified with *span*. The remaining args behave similarly to `wx.Sizer.Add`. Returns True if the item was successfully placed at the given cell position, False if something was already there. (R1tGridBagSizer_Add(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR| 6s cOsti||S(s Add(self, GBSizerItem item) -> wx.GBSizerItem Add an item to the sizer using a `wx.GBSizerItem`. Returns True if the item was successfully placed at its given cell position, False if something was already there. (R1tGridBagSizer_AddItem(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR 6scOsti||S(s GetCellSize(self, int row, int col) -> Size Get the size of the specified cell, including hgap and vgap. Only valid after a Layout. (R1tGridBagSizer_GetCellSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetCellSize6scOsti||S(so GetEmptyCellSize(self) -> Size Get the size used for cells in the grid with no item. (R1tGridBagSizer_GetEmptyCellSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetEmptyCellSize6scOsti||S(sp SetEmptyCellSize(self, Size sz) Set the size used for cells in the grid with no item. (R1tGridBagSizer_SetEmptyCellSize(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetEmptyCellSize6scGs ti|S(s GetItemPosition(self, item) -> GBPosition Get the grid position of the specified *item* where *item* is either a window or subsizer that is a member of this sizer, or a zero-based index of an item. (R1tGridBagSizer_GetItemPosition(R$((s wx\_core.pyctGetItemPosition6scGs ti|S(st SetItemPosition(self, item, GBPosition pos) -> bool Set the grid position of the specified *item* where *item* is either a window or subsizer that is a member of this sizer, or a zero-based index of an item. Returns True on success. If the move is not allowed (because an item is already there) then False is returned. (R1tGridBagSizer_SetItemPosition(R$((s wx\_core.pyctSetItemPosition6s cGs ti|S(s GetItemSpan(self, item) -> GBSpan Get the row/col spanning of the specified *item* where *item* is either a window or subsizer that is a member of this sizer, or a zero-based index of an item. (R1tGridBagSizer_GetItemSpan(R$((s wx\_core.pyct GetItemSpan6scGs ti|S(so SetItemSpan(self, item, GBSpan span) -> bool Set the row/col spanning of the specified *item* where *item* is either a window or subsizer that is a member of this sizer, or a zero-based index of an item. Returns True on success. If the move is not allowed (because an item is already there) then False is returned. (R1tGridBagSizer_SetItemSpan(R$((s wx\_core.pyct SetItemSpan6s cGs ti|S(s FindItem(self, item) -> GBSizerItem Find the sizer item for the given window or subsizer, returns None if not found. (non-recursive) (R1tGridBagSizer_FindItem(R$((s wx\_core.pycR 6scCscd}tii||}|pdSnt|tj o|i|}n|o|Sn|S(N(R RlR R RR R (R ROtgbsitsi((s wx\_core.pycR 6scOsti||S(s FindItemAtPosition(self, GBPosition pos) -> GBSizerItem Return the sizer item for the given grid cell, or None if there is no item at that position. (non-recursive) (R1tGridBagSizer_FindItemAtPosition(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindItemAtPosition6scOsti||S(sA FindItemAtPoint(self, Point pt) -> GBSizerItem Return the sizer item located at the point given in *pt*, or None if there is no item at that point. The (x,y) coordinates in pt correspond to the client coordinates of the window using the sizer for layout. (non-recursive) (R1tGridBagSizer_FindItemAtPoint(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctFindItemAtPoint6s cOsti||S(s GetChildren(self) -> GBSizerItemList Returns all of the `wx.GBSizerItem` objects managed by the sizer in a list-like object. (R1tGridBagSizer_GetChildren(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRz 7scOsti||S(s CheckForIntersection(self, GBSizerItem item, GBSizerItem excludeItem=None) -> bool Look at all items and see if any intersect (or would overlap) the given *item*. Returns True if so, False if there would be no overlap. If an *excludeItem* is given then it will not be checked for intersection, for example it may be the item we are checking the position of. (R1t!GridBagSizer_CheckForIntersection(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCheckForIntersection7s cOsti||S(s CheckForIntersectionPos(self, GBPosition pos, GBSpan span, GBSizerItem excludeItem=None) -> bool Look at all items and see if any intersect (or would overlap) the given position and span. Returns True if so, False if there would be no overlap. If an *excludeItem* is given then it will not be checked for intersection, for example it may be the item we are checking the position of. (R1t$GridBagSizer_CheckForIntersectionPos(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctCheckForIntersectionPos 7s (RRR)R9RRRR0R| R R R R R R R R R R R R RzR R (((s wx\_core.pycRz p6s(     tIndividualLayoutConstraintcBseZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!eeedd Z"eeedd!Z#eedd"Z$eedd#Z%eedd$Z&eedd%Z'eeedd&Z(eeedd'Z)RS((sf Objects of this class are stored in the `wx.LayoutConstraints` class as one of eight possible constraints that a window can be involved in. You will never need to create an instance of wx.IndividualLayoutConstraint, rather you should create a `wx.LayoutConstraints` instance and use the individual contstraints that it contains. cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-L7scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-L7sR/sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR0M7scOsti||S(s Set(self, int rel, Window otherW, int otherE, int val=0, int marg=wxLAYOUT_DEFAULT_MARGIN) Sets the properties of the constraint. Normally called by one of the convenience functions such as Above, RightOf, SameAs. (R1tIndividualLayoutConstraint_Set(R$R%((s wx\_core.pycRQO7scOsti||S(s LeftOf(self, Window sibling, int marg=0) Constrains this edge to be to the left of the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the left edge of the other window. (R1t!IndividualLayoutConstraint_LeftOf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctLeftOfX7scOsti||S(s RightOf(self, Window sibling, int marg=0) Constrains this edge to be to the right of the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the right edge of the other window. (R1t"IndividualLayoutConstraint_RightOf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctRightOfb7scOsti||S(s Above(self, Window sibling, int marg=0) Constrains this edge to be above the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the top edge of the other window. (R1t IndividualLayoutConstraint_Above(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAbovel7scOsti||S(s Below(self, Window sibling, int marg=0) Constrains this edge to be below the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the bottom edge of the other window. (R1t IndividualLayoutConstraint_Below(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctBelowv7scOsti||S(s SameAs(self, Window otherW, int edge, int marg=0) Constrains this edge or dimension to be to the same as the edge of the given window, with an optional margin. (R1t!IndividualLayoutConstraint_SameAs(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSameAs7scOsti||S(s PercentOf(self, Window otherW, int wh, int per) Constrains this edge or dimension to be to a percentage of the given window, with an optional margin. (R1t$IndividualLayoutConstraint_PercentOf(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct PercentOf7scOsti||S(st Absolute(self, int val) Constrains this edge or dimension to be the given absolute value. (R1t#IndividualLayoutConstraint_Absolute(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAbsolute7scOsti||S(s Unconstrained(self) Sets this edge or dimension to be unconstrained, that is, dependent on other edges and dimensions from which this value can be deduced. (R1t(IndividualLayoutConstraint_Unconstrained(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct Unconstrained7scOsti||S(s AsIs(self) Sets this edge or constraint to be whatever the window's value is at the moment. If either of the width and height constraints are *as is*, the window will not be resized, but moved instead. This is important when considering panel items which are intended to have a default size, such as a button, which may take its size from the size of the button label. (R1tIndividualLayoutConstraint_AsIs(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctAsIs7s cOsti||S(sGetOtherWindow(self) -> Window(R1t)IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherWindow(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetOtherWindow7scOsti||S(sGetMyEdge(self) -> int(R1t$IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMyEdge(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMyEdge7scOsti||S(sSetEdge(self, int which)(R1t"IndividualLayoutConstraint_SetEdge(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetEdge7scOsti||S(sSetValue(self, int v)(R1t#IndividualLayoutConstraint_SetValue(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetValue7scOsti||S(sGetMargin(self) -> int(R1t$IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMargin(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetMargin7scOsti||S(sSetMargin(self, int m)(R1t$IndividualLayoutConstraint_SetMargin(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct SetMargin7scOsti||S(sGetValue(self) -> int(R1t#IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetValue(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetValue7scOsti||S(sGetPercent(self) -> int(R1t%IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetPercent(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetPercent7scOsti||S(sGetOtherEdge(self) -> int(R1t'IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherEdge(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct GetOtherEdge7scOsti||S(sGetDone(self) -> bool(R1t"IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetDone(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetDone7scOsti||S(sSetDone(self, bool d)(R1t"IndividualLayoutConstraint_SetDone(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetDone7scOsti||S(sGetRelationship(self) -> int(R1t*IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetRelationship(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetRelationship7scOsti||S(sSetRelationship(self, int r)(R1t*IndividualLayoutConstraint_SetRelationship(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSetRelationship7scOsti||S(sk ResetIfWin(self, Window otherW) -> bool Reset constraint if it mentions otherWin (R1t%IndividualLayoutConstraint_ResetIfWin(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct ResetIfWin7scOsti||S(s SatisfyConstraint(self, LayoutConstraints constraints, Window win) -> bool Try to satisfy constraint (R1t,IndividualLayoutConstraint_SatisfyConstraint(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSatisfyConstraint7scOsti||S(s GetEdge(self, int which, Window thisWin, Window other) -> int Get the value of this edge or dimension, or if this is not determinable, -1. (R1t"IndividualLayoutConstraint_GetEdge(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctGetEdge7ssSee `GetDone` and `SetDone`sSee `GetMargin` and `SetMargin`sSee `GetMyEdge`sSee `GetOtherEdge`sSee `GetOtherWindow`sSee `GetPercent`s+See `GetRelationship` and `SetRelationship`sSee `GetValue` and `SetValue`(*RRR)R9RR0RRRQR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R tDonetMargintMyEdget OtherEdget OtherWindowtPercentt RelationshiptValue(((s wx\_core.pycR C7sL                  tLayoutConstraintscBseZdZeddddZeZeeiZ eei Z eei Z eeiZeeiZeeiZeeiZeeiZdZeiZdZdZdZRS( s **Note:** constraints are now deprecated and you should use sizers instead. Objects of this class can be associated with a window to define its layout constraints, with respect to siblings or its parent. The class consists of the following eight constraints of class wx.IndividualLayoutConstraint, some or all of which should be accessed directly to set the appropriate constraints. * left: represents the left hand edge of the window * right: represents the right hand edge of the window * top: represents the top edge of the window * bottom: represents the bottom edge of the window * width: represents the width of the window * height: represents the height of the window * centreX: represents the horizontal centre point of the window * centreY: represents the vertical centre point of the window Most constraints are initially set to have the relationship wxUnconstrained, which means that their values should be calculated by looking at known constraints. The exceptions are width and height, which are set to wxAsIs to ensure that if the user does not specify a constraint, the existing width and height will be used, to be compatible with panel items which often have take a default size. If the constraint is ``wx.AsIs``, the dimension will not be changed. :see: `wx.IndividualLayoutConstraint`, `wx.Window.SetConstraints` cCs |iiS((RR(R,((s wx\_core.pycR-'8scCs|ii|S((RR(R,R.((s wx\_core.pycR-'8sR/sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s#__init__(self) -> LayoutConstraintsN(R1tLayoutConstraints_swiginittnew_LayoutConstraints(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR018scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR-58scOsti||S(s;SatisfyConstraints(Window win) -> (areSatisfied, noChanges)(R1t$LayoutConstraints_SatisfyConstraints(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyctSatisfyConstraints68scOsti||S(sAreSatisfied(self) -> bool(R1tLayoutConstraints_AreSatisfied(R$R%((s wx\_core.pyct AreSatisfied:8s(RRR)R9RRRR1tLayoutConstraints_left_getRtLayoutConstraints_top_getRtLayoutConstraints_right_getRtLayoutConstraints_bottom_getRtLayoutConstraints_width_getRftLayoutConstraints_height_getRgtLayoutConstraints_centreX_gettcentreXtLayoutConstraints_centreY_gettcentreYR0tdelete_LayoutConstraintsRtRuR R (((s wx\_core.pycR 8s     cCs| S(N((R((s wx\_core.pyctboolH8stwxGauget wxGauge95twxSlidert wxSlider95t wxStatusBart wxStatusBar95(t*s#wxPython/wxWidgets version mismatchs*wxPython/wxWidgets release number mismatchcCstiodpd}tidjo d}nUtidjo d}n;tidjo$d}d tijo d }qnd }d ti||fS( s1Returns a string containing version and port infotunicodetansiRRtmswRStmacRUtgtktgtk2t?s %s (%s-%s)(Rlt USE_UNICODERVt PlatformInfotVERSION_STRING(tctypetport((s wx\_core.pyctversiona8s  tasciitgetpreferredencodingtPyDeadObjectErrorcBseZRS((RR(((s wx\_core.pycR 8st_wxPyDeadObjectcBs5eZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s Instances of wx objects that are OOR capable will have their __class__ changed to this class when the C++ object is deleted. This should help prevent crashes due to referencing a bogus C++ pointer. sJwxPython wrapper for DELETED %s object! (The C++ object no longer exists.)sSThe C++ part of the %s object has been deleted, attribute access no longer allowed.cCs+t|dp d|_n|i|iS(Nt_names [unknown](R R treprStr(R ((s wx\_core.pycR8s cGs7t|dp d|_nt|i|idS(NR s [unknown](R R R tattrStr(R R$((s wx\_core.pyct __getattr__8s cCsdS(Ni((R ((s wx\_core.pycRk8s(RRR)R R RR Rk(((s wx\_core.pycR 8s   tPyUnbornObjectErrorcBseZRS((RR(((s wx\_core.pycR 8st_wxPyUnbornObjectcBs5eZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(sb Some stock objects are created when the wx._core module is imported, but their C++ instance is not created until the wx.App object is created and initialized. These object instances will temporarily have their __class__ changed to this class so an exception will be raised if they are used before the C++ instance is ready. sLwxPython wrapper for UNBORN object! (The C++ object is not initialized yet.)sSThe C++ part of this object has not been initialized, attribute access not allowed.cCs|iS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR8scGst|idS(N(R R (R R$((s wx\_core.pycR 8scCsdS(Ni((R ((s wx\_core.pycRk8s(RRR)R R RR Rk(((s wx\_core.pycR 8s   cOsti}|dj p tdt|dp/ti|_|idd|idnti}|i |i||_ ||_ ||_ ti ||dS(s) Call the specified function after the current and pending event handlers have been completed. This is also good for making GUI method calls from non-GUI threads. Any extra positional or keyword args are passed on to the callable when it is called. :see: `wx.CallLater` sNo wx.App created yett _CallAfterIdicSs|i|i|iS((R&R$R (R((s wx\_core.pycR-8sN(RlR0R RR RR R|RRR&R$R R.(R&R$R tapptevt((s wx\_core.pycRL8s     t CallLatercBseZdZdZdZd dZeZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ d Z d Zee Zee ZRS( s A convenience class for `wx.Timer`, that calls the given callable object once after the given amount of milliseconds, passing any positional or keyword args. The return value of the callable is availbale after it has been run with the `GetResult` method. If you don't need to get the return value or restart the timer then there is no need to hold a reference to this object. It will hold a reference to itself while the timer is running (the timer has a reference to self.Notify) but the cycle will be broken when the timer completes, automatically cleaning up the wx.CallLater object. :see: `wx.CallAfter` cOs]||_||_|i||d|_t|_t|_d|_d|_ |i dS(Ni( tmillisR&tSetArgstrunCountR4trunningthasRunR tresultttimertStart(R R R&R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR08s       cCs|idS(N(tStop(R ((s wx\_core.pycRu9scOst|_|dj o ||_n|p|o|i||n|iti|i|_ |i i |iti t |_ dS(s% (Re)start the timer N(R4R R R R R RltPyTimertNotifyR R tTIMER_ONE_SHOTRwR (R R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR 9s    cCs.|idj o|iid|_ndS(s- Stop and destroy the timer. N(R R R (R ((s wx\_core.pycR 9s cCs)|idj o|iiSndSdS(Ni(R R t GetInterval(R ((s wx\_core.pycR 9scCs|idj o |iiS(N(R R R(R ((s wx\_core.pycR$9scOs||_||_dS(s (Re)set the args passed to the callable object. This is useful in conjunction with Restart if you want to schedule a new call to the same callable object but with different parameters. N(R$R%(R R$R%((s wx\_core.pycR (9s cCs|iS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pyctHasRun39scCs|iS(N(R (R ((s wx\_core.pyct GetResult69scCs|ioMt|idto7|id7_t|_|i|i|i|_nt|_ |ipt i |i ndS(s= The timer has expired so call the callable. tim_selfiN( R&tgetattrRwR R4R R$R%R R RlRLR (R ((s wx\_core.pycR 99s    N(RRR)R0RuR R tRestartR R RR R R R R9tIntervaltResult(((s wx\_core.pycR 8s       t FutureCallcBseZdZRS(s&A compatibility alias for `CallLater`.(RRR)(((s wx\_core.pycR J9st __DocFiltercBs eZdZdZdZRS(s A filter for epydoc that only allows non-Ptr classes and functions, in order to reduce the clutter in the API docs. cCs ||_dS(N(t_globals(R tglobals((s wx\_core.pycR0Z9scCs#ddk}|ii|d}t|t|i|i|igjotSn|i dp0|i dp |i dp|i dotSn|i ddjop|ii|i ddd}|i dd}t ||o'tt|||ijotSqntS(Nit_tEVTt _swigregistertPtrii(R;R RR Rt ClassTypet FunctionTypetBuiltinFunctionTypeR4t startswithtendswithtfindtsplitR R Rw(R RR;tobjtclstmethname((s wx\_core.pycR]9s (@"/ (RRR)R0R(((s wx\_core.pycR U9s (R1tnewtinstancemethodtnew_instancemethodRRRRR;t ObjectTypeRt _newclassR Rt_wxPySetDictionarytvarstsysR\tmodulesRRlR R*t NOT_FOUNDtVSCROLLtHSCROLLtCAPTIONt DOUBLE_BORDERt SUNKEN_BORDERt RAISED_BORDERtBORDERt SIMPLE_BORDERt STATIC_BORDERtTRANSPARENT_WINDOWt NO_BORDERtDEFAULT_CONTROL_BORDERtDEFAULT_STATUSBAR_STYLEt TAB_TRAVERSALt WANTS_CHARSt POPUP_WINDOWt CENTER_FRAMEtCENTRE_ON_SCREENtCENTER_ON_SCREENt CLIP_CHILDRENt CLIP_SIBLINGStWINDOW_STYLE_MASKtALWAYS_SHOW_SBtRETAINEDt BACKINGSTOREtCOLOUREDt FIXED_LENGTHt LB_NEEDED_SBt LB_ALWAYS_SBtLB_SORTt LB_SINGLEt LB_MULTIPLEt LB_EXTENDEDt LB_OWNERDRAWt LB_HSCROLLt PROCESS_ENTERtPASSWORDt CB_SIMPLEt CB_DROPDOWNtCB_SORTt CB_READONLYt RA_HORIZONTALt RA_VERTICALtRA_SPECIFY_ROWStRA_SPECIFY_COLStRA_USE_CHECKBOXtRB_GROUPt RB_SINGLEt SB_HORIZONTALt SB_VERTICALtRB_USE_CHECKBOXt ST_SIZEGRIPtST_NO_AUTORESIZEtST_DOTS_MIDDLEt ST_DOTS_ENDt FLOOD_SURFACEt FLOOD_BORDERt ODDEVEN_RULEt WINDING_RULEtTOOL_TOPt TOOL_BOTTOMt TOOL_LEFTt TOOL_RIGHTtOKtYES_NOtCANCELtYEStNOt NO_DEFAULTt YES_DEFAULTtICON_EXCLAMATIONt ICON_HANDt ICON_QUESTIONtICON_INFORMATIONt ICON_STOPt ICON_ASTERISKt ICON_MASKt ICON_WARNINGt ICON_ERRORtFORWARDtBACKWARDtRESETtHELPtMOREtSETUPtSIZE_AUTO_WIDTHtSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHTt SIZE_AUTOtSIZE_USE_EXISTINGtSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONEt SIZE_FORCEtPORTRAITt LANDSCAPEtPRINT_QUALITY_HIGHtPRINT_QUALITY_MEDIUMtPRINT_QUALITY_LOWtPRINT_QUALITY_DRAFTRt ID_SEPARATORtID_NONEt ID_LOWESTtID_OPENtID_CLOSEtID_NEWtID_SAVEt ID_SAVEASt ID_REVERTtID_EXITtID_UNDOtID_REDOtID_HELPtID_PRINTtID_PRINT_SETUPt ID_PAGE_SETUPt ID_PREVIEWtID_ABOUTtID_HELP_CONTENTStID_HELP_COMMANDStID_HELP_PROCEDUREStID_HELP_CONTEXTt ID_HELP_INDEXtID_HELP_SEARCHt ID_CLOSE_ALLtID_PREFERENCEStID_EDITtID_CUTtID_COPYtID_PASTEtID_CLEARtID_FINDt ID_DUPLICATEt ID_SELECTALLt ID_DELETEt ID_REPLACEtID_REPLACE_ALLt ID_PROPERTIEStID_VIEW_DETAILStID_VIEW_LARGEICONStID_VIEW_SMALLICONSt ID_VIEW_LISTtID_VIEW_SORTDATEtID_VIEW_SORTNAMEtID_VIEW_SORTSIZEtID_VIEW_SORTTYPEtID_FILEtID_FILE1tID_FILE2tID_FILE3tID_FILE4tID_FILE5tID_FILE6tID_FILE7tID_FILE8tID_FILE9tID_OKt ID_CANCELtID_APPLYtID_YEStID_NOt ID_STATICt ID_FORWARDt ID_BACKWARDt ID_DEFAULTtID_MOREtID_SETUPtID_RESETtID_CONTEXT_HELPt ID_YESTOALLt ID_NOTOALLtID_ABORTtID_RETRYt ID_IGNOREtID_ADDt ID_REMOVEtID_UPtID_DOWNtID_HOMEt ID_REFRESHtID_STOPtID_INDEXtID_BOLDt ID_ITALICtID_JUSTIFY_CENTERtID_JUSTIFY_FILLtID_JUSTIFY_RIGHTtID_JUSTIFY_LEFTt ID_UNDERLINEt ID_INDENTt ID_UNINDENTt ID_ZOOM_100t ID_ZOOM_FITt ID_ZOOM_INt ID_ZOOM_OUTt ID_UNDELETEtID_REVERT_TO_SAVEDt ID_HIGHESTt MENU_TEAROFFt MB_DOCKABLEtNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZEtFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZEt LI_HORIZONTALt LI_VERTICALtWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELYtWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTStWS_EX_TRANSIENTtWS_EX_THEMED_BACKGROUNDtWS_EX_PROCESS_IDLEtWS_EX_PROCESS_UI_UPDATEStMM_TEXTt MM_LOMETRICt MM_HIMETRICt MM_LOENGLISHt MM_HIENGLISHtMM_TWIPSt MM_ISOTROPICtMM_ANISOTROPICt MM_POINTSt 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AND_REVERSEtCOPYtANDt AND_INVERTtNO_OPtNORtEQUIVt SRC_INVERTt OR_INVERTtNANDtORtSETtWXK_BACKtWXK_TABt WXK_RETURNt WXK_ESCAPEt WXK_SPACEt WXK_DELETEt WXK_STARTt WXK_LBUTTONt WXK_RBUTTONt WXK_CANCELt WXK_MBUTTONt WXK_CLEARt WXK_SHIFTtWXK_ALTt WXK_CONTROLtWXK_MENUt WXK_PAUSEt WXK_CAPITALt WXK_PRIORtWXK_NEXTtWXK_ENDtWXK_HOMEtWXK_LEFTtWXK_UPt WXK_RIGHTtWXK_DOWNt WXK_SELECTt WXK_PRINTt WXK_EXECUTEt WXK_SNAPSHOTt WXK_INSERTtWXK_HELPt WXK_NUMPAD0t WXK_NUMPAD1t WXK_NUMPAD2t WXK_NUMPAD3t WXK_NUMPAD4t WXK_NUMPAD5t WXK_NUMPAD6t WXK_NUMPAD7t WXK_NUMPAD8t WXK_NUMPAD9t WXK_MULTIPLYtWXK_ADDt WXK_SEPARATORt WXK_SUBTRACTt WXK_DECIMALt WXK_DIVIDEtWXK_F1tWXK_F2tWXK_F3tWXK_F4tWXK_F5tWXK_F6tWXK_F7tWXK_F8tWXK_F9tWXK_F10tWXK_F11tWXK_F12tWXK_F13tWXK_F14tWXK_F15tWXK_F16tWXK_F17tWXK_F18tWXK_F19tWXK_F20tWXK_F21tWXK_F22tWXK_F23tWXK_F24t WXK_NUMLOCKt WXK_SCROLLt WXK_PAGEUPt WXK_PAGEDOWNtWXK_NUMPAD_SPACEtWXK_NUMPAD_TABtWXK_NUMPAD_ENTERt WXK_NUMPAD_F1t WXK_NUMPAD_F2t WXK_NUMPAD_F3t 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PAPER_PENV_10tPAPER_P16K_ROTATEDtPAPER_P32K_ROTATEDtPAPER_P32KBIG_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_1_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_2_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_3_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_4_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_5_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_6_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_7_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_8_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_9_ROTATEDtPAPER_PENV_10_ROTATEDtDUPLEX_SIMPLEXtDUPLEX_HORIZONTALtDUPLEX_VERTICALtITEM_SEPARATORt ITEM_NORMALt ITEM_CHECKt ITEM_RADIOtITEM_MAXt HT_NOWHEREtHT_SCROLLBAR_FIRSTtHT_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_LINE_1tHT_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_LINE_2tHT_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_PAGE_1tHT_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_PAGE_2tHT_SCROLLBAR_THUMBtHT_SCROLLBAR_BAR_1tHT_SCROLLBAR_BAR_2tHT_SCROLLBAR_LASTtHT_WINDOW_OUTSIDEtHT_WINDOW_INSIDEtHT_WINDOW_VERT_SCROLLBARtHT_WINDOW_HORZ_SCROLLBARtHT_WINDOW_CORNERtHT_MAXtMOD_NONEtMOD_ALTt MOD_CONTROLt MOD_ALTGRt MOD_SHIFTtMOD_METAtMOD_WINtMOD_CMDtMOD_ALLtUPDATE_UI_NONEtUPDATE_UI_RECURSEtUPDATE_UI_FROMIDLEt NOTIFY_NONEt NOTIFY_ONCEt NOTIFY_REPEATtLayout_DefaulttLayout_LeftToRighttLayout_RightToLefttobjectR+tObject_swigregistertcvart EmptyStringtBITMAP_TYPE_INVALIDtBITMAP_TYPE_BMPtBITMAP_TYPE_ICOtBITMAP_TYPE_CURtBITMAP_TYPE_XBMtBITMAP_TYPE_XBM_DATAtBITMAP_TYPE_XPMtBITMAP_TYPE_XPM_DATAtBITMAP_TYPE_TIFtBITMAP_TYPE_GIFtBITMAP_TYPE_PNGtBITMAP_TYPE_JPEGtBITMAP_TYPE_PNMtBITMAP_TYPE_PCXtBITMAP_TYPE_PICTtBITMAP_TYPE_ICONtBITMAP_TYPE_ANItBITMAP_TYPE_IFFtBITMAP_TYPE_TGAtBITMAP_TYPE_MACCURSORtBITMAP_TYPE_ANYt CURSOR_NONEt CURSOR_ARROWtCURSOR_RIGHT_ARROWtCURSOR_BULLSEYEt CURSOR_CHARt CURSOR_CROSSt CURSOR_HANDt CURSOR_IBEAMtCURSOR_LEFT_BUTTONtCURSOR_MAGNIFIERtCURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTONtCURSOR_NO_ENTRYtCURSOR_PAINT_BRUSHt CURSOR_PENCILtCURSOR_POINT_LEFTtCURSOR_POINT_RIGHTtCURSOR_QUESTION_ARROWtCURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTONtCURSOR_SIZENESWt CURSOR_SIZENStCURSOR_SIZENWSEt CURSOR_SIZEWEt CURSOR_SIZINGtCURSOR_SPRAYCANt CURSOR_WAITt CURSOR_WATCHt CURSOR_BLANKtCURSOR_DEFAULTtCURSOR_COPY_ARROWtCURSOR_ARROWWAITt 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