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In wxPython there are typemaps that will automatically convert from a colour name, from a '#RRGGBB' colour hex value string, or from a 3 or 4 integer tuple to a wx.Colour object when calling C++ methods that expect a wxColour. This means that the following are all equivallent:: win.SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(0,0,255)) win.SetBackgroundColour('BLUE') win.SetBackgroundColour('#0000FF') win.SetBackgroundColour((0,0,255)) Additional colour names and their coresponding values can be added using `wx.ColourDatabase`. Various system colours (as set in the user's system preferences) can be retrieved with `wx.SystemSettings.GetColour`. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"gscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"gsR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, byte red=0, byte green=0, byte blue=0, byte alpha=ALPHA_OPAQUE) -> Colour Constructs a colour from red, green, blue and alpha values. :see: Alternate constructors `wx.NamedColour` and `wx.ColourRGB`. N(R%tColour_swiginitt new_Colour(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*is cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"tscOsti||S(sG Red(self) -> byte Returns the red intensity. (R%t Colour_Red(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctReduscOsti||S(sK Green(self) -> byte Returns the green intensity. (R%t Colour_Green(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGreen}scOsti||S(sI Blue(self) -> byte Returns the blue intensity. (R%t Colour_Blue(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctBluescOsti||S(sG Alpha(self) -> byte Returns the Alpha value. (R%t Colour_Alpha(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAlphascOsti||S(s IsOk(self) -> bool Returns True if the colour object is valid (the colour has been initialised with RGB values). (R%t Colour_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsOkscOsti||S(s} Set(self, byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha=ALPHA_OPAQUE) Sets the RGB intensity values. (R%t Colour_Set(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetscOsti||S(st SetRGB(self, unsigned long colRGB) Sets the RGB intensity values from a packed RGB value. (R%t Colour_SetRGB(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetRGBscOsti||S(s SetFromName(self, String colourName) Sets the RGB intensity values using a colour name listed in ``wx.TheColourDatabase``. (R%tColour_SetFromName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetFromNamescOsti||S(s GetAsString(self, long flags=wxC2S_NAME|wxC2S_CSS_SYNTAX) -> String Return the colour as a string. Acceptable flags are: =================== ================================== wx.C2S_NAME return colour name, when possible wx.C2S_CSS_SYNTAX return colour in rgb(r,g,b) syntax wx.C2S_HTML_SYNTAX return colour in #rrggbb syntax =================== ================================== (R%tColour_GetAsString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetAsStrings cOsti||S(s GetPixel(self) -> long Returns a pixel value which is platform-dependent. On Windows, a COLORREF is returned. On X, an allocated pixel value is returned. -1 is returned if the pixel is invalid (on X, unallocated). (R%tColour_GetPixel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetPixelscOsti||S(s] __eq__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Compare colours for equality. (R%t Colour___eq__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct__eq__scOsti||S(s_ __ne__(self, PyObject other) -> bool Compare colours for inequality. (R%t Colour___ne__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct__ne__scOsti||S(s Get(self, bool includeAlpha=False) -> (r,g,b) or (r,g,b,a) Returns the RGB intensity values as a tuple, optionally the alpha value as well. (R%t Colour_Get(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetscOsti||S(s` GetRGB(self) -> unsigned long Return the colour as a packed RGB value (R%t Colour_GetRGB(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetRGBss(asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` insteadcCst|itS(N(tstrRNtTrue(R ((s wx\_gdi.pyct__str__scCsdt|itS(Ns wx.Colour(RQRNRR(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRscCst|iS(N(tlenRN(R ((s wx\_gdi.pyct__len__scCs|i|S(N(RN(R tindex((s wx\_gdi.pyct __getitem__scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pyct __nonzero__scCst|itfS(N(R2RNRR(R ((s wx\_gdi.pyct __reduce__ssSee `GetPixel`sSee `GetRGB` and `SetRGB`('RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_ColourR0R1R6R8R:R<R>tOkR@RBRDRFRHRJRLRNRPtwxt _deprecatedtasTupleRSRURWRXRRt__safe_for_unpickling__RYtPixeltRGB(((s wx\_gdi.pycR2Ps>                    cOsti||}|S(s NamedColour(String colorName) -> Colour Constructs a colour object using a colour name listed in ``wx.TheColourDatabase``. (R%tnew_NamedColour(R(R)tval((s wx\_gdi.pyct NamedColourscOsti||}|S(se ColourRGB(unsigned long colRGB) -> Colour Constructs a colour from a packed RGB value. (R%t new_ColourRGB(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyct ColourRGBstPalettecBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd ZeZd Zeedd ZRS( sProxy of C++ Palette classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sL__init__(self, wxArrayInt red, wxArrayInt green, wxArrayInt blue) -> PaletteN(R%tPalette_swiginitt new_Palette(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s6GetPixel(self, byte red, byte green, byte blue) -> int(R%tPalette_GetPixel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRHscOsti||S(s+GetRGB(self, int pixel) -> (success, R,G,B)(R%tPalette_GetRGB(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRP!scOsti||S(sGetColoursCount(self) -> int(R%tPalette_GetColoursCount(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetColoursCount%scOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%t Palette_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>)scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRX.ssSee `GetColoursCount`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_PaletteR0R1RHRPRmR>R[RXt ColoursCount(((s wx\_gdi.pycRgs        tPencBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZeZd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeddZdZdZeeeddZdZ dZ!dZ"ee eddZ#ee eddZ$eeedd Z%eeedd!Z&eeedd"Z'eeedd#Z(RS($sProxy of C++ Pen classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"6scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"6sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sB__init__(self, Colour colour, int width=1, int style=SOLID) -> PenN(R%t Pen_swiginittnew_Pen(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*8scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"<scOsti||S(sGetCap(self) -> int(R%t Pen_GetCap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetCap=scOsti||S(sGetColour(self) -> Colour(R%t Pen_GetColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetColourAscOsti||S(sGetJoin(self) -> int(R%t Pen_GetJoin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetJoinEscOsti||S(sGetStyle(self) -> int(R%t Pen_GetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetStyleIscOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R%t Pen_GetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetWidthMscOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%tPen_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>QscOsti||S(sSetCap(self, int cap_style)(R%t Pen_SetCap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetCapVscOsti||S(sSetColour(self, Colour colour)(R%t Pen_SetColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetColourZscOsti||S(sSetJoin(self, int join_style)(R%t Pen_SetJoin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetJoin^scOsti||S(sSetStyle(self, int style)(R%t Pen_SetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetStylebscOsti||S(sSetWidth(self, int width)(R%t Pen_SetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetWidthfscOsti||S(sSetDashes(self, int dashes)(R%t Pen_SetDashes(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetDashesjscOsti||S(sGetDashes(self) -> PyObject(R%t Pen_GetDashes(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetDashesnscOsti||S(s3_SetDashes(self, PyObject _self, PyObject pyDashes)(R%tPen__SetDashes(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct _SetDashesrscCs|i||dS(s@ Associate a list of dash lengths with the Pen. N(R(R tdashes((s wx\_gdi.pycRvscOsti||S(sGetDashCount(self) -> int(R%tPen_GetDashCount(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetDashCount|ssSee `GetDashCount`cOsti||S(sGetStipple(self) -> Bitmap(R%tPen_GetStipple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetStipplescOsti||S(s SetStipple(self, Bitmap stipple)(R%tPen_SetStipple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetStippless!See `GetStipple` and `SetStipple`cOsti||S(s__eq__(self, Pen other) -> bool(R%t Pen___eq__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRJscOsti||S(s__ne__(self, Pen other) -> bool(R%t Pen___ne__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRLscCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXssSee `GetCap` and `SetCap`sSee `GetColour` and `SetColour`sSee `GetDashes` and `SetDashes`sSee `GetJoin` and `SetJoin`sSee `GetStyle` and `SetStyle`sSee `GetWidth` and `SetWidth`()RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_PenR0R1RuRwRyR{R}R>R[RRRRRRRRRt DashCountRRtStippleRJRLRXtCapR2tDashestJointStyletWidth(((s wx\_gdi.pycRq4sH                        tBrushcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZeZdZeee ddZeeeddZeee ddZRS(s A brush is a drawing tool for filling in areas. It is used for painting the background of rectangles, ellipses, etc. when drawing on a `wx.DC`. It has a colour and a style. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Colour colour, int style=SOLID) -> Brush Constructs a brush from a `wx.Colour` object and a style. N(R%tBrush_swiginitt new_Brush(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sS SetColour(self, Colour col) Set the brush's `wx.Colour`. (R%tBrush_SetColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sy SetStyle(self, int style) Sets the style of the brush. See `__init__` for a listing of styles. (R%tBrush_SetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sY SetStipple(self, Bitmap stipple) Sets the stipple `wx.Bitmap`. (R%tBrush_SetStipple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sZ GetColour(self) -> Colour Returns the `wx.Colour` of the brush. (R%tBrush_GetColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRwscOsti||S(s GetStyle(self) -> int Returns the style of the brush. See `__init__` for a listing of styles. (R%tBrush_GetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR{scOsti||S(s GetStipple(self) -> Bitmap Returns the stiple `wx.Bitmap` of the brush. If the brush does not have a wx.STIPPLE style, then the return value may be non-None but an uninitialised bitmap (`wx.Bitmap.Ok` returns False). (R%tBrush_GetStipple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sS IsHatch(self) -> bool Is the current style a hatch type? (R%t Brush_IsHatch(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsHatchscOsti||S(sa IsOk(self) -> bool Returns True if the brush is initialised and valid. (R%t Brush_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXssSee `GetColour` and `SetColour`s!See `GetStipple` and `SetStipple`sSee `GetStyle` and `SetStyle`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_BrushR0R1RRRRwR{RRR>R[RXR2RR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs&          cOsti||}|S(si BrushFromBitmap(Bitmap stippleBitmap) -> Brush Constructs a stippled brush using a bitmap. (R%tnew_BrushFromBitmap(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctBrushFromBitmapstBitmapcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d ZeZd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%d Z&d!Z'd"Z(d#Z)eee dd$Z*eeedd%Z+eeedd&Z,eedd'Z-eee!dd(Z.eedd)Z/eeedd*Z0RS(+s The wx.Bitmap class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent bitmap. It can be either monochrome or colour, and either loaded from a file or created dynamically. A bitmap can be selected into a memory device context (instance of `wx.MemoryDC`). This enables the bitmap to be copied to a window or memory device context using `wx.DC.Blit`, or to be used as a drawing surface. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR" scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR" sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sv __init__(self, String name, int type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) -> Bitmap Loads a bitmap from a file. N(R%tBitmap_swiginitt new_Bitmap(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR* scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sGetHandle(self) -> long(R%tBitmap_GetHandle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetHandlescOsti||S(sSetHandle(self, long handle)(R%tBitmap_SetHandle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetHandlescOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%t Bitmap_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>scOsti||S(sX GetWidth(self) -> int Gets the width of the bitmap in pixels. (R%tBitmap_GetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR}"scOsti||S(sZ GetHeight(self) -> int Gets the height of the bitmap in pixels. (R%tBitmap_GetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetHeight*scOsti||S(s GetDepth(self) -> int Gets the colour depth of the bitmap. A value of 1 indicates a monochrome bitmap. (R%tBitmap_GetDepth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetDepth2scOsti||S(sL GetSize(self) -> Size Get the size of the bitmap. (R%tBitmap_GetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSize;scOsti||S(s ConvertToImage(self) -> Image Creates a platform-independent image from a platform-dependent bitmap. This preserves mask information so that bitmaps and images can be converted back and forth without loss in that respect. (R%tBitmap_ConvertToImage(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctConvertToImageCscOsti||S(s GetMask(self) -> Mask Gets the associated mask (if any) which may have been loaded from a file or explpicitly set for the bitmap. :see: `SetMask`, `wx.Mask` (R%tBitmap_GetMask(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetMaskMs cOsti||S(sw SetMask(self, Mask mask) Sets the mask for this bitmap. :see: `GetMask`, `wx.Mask` (R%tBitmap_SetMask(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetMaskYs cOsti||S(sv SetMaskColour(self, Colour colour) Create a Mask based on a specified colour in the Bitmap. (R%tBitmap_SetMaskColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetMaskColourdscOsti||S(s GetSubBitmap(self, Rect rect) -> Bitmap Returns a sub-bitmap of the current one as long as the rect belongs entirely to the bitmap. This function preserves bit depth and mask information. (R%tBitmap_GetSubBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetSubBitmaplscOsti||S(s SaveFile(self, String name, int type, Palette palette=None) -> bool Saves a bitmap in the named file. See `__init__` for a description of the ``type`` parameter. (R%tBitmap_SaveFile(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSaveFilevscOsti||S(s LoadFile(self, String name, int type) -> bool Loads a bitmap from a file. See `__init__` for a description of the ``type`` parameter. (R%tBitmap_LoadFile(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctLoadFilescOsti||S(sGetPalette(self) -> Palette(R%tBitmap_GetPalette(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetPalettescOsti||S(s!SetPalette(self, Palette palette)(R%tBitmap_SetPalette(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetPalettescOsti||S(s%CopyFromIcon(self, Icon icon) -> bool(R%tBitmap_CopyFromIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CopyFromIconscOsti||S(sz SetHeight(self, int height) Set the height property (does not affect the existing bitmap data). (R%tBitmap_SetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetHeightscOsti||S(sw SetWidth(self, int width) Set the width property (does not affect the existing bitmap data). (R%tBitmap_SetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sw SetDepth(self, int depth) Set the depth property (does not affect the existing bitmap data). (R%tBitmap_SetDepth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetDepthscOsti||S(ss SetSize(self, Size size) Set the bitmap size (does not affect the existing bitmap data). (R%tBitmap_SetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetSizescOsti||S(s+CopyFromCursor(self, Cursor cursor) -> bool(R%tBitmap_CopyFromCursor(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCopyFromCursorscOsti||S(s CopyFromBuffer(self, buffer data) Copy data from a RGB buffer object to replace the bitmap pixel data. See `wx.BitmapFromBuffer` for more . (R%tBitmap_CopyFromBuffer(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCopyFromBufferscOsti||S(s CopyFromBufferRGBA(self, buffer data) Copy data from a RGBA buffer object to replace the bitmap pixel data. See `wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA` for more . (R%tBitmap_CopyFromBufferRGBA(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCopyFromBufferRGBAscOsti||S(sHasAlpha(self) -> bool(R%tBitmap_HasAlpha(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctHasAlphascOsti||S(sUseAlpha(self)(R%tBitmap_UseAlpha(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctUseAlphascCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXscOsti||S(s"__eq__(self, Bitmap other) -> bool(R%t Bitmap___eq__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRJscOsti||S(s"__ne__(self, Bitmap other) -> bool(R%t Bitmap___ne__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRLssSee `GetDepth` and `SetDepth`sSee `GetHeight` and `SetHeight`sSee `GetMask` and `SetMask`sSee `GetPalette`sSee `GetSize` and `SetSize`sSee `GetSubBitmap`sSee `GetWidth` and `SetWidth`(1RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_BitmapR0R1RRR>R[R}RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRXRJRLtDepthtHeighttMaskRgtSizet SubBitmapR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRsV                       cOsti||}|S(s EmptyBitmap(int width, int height, int depth=-1) -> Bitmap Creates a new bitmap of the given size. A depth of -1 indicates the depth of the current screen or visual. Some platforms only support 1 for monochrome and -1 for the current display depth. (R%tnew_EmptyBitmap(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyct EmptyBitmapscOsti||}|S(s_ BitmapFromIcon(Icon icon) -> Bitmap Create a new bitmap from a `wx.Icon` object. (R%tnew_BitmapFromIcon(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctBitmapFromIconscOsti||}|S(s BitmapFromImage(Image image, int depth=-1) -> Bitmap Creates bitmap object from a `wx.Image`. This has to be done to actually display a `wx.Image` as you cannot draw an image directly on a window. The resulting bitmap will use the provided colour depth (or that of the current screen colour depth if depth is -1) which entails that a colour reduction may have to take place. (R%tnew_BitmapFromImage(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctBitmapFromImages cOsti||}|S(s BitmapFromXPMData(PyObject listOfStrings) -> Bitmap Construct a Bitmap from a list of strings formatted as XPM data. (R%tnew_BitmapFromXPMData(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctBitmapFromXPMDatascOsti||}|S(sa BitmapFromBits(PyObject bits, int width, int height, int depth=1) -> Bitmap Creates a bitmap from an array of bits. You should only use this function for monochrome bitmaps (depth 1) in portable programs: in this case the bits parameter should contain an XBM image. For other bit depths, the behaviour is platform dependent. (R%tnew_BitmapFromBits(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctBitmapFromBitss cOsti||S(sR_BitmapFromBufferAlpha(int width, int height, buffer data, buffer alpha) -> Bitmap(R%t_BitmapFromBufferAlpha(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s?_BitmapFromBuffer(int width, int height, buffer data) -> Bitmap(R%t_BitmapFromBuffer(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscCs>|dj oti||||Snti|||SdS(s Creates a `wx.Bitmap` from the data in dataBuffer. The dataBuffer parameter must be a Python object that implements the buffer interface, such as a string, array, etc. The dataBuffer object is expected to contain a series of RGB bytes and be width*height*3 bytes long. A buffer object can optionally be supplied for the image's alpha channel data, and it is expected to be width*height bytes long. On Windows and Mac the RGB values are 'premultiplied' by the alpha values. (The other platforms do the multiplication themselves.) Unlike `wx.ImageFromBuffer` the bitmap created with this function does not share the memory buffer with the buffer object. This is because the native pixel buffer format varies on different platforms, and so instead an efficient as possible copy of the data is made from the buffer objects to the bitmap's native pixel buffer. For direct access to a bitmap's pixel buffer see `wx.NativePixelData` and `wx.AlphaPixelData`. :see: `wx.Bitmap`, `wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA`, `wx.NativePixelData`, `wx.AlphaPixelData`, `wx.ImageFromBuffer` N(R R%RR(twidththeightt dataBuffert alphaBuffer((s wx\_gdi.pyctBitmapFromBuffer"s cOsti||S(sC_BitmapFromBufferRGBA(int width, int height, buffer data) -> Bitmap(R%t_BitmapFromBufferRGBA(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR?scCsti|||S(s Creates a `wx.Bitmap` from the data in dataBuffer. The dataBuffer parameter must be a Python object that implements the buffer interface, such as a string, array, etc. The dataBuffer object is expected to contain a series of RGBA bytes (red, green, blue and alpha) and be width*height*4 bytes long. On Windows and Mac the RGB values are 'premultiplied' by the alpha values. (The other platforms do the multiplication themselves.) Unlike `wx.ImageFromBuffer` the bitmap created with this function does not share the memory buffer with the buffer object. This is because the native pixel buffer format varies on different platforms, and so instead an efficient as possible copy of the data is made from the buffer object to the bitmap's native pixel buffer. For direct access to a bitmap's pixel buffer see `wx.NativePixelData` and `wx.AlphaPixelData`. :see: `wx.Bitmap`, `wx.BitmapFromBuffer`, `wx.NativePixelData`, `wx.AlphaPixelData`, `wx.ImageFromBuffer` (R%R(RRR((s wx\_gdi.pyctBitmapFromBufferRGBABst PixelDataBasecBseZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z ee dd Z eedd Zee dd Zee ddZee ddZRS(s Proxy of C++ PixelDataBase classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"[scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"[sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*\scOsti||S(sGetOrigin(self) -> Point(R%tPixelDataBase_GetOrigin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetOrigin^scOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R%tPixelDataBase_GetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR}bscOsti||S(sGetHeight(self) -> int(R%tPixelDataBase_GetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRfscOsti||S(sGetSize(self) -> Size(R%tPixelDataBase_GetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRjscOsti||S(sGetRowStride(self) -> int(R%tPixelDataBase_GetRowStride(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetRowStridenssSee `GetHeight`sSee `GetOrigin`sSee `GetRowStride`s See `GetSize`sSee `GetWidth`(RRR-R.RR*RRRR}RRRRtOrigint RowStrideRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRYs      tNativePixelDatacBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zee dd ZRS( s"Proxy of C++ NativePixelData classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"{scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"{sR$sThe membership flagcGsti|ti|dS(s __init__(self, Bitmap bmp) -> NativePixelData __init__(self, Bitmap bmp, Rect rect) -> NativePixelData __init__(self, Bitmap bmp, Point pt, Size sz) -> NativePixelData N(R%tNativePixelData_swiginittnew_NativePixelData(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*}scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s+GetPixels(self) -> NativePixelData_Accessor(R%tNativePixelData_GetPixels(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetPixelsscOsti||S(sUseAlpha(self)(R%tNativePixelData_UseAlpha(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s__nonzero__(self) -> bool(R%tNativePixelData___nonzero__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRXsc#s|i}|i}|idtffdY}|}xMt|D]?x#t|D]|ViqoWi|dq\WdS(s Create and return an iterator object for this pixel data object. (It's really a generator but I won't tell if you don't tell.) t PixelFacadecskeZfdZfdZdZfdZefdZefdZRS(cs iS(N(RN(R (tpixels(s wx\_gdi.pycRNscsi||S(N(R@(R R(tkw(R(s wx\_gdi.pycR@scSst|iS(N(RQRN(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRSscsd|ifS(Nspixel(%d,%d): %s(RN(R (tyR!(s wx\_gdi.pycRscsS(((R (R!(s wx\_gdi.pycR"scsS(((R (R(s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRRNR@RSRR.tXtY((RR!R(s wx\_gdi.pycRs  iN(R}RR tobjecttxranget nextPixeltMoveTo(R RRRtpf((RR!Rs wx\_gdi.pyct__iter__s   "   sSee `GetPixels`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_NativePixelDataR0R1R RRXRtPixels(((s wx\_gdi.pycRys       #tNativePixelData_AccessorcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZRS(s+Proxy of C++ NativePixelData_Accessor classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcGsti|ti|dS(s __init__(self, NativePixelData data) -> NativePixelData_Accessor __init__(self, Bitmap bmp, NativePixelData data) -> NativePixelData_Accessor __init__(self) -> NativePixelData_Accessor N(R%t!NativePixelData_Accessor_swiginittnew_NativePixelData_Accessor(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s!Reset(self, NativePixelData data)(R%tNativePixelData_Accessor_Reset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctResetscOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%tNativePixelData_Accessor_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>scOsti||S(snextPixel(self)(R%t"NativePixelData_Accessor_nextPixel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s0Offset(self, NativePixelData data, int x, int y)(R%tNativePixelData_Accessor_Offset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctOffsetscOsti||S(s*OffsetX(self, NativePixelData data, int x)(R%t NativePixelData_Accessor_OffsetX(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctOffsetXscOsti||S(s*OffsetY(self, NativePixelData data, int y)(R%t NativePixelData_Accessor_OffsetY(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctOffsetYscOsti||S(s0MoveTo(self, NativePixelData data, int x, int y)(R%tNativePixelData_Accessor_MoveTo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s*Set(self, byte red, byte green, byte blue)(R%tNativePixelData_Accessor_Set(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR@scOsti||S(sGet(self) -> PyObject(R%tNativePixelData_Accessor_Get(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRNs(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_NativePixelData_AccessorR0R1R!R>RR%R'R)RR@RN(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs           tAlphaPixelDatacBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zee dd ZRS( s!Proxy of C++ AlphaPixelData classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcGs'ti|ti||idS(s __init__(self, Bitmap bmp) -> AlphaPixelData __init__(self, Bitmap bmp, Rect rect) -> AlphaPixelData __init__(self, Bitmap bmp, Point pt, Size sz) -> AlphaPixelData N(R%tAlphaPixelData_swiginittnew_AlphaPixelDataR(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s*GetPixels(self) -> AlphaPixelData_Accessor(R%tAlphaPixelData_GetPixels(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(sUseAlpha(self)(R%tAlphaPixelData_UseAlpha(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s__nonzero__(self) -> bool(R%tAlphaPixelData___nonzero__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRXsc#s|i}|i}|idtffdY}|}xMt|D]?x#t|D]|ViqoWi|dq\WdS(s Create and return an iterator object for this pixel data object. (It's really a generator but I won't tell if you don't tell.) RcskeZfdZfdZdZfdZefdZefdZRS(cs iS(N(RN(R (R(s wx\_gdi.pycRNscsi||S(N(R@(R R(R(R(s wx\_gdi.pycR@scSst|iS(N(RQRN(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRSscsd|ifS(Nspixel(%d,%d): %s(RN(R (RR!(s wx\_gdi.pycRscsS(((R (R!(s wx\_gdi.pycR"scsS(((R (R(s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRRNR@RSRR.RR((RR!R(s wx\_gdi.pycRs  iN(R}RR RRRR(R RRRR((RR!Rs wx\_gdi.pycRs   "   sSee `GetPixels`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_AlphaPixelDataR0R1R RRXRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycR.s      #tAlphaPixelData_AccessorcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZRS(s*Proxy of C++ AlphaPixelData_Accessor classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR".scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR".sR$sThe membership flagcGsti|ti|dS(s __init__(self, AlphaPixelData data) -> AlphaPixelData_Accessor __init__(self, Bitmap bmp, AlphaPixelData data) -> AlphaPixelData_Accessor __init__(self) -> AlphaPixelData_Accessor N(R%t AlphaPixelData_Accessor_swiginittnew_AlphaPixelData_Accessor(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*0scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"8scOsti||S(s Reset(self, AlphaPixelData data)(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_Reset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR!9scOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>=scOsti||S(snextPixel(self)(R%t!AlphaPixelData_Accessor_nextPixel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRAscOsti||S(s/Offset(self, AlphaPixelData data, int x, int y)(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_Offset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR%EscOsti||S(s)OffsetX(self, AlphaPixelData data, int x)(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_OffsetX(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR'IscOsti||S(s)OffsetY(self, AlphaPixelData data, int y)(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_OffsetY(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR)MscOsti||S(s/MoveTo(self, AlphaPixelData data, int x, int y)(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_MoveTo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRQscOsti||S(s6Set(self, byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha)(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_Set(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR@UscOsti||S(sGet(self) -> PyObject(R%tAlphaPixelData_Accessor_Get(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRNYs(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_AlphaPixelData_AccessorR0R1R!R>RR%R'R)RR@RN(((s wx\_gdi.pycR5,s           RcBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s This class encapsulates a monochrome mask bitmap, where the masked area is black and the unmasked area is white. When associated with a bitmap and drawn in a device context, the unmasked area of the bitmap will be drawn, and the masked area will not be drawn. A mask may be associated with a `wx.Bitmap`. It is used in `wx.DC.DrawBitmap` or `wx.DC.Blit` when the source device context is a `wx.MemoryDC` with a `wx.Bitmap` selected into it that contains a mask. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"kscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"ksR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Bitmap bitmap, Colour colour=NullColour) -> Mask Constructs a mask from a `wx.Bitmap` and a `wx.Colour` in that bitmap that indicates the transparent portions of the mask. In other words, the pixels in ``bitmap`` that match ``colour`` will be the transparent portions of the mask. If no ``colour`` or an invalid ``colour`` is passed then BLACK is used. :see: `wx.Bitmap`, `wx.Colour` N(R%t Mask_swiginittnew_Mask(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*ms cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"{s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_MaskR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycR_s   s3wx.MaskColour is deprecated, use `wx.Mask` instead.tIconcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd ZeZd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeeddZeeeddZeeeddZRS(sProxy of C++ Icon classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sX__init__(self, String name, int type, int desiredWidth=-1, int desiredHeight=-1) -> IconN(R%t Icon_swiginittnew_Icon(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s-LoadFile(self, String name, int type) -> bool(R%t Icon_LoadFile(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sGetHandle(self) -> long(R%tIcon_GetHandle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sSetHandle(self, long handle)(R%tIcon_SetHandle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%t Icon_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>scOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R%t Icon_GetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR}scOsti||S(sGetHeight(self) -> int(R%tIcon_GetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sGetDepth(self) -> int(R%t Icon_GetDepth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sSetWidth(self, int w)(R%t Icon_SetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sSetHeight(self, int h)(R%tIcon_SetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sSetDepth(self, int d)(R%t Icon_SetDepth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sSetSize(self, Size size)(R%t Icon_SetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s CopyFromBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp)(R%tIcon_CopyFromBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCopyFromBitmapscCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXssSee `GetDepth` and `SetDepth`sSee `GetHeight` and `SetHeight`sSee `GetWidth` and `SetWidth`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_IconR0R1RRRR>R[R}RRRRRRRTRXRRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycREs.                cOsti||}|S(sEmptyIcon() -> Icon(R%t new_EmptyIcon(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyct EmptyIconscOsti||}|S(s*IconFromLocation(IconLocation loc) -> Icon(R%tnew_IconFromLocation(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctIconFromLocationscOsti||}|S(s"IconFromBitmap(Bitmap bmp) -> Icon(R%tnew_IconFromBitmap(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctIconFromBitmapscOsti||}|S(s/IconFromXPMData(PyObject listOfStrings) -> Icon(R%tnew_IconFromXPMData(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctIconFromXPMDatast IconLocationcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zeeedd ZeeeddZRS(sProxy of C++ IconLocation classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sK__init__(self, String filename=&wxPyEmptyString, int num=0) -> IconLocationN(R%tIconLocation_swiginittnew_IconLocation(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%tIconLocation_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXscOsti||S(s"SetFileName(self, String filename)(R%tIconLocation_SetFileName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetFileNamescOsti||S(sGetFileName(self) -> String(R%tIconLocation_GetFileName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetFileNamescOsti||S(sSetIndex(self, int num)(R%tIconLocation_SetIndex(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetIndexscOsti||S(sGetIndex(self) -> int(R%tIconLocation_GetIndex(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetIndexss#See `GetFileName` and `SetFileName`sSee `GetIndex` and `SetIndex`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_IconLocationR0R1R>RXRcReRgRitFileNametIndex(((s wx\_gdi.pycR^s         t IconBundlecBsweZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zeedd ZRS( sProxy of C++ IconBundle classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> IconBundleN(R%tIconBundle_swiginittnew_IconBundle(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sAddIcon(self, Icon icon)(R%tIconBundle_AddIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddIconscOsti||S(s-AddIconFromFile(self, String file, long type)(R%tIconBundle_AddIconFromFile(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddIconFromFilescOsti||S(s GetIcon(self, Size size) -> Icon(R%tIconBundle_GetIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetIconss See `GetIcon`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_IconBundleR0R1RqRsRuRE(((s wx\_gdi.pycRms      cOsti||}|S(s8IconBundleFromFile(String file, long type) -> IconBundle(R%tnew_IconBundleFromFile(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctIconBundleFromFile scOsti||}|S(s+IconBundleFromIcon(Icon icon) -> IconBundle(R%tnew_IconBundleFromIcon(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctIconBundleFromIconstCursorcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d ZeZd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZRS(s A cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click. A single cursor object may be used in many windows (any subwindow type). The wxWindows convention is to set the cursor for a window, as in X, rather than to set it globally as in MS Windows, although a global `wx.SetCursor` function is also available for use on MS Windows. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"#scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"#sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, String cursorName, long type, int hotSpotX=0, int hotSpotY=0) -> Cursor Construct a Cursor from a file. Specify the type of file using wx.BITMAP_TYPE* constants, and specify the hotspot if not using a .cur file. N(R%tCursor_swiginitt new_Cursor(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*%scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"/scOsti||S(s[ GetHandle(self) -> long Get the MS Windows handle for the cursor (R%tCursor_GetHandle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR0scOsti||S(sg SetHandle(self, long handle) Set the MS Windows handle to use for the cursor (R%tCursor_SetHandle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR8scOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%t Cursor_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>@scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXEscOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R%tCursor_GetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR}FscOsti||S(sGetHeight(self) -> int(R%tCursor_GetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRJscOsti||S(sGetDepth(self) -> int(R%tCursor_GetDepth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRNscOsti||S(sSetWidth(self, int w)(R%tCursor_SetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRRscOsti||S(sSetHeight(self, int h)(R%tCursor_SetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRVscOsti||S(sSetDepth(self, int d)(R%tCursor_SetDepth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRZscOsti||S(sSetSize(self, Size size)(R%tCursor_SetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR^s(RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_CursorR0R1RRR>R[RXR}RRRRRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycR{s$             cOsti||}|S(s StockCursor(int id) -> Cursor Create a cursor using one of the stock cursors. Note that not all stock cursors are available on all platforms. (R%tnew_StockCursor(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyct StockCursordscOsti||}|S(s CursorFromImage(Image image) -> Cursor Constructs a cursor from a `wx.Image`. The mask (if any) will be used for setting the transparent portions of the cursor. (R%tnew_CursorFromImage(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctCursorFromImagenstRegioncBs4eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#eeddZ$RS( sProxy of C++ Region classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sE__init__(self, int x=0, int y=0, int width=0, int height=0) -> RegionN(R%tRegion_swiginitt new_Region(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s Clear(self)(R%t Region_Clear(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctClearscOsti||S(s"Offset(self, int x, int y) -> bool(R%t Region_Offset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR%scOsti||S(s#Contains(self, int x, int y) -> int(R%tRegion_Contains(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctContainsscOsti||S(s$ContainsPoint(self, Point pt) -> int(R%tRegion_ContainsPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct ContainsPointscOsti||S(s$ContainsRect(self, Rect rect) -> int(R%tRegion_ContainsRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct ContainsRectscOsti||S(s8ContainsRectDim(self, int x, int y, int w, int h) -> int(R%tRegion_ContainsRectDim(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctContainsRectDimscOsti||S(sGetBox(self) -> Rect(R%t Region_GetBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetBoxscOsti||S(s<Intersect(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) -> bool(R%tRegion_Intersect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct IntersectscOsti||S(s&IntersectRect(self, Rect rect) -> bool(R%tRegion_IntersectRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct IntersectRectscOsti||S(s,IntersectRegion(self, Region region) -> bool(R%tRegion_IntersectRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIntersectRegionscOsti||S(sIsEmpty(self) -> bool(R%tRegion_IsEmpty(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsEmptyscOsti||S(s$IsEqual(self, Region region) -> bool(R%tRegion_IsEqual(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsEqualscOsti||S(s8Union(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) -> bool(R%t Region_Union(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctUnionscOsti||S(s"UnionRect(self, Rect rect) -> bool(R%tRegion_UnionRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct UnionRectscOsti||S(s(UnionRegion(self, Region region) -> bool(R%tRegion_UnionRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct UnionRegionscOsti||S(s;Subtract(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) -> bool(R%tRegion_Subtract(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSubtractscOsti||S(s%SubtractRect(self, Rect rect) -> bool(R%tRegion_SubtractRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SubtractRectscOsti||S(s+SubtractRegion(self, Region region) -> bool(R%tRegion_SubtractRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSubtractRegionscOsti||S(s6Xor(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) -> bool(R%t Region_Xor(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctXorscOsti||S(s XorRect(self, Rect rect) -> bool(R%tRegion_XorRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctXorRectscOsti||S(s&XorRegion(self, Region region) -> bool(R%tRegion_XorRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct XorRegionscOsti||S(sConvertToBitmap(self) -> Bitmap(R%tRegion_ConvertToBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctConvertToBitmapscOsti||S(s%UnionBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp) -> bool(R%tRegion_UnionBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct UnionBitmapscOsti||S(sPUnionBitmapColour(self, Bitmap bmp, Colour transColour, int tolerance=0) -> bool(R%tRegion_UnionBitmapColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctUnionBitmapColourss See `GetBox`(%RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_RegionR0R1RR%RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRtBox(((s wx\_gdi.pycR}s>                           cOsti||}|S(s&RegionFromBitmap(Bitmap bmp) -> Region(R%tnew_RegionFromBitmap(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctRegionFromBitmapscOsti||}|S(sQRegionFromBitmapColour(Bitmap bmp, Colour transColour, int tolerance=0) -> Region(R%tnew_RegionFromBitmapColour(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctRegionFromBitmapColourscOsti||}|S(sBRegionFromPoints(int points, int fillStyle=WINDING_RULE) -> Region(R%tnew_RegionFromPoints(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctRegionFromPointsstRegionIteratorcBs+eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZeeddZeeddZeeddZeeddZeeddZee ddZee ddZRS(s!Proxy of C++ RegionIterator classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s/__init__(self, Region region) -> RegionIteratorN(R%tRegionIterator_swiginittnew_RegionIterator(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sGetX(self) -> int(R%tRegionIterator_GetX(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetXscOsti||S(sGetY(self) -> int(R%tRegionIterator_GetY(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetYscOsti||S(sGetW(self) -> int(R%tRegionIterator_GetW(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetW scOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R%tRegionIterator_GetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR} scOsti||S(sGetH(self) -> int(R%tRegionIterator_GetH(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetHscOsti||S(sGetHeight(self) -> int(R%tRegionIterator_GetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sGetRect(self) -> Rect(R%tRegionIterator_GetRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetRectscOsti||S(sHaveRects(self) -> bool(R%tRegionIterator_HaveRects(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct HaveRectsscOsti||S(s Reset(self)(R%tRegionIterator_Reset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR!!scOsti||S(s Next(self)(R%tRegionIterator_Next(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctNext%scOsti||S(s__nonzero__(self) -> bool(R%tRegionIterator___nonzero__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRX)ss See `GetH`sSee `GetHeight`s See `GetRect`s See `GetW`sSee `GetWidth`s See `GetX`s See `GetY`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_RegionIteratorR0R1RRRR}RRRRR!RRXtHRtRecttWRRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs0              tNativeFontInfocBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"eeeddZ#eeeddZ$eeedd Z%eeedd!Z&eeedd"Z'eeedd#Z(eeedd$Z)RS(%s!Proxy of C++ NativeFontInfo classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> NativeFontInfoN(R%tNativeFontInfo_swiginittnew_NativeFontInfo(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s Init(self)(R%tNativeFontInfo_Init(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctInitscOsti||S(sInitFromFont(self, Font font)(R%tNativeFontInfo_InitFromFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct InitFromFontscOsti||S(sGetPointSize(self) -> int(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetPointSizescOsti||S(sGetPixelSize(self) -> Size(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetPixelSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetPixelSizescOsti||S(sGetStyle(self) -> int(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR{scOsti||S(sGetWeight(self) -> int(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetWeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetWeightscOsti||S(sGetUnderlined(self) -> bool(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetUnderlined(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetUnderlinedscOsti||S(sGetFaceName(self) -> String(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetFaceName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetFaceNamescOsti||S(sGetFamily(self) -> int(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetFamily(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetFamilyscOsti||S(sGetEncoding(self) -> int(R%tNativeFontInfo_GetEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetEncodingscOsti||S(s!SetPointSize(self, int pointsize)(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetPointSizescOsti||S(s"SetPixelSize(self, Size pixelSize)(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetPixelSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetPixelSizescOsti||S(sSetStyle(self, int style)(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sSetWeight(self, int weight)(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetWeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetWeightscOsti||S(s$SetUnderlined(self, bool underlined)(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetUnderlined(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetUnderlinedscOsti||S(s*SetFaceName(self, String facename) -> bool(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetFaceName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetFaceNamescOsti||S(sSetFamily(self, int family)(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetFamily(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetFamilyscOsti||S(sSetEncoding(self, int encoding)(R%tNativeFontInfo_SetEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetEncodingscOsti||S(s"FromString(self, String s) -> bool(R%tNativeFontInfo_FromString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct FromStringscOsti||S(sToString(self) -> String(R%tNativeFontInfo_ToString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctToString scOsti||S(s__str__(self) -> String(R%tNativeFontInfo___str__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRSscOsti||S(s&FromUserString(self, String s) -> bool(R%tNativeFontInfo_FromUserString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFromUserStringscOsti||S(sToUserString(self) -> String(R%tNativeFontInfo_ToUserString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct ToUserStringss#See `GetEncoding` and `SetEncoding`s#See `GetFaceName` and `SetFaceName`sSee `GetFamily` and `SetFamily`s%See `GetPointSize` and `SetPointSize`sSee `GetStyle` and `SetStyle`s'See `GetUnderlined` and `SetUnderlined`sSee `GetWeight` and `SetWeight`(*RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_NativeFontInfoR0R1RRRRR{RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSR R tEncodingtFaceNametFamilyt PointSizeRt UnderlinedtWeight(((s wx\_gdi.pycRsH                          tNativeEncodingInfocBseZdZeddddZeZeeiei Z eei ei Z dZeiZdZdZdZRS( s%Proxy of C++ NativeEncodingInfo classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"&scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"&sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s$__init__(self) -> NativeEncodingInfoN(R%tNativeEncodingInfo_swiginittnew_NativeEncodingInfo(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR**scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR".scOsti||S(s"FromString(self, String s) -> bool(R%tNativeEncodingInfo_FromString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR/scOsti||S(sToString(self) -> String(R%tNativeEncodingInfo_ToString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR3s(RRR-R.RRRR%tNativeEncodingInfo_facename_gettNativeEncodingInfo_facename_settfacenametNativeEncodingInfo_encoding_gettNativeEncodingInfo_encoding_settencodingR*tdelete_NativeEncodingInfoR0R1RR(((s wx\_gdi.pycR$s    cOsti||S(s9GetNativeFontEncoding(int encoding) -> NativeEncodingInfo(R%tGetNativeFontEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR!:scOsti||S(s1TestFontEncoding(NativeEncodingInfo info) -> bool(R%tTestFontEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR">st FontMappercBs:eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ e e Z dZe eZd Zd Ze eZd Ze eZd Ze eZd Ze eZdZe eZdZdZe eZdZdZdZdZeeddZRS(sProxy of C++ FontMapper classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"EscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"EsR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> FontMapperN(R%tFontMapper_swiginittnew_FontMapper(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*GscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"KscOsti||S(sGet() -> FontMapper(R%tFontMapper_Get(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRNLscOsti||S(s$Set(FontMapper mapper) -> FontMapper(R%tFontMapper_Set(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR@QscOsti||S(sECharsetToEncoding(self, String charset, bool interactive=True) -> int(R%tFontMapper_CharsetToEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCharsetToEncodingVscOsti||S(s&GetSupportedEncodingsCount() -> size_t(R%t%FontMapper_GetSupportedEncodingsCount(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSupportedEncodingsCountZscOsti||S(sGetEncoding(size_t n) -> int(R%tFontMapper_GetEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR_scOsti||S(s'GetEncodingName(int encoding) -> String(R%tFontMapper_GetEncodingName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetEncodingNamedscOsti||S(s.GetEncodingDescription(int encoding) -> String(R%t!FontMapper_GetEncodingDescription(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetEncodingDescriptioniscOsti||S(s'GetEncodingFromName(String name) -> int(R%tFontMapper_GetEncodingFromName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetEncodingFromNamenscOsti||S(s"SetConfigPath(self, String prefix)(R%tFontMapper_SetConfigPath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetConfigPathsscOsti||S(s GetDefaultConfigPath() -> String(R%tFontMapper_GetDefaultConfigPath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetDefaultConfigPathwscOsti||S(seGetAltForEncoding(self, int encoding, String facename=EmptyString, bool interactive=True) -> PyObject(R%tFontMapper_GetAltForEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetAltForEncoding|scOsti||S(sLIsEncodingAvailable(self, int encoding, String facename=EmptyString) -> bool(R%tFontMapper_IsEncodingAvailable(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsEncodingAvailablescOsti||S(s$SetDialogParent(self, Window parent)(R%tFontMapper_SetDialogParent(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetDialogParentscOsti||S(s"SetDialogTitle(self, String title)(R%tFontMapper_SetDialogTitle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetDialogTitlessSee `GetAltForEncoding`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_FontMapperR0R1RNt staticmethodR@R)R+RR.R0R2R4R6R8R:R<R>tAltForEncoding(((s wx\_gdi.pycR#Cs:                         cGs ti|S(sFontMapper_Get() -> FontMapper(R%R&(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR&scOsti||S(s/FontMapper_Set(FontMapper mapper) -> FontMapper(R%R'(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR'scGs ti|S(s1FontMapper_GetSupportedEncodingsCount() -> size_t(R%R*(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scOsti||S(s'FontMapper_GetEncoding(size_t n) -> int(R%R,(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR,scOsti||S(s2FontMapper_GetEncodingName(int encoding) -> String(R%R-(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR-scOsti||S(s9FontMapper_GetEncodingDescription(int encoding) -> String(R%R/(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR/scOsti||S(s2FontMapper_GetEncodingFromName(String name) -> int(R%R1(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR1scGs ti|S(s+FontMapper_GetDefaultConfigPath() -> String(R%R5(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR5stFontcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ e Z dZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%d Z&d!Z'd"Z(d#Z)d$Z*d%Z+d&Z,d'Z-d(Z.e/e.Z.d)Z0e/e0Z0eee%dd*Z1eee#dd+Z2eee dd,Z3ee)dd-Z4eee&dd.Z5eedd/Z6eee(dd0Z7ee-e,dd1Z8eeedd2Z9eeedd3Z:eee!dd4Z;ee*dd5Z<eee$dd6Z=eee"dd7Z>ee+dd8Z?RS(9s A font is an object which determines the appearance of text. Fonts are used for drawing text to a device context, and setting the appearance of a window's text. You can retrieve the current system font settings with `wx.SystemSettings`. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOsI|ido|d|d<|d=nti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int pointSize, int family, int style, int weight, bool underline=False, String face=EmptyString, int encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) -> Font Creates a font object with the specified attributes. :param pointSize: The size of the font in points. :param family: Font family. A generic way of referring to fonts without specifying actual facename. It can be One of the ``wx.FONTFAMILY_xxx`` constants. :param style: One of the ``wx.FONTSTYLE_xxx`` constants. :param weight: Font weight, sometimes also referred to as font boldness. One of the ``wx.FONTWEIGHT_xxx`` constants. :param underline: The value can be ``True`` or ``False`` and indicates whether the font will include an underline. This may not be supported on all platforms. :param face: An optional string specifying the actual typeface to be used. If it is an empty string, a default typeface will be chosen based on the family. :param encoding: An encoding which may be one of the ``wx.FONTENCODING_xxx`` constants. If the specified encoding isn't available, no font is created. :see: `wx.FFont`, `wx.FontFromPixelSize`, `wx.FFontFromPixelSize`, `wx.FontFromNativeInfoString`, `wx.FontFromNativeInfo` tfaceNametfaceN(thas_keyR%t Font_swiginittnew_Font(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s# cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(se IsOk(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if this font was successfully created. (R%t Font_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXscOsti||S(s __eq__(self, Font other) -> bool(R%t Font___eq__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRJscOsti||S(s __ne__(self, Font other) -> bool(R%t Font___ne__(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRLscOsti||S(sI GetPointSize(self) -> int Gets the point size. (R%tFont_GetPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s GetPixelSize(self) -> Size Returns the size in pixels if the font was constructed with a pixel size. (R%tFont_GetPixelSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(so IsUsingSizeInPixels(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the font is using a pixelSize. (R%tFont_IsUsingSizeInPixels(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsUsingSizeInPixelsscOsti||S(sH GetFamily(self) -> int Gets the font family. (R%tFont_GetFamily(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(sE GetStyle(self) -> int Gets the font style. (R%t Font_GetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR{scOsti||S(sH GetWeight(self) -> int Gets the font weight. (R%tFont_GetWeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sw GetUnderlined(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the font is underlined, ``False`` otherwise. (R%tFont_GetUnderlined(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR%scOsti||S(s GetFaceName(self) -> String Returns the typeface name associated with the font, or the empty string if there is no typeface information. (R%tFont_GetFaceName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR-scOsti||S(sL GetEncoding(self) -> int Get the font's encoding. (R%tFont_GetEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR6scOsti||S(s| GetNativeFontInfo(self) -> NativeFontInfo Constructs a `wx.NativeFontInfo` object from this font. (R%tFont_GetNativeFontInfo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetNativeFontInfo>scOsti||S(s IsFixedWidth(self) -> bool Returns true if the font is a fixed width (or monospaced) font, false if it is a proportional one or font is invalid. (R%tFont_IsFixedWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct IsFixedWidthFscOsti||S(s GetNativeFontInfoDesc(self) -> String Returns the platform-dependent string completely describing this font or an empty string if the font isn't valid. (R%tFont_GetNativeFontInfoDesc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetNativeFontInfoDescOscOsti||S(s GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc(self) -> String Returns a human readable version of `GetNativeFontInfoDesc`. (R%tFont_GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetNativeFontInfoUserDescXscOsti||S(sQ SetPointSize(self, int pointSize) Sets the point size. (R%tFont_SetPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR`scOsti||S(s SetPixelSize(self, Size pixelSize) Sets the size in pixels rather than points. If there is platform API support for this then it is used, otherwise a font with the closest size is found using a binary search. (R%tFont_SetPixelSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRhscOsti||S(sL SetFamily(self, int family) Sets the font family. (R%tFont_SetFamily(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRrscOsti||S(sI SetStyle(self, int style) Sets the font style. (R%t Font_SetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRzscOsti||S(sL SetWeight(self, int weight) Sets the font weight. (R%tFont_SetWeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s$ SetFaceName(self, String faceName) -> bool Sets the facename for the font. The facename, which should be a valid font installed on the end-user's system. To avoid portability problems, don't rely on a specific face, but specify the font family instead or as well. A suitable font will be found on the end-user's system. If both the family and the facename are specified, wxWidgets will first search for the specific face, and then for a font belonging to the same family. (R%tFont_SetFaceName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRs cOsti||S(sQ SetUnderlined(self, bool underlined) Sets underlining. (R%tFont_SetUnderlined(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sQ SetEncoding(self, int encoding) Set the font encoding. (R%tFont_SetEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s SetNativeFontInfo(self, NativeFontInfo info) Set the font's attributes from a `wx.NativeFontInfo` object. (R%tFont_SetNativeFontInfo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetNativeFontInfoscOsti||S(s SetNativeFontInfoFromString(self, String info) -> bool Set the font's attributes from string representation of a `wx.NativeFontInfo` object. (R%t Font_SetNativeFontInfoFromString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetNativeFontInfoFromStringscOsti||S(s SetNativeFontInfoUserDesc(self, String info) -> bool Set the font's attributes from a string formerly returned from `GetNativeFontInfoDesc`. (R%tFont_SetNativeFontInfoUserDesc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetNativeFontInfoUserDescscOsti||S(sn GetFamilyString(self) -> String Returns a string representation of the font family. (R%tFont_GetFamilyString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetFamilyStringscOsti||S(sl GetStyleString(self) -> String Returns a string representation of the font style. (R%tFont_GetStyleString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetStyleStringscOsti||S(sm GetWeightString(self) -> String Return a string representation of the font weight. (R%tFont_GetWeightString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetWeightStringscOsti||S(s%SetNoAntiAliasing(self, bool no=True)(R%tFont_SetNoAntiAliasing(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetNoAntiAliasingscOsti||S(sGetNoAntiAliasing(self) -> bool(R%tFont_GetNoAntiAliasing(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetNoAntiAliasingscOsti||S(s GetDefaultEncoding() -> int Returns the encoding used for all fonts created with an encoding of ``wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT``. (R%tFont_GetDefaultEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetDefaultEncodingscOsti||S(s[ SetDefaultEncoding(int encoding) Sets the default font encoding. (R%tFont_SetDefaultEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetDefaultEncodingss#See `GetEncoding` and `SetEncoding`s#See `GetFaceName` and `SetFaceName`sSee `GetFamily` and `SetFamily`sSee `GetFamilyString`s/See `GetNativeFontInfo` and `SetNativeFontInfo`sSee `GetNativeFontInfoDesc`s?See `GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc` and `SetNativeFontInfoUserDesc`s/See `GetNoAntiAliasing` and `SetNoAntiAliasing`s%See `GetPixelSize` and `SetPixelSize`s%See `GetPointSize` and `SetPointSize`sSee `GetStyle` and `SetStyle`sSee `GetStyleString`s'See `GetUnderlined` and `SetUnderlined`sSee `GetWeight` and `SetWeight`sSee `GetWeightString`(@RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_FontR0R1R>R[RXRJRLRRRNRR{RRRRRVRXRZR\RRRRRRRRRfRhRjRlRnRpRrRtRvR@RxRRRt FamilyStringRtNativeFontInfoDesctNativeFontInfoUserDesctNoAntiAliasingt PixelSizeRRt StyleStringRRt WeightString(((s wx\_gdi.pycRBsv %                               cOs?|ido|d|d<|d=nti||}|S(sw FontFromNativeInfo(NativeFontInfo info) -> Font Construct a `wx.Font` from a `wx.NativeFontInfo` object. RCRD(RER%tnew_FontFromNativeInfo(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctFontFromNativeInfo s  cOs?|ido|d|d<|d=nti||}|S(s FontFromNativeInfoString(String info) -> Font Construct a `wx.Font` from the string representation of a `wx.NativeFontInfo` object. RCRD(RER%tnew_FontFromNativeInfoString(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctFontFromNativeInfoString s  cOs?|ido|d|d<|d=nti||}|S(s FFont(int pointSize, int family, int flags=FONTFLAG_DEFAULT, String face=EmptyString, int encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) -> Font A bit of a simpler way to create a `wx.Font` using flags instead of individual attribute settings. The value of flags can be a combination of the following: ============================ == wx.FONTFLAG_DEFAULT wx.FONTFLAG_ITALIC wx.FONTFLAG_SLANT wx.FONTFLAG_LIGHT wx.FONTFLAG_BOLD wx.FONTFLAG_ANTIALIASED wx.FONTFLAG_NOT_ANTIALIASED wx.FONTFLAG_UNDERLINED wx.FONTFLAG_STRIKETHROUGH ============================ == :see: `wx.Font.__init__` RCRD(RER%t new_FFont(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctFFont s  cOs?|ido|d|d<|d=nti||}|S(s FontFromPixelSize(Size pixelSize, int family, int style, int weight, bool underlined=False, String face=wxEmptyString, int encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) -> Font Creates a font using a size in pixels rather than points. If there is platform API support for this then it is used, otherwise a font with the closest size is found using a binary search. :see: `wx.Font.__init__` RCRD(RER%tnew_FontFromPixelSize(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctFontFromPixelSize7 s  cOs?|ido|d|d<|d=nti||}|S(s FFontFromPixelSize(Size pixelSize, int family, int flags=FONTFLAG_DEFAULT, String face=wxEmptyString, int encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) -> Font Creates a font using a size in pixels rather than points. If there is platform API support for this then it is used, otherwise a font with the closest size is found using a binary search. :see: `wx.Font.__init__`, `wx.FFont` RCRD(RER%tnew_FFontFromPixelSize(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctFFontFromPixelSizeG s  cGs ti|S(s Font_GetDefaultEncoding() -> int Returns the encoding used for all fonts created with an encoding of ``wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT``. (R%Ru(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRuV scOsti||S(sT Font_SetDefaultEncoding(int encoding) Sets the default font encoding. (R%Rw(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRw_ ssUse `wx.FFont` instead.tFontEnumeratorcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd ZeeZd ZeeZd ZeeZRS( s!Proxy of C++ FontEnumerator classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"l scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"l sR$sThe membership flagcOs3ti|ti||ti||tdS(s __init__(self) -> FontEnumeratorN(R%tFontEnumerator_swiginittnew_FontEnumeratorRt_setCallbackInfo(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*n scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"t scOsti||S(sD_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class, int incref=0)(R%tFontEnumerator__setCallbackInfo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRu scOsti||S(s]EnumerateFacenames(self, int encoding=FONTENCODING_SYSTEM, bool fixedWidthOnly=False) -> bool(R%t!FontEnumerator_EnumerateFacenames(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctEnumerateFacenamesy scOsti||S(s=EnumerateEncodings(self, String facename=EmptyString) -> bool(R%t!FontEnumerator_EnumerateEncodings(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctEnumerateEncodings} scOsti||S(sGetEncodings() -> PyObject(R%tFontEnumerator_GetEncodings(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetEncodings scOsti||S(sGetFacenames() -> PyObject(R%tFontEnumerator_GetFacenames(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetFacenames scOsti||S(s IsValidFacename(String str) -> bool Convenience function that returns true if the given face name exist in the user's system (R%tFontEnumerator_IsValidFacename(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsValidFacename s(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_FontEnumeratorR0R1RRRRR@RR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRj s           cGs ti|S(s)FontEnumerator_GetEncodings() -> PyObject(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR scGs ti|S(s)FontEnumerator_GetFacenames() -> PyObject(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(s FontEnumerator_IsValidFacename(String str) -> bool Convenience function that returns true if the given face name exist in the user's system (R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR st LanguageInfocBsweZdZeddddZdZeZeei ei Z eei ei ZeeieiZRS(sProxy of C++ LanguageInfo classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR" scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR" sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR* s(RRR-R.RR*RRR%tLanguageInfo_Language_gettLanguageInfo_Language_settLanguagetLanguageInfo_CanonicalName_gettLanguageInfo_CanonicalName_sett CanonicalNametLanguageInfo_Description_gettLanguageInfo_Description_sett Description(((s wx\_gdi.pycR s tLocalecBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd ZeeZd ZeeZd ZeeZd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZdZeeZdZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZ ee Z dZ!dZ"eeddZ#eeddZ$eeddZ%ee"dd Z&ee!dd!Z'eedd"Z(RS(#sProxy of C++ Locale classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR" scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR" sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sa__init__(self, int language=-1, int flags=wxLOCALE_LOAD_DEFAULT|wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING) -> LocaleN(R%tLocale_swiginitt new_Locale(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR* scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR" scOsti||S(s Init1(self, String szName, String szShort=EmptyString, String szLocale=EmptyString, bool bLoadDefault=True, bool bConvertEncoding=False) -> bool (R%t Locale_Init1(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctInit1 scOsti||S(sjInit2(self, int language=LANGUAGE_DEFAULT, int flags=wxLOCALE_LOAD_DEFAULT|wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING) -> bool(R%t Locale_Init2(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctInit2 scOsUt|dtdtdgjo|i||}n|i||}|S(NiRu(RRR(R t_argst_kwargsRc((s wx\_gdi.pycR s)cOsti||S(sGetSystemLanguage() -> int(R%tLocale_GetSystemLanguage(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSystemLanguage scOsti||S(sGetSystemEncoding() -> int(R%tLocale_GetSystemEncoding(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSystemEncoding scOsti||S(s!GetSystemEncodingName() -> String(R%tLocale_GetSystemEncodingName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSystemEncodingName scOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%t Locale_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR> scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRX scOsti||S(sGetLocale(self) -> String(R%tLocale_GetLocale(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetLocale scOsti||S(sGetLanguage(self) -> int(R%tLocale_GetLanguage(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetLanguage scOsti||S(sGetSysName(self) -> String(R%tLocale_GetSysName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetSysName scOsti||S(s GetCanonicalName(self) -> String(R%tLocale_GetCanonicalName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetCanonicalName scOsti||S(s)AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(String prefix)(R%t!Locale_AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix scOsti||S(s)AddCatalog(self, String szDomain) -> bool(R%tLocale_AddCatalog(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct AddCatalog scOsti||S(sIsAvailable(int lang) -> bool(R%tLocale_IsAvailable(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct IsAvailable scOsti||S(s'IsLoaded(self, String szDomain) -> bool(R%tLocale_IsLoaded(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctIsLoaded scOsti||S(s)GetLanguageInfo(int lang) -> LanguageInfo(R%tLocale_GetLanguageInfo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLanguageInfo scOsti||S(s#GetLanguageName(int lang) -> String(R%tLocale_GetLanguageName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLanguageName scOsti||S(s/FindLanguageInfo(String locale) -> LanguageInfo(R%tLocale_FindLanguageInfo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFindLanguageInfo scOsti||S(sAddLanguage(LanguageInfo info)(R%tLocale_AddLanguage(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct AddLanguage scOsti||S(sKGetString(self, String szOrigString, String szDomain=EmptyString) -> String(R%tLocale_GetString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetString scOsti||S(sGetName(self) -> String(R%tLocale_GetName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetName ssSee `GetCanonicalName`sSee `GetLanguage`sSee `GetLocale`s See `GetName`sSee `GetString`sSee `GetSysName`()RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_LocaleR0R1RRRRR@RRR>RXRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRtNametStringtSysName(((s wx\_gdi.pycR sV                                  cGs ti|S(s!Locale_GetSystemLanguage() -> int(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR scGs ti|S(s!Locale_GetSystemEncoding() -> int(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR scGs ti|S(s(Locale_GetSystemEncodingName() -> String(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR# scOsti||S(s0Locale_AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(String prefix)(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR' scOsti||S(s$Locale_IsAvailable(int lang) -> bool(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR+ scOsti||S(s0Locale_GetLanguageInfo(int lang) -> LanguageInfo(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR/ scOsti||S(s*Locale_GetLanguageName(int lang) -> String(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR3 scOsti||S(s6Locale_FindLanguageInfo(String locale) -> LanguageInfo(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR7 scOsti||S(s%Locale_AddLanguage(LanguageInfo info)(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR; stPyLocalecBseeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d ZRS( sProxy of C++ PyLocale classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"A scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"A sR$sThe membership flagcOs3ti|ti||ti||tdS(sc__init__(self, int language=-1, int flags=wxLOCALE_LOAD_DEFAULT|wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING) -> PyLocaleN(R%tPyLocale_swiginitt new_PyLocaleRR(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*C scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"I scOsti||S(s6_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)(R%tPyLocale__setCallbackInfo(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRJ scOsti||S(sLGetSingularString(self, wxChar szOrigString, wxChar szDomain=None) -> wxChar(R%tPyLocale_GetSingularString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSingularStringN scOsti||S(s GetPluralString(self, wxChar szOrigString, wxChar szOrigString2, size_t n, wxChar szDomain=None) -> wxChar (R%tPyLocale_GetPluralString(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetPluralStringR s(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_PyLocaleR0R1RRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycR? s     cGs ti|S(sGetLocale() -> Locale(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR\ stEncodingConvertercBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d ZeeZd ZeeZd ZeeZd ZRS( s$Proxy of C++ EncodingConverter classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"j scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"j sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s#__init__(self) -> EncodingConverterN(R%tEncodingConverter_swiginittnew_EncodingConverter(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*l scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"p scOsti||S(sLInit(self, int input_enc, int output_enc, int method=CONVERT_STRICT) -> bool(R%tEncodingConverter_Init(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRq scOsti||S(s%Convert(self, String input) -> String(R%tEncodingConverter_Convert(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctConvertu scOsti||S(sUGetPlatformEquivalents(int enc, int platform=PLATFORM_CURRENT) -> wxFontEncodingArray(R%t(EncodingConverter_GetPlatformEquivalents(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetPlatformEquivalentsy scOsti||S(s1GetAllEquivalents(int enc) -> wxFontEncodingArray(R%t#EncodingConverter_GetAllEquivalents(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetAllEquivalents~ scOsti||S(s)CanConvert(int encIn, int encOut) -> bool(R%tEncodingConverter_CanConvert(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CanConvert scCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRX s(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_EncodingConverterR0R1RRRR@RRRX(((s wx\_gdi.pycRh s           cGs ti|S(s GetTranslation(String str) -> String GetTranslation(String str, String domain) -> String GetTranslation(String str, String strPlural, size_t n) -> String GetTranslation(String str, String strPlural, size_t n, String domain) -> String (R%tGetTranslation(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(sgEncodingConverter_GetPlatformEquivalents(int enc, int platform=PLATFORM_CURRENT) -> wxFontEncodingArray(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(sCEncodingConverter_GetAllEquivalents(int enc) -> wxFontEncodingArray(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(s;EncodingConverter_CanConvert(int encIn, int encOut) -> bool(R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR stlocaletDCcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$d Z%d!Z&d"Z'd#Z(d$Z)d%Z*d&Z+d'Z,d(Z-d)Z.d*Z/d+Z0d,Z1d-Z2d.Z3d/Z4d0Z5d1Z6d2Z7d3Z8d4Z9d5Z:d6Z;d7Z<d8Z=d9Z>d:Z?d;Z@d<ZAd=ZBd>ZCd?ZDd@ZEdAZFdBZGdCZHdDZIdEZJdFZKdGZLdHZMdIZNdJZOdKZPdLZQdMZRdNZSdOZTdPZUdQZVdRZWdSZXdTZYdUZZdVZ[dWZ\dXZ]dYZ^dZZ_d[Z`d\Zad]Zbd^ZcecZdd_Zed`ZfdaZgdbZhdcZiddZjdeZkdfZldgZmdhZndiZodjZpdkZqdlZrdmZsdnZtdoZudpZvdqZwdrZxdsZydtZzduZ{dvZ|dwZ}dxZ~dyZdzZd{ZeieZeieZd|Zd}Zd~ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZddZddZdddZdddZdddZdddZeefeGddZeeeeHddZeeddZeegeFddZeeMddZeeNddZeeKddZeeLe9ddZeeaddZeexezddZeeheDddZeePddZee}e~ddZeetevddZeeresddZeeneoddZeeQddZeeeddZeebddZeeRddZeeieEddZeeddZeeddZeeSddZeeUddZeejemddZeeOddZeekelddZeepeqddZeeeZRS(s A wx.DC is a device context onto which graphics and text can be drawn. It is intended to represent a number of output devices in a generic way, so a window can have a device context associated with it, and a printer also has a device context. In this way, the same piece of code may write to a number of different devices, if the device context is used as a parameter. Derived types of wxDC have documentation for specific features only, so refer to this section for most device context information. The wx.DC class is abstract and can not be instantiated, you must use one of the derived classes instead. Which one will depend on the situation in which it is used. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR" scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR" sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR* scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR" scCsdS(N((R ((s wx\_gdi.pyct BeginDrawing scCsdS(N((R ((s wx\_gdi.pyct EndDrawing scOsti||S(s FloodFill(self, int x, int y, Colour col, int style=FLOOD_SURFACE) -> bool Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using the current brush colour, and using a style: - **wxFLOOD_SURFACE**: the flooding occurs until a colour other than the given colour is encountered. - **wxFLOOD_BORDER**: the area to be flooded is bounded by the given colour. Returns False if the operation failed. Note: The present implementation for non-Windows platforms may fail to find colour borders if the pixels do not match the colour exactly. However the function will still return true. (R%t DC_FloodFill(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct FloodFill scOsti||S(s FloodFillPoint(self, Point pt, Colour col, int style=FLOOD_SURFACE) -> bool Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using the current brush colour, and using a style: - **wxFLOOD_SURFACE**: the flooding occurs until a colour other than the given colour is encountered. - **wxFLOOD_BORDER**: the area to be flooded is bounded by the given colour. Returns False if the operation failed. Note: The present implementation for non-Windows platforms may fail to find colour borders if the pixels do not match the colour exactly. However the function will still return true. (R%tDC_FloodFillPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFloodFillPoint scOsti||S(s GradientFillConcentric(self, Rect rect, Colour initialColour, Colour destColour, Point circleCenter) Fill the area specified by rect with a radial gradient, starting from initialColour in the center of the circle and fading to destColour on the outside of the circle. The circleCenter argument is the relative coordinants of the center of the circle in the specified rect. Note: Currently this function is very slow, don't use it for real-time drawing. (R%tDC_GradientFillConcentric(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGradientFillConcentric s cOsti||S(s GradientFillLinear(self, Rect rect, Colour initialColour, Colour destColour, int nDirection=EAST) Fill the area specified by rect with a linear gradient, starting from initialColour and eventually fading to destColour. The nDirection parameter specifies the direction of the colour change, default is to use initialColour on the left part of the rectangle and destColour on the right side. (R%tDC_GradientFillLinear(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGradientFillLinear s cOsti||S(sv GetPixel(self, int x, int y) -> Colour Gets the colour at the specified location on the DC. (R%t DC_GetPixel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRH scOsti||S(s'GetPixelPoint(self, Point pt) -> Colour(R%tDC_GetPixelPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetPixelPoint scOsti||S(sW DrawLine(self, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for drawing the line. Note that the second point is *not* part of the line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with the behaviour of many other toolkits). (R%t DC_DrawLine(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawLine s cOsti||S(sR DrawLinePoint(self, Point pt1, Point pt2) Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for drawing the line. Note that the second point is *not* part of the line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with the behaviour of many other toolkits). (R%tDC_DrawLinePoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawLinePoint$ s cOsti||S(s CrossHair(self, int x, int y) Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical and horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred on the given point. (R%t DC_CrossHair(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CrossHair/ scOsti||S(s CrossHairPoint(self, Point pt) Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical and horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred on the given point. (R%tDC_CrossHairPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCrossHairPoint9 scOsti||S(s DrawArc(self, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int xc, int yc) Draws an arc of a circle, centred on the *center* point (xc, yc), from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to the end point. (R%t DC_DrawArc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawArcC s cOsti||S(s DrawArcPoint(self, Point pt1, Point pt2, Point center) Draws an arc of a circle, centred on the *center* point (xc, yc), from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to the end point. (R%tDC_DrawArcPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawArcPointP s cOsti||S(s DrawCheckMark(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle. (R%tDC_DrawCheckMark(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawCheckMark] scOsti||S(sl DrawCheckMarkRect(self, Rect rect) Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle. (R%tDC_DrawCheckMarkRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawCheckMarkRecte scOsti||S(s DrawEllipticArc(self, int x, int y, int w, int h, double start, double end) Draws an arc of an ellipse, with the given rectangle defining the bounds of the ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and the current brush is used for drawing the pie. The *start* and *end* parameters specify the start and end of the arc relative to the three-o'clock position from the center of the rectangle. Angles are specified in degrees (360 is a complete circle). Positive values mean counter-clockwise motion. If start is equal to end, a complete ellipse will be drawn. (R%tDC_DrawEllipticArc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawEllipticArcm scOsti||S(s DrawEllipticArcPointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz, double start, double end) Draws an arc of an ellipse, with the given rectangle defining the bounds of the ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and the current brush is used for drawing the pie. The *start* and *end* parameters specify the start and end of the arc relative to the three-o'clock position from the center of the rectangle. Angles are specified in degrees (360 is a complete circle). Positive values mean counter-clockwise motion. If start is equal to end, a complete ellipse will be drawn. (R%tDC_DrawEllipticArcPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawEllipticArcPointSize} scOsti||S(s] DrawPoint(self, int x, int y) Draws a point using the current pen. (R%t DC_DrawPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawPoint scOsti||S(s^ DrawPointPoint(self, Point pt) Draws a point using the current pen. (R%tDC_DrawPointPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawPointPoint scOsti||S(s DrawRectangle(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tDC_DrawRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawRectangle scOsti||S(s DrawRectangleRect(self, Rect rect) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tDC_DrawRectangleRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRectangleRect scOsti||S(s DrawRectanglePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tDC_DrawRectanglePointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRectanglePointSize scOsti||S(s  DrawRoundedRectangle(self, int x, int y, int width, int height, double radius) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the corners are too big for the rectangle. (R%tDC_DrawRoundedRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRoundedRectangle scOsti||S(s DrawRoundedRectangleRect(self, Rect r, double radius) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the corners are too big for the rectangle. (R%tDC_DrawRoundedRectangleRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRoundedRectangleRect scOsti||S(s DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz, double radius) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the corners are too big for the rectangle. (R%t DC_DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRoundedRectanglePointSize scOsti||S(s DrawCircle(self, int x, int y, int radius) Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%t DC_DrawCircle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawCircle scOsti||S(s DrawCirclePoint(self, Point pt, int radius) Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tDC_DrawCirclePoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawCirclePoint scOsti||S(s DrawEllipse(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tDC_DrawEllipse(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawEllipse scOsti||S(s DrawEllipseRect(self, Rect rect) Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tDC_DrawEllipseRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawEllipseRect scOsti||S(s DrawEllipsePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz) Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tDC_DrawEllipsePointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawEllipsePointSize scOsti||S(s DrawIcon(self, Icon icon, int x, int y) Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is PostScript). This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a window. (R%t DC_DrawIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawIcon scOsti||S(s DrawIconPoint(self, Icon icon, Point pt) Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is PostScript). This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a window. (R%tDC_DrawIconPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawIconPoint* scOsti||S(sO DrawBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp, int x, int y, bool useMask=False) Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If *transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will be drawn transparently. (R%t DC_DrawBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawBitmap4 s cOsti||S(sP DrawBitmapPoint(self, Bitmap bmp, Point pt, bool useMask=False) Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If *transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will be drawn transparently. (R%tDC_DrawBitmapPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawBitmapPoint? s cOsti||S(s DrawText(self, String text, int x, int y) Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text font, and the current text foreground and background colours. The coordinates refer to the top-left corner of the rectangle bounding the string. See `GetTextExtent` for how to get the dimensions of a text string, which can be used to position the text more precisely. **NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using logical functions with this function in portable programs. (R%t DC_DrawText(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawTextJ scOsti||S(s DrawTextPoint(self, String text, Point pt) Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text font, and the current text foreground and background colours. The coordinates refer to the top-left corner of the rectangle bounding the string. See `GetTextExtent` for how to get the dimensions of a text string, which can be used to position the text more precisely. **NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using logical functions with this function in portable programs. (R%tDC_DrawTextPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawTextPoint[ scOsti||S(s DrawRotatedText(self, String text, int x, int y, double angle) Draws the text rotated by *angle* degrees, if supported by the platform. **NOTE**: Under Win9x only TrueType fonts can be drawn by this function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT`` should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is. (R%tDC_DrawRotatedText(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRotatedTextl s cOsti||S(s DrawRotatedTextPoint(self, String text, Point pt, double angle) Draws the text rotated by *angle* degrees, if supported by the platform. **NOTE**: Under Win9x only TrueType fonts can be drawn by this function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT`` should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is. (R%tDC_DrawRotatedTextPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRotatedTextPointy s cOsti||S(s Blit(self, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, DC source, int xsrc, int ysrc, int rop=COPY, bool useMask=False, int xsrcMask=-1, int ysrcMask=-1) -> bool Copy from a source DC to this DC. Parameters specify the destination coordinates, size of area to copy, source DC, source coordinates, logical function, whether to use a bitmap mask, and mask source position. (R%tDC_Blit(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctBlit s cOsti||S(s BlitPointSize(self, Point destPt, Size sz, DC source, Point srcPt, int rop=COPY, bool useMask=False, Point srcPtMask=DefaultPosition) -> bool Copy from a source DC to this DC. Parameters specify the destination coordinates, size of area to copy, source DC, source coordinates, logical function, whether to use a bitmap mask, and mask source position. (R%tDC_BlitPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct BlitPointSize s cOsti||S(s.GetAsBitmap(self, Rect subrect=None) -> Bitmap(R%tDC_GetAsBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetAsBitmap scOsti||S(s SetClippingRegion(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Sets the clipping region for this device context to the intersection of the given region described by the parameters of this method and the previously set clipping region. You should call `DestroyClippingRegion` if you want to set the clipping region exactly to the region specified. The clipping region is an area to which drawing is restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the screen is damaged. (R%tDC_SetClippingRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetClippingRegion scOsti||S(sy SetClippingRegionPointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz) Sets the clipping region for this device context to the intersection of the given region described by the parameters of this method and the previously set clipping region. You should call `DestroyClippingRegion` if you want to set the clipping region exactly to the region specified. The clipping region is an area to which drawing is restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the screen is damaged. (R%tDC_SetClippingRegionPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetClippingRegionPointSize scOsti||S(st SetClippingRegionAsRegion(self, Region region) Sets the clipping region for this device context to the intersection of the given region described by the parameters of this method and the previously set clipping region. You should call `DestroyClippingRegion` if you want to set the clipping region exactly to the region specified. The clipping region is an area to which drawing is restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the screen is damaged. (R%tDC_SetClippingRegionAsRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetClippingRegionAsRegion scOsti||S(sf SetClippingRect(self, Rect rect) Sets the clipping region for this device context to the intersection of the given region described by the parameters of this method and the previously set clipping region. You should call `DestroyClippingRegion` if you want to set the clipping region exactly to the region specified. The clipping region is an area to which drawing is restricted. Possible uses for the clipping region are for clipping text or for speeding up window redraws when only a known area of the screen is damaged. (R%tDC_SetClippingRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetClippingRect scOsti||S(s DrawLines(self, List points, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0) Draws lines using a sequence of `wx.Point` objects, adding the optional offset coordinate. The current pen is used for drawing the lines. (R%t DC_DrawLines(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawLines scOsti||S(sL DrawPolygon(self, List points, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) Draws a filled polygon using a sequence of `wx.Point` objects, adding the optional offset coordinate. The last argument specifies the fill rule: ``wx.ODDEVEN_RULE`` (the default) or ``wx.WINDING_RULE``. The current pen is used for drawing the outline, and the current brush for filling the shape. Using a transparent brush suppresses filling. Note that wxWidgets automatically closes the first and last points. (R%tDC_DrawPolygon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawPolygon scOsti||S(s2 DrawLabel(self, String text, Rect rect, int alignment=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, int indexAccel=-1) Draw *text* within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if it is not -1. (R%t DC_DrawLabel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawLabels cOsti||S(s DrawImageLabel(self, String text, Bitmap image, Rect rect, int alignment=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, int indexAccel=-1) -> Rect Draw *text* and an image (which may be ``wx.NullBitmap`` to skip drawing it) within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if it is not -1. Returns the bounding rectangle. (R%tDC_DrawImageLabel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawImageLabel s cOsti||S(s DrawSpline(self, List points) Draws a spline between all given control points, (a list of `wx.Point` objects) using the current pen. The spline is drawn using a series of lines, using an algorithm taken from the X drawing program 'XFIG'. (R%t DC_DrawSpline(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawSplinescOsti||S(sd Clear(self) Clears the device context using the current background brush. (R%tDC_Clear(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s StartDoc(self, String message) -> bool Starts a document (only relevant when outputting to a printer). *Message* is a message to show whilst printing. (R%t DC_StartDoc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctStartDoc*scOsti||S(se EndDoc(self) Ends a document (only relevant when outputting to a printer). (R%t DC_EndDoc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctEndDoc3scOsti||S(so StartPage(self) Starts a document page (only relevant when outputting to a printer). (R%t DC_StartPage(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct StartPage;scOsti||S(sk EndPage(self) Ends a document page (only relevant when outputting to a printer). (R%t DC_EndPage(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctEndPageCscOsti||S(s SetFont(self, Font font) Sets the current font for the DC. It must be a valid font, in particular you should not pass ``wx.NullFont`` to this method. (R%t DC_SetFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetFontKscOsti||S(s SetPen(self, Pen pen) Sets the current pen for the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullPen``, the current pen is selected out of the device context, and the original pen restored. (R%t DC_SetPen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetPenTs cOsti||S(s$ SetBrush(self, Brush brush) Sets the current brush for the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullBrush``, the current brush is selected out of the device context, and the original brush restored, allowing the current brush to be destroyed safely. (R%t DC_SetBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetBrush_s cOsti||S(si SetBackground(self, Brush brush) Sets the current background brush for the DC. (R%tDC_SetBackground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetBackgroundkscOsti||S(s SetBackgroundMode(self, int mode) *mode* may be one of ``wx.SOLID`` and ``wx.TRANSPARENT``. This setting determines whether text will be drawn with a background colour or not. (R%tDC_SetBackgroundMode(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetBackgroundModesscOsti||S(sH SetPalette(self, Palette palette) If this is a window DC or memory DC, assigns the given palette to the window or bitmap associated with the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullPalette``, the current palette is selected out of the device context, and the original palette restored. (R%t DC_SetPalette(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR}s cOsti||S(s DestroyClippingRegion(self) Destroys the current clipping region so that none of the DC is clipped. (R%tDC_DestroyClippingRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDestroyClippingRegionscOsti||S(s GetClippingBox() -> (x, y, width, height) Gets the rectangle surrounding the current clipping region. (R%tDC_GetClippingBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetClippingBoxscOsti||S(st GetClippingRect(self) -> Rect Gets the rectangle surrounding the current clipping region. (R%tDC_GetClippingRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetClippingRectscOsti||S(sj GetCharHeight(self) -> int Gets the character height of the currently set font. (R%tDC_GetCharHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetCharHeightscOsti||S(sp GetCharWidth(self) -> int Gets the average character width of the currently set font. (R%tDC_GetCharWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetCharWidthscOsti||S(s GetTextExtent(wxString string) -> (width, height) Get the width and height of the text using the current font. Only works for single line strings. (R%tDC_GetTextExtent(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetTextExtentscOsti||S(s  GetFullTextExtent(wxString string, Font font=None) -> (width, height, descent, externalLeading) Get the width, height, decent and leading of the text using the current or specified font. Only works for single line strings. (R%tDC_GetFullTextExtent(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetFullTextExtentscOsti||S(s GetMultiLineTextExtent(wxString string, Font font=None) -> (width, height, lineHeight) Get the width, height, and line height of the text using the current or specified font. Works for single as well as multi-line strings. (R%tDC_GetMultiLineTextExtent(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetMultiLineTextExtents cOsti||S(s GetPartialTextExtents(self, text) -> [widths] Returns a list of integers such that each value is the distance in pixels from the begining of text to the coresponding character of *text*. The generic version simply builds a running total of the widths of each character using GetTextExtent, however if the various platforms have a native API function that is faster or more accurate than the generic implementation then it will be used instead. (R%tDC_GetPartialTextExtents(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetPartialTextExtentss cOsti||S(s5 GetSize(self) -> Size This gets the horizontal and vertical resolution in device units. It can be used to scale graphics to fit the page. For example, if *maxX* and *maxY* represent the maximum horizontal and vertical 'pixel' values used in your application, the following code will scale the graphic to fit on the printer page:: w, h = dc.GetSize() scaleX = maxX*1.0 / w scaleY = maxY*1.0 / h dc.SetUserScale(min(scaleX,scaleY),min(scaleX,scaleY)) (R%t DC_GetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sA GetSizeTuple() -> (width, height) This gets the horizontal and vertical resolution in device units. It can be used to scale graphics to fit the page. For example, if *maxX* and *maxY* represent the maximum horizontal and vertical 'pixel' values used in your application, the following code will scale the graphic to fit on the printer page:: w, h = dc.GetSize() scaleX = maxX*1.0 / w scaleY = maxY*1.0 / h dc.SetUserScale(min(scaleX,scaleY),min(scaleX,scaleY)) (R%tDC_GetSizeTuple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetSizeTuplescOsti||S(sQ GetSizeMM(self) -> Size Get the DC size in milimeters. (R%t DC_GetSizeMM(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetSizeMMscOsti||S(s] GetSizeMMTuple() -> (width, height) Get the DC size in milimeters. (R%tDC_GetSizeMMTuple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSizeMMTuplescOsti||S(s DeviceToLogicalX(self, int x) -> int Convert device X coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode. (R%tDC_DeviceToLogicalX(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDeviceToLogicalXscOsti||S(s DeviceToLogicalY(self, int y) -> int Converts device Y coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode. (R%tDC_DeviceToLogicalY(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDeviceToLogicalYscOsti||S(s  DeviceToLogicalXRel(self, int x) -> int Convert device X coordinate to relative logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode but ignoring the x axis orientation. Use this function for converting a width, for example. (R%tDC_DeviceToLogicalXRel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDeviceToLogicalXRel"scOsti||S(s  DeviceToLogicalYRel(self, int y) -> int Convert device Y coordinate to relative logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode but ignoring the y axis orientation. Use this function for converting a height, for example. (R%tDC_DeviceToLogicalYRel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDeviceToLogicalYRel,scOsti||S(s LogicalToDeviceX(self, int x) -> int Converts logical X coordinate to device coordinate, using the current mapping mode. (R%tDC_LogicalToDeviceX(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctLogicalToDeviceX6scOsti||S(s LogicalToDeviceY(self, int y) -> int Converts logical Y coordinate to device coordinate, using the current mapping mode. (R%tDC_LogicalToDeviceY(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctLogicalToDeviceY?scOsti||S(s LogicalToDeviceXRel(self, int x) -> int Converts logical X coordinate to relative device coordinate, using the current mapping mode but ignoring the x axis orientation. Use this for converting a width, for example. (R%tDC_LogicalToDeviceXRel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctLogicalToDeviceXRelHscOsti||S(s LogicalToDeviceYRel(self, int y) -> int Converts logical Y coordinate to relative device coordinate, using the current mapping mode but ignoring the y axis orientation. Use this for converting a height, for example. (R%tDC_LogicalToDeviceYRel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctLogicalToDeviceYRelRscOsti||S(sCanDrawBitmap(self) -> bool(R%tDC_CanDrawBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CanDrawBitmap\scOsti||S(sCanGetTextExtent(self) -> bool(R%tDC_CanGetTextExtent(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCanGetTextExtent`scOsti||S(sT GetDepth(self) -> int Returns the colour depth of the DC. (R%t DC_GetDepth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRdscOsti||S(sM GetPPI(self) -> Size Resolution in pixels per inch (R%t DC_GetPPI(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetPPIlscOsti||S(sR IsOk(self) -> bool Returns true if the DC is ok to use. (R%tDC_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>tscOsti||S(s GetBackgroundMode(self) -> int Returns the current background mode, either ``wx.SOLID`` or ``wx.TRANSPARENT``. (R%tDC_GetBackgroundMode(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetBackgroundMode}scOsti||S(sh GetBackground(self) -> Brush Gets the brush used for painting the background. (R%tDC_GetBackground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetBackgroundscOsti||S(sI GetBrush(self) -> Brush Gets the current brush (R%t DC_GetBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetBrushscOsti||S(sF GetFont(self) -> Font Gets the current font (R%t DC_GetFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetFontscOsti||S(sC GetPen(self) -> Pen Gets the current pen (R%t DC_GetPen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetPenscOsti||S(sd GetTextBackground(self) -> Colour Gets the current text background colour (R%tDC_GetTextBackground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetTextBackgroundscOsti||S(sd GetTextForeground(self) -> Colour Gets the current text foreground colour (R%tDC_GetTextForeground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetTextForegroundscOsti||S(su SetTextForeground(self, Colour colour) Sets the current text foreground colour for the DC. (R%tDC_SetTextForeground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetTextForegroundscOsti||S(su SetTextBackground(self, Colour colour) Sets the current text background colour for the DC. (R%tDC_SetTextBackground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetTextBackgroundscOsti||S(sj GetMapMode(self) -> int Gets the current *mapping mode* for the device context (R%t DC_GetMapMode(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetMapModescOsti||S(s SetMapMode(self, int mode) The *mapping mode* of the device context defines the unit of measurement used to convert logical units to device units. The mapping mode can be one of the following: ================ ============================================= wx.MM_TWIPS Each logical unit is 1/20 of a point, or 1/1440 of an inch. wx.MM_POINTS Each logical unit is a point, or 1/72 of an inch. wx.MM_METRIC Each logical unit is 1 mm. wx.MM_LOMETRIC Each logical unit is 1/10 of a mm. wx.MM_TEXT Each logical unit is 1 pixel. ================ ============================================= (R%t DC_SetMapMode(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetMapModescOsti||S(s} GetUserScale(self) -> (xScale, yScale) Gets the current user scale factor (set by `SetUserScale`). (R%tDC_GetUserScale(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetUserScalescOsti||S(s SetUserScale(self, double x, double y) Sets the user scaling factor, useful for applications which require 'zooming'. (R%tDC_SetUserScale(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetUserScalescOsti||S(s%GetLogicalScale() -> (xScale, yScale)(R%tDC_GetLogicalScale(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLogicalScalescOsti||S(s)SetLogicalScale(self, double x, double y)(R%tDC_SetLogicalScale(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetLogicalScalescOsti||S(sGetLogicalOrigin(self) -> Point(R%tDC_GetLogicalOrigin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLogicalOriginscOsti||S(s GetLogicalOriginTuple() -> (x,y)(R%tDC_GetLogicalOriginTuple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLogicalOriginTuplescOsti||S(s$SetLogicalOrigin(self, int x, int y)(R%tDC_SetLogicalOrigin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetLogicalOriginscOsti||S(s(SetLogicalOriginPoint(self, Point point)(R%tDC_SetLogicalOriginPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetLogicalOriginPointscOsti||S(sGetDeviceOrigin(self) -> Point(R%tDC_GetDeviceOrigin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetDeviceOrigin scOsti||S(sGetDeviceOriginTuple() -> (x,y)(R%tDC_GetDeviceOriginTuple(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetDeviceOriginTuplescOsti||S(s#SetDeviceOrigin(self, int x, int y)(R%tDC_SetDeviceOrigin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetDeviceOriginscOsti||S(s'SetDeviceOriginPoint(self, Point point)(R%tDC_SetDeviceOriginPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetDeviceOriginPointscOsti||S(s5 SetAxisOrientation(self, bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp) Sets the x and y axis orientation (i.e., the direction from lowest to highest values on the axis). The default orientation is the natural orientation, e.g. x axis from left to right and y axis from bottom up. (R%tDC_SetAxisOrientation(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetAxisOrientationscOsti||S(s{ GetLogicalFunction(self) -> int Gets the current logical function (set by `SetLogicalFunction`). (R%tDC_GetLogicalFunction(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLogicalFunction%scOsti||S(sf SetLogicalFunction(self, int function) Sets the current logical function for the device context. This determines how a source pixel (from a pen or brush colour, or source device context if using `Blit`) combines with a destination pixel in the current device context. The possible values and their meaning in terms of source and destination pixel values are as follows: ================ ========================== wx.AND src AND dst wx.AND_INVERT (NOT src) AND dst wx.AND_REVERSE src AND (NOT dst) wx.CLEAR 0 wx.COPY src wx.EQUIV (NOT src) XOR dst wx.INVERT NOT dst wx.NAND (NOT src) OR (NOT dst) wx.NOR (NOT src) AND (NOT dst) wx.NO_OP dst wx.OR src OR dst wx.OR_INVERT (NOT src) OR dst wx.OR_REVERSE src OR (NOT dst) wx.SET 1 wx.SRC_INVERT NOT src wx.XOR src XOR dst ================ ========================== The default is wx.COPY, which simply draws with the current colour. The others combine the current colour and the background using a logical operation. wx.INVERT is commonly used for drawing rubber bands or moving outlines, since drawing twice reverts to the original colour. (R%tDC_SetLogicalFunction(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetLogicalFunction-s&cOsti||S(s ComputeScaleAndOrigin(self) Performs all necessary computations for given platform and context type after each change of scale and origin parameters. Usually called automatically internally after such changes. (R%tDC_ComputeScaleAndOrigin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctComputeScaleAndOriginUs cCsdS(N((R toptimize((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetOptimization`scCstS(N(tFalse(R ((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetOptimizationbscOsti||S(s CalcBoundingBox(self, int x, int y) Adds the specified point to the bounding box which can be retrieved with `MinX`, `MaxX` and `MinY`, `MaxY` or `GetBoundingBox` functions. (R%tDC_CalcBoundingBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCalcBoundingBoxhscOsti||S(s CalcBoundingBoxPoint(self, Point point) Adds the specified point to the bounding box which can be retrieved with `MinX`, `MaxX` and `MinY`, `MaxY` or `GetBoundingBox` functions. (R%tDC_CalcBoundingBoxPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCalcBoundingBoxPointqscOsti||S(s ResetBoundingBox(self) Resets the bounding box: after a call to this function, the bounding box doesn't contain anything. (R%tDC_ResetBoundingBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctResetBoundingBoxzscOsti||S(sp MinX(self) -> int Gets the minimum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far. (R%tDC_MinX(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctMinXscOsti||S(sp MaxX(self) -> int Gets the maximum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far. (R%tDC_MaxX(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctMaxXscOsti||S(sn MinY(self) -> int Gets the minimum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far. (R%tDC_MinY(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctMinYscOsti||S(sn MaxY(self) -> int Gets the maximum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far. (R%tDC_MaxY(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctMaxYscOsti||S(s} GetBoundingBox() -> (x1,y1, x2,y2) Returns the min and max points used in drawing commands so far. (R%tDC_GetBoundingBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetBoundingBoxscCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXscOsti||S(s[ GetLayoutDirection(self) -> int Get the layout direction (LTR or RTL)_ for this dc. On platforms where RTL layout is supported, the return value will either be ``wx.Layout_LeftToRight`` or ``wx.Layout_RightToLeft``. ``wx.Layout_Default`` is returned if layout direction is not supported. (R%tDC_GetLayoutDirection(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLayoutDirections cOsti||S(se SetLayoutDirection(self, int dir) Change the layout direction for this dc. (R%tDC_SetLayoutDirection(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetLayoutDirectionscOsti||S(sGetHDC(self) -> long(R%t DC_GetHDC(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetHDCscOsti||S(sX_DrawPointList(self, PyObject pyCoords, PyObject pyPens, PyObject pyBrushes) -> PyObject(R%tDC__DrawPointList(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct_DrawPointListscOsti||S(sW_DrawLineList(self, PyObject pyCoords, PyObject pyPens, PyObject pyBrushes) -> PyObject(R%tDC__DrawLineList(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct _DrawLineListscOsti||S(s\_DrawRectangleList(self, PyObject pyCoords, PyObject pyPens, PyObject pyBrushes) -> PyObject(R%tDC__DrawRectangleList(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct_DrawRectangleListscOsti||S(sZ_DrawEllipseList(self, PyObject pyCoords, PyObject pyPens, PyObject pyBrushes) -> PyObject(R%tDC__DrawEllipseList(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct_DrawEllipseListscOsti||S(sZ_DrawPolygonList(self, PyObject pyCoords, PyObject pyPens, PyObject pyBrushes) -> PyObject(R%tDC__DrawPolygonList(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct_DrawPolygonListscOsti||S(s _DrawTextList(self, PyObject textList, PyObject pyPoints, PyObject foregroundList, PyObject backgroundList) -> PyObject (R%tDC__DrawTextList(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct _DrawTextListscCss|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|i||gS(s Draw a list of points as quickly as possible. :param points: A sequence of 2-element sequences representing each point to draw, (x,y). :param pens: If None, then the current pen is used. If a single pen then it will be used for all points. If a list of pens then there should be one for each point in points. s%points and pens must have same lengthN(R t isinstanceR\RqRTt ValueErrorR(R tpointstpens((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawPointLists   cCss|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|i||gS(s Draw a list of lines as quickly as possible. :param lines: A sequence of 4-element sequences representing each line to draw, (x1,y1, x2,y2). :param pens: If None, then the current pen is used. If a single pen then it will be used for all lines. If a list of pens then there should be one for each line in lines. s$lines and pens must have same lengthN(R RR\RqRTRR(R tlinesR((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawLineLists   cCs|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|i|||S(s Draw a list of rectangles as quickly as possible. :param rectangles: A sequence of 4-element sequences representing each rectangle to draw, (x,y, w,h). :param pens: If None, then the current pen is used. If a single pen then it will be used for all rectangles. If a list of pens then there should be one for each rectangle in rectangles. :param brushes: A brush or brushes to be used to fill the rectagles, with similar semantics as the pens parameter. s)rectangles and pens must have same lengths,rectangles and brushes must have same lengthN(R RR\RqRTRRR(R t rectanglesRtbrushes((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRectangleLists      cCs|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|i|||S(s Draw a list of ellipses as quickly as possible. :param ellipses: A sequence of 4-element sequences representing each ellipse to draw, (x,y, w,h). :param pens: If None, then the current pen is used. If a single pen then it will be used for all ellipses. If a list of pens then there should be one for each ellipse in ellipses. :param brushes: A brush or brushes to be used to fill the ellipses, with similar semantics as the pens parameter. s'ellipses and pens must have same lengths*ellipses and brushes must have same lengthN(R RR\RqRTRRR(R tellipsesRR((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawEllipseList#s      cCs|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|i|||S(s Draw a list of polygons, each of which is a list of points. :param polygons: A sequence of sequences of sequences. [[(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)...], [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)...]] :param pens: If None, then the current pen is used. If a single pen then it will be used for all polygons. If a list of pens then there should be one for each polygon. :param brushes: A brush or brushes to be used to fill the polygons, with similar semantics as the pens parameter. s'polygons and pens must have same lengths*polygons and brushes must have same lengthN(R RR\RqRTRRR(R tpolygonsRR((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawPolygonList?s      cCs%t|tdjo |g}n*t|t|jotdn|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|djo g}nJt|tio |g}n*t|t|jotdn|i||||S(sj Draw a list of strings using a list of coordinants for positioning each string. :param textList: A list of strings :param coords: A list of (x,y) positions :param foregrounds: A list of `wx.Colour` objects to use for the foregrounds of the strings. :param backgrounds: A list of `wx.Colour` objects to use for the backgrounds of the strings. NOTE: Make sure you set Background mode to wx.Solid (DC.SetBackgroundMode) If you want backgrounds to do anything. Rs)textlist and coords must have same lengths,foregrounds and coords must have same lengths,backgrounds and coords must have same lengthN(RRTRR RR\R2R(R ttextListtcoordst foregroundst backgrounds((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawTextList]s"       s'See `GetBackground` and `SetBackground`s/See `GetBackgroundMode` and `SetBackgroundMode`sSee `GetBoundingBox`sSee `GetBrush` and `SetBrush`sSee `GetCharHeight`sSee `GetCharWidth`sSee `GetClippingBox`s+See `GetClippingRect` and `SetClippingRect`sSee `GetDepth`s+See `GetDeviceOrigin` and `SetDeviceOrigin`sSee `GetFont` and `SetFont`sSee `GetFullTextExtent`s1See `GetLogicalFunction` and `SetLogicalFunction`s-See `GetLogicalOrigin` and `SetLogicalOrigin`s+See `GetLogicalScale` and `SetLogicalScale`s!See `GetMapMode` and `SetMapMode`sSee `GetMultiLineTextExtent`s+See `GetOptimization` and `SetOptimization`s See `GetPPI`sSee `GetPartialTextExtents`sSee `GetPen` and `SetPen`sSee `GetPixel`sSee `GetPixelPoint`s See `GetSize`sSee `GetSizeMM`s/See `GetTextBackground` and `SetTextBackground`sSee `GetTextExtent`s/See `GetTextForeground` and `SetTextForeground`s%See `GetUserScale` and `SetUserScale`N(RRR-R.RR*RRR%t delete_DCR0R1RRRRRRRHRRRRRRRRR R RRRRRRRRRR R"R$R&R(R*R,R.R0R2R4R6R8R:R<R>R@RBRDRFRHRJRLRNRPRRSRURWRYR[R]R_RaRcRRfRhRjRlRnRpRrRtRvRRyR{R}RRRRRRRRRRRRR>R[RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR\R]RRRRRRRRRXRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRt BackgroundtBackgroundModet BoundingBoxRt CharHeightt CharWidtht ClippingBoxt ClippingRectRt DeviceOriginRBtFullTextExtenttLogicalFunctiont LogicalOrigint LogicalScaletMapModetMultiLineTextExtentt OptimizationtPPItPartialTextExtentsRqR`t PixelPointRtSizeMMtTextBackgroundt TextExtenttTextForegroundt UserScaletLayoutDirection(((s wx\_gdi.pycR sh                                                                    (                   tDCTextColourChangercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s wx.DCTextColourChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC text colour and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, DC dc, Colour col) -> DCTextColourChanger wx.DCTextColourChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC text colour and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope N(R%tDCTextColourChanger_swiginittnew_DCTextColourChanger(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_DCTextColourChangerR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs   t DCPenChangercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s wx.DCPenChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC pen and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, DC dc, Pen pen) -> DCPenChanger wx.DCPenChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC pen and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope N(R%tDCPenChanger_swiginittnew_DCPenChanger(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_DCPenChangerR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s   tDCBrushChangercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s wx.DCBrushChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC brush and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, DC dc, Brush brush) -> DCBrushChanger wx.DCBrushChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC brush and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope N(R%tDCBrushChanger_swiginittnew_DCBrushChanger(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_DCBrushChangerR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycR&s   t DCClippercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s wx.wxDCClipper sets the DC's clipping region when it is constructed, and then automatically destroys the clipping region when the clipper goes out of scope. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcGsti|ti|dS(sn __init__(self, DC dc, Region r) -> DCClipper __init__(self, DC dc, Rect r) -> DCClipper __init__(self, DC dc, int x, int y, int w, int h) -> DCClipper wx.wxDCClipper sets the DC's clipping region when it is constructed, and then automatically destroys the clipping region when the clipper goes out of scope. N(R%tDCClipper_swiginitt new_DCClipper(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_DCClipperR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s  tScreenDCcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ RS( s A wxScreenDC can be used to paint anywhere on the screen. This should normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don't store a wxScreenDC object. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> ScreenDC A wxScreenDC can be used to paint anywhere on the screen. This should normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don't store a wxScreenDC object. N(R%tScreenDC_swiginitt new_ScreenDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s cOsti||S(s StartDrawingOnTopWin(self, Window window) -> bool Specify that the area of the screen to be drawn upon coincides with the given window. :see: `EndDrawingOnTop` (R%tScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTopWin(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctStartDrawingOnTopWins cOsti||S(s StartDrawingOnTop(self, Rect rect=None) -> bool Specify that the area is the given rectangle, or the whole screen if ``None`` is passed. :see: `EndDrawingOnTop` (R%tScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTop(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctStartDrawingOnTops cOsti||S(s EndDrawingOnTop(self) -> bool Use this in conjunction with `StartDrawingOnTop` or `StartDrawingOnTopWin` to ensure that drawing to the screen occurs on top of existing windows. Without this, some window systems (such as X) only allow drawing to take place underneath other windows. You might use this pair of functions when implementing a drag feature, for example as in the `wx.SplitterWindow` implementation. These functions are probably obsolete since the X implementations allow drawing directly on the screen now. However, the fact that this function allows the screen to be refreshed afterwards may be useful to some applications. (R%tScreenDC_EndDrawingOnTop(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctEndDrawingOnTops( RRR-R.RRRR*R2R4R6(((s wx\_gdi.pycR.s tWindowDCcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s A wx.WindowDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the whole area of a window (client and decorations). This should normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don't store a wx.WindowDC object. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"8scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"8sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sz __init__(self, Window win) -> WindowDC Constructor. Pass the window on which you wish to paint. N(R%tWindowDC_swiginitt new_WindowDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*:s(RRR-R.RRRR*(((s wx\_gdi.pycR71stClientDCcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s A wx.ClientDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from outside an EVT_PAINT event. This should normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don't store a wx.ClientDC object long term. To draw on a window from within an EVT_PAINT handler, construct a `wx.PaintDC` object. To draw on the whole window including decorations, construct a `wx.WindowDC` object (Windows only). cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"SscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"SsR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sz __init__(self, Window win) -> ClientDC Constructor. Pass the window on which you wish to paint. N(R%tClientDC_swiginitt new_ClientDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*Us(RRR-R.RRRR*(((s wx\_gdi.pycR:Es tPaintDCcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s A wx.PaintDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from within an EVT_PAINT event handler. This should normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don't store a wx.PaintDC object. If you have an EVT_PAINT handler, you **must** create a wx.PaintDC object within it even if you don't actually use it. Using wx.PaintDC within EVT_PAINT handlers is important because it automatically sets the clipping area to the damaged area of the window. Attempts to draw outside this area do not appear. To draw on a window from outside EVT_PAINT handlers, construct a `wx.ClientDC` object. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"qscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"qsR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sy __init__(self, Window win) -> PaintDC Constructor. Pass the window on which you wish to paint. N(R%tPaintDC_swiginitt new_PaintDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*ss(RRR-R.RRRR*(((s wx\_gdi.pycR=`stMemoryDCcBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ RS(s5 A memory device context provides a means to draw graphics onto a bitmap. A bitmap must be selected into the new memory DC before it may be used for anything. Typical usage is as follows:: dc = wx.MemoryDC() dc.SelectObject(bitmap) # draw on the dc using any of the Draw methods dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) # the bitmap now contains wahtever was drawn upon it Note that the memory DC *must* be deleted (or the bitmap selected out of it) before a bitmap can be reselected into another memory DC. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sr __init__(self, Bitmap bitmap=NullBitmap) -> MemoryDC Constructs a new memory device context. Use the Ok member to test whether the constructor was successful in creating a usable device context. If a bitmap is not given to this constructor then don't forget to select a bitmap into the DC before drawing on it. N(R%tMemoryDC_swiginitt new_MemoryDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s cOsti||S(s. SelectObject(self, Bitmap bitmap) Selects the bitmap into the device context, to use as the memory bitmap. Selecting the bitmap into a memory DC allows you to draw into the DC, and therefore the bitmap, and also to use Blit to copy the bitmap to a window. If the argument is wx.NullBitmap (or some other uninitialised `wx.Bitmap`) the current bitmap is selected out of the device context, and the original bitmap restored, allowing the current bitmap to be destroyed safely. (R%tMemoryDC_SelectObject(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SelectObjectscOsti||S(s&SelectObjectAsSource(self, Bitmap bmp)(R%tMemoryDC_SelectObjectAsSource(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSelectObjectAsSources( RRR-R.RRRR*RDRF(((s wx\_gdi.pycR@~s  cOsti||}|S(sc MemoryDCFromDC(DC oldDC) -> MemoryDC Creates a DC that is compatible with the oldDC. (R%tnew_MemoryDCFromDC(R(R)Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctMemoryDCFromDCst BufferedDCcBseeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d ZRS( s This simple class provides a simple way to avoid flicker: when drawing on it, everything is in fact first drawn on an in-memory buffer (a `wx.Bitmap`) and then copied to the screen only once, when this object is destroyed. You can either provide a buffer bitmap yourself, and reuse it the next time something needs painted, or you can let the buffered DC create and provide a buffer bitmap itself. Buffered DCs can be used in the same way as any other device context. wx.BufferedDC itself typically replaces `wx.ClientDC`, if you want to use it in your EVT_PAINT handler, you should look at `wx.BufferedPaintDC`. You can also use a wx.BufferedDC without providing a target DC. In this case the operations done on the dc will only be written to the buffer bitmap and *not* to any window, so you will want to have provided the buffer bitmap and then reuse it when it needs painted to the window. Please note that GTK+ 2.0 and OS X provide double buffering themselves natively. You may want to use `wx.Window.IsDoubleBuffered` to determine whether you need to use buffering or not, or use `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC` to avoid needless double buffering on systems that already do it automatically. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcGsNti|ti||d|_t|djo|d|_ndS(s __init__(self, DC dc, Bitmap buffer=NullBitmap, int style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA) -> BufferedDC __init__(self, DC dc, Size area, int style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA) -> BufferedDC Constructs a buffered DC. iiN(R%tBufferedDC_swiginittnew_BufferedDCt_BufferedDC__dcRTt_BufferedDC__bmp(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s UnMask(self) Blits the buffer to the dc, and detaches the dc from the buffer (so it can be effectively used once only). This is usually only called in the destructor. (R%tBufferedDC_UnMask(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctUnMaskscOsti||S(sSetStyle(self, int style)(R%tBufferedDC_SetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sGetStyle(self) -> int(R%tBufferedDC_GetStyle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR{s(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_BufferedDCR0R1RORR{(((s wx\_gdi.pycRIs    tBufferedPaintDCcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(sB This is a subclass of `wx.BufferedDC` which can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT event handler. Just create an object of this class instead of `wx.PaintDC` and that's all you have to do to (mostly) avoid flicker. The only thing to watch out for is that if you are using this class together with `wx.ScrolledWindow`, you probably do **not** want to call `wx.Window.PrepareDC` on it as it already does this internally for the real underlying `wx.PaintDC`. If your window is already fully buffered in a `wx.Bitmap` then your EVT_PAINT handler can be as simple as just creating a ``wx.BufferedPaintDC`` as it will `Blit` the buffer to the window automatically when it is destroyed. For example:: def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.buffer) cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOsDti|ti||t|djo|d|_ndS(s __init__(self, Window window, Bitmap buffer=NullBitmap, int style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA) -> BufferedPaintDC Create a buffered paint DC. As with `wx.BufferedDC`, you may either provide the bitmap to be used for buffering or let this object create one internally (in the latter case, the size of the client part of the window is automatically used). iN(R%tBufferedPaintDC_swiginittnew_BufferedPaintDCRTt_BufferedPaintDC__bmp(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s (RRR-R.RRRR*(((s wx\_gdi.pycRSstAutoBufferedPaintDCcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s If the current platform double buffers by default then this DC is the same as a plain `wx.PaintDC`, otherwise it is a `wx.BufferedPaintDC`. :see: `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDCFactory` cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"/scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"/sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, Window win) -> AutoBufferedPaintDC If the current platform double buffers by default then this DC is the same as a plain `wx.PaintDC`, otherwise it is a `wx.BufferedPaintDC`. :see: `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDCFactory` N(R%tAutoBufferedPaintDC_swiginittnew_AutoBufferedPaintDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*1s (RRR-R.RRRR*(((s wx\_gdi.pycRW'scOsti||S(s AutoBufferedPaintDCFactory(Window window) -> DC Checks if the window is natively double buffered and will return a `wx.PaintDC` if it is, a `wx.BufferedPaintDC` otherwise. The advantage of this function over `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC` is that this function will check if the the specified window has double-buffering enabled rather than just going by platform defaults. (R%tAutoBufferedPaintDCFactory(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRZ?s tMirrorDCcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(s| wx.MirrorDC is a simple wrapper class which is always associated with a real `wx.DC` object and either forwards all of its operations to it without changes (no mirroring takes place) or exchanges x and y coordinates which makes it possible to reuse the same code to draw a figure and its mirror -- i.e. reflection related to the diagonal line x == y. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"UscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"UsR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, DC dc, bool mirror) -> MirrorDC Creates a mirrored DC associated with the real *dc*. Everything drawn on the wx.MirrorDC will appear on the *dc*, and will be mirrored if *mirror* is True. N(R%tMirrorDC_swiginitt new_MirrorDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*Ws(RRR-R.RRRR*(((s wx\_gdi.pycR[Lst PostScriptDCcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ e e Z d Z e e Z eee dd Z RS( sEThis is a `wx.DC` that can write to PostScript files on any platform.cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"fscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"fsR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, wxPrintData printData) -> PostScriptDC Constructs a PostScript printer device context from a `wx.PrintData` object. N(R%tPostScriptDC_swiginittnew_PostScriptDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*hscOsti||S(s!GetPrintData(self) -> wxPrintData(R%tPostScriptDC_GetPrintData(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetPrintDatapscOsti||S(s$SetPrintData(self, wxPrintData data)(R%tPostScriptDC_SetPrintData(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetPrintDatatscOsti||S(s SetResolution(int ppi) Set resolution (in pixels per inch) that will be used in PostScript output. Default is 720ppi. (R%tPostScriptDC_SetResolution(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetResolutionxscOsti||S(s^ GetResolution() -> int Return resolution used in PostScript output. (R%tPostScriptDC_GetResolution(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetResolutionss%See `GetPrintData` and `SetPrintData`(RRR-R.RRRR*RbRdRfR@Rht PrintData(((s wx\_gdi.pycR^ds      cOsti||S(s PostScriptDC_SetResolution(int ppi) Set resolution (in pixels per inch) that will be used in PostScript output. Default is 720ppi. (R%Re(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRescGs ti|S(s_ PostScriptDC_GetResolution() -> int Return resolution used in PostScript output. (R%Rg(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRgstMetaFilecBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ e Z dZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZRS(sProxy of C++ MetaFile classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s7__init__(self, String filename=EmptyString) -> MetaFileN(R%tMetaFile_swiginitt new_MetaFile(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sIsOk(self) -> bool(R%t MetaFile_IsOk(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR>scOsti||S(s5SetClipboard(self, int width=0, int height=0) -> bool(R%tMetaFile_SetClipboard(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetClipboardscOsti||S(sGetSize(self) -> Size(R%tMetaFile_GetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sGetWidth(self) -> int(R%tMetaFile_GetWidth(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR}scOsti||S(sGetHeight(self) -> int(R%tMetaFile_GetHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sGetFileName(self) -> String(R%tMetaFile_GetFileName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRescCs |iS(N(R>(R ((s wx\_gdi.pycRXs(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_MetaFileR0R1R>R[RoRR}RReRX(((s wx\_gdi.pycRjs         t MetaFileDCcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZdZRS(sProxy of C++ MetaFileDC classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, String filename=EmptyString, int width=0, int height=0, String description=EmptyString) -> MetaFileDC N(R%tMetaFileDC_swiginittnew_MetaFileDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scOsti||S(sClose(self) -> MetaFile(R%tMetaFileDC_Close(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCloses( RRR-R.RRRR*Ry(((s wx\_gdi.pycRus  t PrinterDCcBs8eZdZeddddZeZdZRS(sProxy of C++ PrinterDC classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s2__init__(self, wxPrintData printData) -> PrinterDCN(R%tPrinterDC_swiginitt new_PrinterDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s(RRR-R.RRRR*(((s wx\_gdi.pycRzstGraphicsObjectcBs\eZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ RS( s This class is the superclass of native graphics objects like pens etc. It provides the internal reference counting. It is not to be instantiated by user code. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s  __init__(self, GraphicsRenderer renderer=None) -> GraphicsObject This class is the superclass of native graphics objects like pens etc. It provides the internal reference counting. It is not to be instantiated by user code. N(R%tGraphicsObject_swiginittnew_GraphicsObject(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sc IsNull(self) -> bool Is this object valid (false) or still empty (true)? (R%tGraphicsObject_IsNull(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR,scOsti||S(s GetRenderer(self) -> GraphicsRenderer Returns the renderer that was used to create this instance, or ``None`` if it has not been initialized yet. (R%tGraphicsObject_GetRenderer(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetRenderers(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_GraphicsObjectR0R1R,R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR}s   t GraphicsPencBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s: A wx.GraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. It is used for stroking a path on a `wx.GraphicsContext`. The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a CreatePen call on the graphics context or the renderer instance. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sy __init__(self) -> GraphicsPen A wx.GraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. It is used for stroking a path on a `wx.GraphicsContext`. The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a CreatePen call on the graphics context or the renderer instance. N(R%tGraphicsPen_swiginittnew_GraphicsPen(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_GraphicsPenR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs  t GraphicsBrushcBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(sB A wx.GraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush. It is used for filling a path on a `wx.GraphicsContext`. The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a Create...Brush call on the graphics context or the renderer instance. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"(scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"(sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> GraphicsBrush A wx.GraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush. It is used for filling a path on a `wx.GraphicsContext`. The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a Create...Brush call on the graphics context or the renderer instance. N(R%tGraphicsBrush_swiginittnew_GraphicsBrush(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR**s cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"6s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_GraphicsBrushR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycR s  t GraphicsFontcBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s A `wx.GraphicsFont` is a native representation of a font (including text colour). The contents are specific an private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a CreateFont call on the graphics context or the renderer instance. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"@scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"@sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sU __init__(self) -> GraphicsFont A `wx.GraphicsFont` is a native representation of a font (including text colour). The contents are specific an private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a CreateFont call on the graphics context or the renderer instance. N(R%tGraphicsFont_swiginittnew_GraphicsFont(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*Bs cCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"Ms( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_GraphicsFontR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycR9s  tGraphicsMatrixcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s  A wx.GraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix. The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a CreateMatrix call on the graphics context or the renderer instance. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"WscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"WsR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*XscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"[scOsti||S(sr Concat(self, GraphicsMatrix t) Concatenates the passed in matrix to the current matrix. (R%tGraphicsMatrix_Concat(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctConcat\scOsti||S(s Set(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0, Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0) Sets the matrix to the specified values (default values are the identity matrix.) (R%tGraphicsMatrix_Set(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR@dscOsti||S(s Get(self) --> (a, b, c, d, tx, ty) Gets the component values of the matrix and returns them as a tuple. (R%tGraphicsMatrix_Get(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRNnscOsti||S(s; Invert(self) Inverts the matrix. (R%tGraphicsMatrix_Invert(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctInvertvscOsti||S(s IsEqual(self, GraphicsMatrix t) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal (R%tGraphicsMatrix_IsEqual(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR~scOsti||S(sc IsIdentity(self) -> bool Returns ``True`` if this is the identity matrix (R%tGraphicsMatrix_IsIdentity(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct IsIdentityscOsti||S(sb Translate(self, Double dx, Double dy) Add a translation to this matrix. (R%tGraphicsMatrix_Translate(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct TranslatescOsti||S(sX Scale(self, Double xScale, Double yScale) Scales this matrix. (R%tGraphicsMatrix_Scale(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctScalescOsti||S(su Rotate(self, Double angle) Rotates this matrix. The angle should be specified in radians. (R%tGraphicsMatrix_Rotate(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctRotatescOsti||S(s TransformPoint(self, x, y) --> (x, y) Applies this matrix to a point, returns the resulting point values (R%tGraphicsMatrix_TransformPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctTransformPointscOsti||S(s TransformDistance(self, dx, dy) --> (dx, dy) Applies this matrix to a distance (ie. performs all transforms except translations) (R%t GraphicsMatrix_TransformDistance(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctTransformDistancescOsti||S(s< GetNativeMatrix(self) -> void Returns the native representation of the matrix. For CoreGraphics this is a CFAffineMatrix pointer. For GDIPlus a Matrix Pointer and for Cairo a cairo_matrix_t pointer. NOTE: For wxPython we still need a way to make this value usable. (R%tGraphicsMatrix_GetNativeMatrix(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetNativeMatrixs (RRR-R.RR*RRR%tdelete_GraphicsMatrixR0R1RR@RNRRRRRRRRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRPs$            t GraphicsPathcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(sProxy of C++ GraphicsPath classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scGs ti|S(s MoveToPoint(self, Double x, Double y) MoveToPoint(self, Point2D p) Begins a new subpath at the specified point. (R%tGraphicsPath_MoveToPoint(R(((s wx\_gdi.pyct MoveToPointscGs ti|S(s AddLineToPoint(self, Double x, Double y) AddLineToPoint(self, Point2D p) Adds a straight line from the current point to the specified point. (R%tGraphicsPath_AddLineToPoint(R(((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddLineToPointscGs ti|S(s& AddCurveToPoint(self, Double cx1, Double cy1, Double cx2, Double cy2, Double x, Double y) AddCurveToPoint(self, Point2D c1, Point2D c2, Point2D e) Adds a cubic Bezier curve from the current point, using two control points and an end point (R%tGraphicsPath_AddCurveToPoint(R(((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddCurveToPoints cOsti||S(sM AddPath(self, GraphicsPath path) Adds another path (R%tGraphicsPath_AddPath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddPathscOsti||S(sJ CloseSubpath(self) Closes the current sub-path. (R%tGraphicsPath_CloseSubpath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CloseSubpathscOsti||S(sy GetCurrentPoint(self) -> Point2D Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set (R%tGraphicsPath_GetCurrentPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetCurrentPointscGs ti|S(sZ AddArc(self, Double x, Double y, Double r, Double startAngle, Double endAngle, bool clockwise=True) AddArc(self, Point2D c, Double r, Double startAngle, Double endAngle, bool clockwise=True) Adds an arc of a circle centering at (x,y) with radius (r) from startAngle to endAngle (R%tGraphicsPath_AddArc(R(((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddArcs cOsti||S(s AddQuadCurveToPoint(self, Double cx, Double cy, Double x, Double y) Adds a quadratic Bezier curve from the current point, using a control point and an end point (R%t GraphicsPath_AddQuadCurveToPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddQuadCurveToPoint scOsti||S(s AddRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h) Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath. (R%tGraphicsPath_AddRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct AddRectanglescOsti||S(s AddCircle(self, Double x, Double y, Double r) Appends a circle around (x,y) with radius r as a new closed subpath. (R%tGraphicsPath_AddCircle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct AddCirclescOsti||S(s AddArcToPoint(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Double r) Appends an arc to two tangents connecting (current) to (x1,y1) and (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), also a straight line from (current) to (x1,y1) (R%tGraphicsPath_AddArcToPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct AddArcToPoint&scOsti||S(s AddEllipse(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h) Appends an ellipse fitting into the passed in rectangle. (R%tGraphicsPath_AddEllipse(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct AddEllipse/scOsti||S(s AddRoundedRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h, Double radius) Appends a rounded rectangle. (R%t GraphicsPath_AddRoundedRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddRoundedRectangle7scOsti||S(s GetNativePath(self) -> void Returns the native path (CGPathRef for Core Graphics, Path pointer for GDIPlus and a cairo_path_t pointer for cairo). NOTE: For wxPython we still need a way to make this value usable. (R%tGraphicsPath_GetNativePath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetNativePath?scOsti||S(s  UnGetNativePath(self, void p) Gives back the native path returned by GetNativePath() because there might be some deallocations necessary (eg on cairo the native path returned by GetNativePath is newly allocated each time). (R%tGraphicsPath_UnGetNativePath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctUnGetNativePathIscOsti||S(sr Transform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix) Transforms each point of this path by the matrix (R%tGraphicsPath_Transform(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct TransformSscOsti||S(s GetBox(self) -> Rect2D Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control points) (R%tGraphicsPath_GetBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR[scGs ti|S(s Contains(self, Double x, Double y, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) -> bool Contains(self, Point2D c, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) -> bool Returns ``True`` if the point is within the path. (R%tGraphicsPath_Contains(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRds(RRR-R.RR*RRR%tdelete_GraphicsPathR0R1RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs0            tGraphicsContextcBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ e e Z dZe eZd Ze eZd Ze eZd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%d Z&d!Z'd"Z(d#Z)d$Z*d%Z+d&Z,d'Z-d(Z.d)Z/d*Z0d+Z1d,Z2d-Z3d.Z4d/Z5d0Z6d1Z7d2Z8d3Z9d4Z:RS(5s^ A `wx.GraphicsContext` instance is the object that is drawn upon. It is created by a renderer using the CreateContext calls, this can be done either directly using a renderer instance, or indirectly using the static convenience CreateXXX functions of wx.GraphicsContext that always delegate the task to the default renderer. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"wscCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"wsR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*xscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"{scGs ti|}|d|_|S(s Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext Create(Window window) -> GraphicsContext Creates a wx.GraphicsContext either from a window or a DC. i(R%tGraphicsContext_Createt_GraphicsContext__dc(R(Rc((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreate|s cGs ti|S(s CreateMeasuringContext() -> GraphicsContext Create a lightwieght context that can be used for measuring text only. (R%t&GraphicsContext_CreateMeasuringContext(R(((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreateMeasuringContextscOsti||S(s[ CreateFromNative(void context) -> GraphicsContext Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native context. This native context must be eg a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for GDIPlus or a cairo_t pointer for Cairo. NOTE: For wxPython we still need a way to make this value usable. (R%t GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreateFromNatives cOsti||S(s CreateFromNativeWindow(void window) -> GraphicsContext Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native window. NOTE: For wxPython we still need a way to make this value usable. (R%t&GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreateFromNativeWindowscOsti||S(st CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath Creates a native graphics path which is initially empty. (R%tGraphicsContext_CreatePath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CreatePathscOsti||S(sh CreatePen(self, Pen pen) -> GraphicsPen Creates a native pen from a `wx.Pen`. (R%tGraphicsContext_CreatePen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CreatePenscOsti||S(st CreateBrush(self, Brush brush) -> GraphicsBrush Creates a native brush from a `wx.Brush`. (R%tGraphicsContext_CreateBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CreateBrushscOsti||S(s CreateLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1, Colour c2) -> GraphicsBrush Creates a native brush, having a linear gradient, starting at (x1,y1) with color c1 to (x2,y2) with color c2. (R%t)GraphicsContext_CreateLinearGradientBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreateLinearGradientBrushscOsti||S(sg CreateRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius, Colour oColor, Colour cColor) -> GraphicsBrush Creates a native brush, having a radial gradient originating at point (xo,yc) with color oColour and ends on a circle around (xc,yc) with radius r and color cColour. (R%t)GraphicsContext_CreateRadialGradientBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreateRadialGradientBrushs cOsti||S(s CreateFont(self, Font font, Colour col=*wxBLACK) -> GraphicsFont Creates a native graphics font from a `wx.Font` and a text colour. (R%tGraphicsContext_CreateFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CreateFontscOsti||S(s CreateMatrix(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0, Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0) -> GraphicsMatrix Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in values. The defaults result in an identity matrix. (R%tGraphicsContext_CreateMatrix(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct CreateMatrixscOsti||S(s PushState(self) Push the current state of the context, (ie the transformation matrix) on a stack (R%tGraphicsContext_PushState(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct PushStatescOsti||S(sL PopState(self) Pops a stored state from the stack (R%tGraphicsContext_PopState(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctPopStatescOsti||S(s ClipRegion(self, Region region) Clips drawings to the region intersected with the current clipping region. (R%tGraphicsContext_ClipRegion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct ClipRegionscOsti||S(s Clip(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h) Clips drawings to the rectangle intersected with the current clipping region.. (R%tGraphicsContext_Clip(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctClipscOsti||S(sQ ResetClip(self) Resets the clipping to original shape. (R%tGraphicsContext_ResetClip(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct ResetClipscOsti||S(s GetNativeContext(self) -> void Returns the native context (CGContextRef for Core Graphics, Graphics pointer for GDIPlus and cairo_t pointer for cairo). (R%t GraphicsContext_GetNativeContext(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetNativeContextscOsti||S(s` GetLogicalFunction(self) -> int Returns the current logical function. (R%t"GraphicsContext_GetLogicalFunction(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s SetLogicalFunction(self, int function) -> bool Sets the current logical function, returns ``True`` if it supported (R%t"GraphicsContext_SetLogicalFunction(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(sn Translate(self, Double dx, Double dy) Translates the current transformation matrix. (R%tGraphicsContext_Translate(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR(scOsti||S(s| Scale(self, Double xScale, Double yScale) Scale the current transformation matrix of the context. (R%tGraphicsContext_Scale(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR0scOsti||S(s Rotate(self, Double angle) Rotate the current transformation matrix of the context. ``angle`` is specified in radians. (R%tGraphicsContext_Rotate(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR8scOsti||S(s ConcatTransform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix) Concatenates the passed in transform with the current transform of this context. (R%tGraphicsContext_ConcatTransform(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctConcatTransformAscOsti||S(sp SetTransform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix) Sets the current transform of this context. (R%tGraphicsContext_SetTransform(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetTransformJscOsti||S(sw GetTransform(self) -> GraphicsMatrix Gets the current transformation matrix of this context. (R%tGraphicsContext_GetTransform(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetTransformRscGs ti|S(sj SetPen(self, GraphicsPen pen) SetPen(self, Pen pen) Sets the stroke pen (R%tGraphicsContext_SetPen(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR]ZscGs ti|S(s} SetBrush(self, GraphicsBrush brush) SetBrush(self, Brush brush) Sets the brush for filling (R%tGraphicsContext_SetBrush(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR_cscGs ti|S(s SetFont(self, GraphicsFont font) SetFont(self, Font font, Colour colour=*wxBLACK) Sets the font (R%tGraphicsContext_SetFont(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR[lscOsti||S(si StrokePath(self, GraphicsPath path) Strokes along a path with the current pen. (R%tGraphicsContext_StrokePath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct StrokePathuscOsti||S(s} FillPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) Fills a path with the current brush. (R%tGraphicsContext_FillPath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFillPath}scOsti||S(s DrawPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) Draws the path by first filling and then stroking. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawPath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawPathscOsti||S(s DrawText(self, String str, Double x, Double y, GraphicsBrush backgroundBrush=NullGraphicsBrush) Draws a text string at the defined position. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawText(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR2scOsti||S(s DrawRotatedText(self, String str, Double x, Double y, Double angle, GraphicsBrush backgroundBrush=NullGraphicsBrush) Draws a text string at the defined position, at the specified angle, which is given in radians. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawRotatedText(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR6scOsti||S(s GetFullTextExtent(self, text) --> (width, height, descent, externalLeading) Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font. ``text`` is the string to measure, ``w`` and ``h`` are the total width and height respectively, ``descent`` is the dimension from the baseline of the font to the bottom of the descender, and ``externalLeading`` is any extra vertical space added to the font by the font designer (usually is zero). (R%t!GraphicsContext_GetFullTextExtent(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRrs cOsti||S(s GetTextExtent(self, text) --> (width, height) Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font. ``text`` is the string to measure, ``w`` and ``h`` are the total width and height respectively. (R%tGraphicsContext_GetTextExtent(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRpscOsti||S(s GetPartialTextExtents(self, text) -> [widths] Returns a list of widths from the beginning of ``text`` to the coresponding character in ``text``. (R%t%GraphicsContext_GetPartialTextExtents(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRvscOsti||S(s DrawBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h) Draws the bitmap. In case of a mono bitmap, this is treated as a mask and the current brush is used for filling. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR.scOsti||S(sl DrawIcon(self, Icon icon, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h) Draws the icon. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scOsti||S(sn StrokeLine(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2) Strokes a single line. (R%tGraphicsContext_StrokeLine(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct StrokeLinescOsti||S(sd StrokeLines(self, List points) Stroke lines connecting each of the points (R%tGraphicsContext_StrokeLines(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct StrokeLinesscOsti||S(s StrokeLineSegments(self, List beginPoints, List endPoints) Stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points (R%t#GraphicsContext_StrokeLineSegements(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctStrokeLineSegementsscOsti||S(sf DrawLines(self, size_t points, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) Draws a polygon. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawLines(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRHscOsti||S(si DrawRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h) Draws a rectangle. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sf DrawEllipse(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h) Draws an ellipse. (R%tGraphicsContext_DrawEllipse(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR$scOsti||S(s DrawRoundedRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h, Double radius) Draws a rounded rectangle (R%t$GraphicsContext_DrawRoundedRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s ShouldOffset(self) -> bool helper to determine if a 0.5 offset should be applied for the drawing operation (R%tGraphicsContext_ShouldOffset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct ShouldOffsets(;RRR-R.RR*RRR%tdelete_GraphicsContextR0R1RR@RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR]R_R[RRRR2R6RrRpRvR.R*R R RRHRR$RR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRosp                                  cGs ti|}|d|_|S(s Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext GraphicsContext_Create(Window window) -> GraphicsContext Creates a wx.GraphicsContext either from a window or a DC. i(R%Rt__dc(R(Rc((s wx\_gdi.pycRs cGs ti|S(s GraphicsContext_CreateMeasuringContext() -> GraphicsContext Create a lightwieght context that can be used for measuring text only. (R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(sS GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(void context) -> GraphicsContext Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native context. This native context must be eg a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for GDIPlus or a cairo_t pointer for Cairo. NOTE: For wxPython we still need a way to make this value usable. (R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s cOsti||S(s GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(void window) -> GraphicsContext Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native window. NOTE: For wxPython we still need a way to make this value usable. (R%R(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR5stGraphicsRenderercBseZdZeddddZdZeZei Z dZ dZ e e Z dZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s#Proxy of C++ GraphicsRenderer classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"@scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"@sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*AscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"DscOsti||S(s(GetDefaultRenderer() -> GraphicsRenderer(R%t#GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetDefaultRendererEscGs ti|S(s CreateContext(self, WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext CreateContext(self, Window window) -> GraphicsContext (R%tGraphicsRenderer_CreateContext(R(((s wx\_gdi.pyct CreateContextJscOsti||S(s/CreateMeasuringContext(self) -> GraphicsContext(R%t'GraphicsRenderer_CreateMeasuringContext(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRQscOsti||S(sECreateContextFromNativeContext(self, void context) -> GraphicsContext(R%t/GraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeContext(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreateContextFromNativeContextUscOsti||S(sCCreateContextFromNativeWindow(self, void window) -> GraphicsContext(R%t.GraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeWindow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctCreateContextFromNativeWindowYscOsti||S(s CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath(R%tGraphicsRenderer_CreatePath(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR]scOsti||S(s CreateMatrix(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0, Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0) -> GraphicsMatrix (R%tGraphicsRenderer_CreateMatrix(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRascOsti||S(s'CreatePen(self, Pen pen) -> GraphicsPen(R%tGraphicsRenderer_CreatePen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRhscOsti||S(s/CreateBrush(self, Brush brush) -> GraphicsBrush(R%tGraphicsRenderer_CreateBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRlscOsti||S(s CreateLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1, Colour c2) -> GraphicsBrush (R%t*GraphicsRenderer_CreateLinearGradientBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRpscOsti||S(s CreateRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius, Colour oColor, Colour cColor) -> GraphicsBrush (R%t*GraphicsRenderer_CreateRadialGradientBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRwscOsti||S(s@CreateFont(self, Font font, Colour col=*wxBLACK) -> GraphicsFont(R%tGraphicsRenderer_CreateFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR~s(RRR-R.RR*RRR%tdelete_GraphicsRendererR0R1RR@RRRR!RRRRRRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycR>s&               cGs ti|S(s9GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer() -> GraphicsRenderer(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRstGCDCcBsteZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zee e ZRS( sProxy of C++ GCDC classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcGs*ti|ti||d|_dS(sc __init__(self, WindowDC dc) -> GCDC __init__(self, Window window) -> GCDC iN(R%t GCDC_swiginittnew_GCDCt _GCDC__dc(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s+GetGraphicsContext(self) -> GraphicsContext(R%tGCDC_GetGraphicsContext(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetGraphicsContextscOsti||S(s-SetGraphicsContext(self, GraphicsContext ctx)(R%tGCDC_SetGraphicsContext(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetGraphicsContextscOsti||S(s Flush(self)(R%t GCDC_Flush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFlushs(RRR-R.RRRR*R%t delete_GCDCR0R1R/R1R3R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*s      tOverlaycBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ RS(sProxy of C++ Overlay classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> OverlayN(R%tOverlay_swiginitt new_Overlay(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s Reset(self)(R%t Overlay_Reset(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR!s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_OverlayR0R1R!(((s wx\_gdi.pycR5s   t DCOverlaycBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ RS(sProxy of C++ DCOverlay classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcGs*ti|ti||d|_dS(s __init__(self, Overlay overlay, WindowDC dc, int x, int y, int width, int height) -> DCOverlay __init__(self, Overlay overlay, WindowDC dc) -> DCOverlay iN(R%tDCOverlay_swiginitt new_DCOverlayt_DCOverlay__dc(R R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s Clear(self)(R%tDCOverlay_Clear(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRs( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_DCOverlayR0R1R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR:s  t ImageListcBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZeeddZeeddZRS(sProxy of C++ ImageList classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sU__init__(self, int width, int height, int mask=True, int initialCount=1) -> ImageListN(R%tImageList_swiginitt new_ImageList(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s7Add(self, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap mask=NullBitmap) -> int(R%t ImageList_Add(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddscOsti||S(s@AddWithColourMask(self, Bitmap bitmap, Colour maskColour) -> int(R%tImageList_AddWithColourMask(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddWithColourMaskscOsti||S(sAddIcon(self, Icon icon) -> int(R%tImageList_AddIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRqscOsti||S(s$GetBitmap(self, int index) -> Bitmap(R%tImageList_GetBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetBitmapscOsti||S(s GetIcon(self, int index) -> Icon(R%tImageList_GetIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRuscOsti||S(sGReplace(self, int index, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap mask=NullBitmap) -> bool(R%tImageList_Replace(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctReplacescOsti||S(s Draw(self, int index, DC dc, int x, int x, int flags=IMAGELIST_DRAW_NORMAL, bool solidBackground=False) -> bool (R%tImageList_Draw(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawscOsti||S(sGetImageCount(self) -> int(R%tImageList_GetImageCount(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetImageCountscOsti||S(sRemove(self, int index) -> bool(R%tImageList_Remove(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctRemovescOsti||S(sRemoveAll(self) -> bool(R%tImageList_RemoveAll(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct RemoveAllscOsti||S(s GetSize(index) -> (width,height)(R%tImageList_GetSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRssSee `GetImageCount`s See `GetSize`(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_ImageListR0R1RDRFRqRIRuRLRNRPRRRTRt ImageCountR(((s wx\_gdi.pycR@s&              tStockGDIcBs!eZdZeddddZeZeiZ ei Z ei Z eiZeiZeiZeiZeiZeiZeiZeiZeiZei Z!ei"Z#ei$Z%ei&Z'ei(Z)ei*Z+ei,Z-ei.Z/ei0Z1ei2Z3ei4Z5ei6Z7ei8Z9ei:Z;ei<Z=ei>Z?ei@ZAeiBZCeiDZEeiFZGeiHZIeiJZKeiLZMdZNeiOZPdZQdZReSeRZRdZTeSeTZTd ZUeSeUZUd ZVeSeVZVd ZWeSeWZWd ZXeSeXZXd ZYdZZeSeZZZRS(sProxy of C++ StockGDI classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> StockGDIN(R%tStockGDI_swiginitt new_StockGDI(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*7scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR";scOsti||S(s DeleteAll()(R%tStockGDI_DeleteAll(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DeleteAll<scOsti||S(sinstance() -> StockGDI(R%tStockGDI_instance(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctinstanceAscOsti||S(sGetBrush(int item) -> Brush(R%tStockGDI_GetBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRFscOsti||S(sGetColour(int item) -> Colour(R%tStockGDI_GetColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRwKscOsti||S(sGetCursor(int item) -> Cursor(R%tStockGDI_GetCursor(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetCursorPscOsti||S(sGetPen(int item) -> Pen(R%tStockGDI_GetPen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRUscOsti||S(sGetFont(self, int item) -> Font(R%tStockGDI_GetFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRZscCsddk}tiitii|i_tiitii|i_tiiti i|i _tiiti i|i _ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti tii|i_ti ti i|i!_ti"ti#i|i$_ti"ti%i|i&_ti"ti'i|i(_ti"ti)i|i*_ti"ti+i|i,_ti"ti-i|i._ti"ti/i|i0_ti"ti1i|i2_ti"ti3i|i4_ti"ti5i|i6_ti7ti8i|i9_ti7ti:i|i;_ti7ti<i|i=_ti7ti>i|i?_ti7ti@i|iA_ti7tiBi|iC_ti7tiDi|iE_tiFtiGi|iH_tiFtiIi|iJ_tiFtiKi|iL_tMi|iN_tOi|iP_tQi|iR_tSi|iT_dS(Ni(UR\RXR^Rt FONT_ITALICRt ITALIC_FONTt FONT_NORMALt NORMAL_FONTt FONT_SMALLt SMALL_FONTt FONT_SWISSt SWISS_FONTRtPEN_BLACKDASHEDtBLACK_DASHED_PENt PEN_BLACKt BLACK_PENtPEN_CYANtCYAN_PENt PEN_GREENt GREEN_PENtPEN_GREYtGREY_PENt PEN_LIGHTGREYtLIGHT_GREY_PENtPEN_MEDIUMGREYtMEDIUM_GREY_PENtPEN_REDtRED_PENtPEN_TRANSPARENTtTRANSPARENT_PENt PEN_WHITEt WHITE_PENRt BRUSH_BLACKt BLACK_BRUSHt BRUSH_BLUEt BLUE_BRUSHt BRUSH_CYANt CYAN_BRUSHt BRUSH_GREENt GREEN_BRUSHt BRUSH_GREYt GREY_BRUSHtBRUSH_LIGHTGREYtLIGHT_GREY_BRUSHtBRUSH_MEDIUMGREYtMEDIUM_GREY_BRUSHt BRUSH_REDt RED_BRUSHtBRUSH_TRANSPARENTtTRANSPARENT_BRUSHt BRUSH_WHITEt WHITE_BRUSHRwt COLOUR_BLACKtBLACKt COLOUR_BLUEtBLUEt COLOUR_CYANtCYANt COLOUR_GREENtGREENtCOLOUR_LIGHTGREYt LIGHT_GREYt COLOUR_REDtREDt COLOUR_WHITEtWHITERbt CURSOR_CROSSt CROSS_CURSORtCURSOR_HOURGLASStHOURGLASS_CURSORtCURSOR_STANDARDtSTANDARD_CURSORt_wxPyInitTheFontListt TheFontListt_wxPyInitThePenListt ThePenListt_wxPyInitTheBrushListt TheBrushListt_wxPyInitTheColourDatabasetTheColourDatabase(R\((s wx\_gdi.pyct_initStockObjects^sN !!!!([RRR-R.RRRR%tStockGDI_BRUSH_BLACKRtStockGDI_BRUSH_BLUERtStockGDI_BRUSH_CYANRtStockGDI_BRUSH_GREENRtStockGDI_BRUSH_GREYRtStockGDI_BRUSH_LIGHTGREYRtStockGDI_BRUSH_MEDIUMGREYRtStockGDI_BRUSH_REDRtStockGDI_BRUSH_TRANSPARENTRtStockGDI_BRUSH_WHITERtStockGDI_COLOUR_BLACKRtStockGDI_COLOUR_BLUERtStockGDI_COLOUR_CYANRtStockGDI_COLOUR_GREENRtStockGDI_COLOUR_LIGHTGREYRtStockGDI_COLOUR_REDRtStockGDI_COLOUR_WHITERtStockGDI_CURSOR_CROSSRtStockGDI_CURSOR_HOURGLASSRtStockGDI_CURSOR_STANDARDRtStockGDI_FONT_ITALICRetStockGDI_FONT_NORMALRgtStockGDI_FONT_SMALLRitStockGDI_FONT_SWISSRktStockGDI_PEN_BLACKRotStockGDI_PEN_BLACKDASHEDRmtStockGDI_PEN_CYANRqtStockGDI_PEN_GREENRstStockGDI_PEN_GREYRutStockGDI_PEN_LIGHTGREYRwtStockGDI_PEN_MEDIUMGREYRytStockGDI_PEN_REDR{tStockGDI_PEN_TRANSPARENTR}tStockGDI_PEN_WHITERtStockGDI_ITEMCOUNTt ITEMCOUNTR*tdelete_StockGDIR0R1R\R@R^RRwRbRRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycRXsp                                                    /cGs ti|S(sStockGDI_DeleteAll()(R%R[(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR[scGs ti|S(sStockGDI_instance() -> StockGDI(R%R](R(((s wx\_gdi.pycR]scOsti||S(s$StockGDI_GetBrush(int item) -> Brush(R%R_(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR_scOsti||S(s&StockGDI_GetColour(int item) -> Colour(R%R`(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR`scOsti||S(s&StockGDI_GetCursor(int item) -> Cursor(R%Ra(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRascOsti||S(s StockGDI_GetPen(int item) -> Pen(R%Rc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRcstGDIObjListBasecBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ RS(s!Proxy of C++ GDIObjListBase classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> GDIObjListBaseN(R%tGDIObjListBase_swiginittnew_GDIObjListBase(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s( RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_GDIObjListBaseR0R1(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs   tPenListcBsqeZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ e i e Z e i e Z RS( sProxy of C++ PenList classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scOsti||S(sAFindOrCreatePen(self, Colour colour, int width, int style) -> Pen(R%tPenList_FindOrCreatePen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFindOrCreatePenscOsti||S(sAddPen(self, Pen pen)(R%tPenList_AddPen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddPenscOsti||S(sRemovePen(self, Pen pen)(R%tPenList_RemovePen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct RemovePens( RRR-R.RR*RRRRRR\R](((s wx\_gdi.pycRs    t BrushListcBsqeZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ e i e Z e i e Z RS( sProxy of C++ BrushList classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scOsti||S(s@FindOrCreateBrush(self, Colour colour, int style=SOLID) -> Brush(R%tBrushList_FindOrCreateBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFindOrCreateBrushscOsti||S(sAddBrush(self, Brush brush)(R%tBrushList_AddBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddBrushscOsti||S(sRemoveBrush(self, Brush brush)(R%tBrushList_RemoveBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct RemoveBrushs( RRR-R.RR*RRRRRR\R](((s wx\_gdi.pycRs    tFontListcBsqeZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ e i e Z e i e Z RS( sProxy of C++ FontList classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scOsti||S(s FindOrCreateFont(self, int point_size, int family, int style, int weight, bool underline=False, String facename=EmptyString, int encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) -> Font (R%tFontList_FindOrCreateFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFindOrCreateFontscOsti||S(sAddFont(self, Font font)(R%tFontList_AddFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAddFontscOsti||S(sRemoveFont(self, Font font)(R%tFontList_RemoveFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct RemoveFont"s( RRR-R.RR*RRRRRR\R](((s wx\_gdi.pycRs    tColourDatabasecBsteZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ dZ dZ e Zd Zd ZRS( s!Proxy of C++ ColourDatabase classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"-scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"-sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> ColourDatabaseN(R%tColourDatabase_swiginittnew_ColourDatabase(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*/scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"3scOsti||S(s!Find(self, String name) -> Colour(R%tColourDatabase_Find(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFind4scOsti||S(s'FindName(self, Colour colour) -> String(R%tColourDatabase_FindName(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFindName8scOsti||S(s+AddColour(self, String name, Colour colour)(R%tColourDatabase_AddColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct AddColour=scOsti||S(s7Append(self, String name, int red, int green, int blue)(R%tColourDatabase_Append(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctAppendAs(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_ColourDatabaseR0R1RRt FindColourRR(((s wx\_gdi.pycR+s      cGs ti|S(s"_wxPyInitTheFontList() -> FontList(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRJscGs ti|S(s _wxPyInitThePenList() -> PenList(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRNscGs ti|S(s$_wxPyInitTheBrushList() -> BrushList(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRRscGs ti|S(s._wxPyInitTheColourDatabase() -> ColourDatabase(R%R(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRVstEffectscBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZee eddZee eddZeee ddZee eddZee eddZRS(sProxy of C++ Effects classcCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"escCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"esR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s__init__(self) -> EffectsN(R%tEffects_swiginitt new_Effects(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*gscOsti||S(s"GetHighlightColour(self) -> Colour(R%tEffects_GetHighlightColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetHighlightColourjscOsti||S(sGetLightShadow(self) -> Colour(R%tEffects_GetLightShadow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLightShadownscOsti||S(sGetFaceColour(self) -> Colour(R%tEffects_GetFaceColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetFaceColourrscOsti||S(sGetMediumShadow(self) -> Colour(R%tEffects_GetMediumShadow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetMediumShadowvscOsti||S(sGetDarkShadow(self) -> Colour(R%tEffects_GetDarkShadow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetDarkShadowzscOsti||S(s"SetHighlightColour(self, Colour c)(R%tEffects_SetHighlightColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetHighlightColour~scOsti||S(sSetLightShadow(self, Colour c)(R%tEffects_SetLightShadow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetLightShadowscOsti||S(sSetFaceColour(self, Colour c)(R%tEffects_SetFaceColour(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetFaceColourscOsti||S(sSetMediumShadow(self, Colour c)(R%tEffects_SetMediumShadow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetMediumShadowscOsti||S(sSetDarkShadow(self, Colour c)(R%tEffects_SetDarkShadow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetDarkShadowscOsti||S(s Set(self, Colour highlightColour, Colour lightShadow, Colour faceColour, Colour mediumShadow, Colour darkShadow) (R%t Effects_Set(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR@scOsti||S(s8DrawSunkenEdge(self, DC dc, Rect rect, int borderSize=1)(R%tEffects_DrawSunkenEdge(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawSunkenEdgescOsti||S(s9TileBitmap(self, Rect rect, DC dc, Bitmap bitmap) -> bool(R%tEffects_TileBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct TileBitmapss'See `GetDarkShadow` and `SetDarkShadow`s'See `GetFaceColour` and `SetFaceColour`s1See `GetHighlightColour` and `SetHighlightColour`s)See `GetLightShadow` and `SetLightShadow`s+See `GetMediumShadow` and `SetMediumShadow`(RRR-R.RRRR*RRRRR R R RRRR@RRt DarkShadowt FaceColourtHighlightColourt LightShadowt MediumShadow(((s wx\_gdi.pycRcs,              tSplitterRenderParamscBsweZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ eei Z eeiZeeiZRS(s This is just a simple struct used as a return value of `wx.RendererNative.GetSplitterParams` and contains some platform specific metrics about splitters. * widthSash: the width of the splitter sash. * border: the width of the border of the splitter window. * isHotSensitive: ``True`` if the splitter changes its appearance when the mouse is over it. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int widthSash_, int border_, bool isSens_) -> SplitterRenderParams This is just a simple struct used as a return value of `wx.RendererNative.GetSplitterParams` and contains some platform specific metrics about splitters. * widthSash: the width of the splitter sash. * border: the width of the border of the splitter window. * isHotSensitive: ``True`` if the splitter changes its appearance when the mouse is over it. N(R%tSplitterRenderParams_swiginittnew_SplitterRenderParams(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_SplitterRenderParamsR0R1t"SplitterRenderParams_widthSash_gett widthSashtSplitterRenderParams_border_gettbordert'SplitterRenderParams_isHotSensitive_gettisHotSensitive(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs    tHeaderButtonParamscBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ eei ei ZeeieiZeeieiZeeieiZeeieiZeeieiZeeieiZ RS(sDExtra (optional) parameters for `wx.RendererNative.DrawHeaderButton`cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self) -> HeaderButtonParams Extra (optional) parameters for `wx.RendererNative.DrawHeaderButton` N(R%tHeaderButtonParams_swiginittnew_HeaderButtonParams(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"s(!RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_HeaderButtonParamsR0R1t$HeaderButtonParams_m_arrowColour_gett$HeaderButtonParams_m_arrowColour_sett m_arrowColourt(HeaderButtonParams_m_selectionColour_gett(HeaderButtonParams_m_selectionColour_settm_selectionColourt"HeaderButtonParams_m_labelText_gett"HeaderButtonParams_m_labelText_sett m_labelTextt"HeaderButtonParams_m_labelFont_gett"HeaderButtonParams_m_labelFont_sett m_labelFontt$HeaderButtonParams_m_labelColour_gett$HeaderButtonParams_m_labelColour_sett m_labelColourt$HeaderButtonParams_m_labelBitmap_gett$HeaderButtonParams_m_labelBitmap_sett m_labelBitmapt'HeaderButtonParams_m_labelAlignment_gett'HeaderButtonParams_m_labelAlignment_settm_labelAlignment(((s wx\_gdi.pycR(s   tRendererVersioncBseZdZeddddZeZdZei Z dZ ei Z eiZdZeeZeeiZeeiZRS(s This simple struct represents the `wx.RendererNative` interface version and is only used as the return value of `wx.RendererNative.GetVersion`. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR"sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(s __init__(self, int version_, int age_) -> RendererVersion This simple struct represents the `wx.RendererNative` interface version and is only used as the return value of `wx.RendererNative.GetVersion`. N(R%tRendererVersion_swiginittnew_RendererVersion(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR" scOsti||S(s)IsCompatible(RendererVersion ver) -> bool(R%tRendererVersion_IsCompatible(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct IsCompatible s(RRR-R.RRRR*R%tdelete_RendererVersionR0R1tRendererVersion_Current_VersiontCurrent_VersiontRendererVersion_Current_Aget Current_AgeRER@tRendererVersion_version_gettversiontRendererVersion_age_gettage(((s wx\_gdi.pycRAs      cOsti||S(s9RendererVersion_IsCompatible(RendererVersion ver) -> bool(R%RD(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRDstRendererNativecBsIeZdZeddddZdZeZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeZdZeeddZeeddZRS(sJ One of the design principles of wxWidgets is to use the native widgets on every platform in order to be as close as possible to the native look and feel on every platform. However there are still cases when some generic widgets are needed for various reasons, but it can sometimes take a lot of messy work to make them conform to the native LnF. The wx.RendererNative class is a collection of functions that have platform-specific implementations for drawing certain parts of genereic controls in ways that are as close to the native look as possible. Note that each drawing function restores the `wx.DC` attributes if it changes them, so it is safe to assume that the same pen, brush and colours that were active before the call to this function are still in effect after it. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR".scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR".sR$sThe membership flagcCs tddS(NsNo constructor defined(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR*/scOsti||S(sL DrawHeaderButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0, int sortArrow=HDR_SORT_ICON_NONE, HeaderButtonParams params=None) -> int Draw a header control button (such as what is used by `wx.ListCtrl` in report mode.) The optimal size of the label (text and icons) is returned. (R%tRendererNative_DrawHeaderButton(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawHeaderButton1scOsti||S(s@ DrawHeaderButtonContents(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0, int sortArrow=HDR_SORT_ICON_NONE, HeaderButtonParams params=None) -> int Draw the contents of a header control button, (label, sort arrows, etc.) Normally this is only called by `DrawHeaderButton`. (R%t'RendererNative_DrawHeaderButtonContents(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawHeaderButtonContents;scOsti||S(s GetHeaderButtonHeight(self, Window win) -> int Returns the default height of a header button, either a fixed platform height if available, or a generic height based on the window's font. (R%t$RendererNative_GetHeaderButtonHeight(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetHeaderButtonHeightEscOsti||S(s DrawTreeItemButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0) Draw the expanded/collapsed icon for a tree control item. (R%t!RendererNative_DrawTreeItemButton(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawTreeItemButtonNscOsti||S(s DrawSplitterBorder(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0) Draw the border for a sash window: this border must be such that the sash drawn by `DrawSplitterSash` blends into it well. (R%t!RendererNative_DrawSplitterBorder(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawSplitterBorderVscOsti||S(s DrawSplitterSash(self, Window win, DC dc, Size size, int position, int orient, int flags=0) Draw a sash. The orient parameter defines whether the sash should be vertical or horizontal and how the position should be interpreted. (R%tRendererNative_DrawSplitterSash(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawSplitterSash_scOsti||S(s\ DrawComboBoxDropButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0) Draw a button like the one used by `wx.ComboBox` to show a drop down window. The usual appearance is a downwards pointing arrow. The ``flags`` parameter may have the ``wx.CONTROL_PRESSED`` or ``wx.CONTROL_CURRENT`` bits set. (R%t%RendererNative_DrawComboBoxDropButton(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawComboBoxDropButtonis cOsti||S(s DrawDropArrow(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0) Draw a drop down arrow that is suitable for use outside a combo box. Arrow will have a transparent background. ``rect`` is not entirely filled by the arrow. Instead, you should use bounding rectangle of a drop down button which arrow matches the size you need. ``flags`` may have the ``wx.CONTROL_PRESSED`` or ``wx.CONTROL_CURRENT`` bit set. (R%tRendererNative_DrawDropArrow(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawDropArrowus cOsti||S(s DrawCheckBox(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0) Draw a check button. Flags may use wx.CONTROL_CHECKED, wx.CONTROL_UNDETERMINED and wx.CONTROL_CURRENT. (R%tRendererNative_DrawCheckBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawCheckBoxscOsti||S(s DrawPushButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0) Draw a blank button. Flags may be wx.CONTROL_PRESSED, wx.CONTROL_CURRENT and wx.CONTROL_ISDEFAULT (R%tRendererNative_DrawPushButton(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawPushButtonscOsti||S(s DrawItemSelectionRect(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0) Draw rectangle indicating that an item in e.g. a list control has been selected or focused The flags parameter may be: ==================== ============================================ wx.CONTROL_SELECTED item is selected, e.g. draw background wx.CONTROL_CURRENT item is the current item, e.g. dotted border wx.CONTROL_FOCUSED the whole control has focus, e.g. blue background vs. grey otherwise ==================== ============================================ (R%t$RendererNative_DrawItemSelectionRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawItemSelectionRectscOsti||S(s GetSplitterParams(self, Window win) -> SplitterRenderParams Get the splitter parameters, see `wx.SplitterRenderParams`. (R%t RendererNative_GetSplitterParams(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetSplitterParamsscOsti||S(s;DrawChoice(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRendererNative_DrawChoice(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawChoicescOsti||S(s=DrawComboBox(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRendererNative_DrawComboBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawComboBoxscOsti||S(s=DrawTextCtrl(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRendererNative_DrawTextCtrl(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawTextCtrlscOsti||S(s@DrawRadioButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRendererNative_DrawRadioButton(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawRadioButtonscOsti||S(sU Get() -> RendererNative Return the currently used renderer (R%tRendererNative_Get(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRNscOsti||S(s8 GetGeneric() -> RendererNative Return the generic implementation of the renderer. Under some platforms, this is the default renderer implementation, others have platform-specific default renderer which can be retrieved by calling `wx.RendererNative.GetDefault`. (R%tRendererNative_GetGeneric(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetGenerics cOsti||S(sb GetDefault() -> RendererNative Return the default (native) implementation for this platform -- this is also the one used by default but this may be changed by calling `wx.RendererNative.Set` in which case the return value of this method may be different from the return value of `wx.RendererNative.Get`. (R%tRendererNative_GetDefault(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetDefaults cOsti||S(s Set(RendererNative renderer) -> RendererNative Set the renderer to use, passing None reverts to using the default renderer. Returns the previous renderer used with Set or None. (R%tRendererNative_Set(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR@scOsti||S(s GetVersion(self) -> RendererVersion Returns the version of the renderer. Will be used for ensuring compatibility of dynamically loaded renderers. (R%tRendererNative_GetVersion(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetVersionssSee `GetSplitterParams`sSee `GetVersion`( RRR-R.RR*RRRQRSRURWRYR[R]R_RaRcReRgRiRkRmRoRNR@RrRtR@RwtSplitterParamstVersion(((s wx\_gdi.pycROs>               cGs ti|S(sX RendererNative_Get() -> RendererNative Return the currently used renderer (R%Rp(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRpscGs ti|S(s/ RendererNative_GetGeneric() -> RendererNative Return the generic implementation of the renderer. Under some platforms, this is the default renderer implementation, others have platform-specific default renderer which can be retrieved by calling `wx.RendererNative.GetDefault`. (R%Rq(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRqs cGs ti|S(sY RendererNative_GetDefault() -> RendererNative Return the default (native) implementation for this platform -- this is also the one used by default but this may be changed by calling `wx.RendererNative.Set` in which case the return value of this method may be different from the return value of `wx.RendererNative.Get`. (R%Rs(R(((s wx\_gdi.pycRs s cOsti||S(s RendererNative_Set(RendererNative renderer) -> RendererNative Set the renderer to use, passing None reverts to using the default renderer. Returns the previous renderer used with Set or None. (R%Ru(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRuscOsti||S(s>Renderer_DrawChoice(Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRenderer_DrawChoice(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRz scOsti||S(s@Renderer_DrawComboBox(Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRenderer_DrawComboBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR{$scOsti||S(s@Renderer_DrawTextCtrl(Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRenderer_DrawTextCtrl(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR|(scOsti||S(sCRenderer_DrawRadioButton(Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)(R%tRenderer_DrawRadioButton(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR},stPseudoDCcBseZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ e i Z dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$d Z%d!Z&d"Z'd#Z(d$Z)d%Z*d&Z+d'Z,d(Z-d)Z.d*Z/d+Z0d,Z1d-Z2d.Z3d/Z4d0Z5d1Z6d2Z7d3Z8d4Z9d5Z:d6Z;d7Z<d8Z=d9Z>d:Z?d;Z@d<ZAd=ZBd>ZCd?ZDd@ZEdAZFdBZGdCZHdDZIdEZJdFZKdGZLdHZMeeeddIZNeeddJZORS(Ks A PseudoDC is an object that can be used as if it were a `wx.DC`. All commands issued to the PseudoDC are stored in a list. You can then play these commands back to a real DC object using the DrawToDC method. Commands in the command list are indexed by ID. You can use this to clear the operations associated with a single ID and then re-draw the object associated with that ID. cCs |iiS((RR(R!((s wx\_gdi.pycR":scCs|ii|S((RR(R!R#((s wx\_gdi.pycR":sR$sThe membership flagcOs ti|ti||dS(sx __init__(self) -> PseudoDC Constructs a new Pseudo device context for recording dc operations N(R%tPseudoDC_swiginitt new_PseudoDC(R R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*<scOsti||S(su BeginDrawing(self) Allows for optimization of drawing code on platforms that need it. On other platforms this is just an empty function and is harmless. To take advantage of this postential optimization simply enclose each group of calls to the drawing primitives within calls to `BeginDrawing` and `EndDrawing`. (R%tPseudoDC_BeginDrawing(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRCs cOsti||S(s EndDrawing(self) Ends the group of drawing primitives started with `BeginDrawing`, and invokes whatever optimization is available for this DC type on the current platform. (R%tPseudoDC_EndDrawing(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycROscCsdS(N(R (R ((s wx\_gdi.pycR"ZscOsti||S(se RemoveAll(self) Removes all objects and operations from the recorded list. (R%tPseudoDC_RemoveAll(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRT[scOsti||S(se GetLen(self) -> int Returns the number of operations in the recorded list. (R%tPseudoDC_GetLen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetLencscOsti||S(sg SetId(self, int id) Sets the id to be associated with subsequent operations. (R%tPseudoDC_SetId(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetIdkscOsti||S(sx ClearId(self, int id) Removes all operations associated with id so the object can be redrawn. (R%tPseudoDC_ClearId(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctClearIdsscOsti||S(st RemoveId(self, int id) Remove the object node (and all operations) associated with an id. (R%tPseudoDC_RemoveId(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctRemoveId{scOsti||S(sm TranslateId(self, int id, int dx, int dy) Translate the operations of id by dx,dy. (R%tPseudoDC_TranslateId(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct TranslateIdscOsti||S(s| SetIdGreyedOut(self, int id, bool greyout=True) Set whether an object is drawn greyed out or not. (R%tPseudoDC_SetIdGreyedOut(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctSetIdGreyedOutscOsti||S(sq GetIdGreyedOut(self, int id) -> bool Get whether an object is drawn greyed out or not. (R%tPseudoDC_GetIdGreyedOut(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctGetIdGreyedOutscOsti||S(sO FindObjects(self, int x, int y, int radius=1, Colour bg=*wxWHITE) -> PyObject Returns a list of all the id's that draw a pixel with color not equal to bg within radius of (x,y). Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id. (R%tPseudoDC_FindObjects(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct FindObjectss cOsti||S(s  FindObjectsByBBox(self, int x, int y) -> PyObject Returns a list of all the id's whose bounding boxes include (x,y). Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id. (R%tPseudoDC_FindObjectsByBBox(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctFindObjectsByBBoxscOsti||S(s` DrawIdToDC(self, int id, DC dc) Draw recorded operations of id to dc. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawIdToDC(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct DrawIdToDCscOsti||S(s SetIdBounds(self, int id, Rect rect) Set the bounding rect of a given object. This will create an object node if one doesn't exist. (R%tPseudoDC_SetIdBounds(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct SetIdBoundsscOsti||S(s GetIdBounds(self, int id) -> Rect Returns the bounding rectangle previouly set with SetIdBounds. If no bounds have been set, it returns wx.Rect(0,0,0,0). (R%tPseudoDC_GetIdBounds(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyct GetIdBoundsscOsti||S(s DrawToDCClipped(self, DC dc, Rect rect) Draws the recorded operations to dc unless the operation is known to be outside rect. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawToDCClippedscOsti||S(s DrawToDCClippedRgn(self, DC dc, Region region) Draws the recorded operations to dc unless the operation is known to be outside rect. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawToDCClippedRgn(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawToDCClippedRgnscOsti||S(sU DrawToDC(self, DC dc) Draws the recorded operations to dc. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawToDC(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pyctDrawToDCscOsti||S(s FloodFill(self, int x, int y, Colour col, int style=FLOOD_SURFACE) Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using the current brush colour, and using a style: - **wxFLOOD_SURFACE**: the flooding occurs until a colour other than the given colour is encountered. - **wxFLOOD_BORDER**: the area to be flooded is bounded by the given colour. Returns False if the operation failed. Note: The present implementation for non-Windows platforms may fail to find colour borders if the pixels do not match the colour exactly. However the function will still return true. (R%tPseudoDC_FloodFill(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s FloodFillPoint(self, Point pt, Colour col, int style=FLOOD_SURFACE) Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using the current brush colour, and using a style: - **wxFLOOD_SURFACE**: the flooding occurs until a colour other than the given colour is encountered. - **wxFLOOD_BORDER**: the area to be flooded is bounded by the given colour. Returns False if the operation failed. Note: The present implementation for non-Windows platforms may fail to find colour borders if the pixels do not match the colour exactly. However the function will still return true. (R%tPseudoDC_FloodFillPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(sW DrawLine(self, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for drawing the line. Note that the second point is *not* part of the line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with the behaviour of many other toolkits). (R%tPseudoDC_DrawLine(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRs cOsti||S(sR DrawLinePoint(self, Point pt1, Point pt2) Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for drawing the line. Note that the second point is *not* part of the line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with the behaviour of many other toolkits). (R%tPseudoDC_DrawLinePoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRs cOsti||S(s CrossHair(self, int x, int y) Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical and horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred on the given point. (R%tPseudoDC_CrossHair(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR$scOsti||S(s CrossHairPoint(self, Point pt) Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical and horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred on the given point. (R%tPseudoDC_CrossHairPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR.scOsti||S(s DrawArc(self, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int xc, int yc) Draws an arc of a circle, centred on the *center* point (xc, yc), from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to the end point. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawArc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR8s cOsti||S(s DrawArcPoint(self, Point pt1, Point pt2, Point center) Draws an arc of a circle, centred on the *center* point (xc, yc), from the first point to the second. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to the end point. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawArcPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycREs cOsti||S(s DrawCheckMark(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawCheckMark(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRRscOsti||S(sl DrawCheckMarkRect(self, Rect rect) Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawCheckMarkRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR ZscOsti||S(s DrawEllipticArc(self, int x, int y, int w, int h, double start, double end) Draws an arc of an ellipse, with the given rectangle defining the bounds of the ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and the current brush is used for drawing the pie. The *start* and *end* parameters specify the start and end of the arc relative to the three-o'clock position from the center of the rectangle. Angles are specified in degrees (360 is a complete circle). Positive values mean counter-clockwise motion. If start is equal to end, a complete ellipse will be drawn. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawEllipticArc(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR bscOsti||S(s DrawEllipticArcPointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz, double start, double end) Draws an arc of an ellipse, with the given rectangle defining the bounds of the ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and the current brush is used for drawing the pie. The *start* and *end* parameters specify the start and end of the arc relative to the three-o'clock position from the center of the rectangle. Angles are specified in degrees (360 is a complete circle). Positive values mean counter-clockwise motion. If start is equal to end, a complete ellipse will be drawn. (R%t!PseudoDC_DrawEllipticArcPointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRrscOsti||S(s] DrawPoint(self, int x, int y) Draws a point using the current pen. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s^ DrawPointPoint(self, Point pt) Draws a point using the current pen. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawPointPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s DrawRectangle(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s DrawRectangleRect(self, Rect rect) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawRectangleRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s DrawRectanglePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawRectanglePointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s  DrawRoundedRectangle(self, int x, int y, int width, int height, double radius) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the corners are too big for the rectangle. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawRoundedRectangle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s DrawRoundedRectangleRect(self, Rect r, double radius) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the corners are too big for the rectangle. (R%t!PseudoDC_DrawRoundedRectangleRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz, double radius) Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the corners are too big for the rectangle. (R%t&PseudoDC_DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s DrawCircle(self, int x, int y, int radius) Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawCircle(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR scOsti||S(s DrawCirclePoint(self, Point pt, int radius) Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawCirclePoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR"scOsti||S(s DrawEllipse(self, int x, int y, int width, int height) Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawEllipse(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR$scOsti||S(s DrawEllipseRect(self, Rect rect) Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawEllipseRect(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR&scOsti||S(s DrawEllipsePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz) Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawEllipsePointSize(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR( scOsti||S(s DrawIcon(self, Icon icon, int x, int y) Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is PostScript). This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a window. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawIcon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR*scOsti||S(s DrawIconPoint(self, Icon icon, Point pt) Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is PostScript). This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a window. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawIconPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR,scOsti||S(sO DrawBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp, int x, int y, bool useMask=False) Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If *transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will be drawn transparently. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawBitmap(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR.)s cOsti||S(sP DrawBitmapPoint(self, Bitmap bmp, Point pt, bool useMask=False) Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If *transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will be drawn transparently. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawBitmapPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR04s cOsti||S(s DrawText(self, String text, int x, int y) Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text font, and the current text foreground and background colours. The coordinates refer to the top-left corner of the rectangle bounding the string. See `wx.DC.GetTextExtent` for how to get the dimensions of a text string, which can be used to position the text more precisely, (you will need to use a real DC with GetTextExtent as wx.PseudoDC does not implement it.) **NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using logical functions with this function in portable programs. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawText(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR2?scOsti||S(s DrawTextPoint(self, String text, Point pt) Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text font, and the current text foreground and background colours. The coordinates refer to the top-left corner of the rectangle bounding the string. See `wx.DC.GetTextExtent` for how to get the dimensions of a text string, which can be used to position the text more precisely, (you will need to use a real DC with GetTextExtent as wx.PseudoDC does not implement it.) **NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using logical functions with this function in portable programs. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawTextPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR4RscOsti||S(s DrawRotatedText(self, String text, int x, int y, double angle) Draws the text rotated by *angle* degrees, if supported by the platform. **NOTE**: Under Win9x only TrueType fonts can be drawn by this function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT`` should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawRotatedText(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR6es cOsti||S(s DrawRotatedTextPoint(self, String text, Point pt, double angle) Draws the text rotated by *angle* degrees, if supported by the platform. **NOTE**: Under Win9x only TrueType fonts can be drawn by this function. In particular, a font different from ``wx.NORMAL_FONT`` should be used as the it is not normally a TrueType font. ``wx.SWISS_FONT`` is an example of a font which is. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawRotatedTextPoint(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR8rs cOsti||S(s DrawLines(self, List points, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0) Draws lines using a sequence of `wx.Point` objects, adding the optional offset coordinate. The current pen is used for drawing the lines. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawLines(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRHscOsti||S(sL DrawPolygon(self, List points, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE) Draws a filled polygon using a sequence of `wx.Point` objects, adding the optional offset coordinate. The last argument specifies the fill rule: ``wx.ODDEVEN_RULE`` (the default) or ``wx.WINDING_RULE``. The current pen is used for drawing the outline, and the current brush for filling the shape. Using a transparent brush suppresses filling. Note that wxWidgets automatically closes the first and last points. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawPolygon(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRJscOsti||S(s2 DrawLabel(self, String text, Rect rect, int alignment=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, int indexAccel=-1) Draw *text* within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if it is not -1. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawLabel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRLs cOsti||S(s DrawImageLabel(self, String text, Bitmap image, Rect rect, int alignment=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, int indexAccel=-1) Draw *text* and an image (which may be ``wx.NullBitmap`` to skip drawing it) within the specified rectangle, abiding by the alignment flags. Will additionally emphasize the character at *indexAccel* if it is not -1. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawImageLabel(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRNs cOsti||S(s DrawSpline(self, List points) Draws a spline between all given control points, (a list of `wx.Point` objects) using the current pen. The spline is drawn using a series of lines, using an algorithm taken from the X drawing program 'XFIG'. (R%tPseudoDC_DrawSpline(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRPscOsti||S(sd Clear(self) Clears the device context using the current background brush. (R%tPseudoDC_Clear(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s SetFont(self, Font font) Sets the current font for the DC. It must be a valid font, in particular you should not pass ``wx.NullFont`` to this method. (R%tPseudoDC_SetFont(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR[scOsti||S(s SetPen(self, Pen pen) Sets the current pen for the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullPen``, the current pen is selected out of the device context, and the original pen restored. (R%tPseudoDC_SetPen(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR]s cOsti||S(s$ SetBrush(self, Brush brush) Sets the current brush for the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullBrush``, the current brush is selected out of the device context, and the original brush restored, allowing the current brush to be destroyed safely. (R%tPseudoDC_SetBrush(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycR_s cOsti||S(si SetBackground(self, Brush brush) Sets the current background brush for the DC. (R%tPseudoDC_SetBackground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRascOsti||S(s SetBackgroundMode(self, int mode) *mode* may be one of ``wx.SOLID`` and ``wx.TRANSPARENT``. This setting determines whether text will be drawn with a background colour or not. (R%tPseudoDC_SetBackgroundMode(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRcscOsti||S(sH SetPalette(self, Palette palette) If this is a window DC or memory DC, assigns the given palette to the window or bitmap associated with the DC. If the argument is ``wx.NullPalette``, the current palette is selected out of the device context, and the original palette restored. (R%tPseudoDC_SetPalette(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRs cOsti||S(su SetTextForeground(self, Colour colour) Sets the current text foreground colour for the DC. (R%tPseudoDC_SetTextForeground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(su SetTextBackground(self, Colour colour) Sets the current text background colour for the DC. (R%tPseudoDC_SetTextBackground(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRscOsti||S(s4 SetLogicalFunction(self, int function) Sets the current logical function for the device context. This determines how a source pixel (from a pen or brush colour, combines with a destination pixel in the current device context. The possible values and their meaning in terms of source and destination pixel values are as follows: ================ ========================== wx.AND src AND dst wx.AND_INVERT (NOT src) AND dst wx.AND_REVERSE src AND (NOT dst) wx.CLEAR 0 wx.COPY src wx.EQUIV (NOT src) XOR dst wx.INVERT NOT dst wx.NAND (NOT src) OR (NOT dst) wx.NOR (NOT src) AND (NOT dst) wx.NO_OP dst wx.OR src OR dst wx.OR_INVERT (NOT src) OR dst wx.OR_REVERSE src OR (NOT dst) wx.SET 1 wx.SRC_INVERT NOT src wx.XOR src XOR dst ================ ========================== The default is wx.COPY, which simply draws with the current colour. The others combine the current colour and the background using a logical operation. wx.INVERT is commonly used for drawing rubber bands or moving outlines, since drawing twice reverts to the original colour. (R%tPseudoDC_SetLogicalFunction(R(R)((s wx\_gdi.pycRs%s#See `GetIdBounds` and `SetIdBounds`s See `GetLen`(PRRR-R.RRRR*RRR%tdelete_PseudoDCR0R1RTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R RRRRRRRRRR R"R$R&R(R*R,R.R0R2R4R6R8RHRJRLRNRPRR[R]R_RaRcRRRRtIdBoundstLen(((s wx\_gdi.pycR~1s                                '(R%tnewtinstancemethodtnew_instancemethodRRRRttypest ObjectTypeRt _newclassR Rt_coreR\tObjectR tGDIObject_swigregistertC2S_NAMEtC2S_CSS_SYNTAXtC2S_HTML_SYNTAXtALPHA_TRANSPARENTt ALPHA_OPAQUER2tColour_swigregisterRdRftColort NamedColortColorRGBRgtPalette_swigregisterRqtPen_swigregisterRtBrush_swigregisterRRtBitmap_swigregisterRRRRRRRR RRRRRtPixelDataBase_swigregisterRtNativePixelData_swigregisterRt%NativePixelData_Accessor_swigregisterR.tAlphaPixelData_swigregisterR5t$AlphaPixelData_Accessor_swigregisterRtMask_swigregisterR]t MaskColourREtIcon_swigregisterRWRYR[R]R^tIconLocation_swigregisterRmtIconBundle_swigregisterRxRzR{tCursor_swigregisterRRt OutRegiont PartRegiontInRegionRtRegion_swigregisterRRRRtRegionIterator_swigregistertFONTFAMILY_DEFAULTtFONTFAMILY_DECORATIVEtFONTFAMILY_ROMANtFONTFAMILY_SCRIPTtFONTFAMILY_SWISStFONTFAMILY_MODERNtFONTFAMILY_TELETYPEtFONTFAMILY_MAXtFONTFAMILY_UNKNOWNtFONTSTYLE_NORMALtFONTSTYLE_ITALICtFONTSTYLE_SLANTt FONTSTYLE_MAXtFONTWEIGHT_NORMALtFONTWEIGHT_LIGHTtFONTWEIGHT_BOLDtFONTWEIGHT_MAXtFONTFLAG_DEFAULTtFONTFLAG_ITALICtFONTFLAG_SLANTtFONTFLAG_LIGHTt FONTFLAG_BOLDtFONTFLAG_ANTIALIASEDtFONTFLAG_NOT_ANTIALIASEDtFONTFLAG_UNDERLINEDtFONTFLAG_STRIKETHROUGHt FONTFLAG_MASKtFONTENCODING_SYSTEMtFONTENCODING_DEFAULTtFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_4tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_6tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_11tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_12tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_13tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_14tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15tFONTENCODING_ISO8859_MAXtFONTENCODING_KOI8tFONTENCODING_KOI8_UtFONTENCODING_ALTERNATIVEtFONTENCODING_BULGARIANtFONTENCODING_CP437tFONTENCODING_CP850tFONTENCODING_CP852tFONTENCODING_CP855tFONTENCODING_CP866tFONTENCODING_CP874tFONTENCODING_CP932tFONTENCODING_CP936tFONTENCODING_CP949tFONTENCODING_CP950tFONTENCODING_CP1250tFONTENCODING_CP1251tFONTENCODING_CP1252tFONTENCODING_CP1253tFONTENCODING_CP1254tFONTENCODING_CP1255tFONTENCODING_CP1256tFONTENCODING_CP1257tFONTENCODING_CP12_MAXtFONTENCODING_UTF7tFONTENCODING_UTF8tFONTENCODING_EUC_JPtFONTENCODING_UTF16BEtFONTENCODING_UTF16LEtFONTENCODING_UTF32BEtFONTENCODING_UTF32LEtFONTENCODING_MACROMANtFONTENCODING_MACJAPANESEtFONTENCODING_MACCHINESETRADtFONTENCODING_MACKOREANtFONTENCODING_MACARABICtFONTENCODING_MACHEBREWtFONTENCODING_MACGREEKtFONTENCODING_MACCYRILLICtFONTENCODING_MACDEVANAGARItFONTENCODING_MACGURMUKHItFONTENCODING_MACGUJARATItFONTENCODING_MACORIYAtFONTENCODING_MACBENGALItFONTENCODING_MACTAMILtFONTENCODING_MACTELUGUtFONTENCODING_MACKANNADAtFONTENCODING_MACMALAJALAMtFONTENCODING_MACSINHALESEtFONTENCODING_MACBURMESEtFONTENCODING_MACKHMERtFONTENCODING_MACTHAItFONTENCODING_MACLAOTIANtFONTENCODING_MACGEORGIANtFONTENCODING_MACARMENIANtFONTENCODING_MACCHINESESIMPtFONTENCODING_MACTIBETANtFONTENCODING_MACMONGOLIANtFONTENCODING_MACETHIOPICtFONTENCODING_MACCENTRALEURtFONTENCODING_MACVIATNAMESEtFONTENCODING_MACARABICEXTtFONTENCODING_MACSYMBOLtFONTENCODING_MACDINGBATStFONTENCODING_MACTURKISHtFONTENCODING_MACCROATIANtFONTENCODING_MACICELANDICtFONTENCODING_MACROMANIANtFONTENCODING_MACCELTICtFONTENCODING_MACGAELICtFONTENCODING_MACKEYBOARDtFONTENCODING_MACMINtFONTENCODING_MACMAXtFONTENCODING_MAXtFONTENCODING_UTF16tFONTENCODING_UTF32tFONTENCODING_UNICODEtFONTENCODING_GB2312tFONTENCODING_BIG5tFONTENCODING_SHIFT_JISRtNativeFontInfo_swigregisterRtNativeEncodingInfo_swigregisterR!R"R#tFontMapper_swigregisterR&R'R*R,R-R/R1R5RBtFont_swigregisterRRRRRRuRwtFont2RtFontEnumerator_swigregisterRRRtLANGUAGE_DEFAULTtLANGUAGE_UNKNOWNtLANGUAGE_ABKHAZIANt LANGUAGE_AFARtLANGUAGE_AFRIKAANStLANGUAGE_ALBANIANtLANGUAGE_AMHARICtLANGUAGE_ARABICtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_ALGERIAtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_BAHRAINtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_EGYPTtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_IRAQtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_JORDANtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_KUWAITtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_LEBANONtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_LIBYAtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_MOROCCOtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_OMANtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_QATARtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIAtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_SUDANtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_SYRIAtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_TUNISIAtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_UAEtLANGUAGE_ARABIC_YEMENtLANGUAGE_ARMENIANtLANGUAGE_ASSAMESEtLANGUAGE_AYMARAtLANGUAGE_AZERItLANGUAGE_AZERI_CYRILLICtLANGUAGE_AZERI_LATINtLANGUAGE_BASHKIRtLANGUAGE_BASQUEtLANGUAGE_BELARUSIANtLANGUAGE_BENGALItLANGUAGE_BHUTANItLANGUAGE_BIHARItLANGUAGE_BISLAMAtLANGUAGE_BRETONtLANGUAGE_BULGARIANtLANGUAGE_BURMESEtLANGUAGE_CAMBODIANtLANGUAGE_CATALANtLANGUAGE_CHINESEtLANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIEDtLANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONALtLANGUAGE_CHINESE_HONGKONGtLANGUAGE_CHINESE_MACAUtLANGUAGE_CHINESE_SINGAPOREtLANGUAGE_CHINESE_TAIWANtLANGUAGE_CORSICANtLANGUAGE_CROATIANtLANGUAGE_CZECHtLANGUAGE_DANISHtLANGUAGE_DUTCHtLANGUAGE_DUTCH_BELGIANtLANGUAGE_ENGLISHtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_UKtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_UStLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_AUSTRALIAtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_BELIZEtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_BOTSWANAtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_CANADAtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_CARIBBEANtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_DENMARKtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_EIREtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_JAMAICAtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_NEW_ZEALANDtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINEStLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICAtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_TRINIDADtLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWEtLANGUAGE_ESPERANTOtLANGUAGE_ESTONIANtLANGUAGE_FAEROESEtLANGUAGE_FARSIt LANGUAGE_FIJItLANGUAGE_FINNISHtLANGUAGE_FRENCHtLANGUAGE_FRENCH_BELGIANtLANGUAGE_FRENCH_CANADIANtLANGUAGE_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURGtLANGUAGE_FRENCH_MONACOtLANGUAGE_FRENCH_SWISStLANGUAGE_FRISIANtLANGUAGE_GALICIANtLANGUAGE_GEORGIANtLANGUAGE_GERMANtLANGUAGE_GERMAN_AUSTRIANtLANGUAGE_GERMAN_BELGIUMtLANGUAGE_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEINtLANGUAGE_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURGtLANGUAGE_GERMAN_SWISStLANGUAGE_GREEKtLANGUAGE_GREENLANDICtLANGUAGE_GUARANItLANGUAGE_GUJARATItLANGUAGE_HAUSAtLANGUAGE_HEBREWtLANGUAGE_HINDItLANGUAGE_HUNGARIANtLANGUAGE_ICELANDICtLANGUAGE_INDONESIANtLANGUAGE_INTERLINGUAtLANGUAGE_INTERLINGUEtLANGUAGE_INUKTITUTtLANGUAGE_INUPIAKtLANGUAGE_IRISHtLANGUAGE_ITALIANtLANGUAGE_ITALIAN_SWISStLANGUAGE_JAPANESEtLANGUAGE_JAVANESEtLANGUAGE_KANNADAtLANGUAGE_KASHMIRItLANGUAGE_KASHMIRI_INDIAtLANGUAGE_KAZAKHtLANGUAGE_KERNEWEKtLANGUAGE_KINYARWANDAtLANGUAGE_KIRGHIZtLANGUAGE_KIRUNDItLANGUAGE_KONKANItLANGUAGE_KOREANtLANGUAGE_KURDISHtLANGUAGE_LAOTHIANtLANGUAGE_LATINtLANGUAGE_LATVIANtLANGUAGE_LINGALAtLANGUAGE_LITHUANIANtLANGUAGE_MACEDONIANtLANGUAGE_MALAGASYtLANGUAGE_MALAYtLANGUAGE_MALAYALAMt 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