import giepy as gp import gwidgets as gw import gwidgets_wx as gwx import sys import Tkinter as Tk import tkFileDialog as TkFD import tkMessageBox as TkMB import os.path import tkSimpleDialog as TkSD import molshow as ms import giechem as gc root = Tk.Tk() # Defaults and globals # directories to load and save files load_directory = '.' save_directory = '.' # bandwidth to broaden calculated frequencies bandwidth = 10. # Each member of this list is a vibrational_spectrum good_vibrations = gp.RichList() # The lowest and highest wavenumber in the calculated spectra low = 1 high = 3600 # maximum intensity of any spectral curve max_all_spectra = 1.0 # program icon icon = 'freqs.ico' # frequency_type = 0 is IR, 1 is Raman frequency_type = gw.iVar(0) frequency_lines = gw.iVar(1) class VibrationalSpectrum(object): # # Class to handle all the work required to plot a vibrational spectrum # def __init__(self, filename): # # filename = name of the Gaussian output file # # = name of the spectrum # self.frequencies = list of calculated frequencies # self.spectrum = wavelength vs intensity data # self.molecule = Molecule instance # # Use read_in_file to read in a Gaussian output file # = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] self.frequencies = gp.RichList() self.spectrum = gp.RichList() self.molecule = False self.read_in_file(filename) self.compute_spectrum() def read_in_file(self, filename): # filename = full or relative path to the Gaussian output file input = gp.RichFile(filename, 'r') # Read in the geometry in standard orientation input_lines = input.next_split_line(splitter="") try: testmol = self.read_geometry(input_lines, filename) while testmol: self.molecule = testmol testmol = self.read_geometry(input_lines, filename) except StopIteration: pass # Now read in the frequencies input_lines = input.next_split_line(splitter="") try: new_freqs = self.read_next_frequency(input_lines) while new_freqs: self.frequencies.extend(new_freqs) new_freqs = self.read_next_frequency(input_lines) except StopIteration: pass input.close() if self.molecule: for freq in self.frequencies: self.molecule.add_frequency(freq) molplot.show_new_molecule(self.molecule) def read_geometry(self, lines, filename): # Reads the geometry out of a gaussian output file # lines = iterator that returns the next line as a series of whitespace separated tokens # filename = name of the Gaussian output file - used to name the molecule name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] molecule = gc.Molecule(name=name) line = while len(line) != 2 or (line[0] != 'Standard' or line[1] != 'orientation:'): line = # If we get here, we found a standard orientation block. Read out the useless header lines: for x in xrange(4): line = # Now start reading in the atom lines until we hit a line of all '----' line = while len(line) == 6: # We want to use the Gaussian Z axis as our X axis, and vice versa # - older formats (G94?) have a different format that will break this try: molecule.add_atom(id=line[1], coords=line[5:2:-1]) except IndexError: TkMB.showerror('File Read Error', 'Error reading in molecular geometry -\nExpected 6 columns in Standard Orientation specification') line = return molecule def read_next_frequency(self, lines): # Reads the next frequency out of a gaussian output file # lines = iterator that returns the next line as a series of whitespace separated tokens def newline(line): old_line = line line = return line, old_line my_freqs = gp.RichList() line = # Searching for a block that looks like: # A2 B1 B2 <--Symmetries # Frequencies -- 472.2660 472.2663 697.1287 freq_type = frequency_type.get() while len(line) < 2 or (line[0] != 'Frequencies' or line[1] != '--'): if len(line) == 3 and line[1] == 'Thermochemistry': return False line, old_line = newline(line) for token in line[2:]: my_freqs.append(gc.Frequency(self, symmetry=old_line.pop(0), frequency=float(token), freq_type=freq_type, molecule=self.molecule, molplot=molplot)) line = while line[0] != 'Atom': # Lines of the format: Red. masses -- 2.7034 2.7034 6.0818 # Some lines have a space in the tag name (such as "Red. masses") and some don't (such as (Depolar") if line[1] == '--': place = 2 else: place = 3 for ind, freq in my_freqs.enumerate(): freq.add_data(line[0], line[place+ind], freq_type) line = line = while len(line) == 2 + 3*len(my_freqs): # Lines of the format: Atom AN X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z # 1 6 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 -0.23 for ind, freq in my_freqs.enumerate(): freq.add_displacements(line[4+ind*3:1+ind*3:-1]) line = return my_freqs def save_spectrum(self, filename): # Saves the XY data to a tab-delimited text file named filename output = gp.RichFile(filename, 'w') for x, y in zip(range(low, high+1), self.spectrum): output.write_n(gp.joiner('\t', x, y)) output.close() def compute_spectrum(self): # Compute a vibrational spectrum by broadening each calculated frequency self.spectrum = [0]*(high - low + 1) freq_type = frequency_type.get() for freq in self.frequencies: self.spectrum = [ a + b for a, b in zip(self.spectrum, freq.calc_peak(freq_type, low, high, bandwidth)) ] def display_me(self, *event): if self.molecule: molplot.show_new_molecule(self.molecule) def plot_spectrum(self): # Adds the spectrum to the plot plot.add_line_points(zip(range(low, high+1), self.spectrum), if frequency_lines.get(): self.plot_frequency_lines() plot.tag_bind(, "", self.display_me) def plot_frequency_lines(self, line_color=None): # Put a vertical line at each frequency # line_color = color of the line to plot - defaults to the same color as the spectrum line if not line_color: line_color = plot.itemcget(, 'fill') for freq in self.frequencies: if freq.intensity: intensity = freq.peak_height*0.67 else: # Plot 0 intensity frequencies upside down intensity = -max_all_spectra/15.0 name = + str(freq.frequency) plot.add_line_points([(freq.frequency, 0), (freq.frequency, intensity)], line_color=line_color, name=name, legend=False, line_width=2) plot.tag_bind(name, "", freq.animate_me) def recolor_frequency_lines(self, line_color=None): # Resets all the frequency lines to be the same color as the spectrum curve, or to be line_color if specified self.remove_frequency_lines() self.plot_frequency_lines(line_color=line_color) def remove_frequency_lines(self): # Deletes all the frequency lines from the plot for freq in self.frequencies: name = + str(freq.frequency) plot.tag_unbind(name, "") plot.delete(name) def max_intensity(self): # Returns the highest intensity for any frequency return max([ freq.intensity for freq in self.frequencies ]) def max_spectrum(self): # Returns the highest intensity of the vibrational spectrum return max(self.spectrum) def remove_self(self): # Removes all the frequency lines and the vibrational spectrum from the plot, and removes self from the list of spectra good_vibrations.remove(self) try: plot.remove_set( for freq in self.frequencies: plot.remove_set( except KeyError: pass # Delete this molecule if it is shown molplot.delete_molecule(self.molecule) replot_all_spectra() def open_file(): # Get the name of the file to open, then open it and plot the spectrum global load_directory, save_directory load_name = TkFD.askopenfilename(filetypes=[('G03', 'g03out'), ('G98', 'g98out'), ('All files', '*')], initialdir=load_directory, title='Open File') if load_name: load_directory = os.path.split(load_name)[0] if save_directory == '.': save_directory = load_directory good_vibrations.append(VibrationalSpectrum(load_name)) replot_all_spectra() def recompute_all_spectra(replot=True): for vib in good_vibrations: vib.compute_spectrum() if replot: replot_all_spectra() def replot_all_spectra(): global max_all_spectra # max_intensity = maximum intensity (or activity) of a calculated frequency try: max_intensity = max([ vib.max_intensity() for vib in good_vibrations ]) except ValueError: max_intensity = 1. # max_all_spectra = maximum height of any peak in the calculated spectrum curve try: max_all_spectra = max([ vib.max_spectrum() for vib in good_vibrations ]) except ValueError: max_all_spectra = 1. try: height_scale = max_intensity/max_all_spectra except: height_scale = 1. plot.reset() if frequency_type.get(): plot.change_y_axis(ystart=0., yend=max(max_all_spectra*1.05, 1.0)) else: plot.change_y_axis(ystart=max(max_all_spectra*1.05, 1.0), yend=-max_all_spectra/14.) for vib in good_vibrations: vib.plot_spectrum() def save_spectrum(): # Write out the xy data to a tab-delimited file if len(good_vibrations) > 0: choice = choose_spectrum() if choice < 0: return save_name = TkFD.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='txt', filetypes=[('Tab Delimited Text', 'txt'), ('All files', '*')], initialdir=save_directory, title='Save Spectrum') if save_name: good_vibrations[choice].save_spectrum(save_name) def choose_spectrum(): # Put up a popup window that allows the user to pick which spectrum to do something to - return the index of that spectrum in # good_vibrations choice = gw.iVar(0) if len(good_vibrations) > 1: choice.set(-1) def grab_choice(): choice.set(rbuttons.get()) spec_chooser = gw.ModalWindow(root, title='Choose Spectrum', user_accept=grab_choice, buttons=True, coords='mouse', icon=icon) rbuttons = spec_chooser.append(gw.EasyRadiobuttons(spec_chooser, [ for vib in good_vibrations])) spec_chooser.pack_and_display() return choice.get() def remove_spectrum(): # Revmoes a spectrum curve, the frequency lines and the molecule (everything) if len(good_vibrations) > 0: choice = choose_spectrum() if choice < 0: return good_vibrations[choice].remove_self() def get_bandwidth(): global bandwidth newband = TkSD.askfloat('New Bandwidth', 'Enter new bandwidth in cm-1', initialvalue=bandwidth, parent=root, minvalue=0.01, maxvalue=1000.) if newband: bandwidth = newband recompute_all_spectra() def get_freq_type(): def grab_choice(): frequency_type.set(rbuttons.get()) old_freq = frequency_type.get() type_chooser = gw.ModalWindow(root, title='Spectrum Type', user_accept=grab_choice, buttons=True, coords='mouse', icon=icon) rbuttons = type_chooser.append(gw.EasyRadiobuttons(type_chooser, ['IR', 'Raman'], init=frequency_type.get())) type_chooser.pack_and_display() if frequency_type.get() != old_freq: recompute_all_spectra() # frequency_type = 0 is IR, 1 is Raman if frequency_type.get(): plot.ytitle = 'Activity' else: plot.ytitle = 'Intensity' plot.axis_titles() def copy_plot(): gwx.copy_to_clipboard(widget=plot, offset1=-2, offset2=-2) def get_vib_amp(): def set_amp(): molplot.frequency_scale = float(vib_scale.get()) vib_win = gw.ModalWindow(root, title='Vibrational Amplitude', buttons=True, user_accept=set_amp, coords='mouse', icon=icon) vib_scale = vib_win.append(gw.EasyScale(vib_win, from_=1, to=20, length=200, orient=Tk.HORIZONTAL, value=min(molplot.frequency_scale, 10))) vib_win.pack_and_display() def get_vib_speed(): def set_speed(): molplot.frequency_speed = float(vib_scale.get()) vib_win = gw.ModalWindow(root, title='Vibrational Speed', buttons=True, user_accept=set_speed, coords='mouse', icon=icon) vib_scale = vib_win.append(gw.EasyScale(vib_win, from_=1, to=100, length=300, orient=Tk.HORIZONTAL, value=min(molplot.frequency_speed, 100))) vib_win.pack_and_display() def get_mol_size(): def set_size(): plot_height = height.get() plot_width = width.get() molplot.configure(height=plot_height, width=plot_width) molplot.plot_molecule() vib_win = gw.ModalWindow(root, title='Molecule Size', buttons=True, user_accept=set_size, coords='mouse', icon=icon) height = vib_win.append(gw.SuperEntry(vib_win, label_text='Height (pixels)', vartype='int', varvalue=int(molplot.cget('height')))) width = vib_win.append(gw.SuperEntry(vib_win, label_text='Width (pixels)', vartype='int', varvalue=int(molplot.cget('width')))) vib_win.pack_and_display() def toggle_frequency_lines(): # Turn the plotting of the vertical frequency lines on or off if frequency_lines.get(): for vib in good_vibrations: vib.plot_frequency_lines() else: for vib in good_vibrations: vib.remove_frequency_lines() frequency_lines = gw.iVar(1) def initiate_text(): plot.initiate_user_created_text() def give_help(): readme = gp.RichFile('Readme.txt') info = gp.joiner('', readme.readlines()) window = gw.HelpWindow(parent=root, title='Visualizer Help', icon=icon, info=info) def show_about(): info = """Frequency_Visualizer version 1.0 Written by David Giesen Eastman Kodak Company Using Python with Pmw and PIL extensions This program and the code found in the files are placed in the public domain with no restrictions on their use or modification. All code originating from the Python, PMW, and PIL packages retains its original licensing. """ window = gw.HelpWindow(parent=root, title='About Frequency_Visualizer', icon=icon, info=info, height=12, width=40) menubar = gw.EasyMenuBar(parent=root, order=['File', 'Edit', 'Preferences', 'Help'], menus={'File': [('Open Gaussian Output', open_file), ('Save XY Data', save_spectrum), ('Remove Spectrum', remove_spectrum), ('Quit', root.quit)], 'Edit': [('Copy Plot', copy_plot), ('Add Text', initiate_text)], 'Preferences': [('Bandwidth', get_bandwidth), ('Frequency Type', get_freq_type), ('Vibration Amplitude', get_vib_amp), ('Vibration Speed', get_vib_speed), ('Molecule Size', get_mol_size), ('Frequency Lines', toggle_frequency_lines, 'checkbutton', frequency_lines, 1)], 'Help': [('Help', give_help), ('About', show_about)] }) plot = gw.GenericPlot(root, height=500, width=800, xstart=high, xend=low-1, xtitle='wavenumber', xmajor=19, ytitle='Intensity', usey=True, ydigits=1) molplot = ms.MolPlot(root, height=225, width=225, highlightthickness=1, stopsign=True) molplot.plot_molecule() mol_window = gw.EasyCanvasObject(Tk.Canvas.create_window, plot, 425, 300, window=molplot, moveable=True, button=3) plot.pack() root.title('Frequency Visualizer') if sys.platform == 'win32': root.iconbitmap(icon) root.mainloop()