import giepy as gp element_names = ['XX', 'H','HE','LI','BE','B','C','N','O','F','NE','NA','MG','AL','SI','P','S','CL','AR', 'K','CA','SC','TI','V','CR','MN','FE','CO','NI','CU','ZN','GA','GE','AS','SE','BR','KR', 'RB','SR','Y','ZR','NB','MO','TC','RU','RH','PD','AG','CD','IN','SN','SB','TE','I','XE', 'CS','BA','LA','CE','PR','ND','PM','SM','EU','GD','TB','DY', 'HO','ER','TM','YB','LU','HF','TA','W','RE','OS','IR','PT', 'AU','HG','TL','PB','BI','PO','AT','RN','FR','RA','AC','TH','PA','U','NP','PU','AM','CM','BK','CF','XX', 'FM','MD','CB'] # Table row gives which row of the periodic table the atom number appears in. All elements table_row = [0] + [1]*2 + [2]*8 + [3]*8 + [4]*18 + [5]*18 + [6]*32 + [7]*32 # Gives the anticipated maximum distance between two atoms that is considered to be a bond based on the row of the periodic table the two # atoms are from. bond distance = bonding_distances[RowA][RowB]. Lists are padded to account for the fact that there is no row 0 on the table bonding_distances = [[], [0, 0.9, 1.3, 1.7, 1.9, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [0, 1.3, 1.85, 2.2, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4], [0, 1.7, 2.2, 2.7, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9], [0, 1.9, 2.4, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9], [0, 2.0, 2.4, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9], [0, 2.0, 2.4, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9], [0, 2.0, 2.4, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9]] def is_bond(a, b, dist): # a and b should be the atomic numbers of the two atoms involved in the possible bond # dist should be the distance between a and b # Returns True if a bond exists, False if not row_a = table_row[a] row_b = table_row[b] return dist <= bonding_distances[row_a][row_b] class Atom(object): # # Stores the data for a single atom # def __init__(self, name="", number=0, coords=None, index=0): # name = should be the element name # number = atomic number # coords = tuple or list of x, y, z coordinates # index = atom number (place of this atom in list of atoms gp.params_to_attributes(self, ['name', 'number', 'index'], locals()) = if and not self.number: self.number = self.get_number( elif self.number and not = self.get_name(self.number) self.coords = gp.RichList() if coords: self.new_coords(coords) # self.bonds = list of atoms this atom is bonded to self.bonds = gp.RichList() def add_bond(self, partner): # Adds a bond to atom number "partner" self.bonds.append(partner) def new_coords(self, coords): # Change the XYZ coordinates of this atom # coords = non-string iterable of length 3 (X,Y,Z) self.coords = gp.RichList([ float(x) for x in coords ]) if len(self.coords) != 3: self.coords = gp.RichList() def get_name(self, number): # Gets the element name for atomic number 'number' try: = element_names[number] except IndexError: = "" def get_number(self, name): # Gets the atomic number for element 'name' try: self.number = element_names.index(name.upper()) except ValueError: self.number = 0 def get_name_or_number(self, value): # Figures out whether this is an element name or atomic number and if so, finds the corresponding atomic number or element name try: self.number = int(value) = self.get_name(self.number) return True except ValueError: # This isn't an integer, try to treat it as an element name try: self.get_number(value) if self.number: self.get_name(self.number) return True except ValueError: return False class Molecule(object): # # Stores the data for a molecule # - currently only lists of atoms and calculated frequencies # def __init__(self, name="", atoms=None, frequencies=None): # # name = name of the molecule # atoms = optional list of Atom objects # frequencies = optional list of Frequency objects # gp.params_to_attributes(self, ['name'], locals()) # self.atoms = list of class Atom objects if atoms: self.atoms = gp.RichList(atoms) else: self.atoms = gp.RichList() self.bonds = gp.RichDict() if frequencies: self.frequencies = gp.RichList(frequencies) else: self.frequencies = gp.RichList() def add_atom(self, id=None, coords=None): # # Adds the atom to the molecule and finds any bonds to that atom # # id = atomic number or element name of the atom # coords = XYZ coordinates of the atom # atom_number = self.num_atoms() self.atoms.append(Atom(coords=coords, index=atom_number)) # Find the atomic number and element name self.atoms[atom_number].get_name_or_number(id) # Find bonds for ind in xrange(atom_number): if self.find_bonds(ind, atom_number): self.atoms[ind].add_bond(atom_number) self.atoms[atom_number].add_bond(ind) def add_frequency(self, frequency): # Frequency should by a Frequency class object or have a similar interface self.frequencies.append(frequency) def distance(self, a, b): # Returns the distance between atom numbers a and b return gp.distance(self.atoms[a].coords, self.atoms[b].coords) def find_bonds(self, a, b): # Calculates whether atom numbers a and b are bonded based on the distance between them # Returns True if a bond exists, False if not dist = self.distance(a, b) return is_bond(self.atoms[a].number, self.atoms[b].number, dist) def are_bonded(self, a, b): # Returns True if a bond exists between atoms a and b - pulls the data from already calculated lists of bonds return b in self.atoms[a].bonds def num_atoms(self): return len(self.atoms) def center_it(self): # Places the "center of mass" of the molecule at the origin. "center of mass" is calculated as if each atom has a weight of 1 for axis in xrange(3): vals = [ atom.coords[axis] for atom in self.atoms ] my_min = min(vals) my_max = max(vals) ave = (my_min + my_max)/2.0 for atom in self.atoms: atom.coords[axis] = atom.coords[axis] - ave class Frequency(object): # # class to contain the data for a calculated frequency # def __init__(self, spectrum, symmetry='?', frequency=0., raman=0., ir=0., mass=0., force=0., depolar=0., molplot=None, freq_type=0, molecule=None): # # spectrum = parent VibrationalSpectrum class object # symmetry = symmetry of the vibration # frequency = wavenumber of the vibration # raman = Raman intensity of the vibration # ir = IR intensity of the vibration # mass = reduced mass of the vibration # force = force constant of the vibration # depolar = depolarization ratio of the vibration # molplot = MolPlot instance for animation of this frequency # freq_type = 0 for IR, 1 for Raman # molecule = should be object with similar interface to class Molecule # # self.displacements = list of XYZ displacements for each atom in the molecule # gp.params_to_attributes(self, ['spectrum', 'symmetry', 'frequency', 'raman', 'ir', 'mass', 'force', 'depolar', 'molplot', 'molecule'], locals()) self.displacements = gp.RichList() if freq_type: self.intensity = self.raman else: self.intensity = def add_data(self, type, value, freq_type): # Add some type of calculated frequency data other than coordinates # This is the data in the header of each calculated frequency. # type = First whitespace delimited string on this line of the Gaussian output file # value = value for this frequency # freq_type = 0 if IR, 1 if Raman intensities/activities are desired val = float(value) if type == 'Red.': self.mass = val elif type == 'Frc': self.force = val elif type == 'IR': = val if not freq_type: self.intensity = elif type == 'Raman': self.raman = val if freq_type: self.intensity = self.raman elif type == 'Depolar': self.depolar = val def add_displacements(self, vals): # Add the displacements (XYZ displacement) for an atom - need to be added in the same order as the Atoms in the molecule self.displacements.append([ float(x) for x in vals]) def calc_peak(self, freq_type, low, high, bandwidth): # calculate the contribution of this frequency to the overall vibrational spectrum by using a Lorentzian curve to broaden the # calculated frequency. # freq_type = 0 if IR, 1 if Raman intensities/activities are desired # low, high = highest and lowest wavenumbers desired # bandwidth = bandwidth to use in the Lorentzian to broaden the frequency line if freq_type: self.intensity = self.raman else: self.intensity = scaled_band_over_pi = self.intensity*bandwidth/3.14159265 band_squared = bandwidth * bandwidth intensities = [ scaled_band_over_pi / ((wavenumber - self.frequency)**2 + band_squared) for wavenumber in xrange(low, high+1)] self.peak_height = max(intensities) return intensities def animate_me(self, event): # Animates this frequency on a MolPlot instance if self.spectrum.molecule and self.molplot: self.molplot.change_molecule(self.spectrum.molecule) self.molplot.animate_frequency(self)