/**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /************************** "steric" **********************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /************* Program to calculate ligand cone ********************/ /************* angles as a measure of steric size ********************/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /****************** File manipulation functions **************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /****************** This module is **************************/ /****************** system independant **************************/ /**************************************************************************/ #define BGF_SPACE 30 /* position in HETATM line where useful data starts */ #define SINGLE_B 1 /* single bond is of type 1 */ #define DOUBLE_B 2 /* double bond is of type 2 */ #define TRIPLE_B 3 /* triple bond is of type 3 */ #define AROMAT_B 9 /* aromatic bond is of type 9 */ #define UNKNOW_B 99 /* unknown bond is of type 99 */ #define F_STERPAR 100/* steric atomic parameter file */ #define F_STERIN 101/* steric command input file */ #define F_STERIC 1 /* steric data file */ #define F_BIOGRF 2 /* biograph data file from cerius2 */ #define F_ALCHEM 3 /* alchemy data file */ #define F_BIOSYM 4 /* biosym *.car data file */ #define F_BIOPDB 5 /* biosym PDB *.pdb data file */ #define F_CONFOR 6 /* biograph conformer file in ascii format */ #define F_SCHAKAL 7 /* schakal data file */ #define F_SHELXL 8 /* shelxl data file */ #define F_GSTCOR 9 /* gstat coordinate data file */ #define F_ACRYST 10 /* alchemy crystal data file */ #define F_XTAL 11 /* xtal crystal data file */ int Initialize_Atom(Atms *atom); int Initialize_Bond(Bond *bond); Bond *Find_Bond(Atms *A, Atms *B); int Bond_Exists(Atms *A, Atms *B, short unsigned type); void Add_New_Bond(Atms *atomA, Atms *atomB, short unsigned type); int Load_Parameters(Set *set, FILE *PF, char *fname); double Get_Atomic_Radius(int bonds, char *name, Parm *parm, unsigned mode); int Get_Positions(Mol *M, struct vector origin, Set *set); int Calculate_Parameters(Mol *M, struct vector origin, Set *set); void Save_Steric_Molecule(Mol *M, char *fname); void New_Extension(char *file, char *newext); FILE *Open_Input_File(char *file, unsigned *mode); Mol *Load_New_Molecule(char *file, Mol *current, Set *set); /**************************************************************************/ /****************** The End ... ******************************************/ /**************************************************************************/