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Delete it first. wError: Could not open output file: %s You specified option -t twice Error: %s Error: You specified conversion table file twice Error: %s rrCould not find the conversion table file: %s Could not read file format numberThis format of conversion file is not supportedOut of memory for storing sequencesError when reading input set countToo many input shift sequencesError when reading output shift sequencesPlain string type for matching and substitution expression for outputPlain string type for matching and substitution expression for output%2d) inp_SO =|%s| %2d) inp_SO =%d %2d) inp_SOsub =|%s| %2d) inp_SOsub =%d nest_open =|%s| nest_open =%d nest_close =|%s| nest_close =%d inp_SI =|%s| inp_SI =%d %2d) inp_SIsub =|%s| %2d) inp_SIsub =%d Error when reading output set countToo many output SHIFT sequences requestedError when reading output shift sequences%2d) out_SO string=|%s| out_SI string=|%s| Set number for input sequences is wrongInput set number for a sequence wrongDelimiter wrong when reading input sequencesError reading input sequenceWrong code for the output set numberOutput set number for a sequence is wrongDelimiter wrong when reading sequencesError reading input sequenceRegular expression as output sequence and input not a regular expressionYou specified list for output and string for inputYou specified string for input and list for outputInput LIST and output set code -1/-2/-3 is not supported at this momentThe number of codes in the input and output list is differentOne-character input strings and output codes -1/-2/-3 are not supported You have entered the character |%c| with code \0d%d for input set %d Delete previous references if not neededThe ^ (beginning anchor) is not supportedThe $ (end anchor) is not supportedError in input regular expression sequence: Error in the input regular expression sequenceToo many transliteration sequences. Recompile program with larger MAXPAIRSMulticharacter input sequences %2d) inp.type=%2d inp.set=%2d out.type=%2d out.set=%2d Inp.str=|%s| Out.str=|%s| input_set charcode input_character --> output_set output_string/ %2d \%04o %c --> %2d %s %sMore SHIFT_IN sequences than corresponding SHIFT_OUT sequences in text Too many nested input character sets in input file %s "%$2-L6L?4|H,QMZLc?l3Hr)h|L8lLL(<50M>(3M@@BpVWBUC(IX3F>M HZSX^FgKpQxyO@R$]XTLD\` M ~`rhk75"ZHChV@@ z  0 ^@ I V pc p } P T X \ `NBp  ; (     >H >p >t >x^) q>|7 >A y>I >Q >Y Q>a j>l x>{ Z?8 y?@ wC( G J K XKd HKh Kl Kp Kt Kx K K  K Lp, Lt8 QLxD L|P LX L` Lh NLt L hL__DYNAMICcrt0.oreg_exp.o_reg_regnode_regsize_regcode_regtail_regatom_regendp_regnpar_regnext_regc_regpiece_regparse_regmatch_reginput_regdummy_regbranch_regoptail_regstartp_regrepeat_reginsert_regbolreg_sub.otranslit.o_allomaps_savestring_charcode_beseq_tablerr_getstring_getnumber_str2code_rdinshift_splitlist_chknblk_convnum_compstr_convstr_chkseqs_match_subs_rdelim_getnblkline_etext_edata_endstart_main_environ_reg_try_reg_exec_reg_comp_reg_error_intcode_reg_sub_listend_lineptr_out_seq_length_out_set_number_memleft_inp_SI_data_inp_SO_data_inp_SI_subs_inp_SO_subs_inpf_scr2ptr_scr1ptr_out_seq_ptr_inp_data_indexfun_inp_maps_tabline_file_version_outf_scr1_scr2_debug_flg_out_data_out_sets_tabl_junky_regexend_repl_inp_n_line_chars_strstart_begseq_curst1_curst2_endseq_liststart_inp_nest_open_chars_left_scr2a_scr1a_last_tab_line_regauxptr_regerrstr_scrcurptr_scrauxptr_memptr_curend1_curend2_out_SI_out_SO_SIGNED_CHAR_TYPE_inp_nest_close_inp_seq_length_n_conv_seq_n_out_sets_n_inp_sets_strend_scr2pt_scr1pt_out_SO_len_out_SI_len_regexstart