xvibs version 4 (July 1997) This program produces XYZ animation files for molecular vibrations represented by normal modes taken from output files from Aces2, Gamess, and Gaussian. The program autosenses what output file is given. It writes separate files, one simple cosine trajectory for particular normal mode. Vectors representing the normal coordinate are attached to the atoms, which is useful for a static picture. This program is not copyrighted. You are welcome to extend it, or send your files to basmith@pollux.chem.umn.edu and I will gladly extend it for you. Send bug reports to: basmith@pollux.chem.umn.edu Compiling: cc -o xvibs xvibs.c -lm Running: xvibs file {all | 1..(3*N-6)} [palindrome] Example: xvibs ch3oh_gam.out all Output files are named ch3oh_gam.{001-018}.xyz or xvibs ch3oh_gam.out 15 for mode 15 only. Output will be ch3oh_gam.015.xyz By default, XYZ files created are for loop animation (like in XMol). The optional 3rd argument "palindrome" will create XYZ files for palindrome animation (like in Chime). Examples are provided for ACES2, GAMESS, and GAUSSIAN files. Version 4.0.1: - Fixed bug in g94ReadFrequencies(). (Frequency value can start with digit or '-'. Previously would only read frequencies if there were no negative frequencies.) - Correct for when energy not found. - Bug: always wrote vectors for first frequency (Thanks to Peter Freunscht) Thanks. -- Bas ----- Bradley A. Smith basmith@pollux.chem.umn.edu Chemistry Department http://pollux.chem.umn.edu/~basmith/ University of Minnesota (612) 624-1535