SUBROUTINE i2c C Converts Internal coordinates to cartesian coordinates. IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER MAT, MRS PARAMETER (MAT = 500, MRS = 20) INTEGER lo REAL rot(4,4), x(3,MAT), AM(MAT, 4, 4) REAL a, b, r INTEGER i, j, k, l, m, i1 C *** Molecular Topology C bl=bond length array <<<< C ba=bond angle array <<<<< C da= dihedral angle array <<<<< C natms= total number of atoms <<<<< C name=atom names array C con(4,..)= connectivity table. only con(1,i) is usefule here.<<<<< C chrg= partial atomic charge array C type= atomic type array C ngrup=total number of residues C grup=group(residue) numbers C resd=residue names C X(3,..) = cartesian coorinate array <<<<<< C ' <<<<<<' marked arrays are used here. rest are for compatibility with C other programs in MoMoS package and related stuff. C C Authors C DR. Mrigank Dr. V.Kothekar C Bioinformatics Centre Dept. of Biophysics C Institute of Microbial Technology All India Institute of Medical Sciences C Sector 39-A Ansari Nagar C Chandigarh 160 014 New Delhi 110 029 C[much preferred], C C tele: +91-172-690557 +91-11-6864851 C C This routine is part of MoMoS [MOlecular MOdelling and Simulation] package C -- -- - REAL bl(MAT), ba(MAT), da(MAT), chrg(MAT) INTEGER con(4,MAT), type(MAT), grup(MAT), natms, ngrp CHARACTER title*78, name(MAT)*4, resd(MRS)*4 COMMON + /mtr/ bl, ba, da, chrg + /mti/ con, type, grup, natms, ngrp + /mtc/ title, name, resd COMMON + /crt/ x IF(natms.EQ.0) THEN C RETURN END IF DO 10 i = 1, natms R=bl(i) A=0.017453*ba(i) B=0.017453*da(i) ROT(1,1)=-COS(A) ROT(1,2)=-SIN(A) ROT(1,3)=0.0 ROT(1,4) = -R*COS(A) ROT(2,1)= SIN(A)*COS(B) ROT(2,2)=-COS(A)*COS(B) ROT(2,3)=-SIN(B) ROT(2,4)=R*SIN(A)*COS(B) ROT(3,1)=SIN(A)*SIN(B) ROT(3,2)=-COS(A)*SIN(B) ROT(3,3)=COS(B) ROT(3,4)=R*SIN(A)*SIN(B) ROT(4,1)=0.0 ROT(4,2)=0.0 ROT(4,3)=0.0 ROT(4,4)=1.0 I1=con(1,i) DO 70 L=1,4 DO 70 M=1,4 AM(i,L,M)=0.0 IF(i.GT.1)GO TO 30 AM(i,L,M)=ROT(L,M) GO TO 70 30 DO 60 K=1,4 AM(i,L,M)= AM(i,L,M)+AM(i1,L,K)*ROT(K,M) 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE DO 90 J=1,3 X(j,i)=AM(i,J,4) 90 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE 3 CONTINUE c DO i = 1, natms c WRITE(lo, '(A4, 3F10.5, 4I4, 2X, F8.3, 2I2)') c + name(i), (x(j,i), j = 1, 3), (con(j,i), j = 1,4), chrg(i), c + name(i), x(1,i), x(2,i), x(3,i), (con(j,i), j = 1,4), c + chrg(i), type(i), grup(i) c END DO 5000 RETURN 2004 FORMAT(2A2,3F10.5,4I4,F10.3,2I2) END