Files were tajen from from: /pub/sci/chem/qcpe/mobosol jkl --------- This directory contains the source code and manuals for MOPAC version 6. This code has been modified to emulate AMSOL calculations and can perform solvation calculations as described in Cramer and Truhlar, 1991, JACS, 8305. It has been further modified to perform NBO analysis. NBO is run by default and will be printed if the last card reads $NBO $END Keywords can be placed between the $NBO $END cards as for NBO in G90 calculations. This software can be freely distributed. The file is a compressed tar file. You can try cat mobosol.tar.Z |uncompress| tar -xvof - This should give you files and manuals. We compile by brute force with no makefile. This might work, f77 -static -O2 -o mobosol *.f The majority of the work in this port was performed by Jim Schmidt, U. of R. Dept. of Chemistry, Pharmacology. Enjoy, Jeffrey P. Jones Assistant Professor of Pharmacology University of Rochester THE ENVAQ PROBLEM HAS BEEN FIXED IN THIS VERSION!! If you only want the fix get readmo.f only and recompile. jpj 8/5/92