From Tue Jul 26 23:03:54 1994 From: Dongchul Lim Message-Id: <> Subject: CCL:Creating input files for PSI88 package from Gaussian Formcheck files To: (Computational Chemistry) Date: Tue, 26 Jul 94 22:44:36 EDT X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11] Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Status: RO *************************************************** ***** Update on the PSI88 Package of Programs ***** *************************************************** ____________________________________________________________________________ This post is regarding how to generate input files for PSI88 package from a Gaussian-related files. I'm posting this message on the request of one of co-authors of PSI88. So this is official almost :-). D. Lim, Department of Chemistry, Yale University. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. What is 'PSI88' and where can I get it? The PSI88 is a MO plotting package, which is written by Prof. William Jorgensen and Dr. Severance at Yale University and available from via anonymous ftp. This package is designed to plot 2D representation of molecular orbitals from given molcular coordinates and orbital coefficients. It supports semi-empirical, STO-3G, 3-21(++)G(**) and 6-31(++)G** basis sets. It consists of three subprograms 'PSI1', 'PSICON' and 'PSI2'. 'PSI1' is responsible for generation of 3D grid of wave function psi (hence it was named 'PSI'). PSICON reads in the 3D grid and generates contour lines (isovalued lines in x,y,z directions). Finally 'PSI2' reads in these contour lines, performs hidden-line removal and gives plots for HPGL, PostScript, etc. 2. What are the typical methods of getting molecular orbital coefficients? Any semi-empirical and ab initio package should output orbital coefficients. I'm focusing only to the Gaussian ab initio package. In calculations with Gaussian, orbital coefficients can be obtained mainly in three ways. 1) %chk=filename If '%chk=filename' is specified in the zmatrix, a checkpoint file is created in the calculation. It'll contain all necessay information to generate input files for the PSI88. A utility called 'chk2psi' is provided in PSI88 distribution for this purpose. 2) POP=FULL If the keyword 'POP=FULL' is used in the zmatrix, MO cofficients are printed in the Gaussian output file. Usually the last occurrenct of "Molecular Orbital Coefficients' are the coefficients of the final optimized geometry. 3) FORMCHECK=ALL If the keyword 'FORMCHECK=ALL' is used in the zmatrix, a formcheck file is created in the calculation. It contains coordinates, orbital energies, orbital coefficients, etc. Since this file contains most reliable information on molecular orbitals, I recommend anyone to use formcheck files for creating PSI88 input files. An nawk script 'fchk2psi' (which I'm going to enclose here) can be used for this purpose. 3. What utilities are available for generating input files for the PSI88 package from Gaussian-related files? 1) chk2psi This is written to generate PSI88 input files from a Gaussian check- point file. However, cautions should be taken before its use, i.e., it always extracts the Z-matrix orientation and may give wrong MO plots. Note that this comes with the PSI88 distribution. 2) g2psi I wrote a utilty which extracts molecular coordinates and oribtal coefficients from a Gaussian output which has been executed with POP=FULL option. Interested users may want to contact me to get it mailed to you. 3) fchk2psi This script is written in AWK programming language which is an inter- preted language and available in most UNIX systems as /usr/bin/nawk. It extracts molecular coordinates and MO coefficients from a formcheck file and creates input files for the PSI88 package. It will be found at the end of this posting. Users of the PSI88 should realize that the 'Standard' orientation of molecule must be used for plotting MO's IF IT EXISTS. Otherwise, the 'Z-matrix orientation' can be used instead. A formcheck file contains always the right molecular orientation for MO's. So I recommend everyone to use formcheck files for creating PSI88 input files. The name of the script is recommended to be 'fchk2psi'. The Usage is simply "fchk2psi filename". If filename has a suffix ".log", e.g., "file.log", PSI input file names will be "file.psi1", "file.psi2" and "file.psicon". Otherwise, "psi1", etc will be simply appended to the filename. If input for fchk2psi comes from standard input (stdin), e.g., "zcat filename.Z | fchk2psi" or "fchk2psi < filename", files named "tmp.psi1", "tmp.psi2" and "tmp.psicon" will be created. ____________________________________________________________________________ Using your favorite editor, carve out the script between 'CUT HERE' pairs. Name it 'fchk2psi' and make it executable by doing 'chmod +x fchk2psi'. Finally place it in a directory which is included in your evironment variable 'PATH'. --------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/nawk -f # @(#) fchk2psi: extracts molecular coordinates and MO coefficients # from Gaussian formchekpoint file and creates input files for # the PSI88 package written by Prof. William Jorgensen and Dr. # Dan Severance at Yale University. # To get MO coefficients from Gaussian, specify FORMCHECK=ALL. # # Usage: fchk2psi filename # Author: Dongchul Lim # Department of Chemistry, Yale University # BEGIN { natoms = 0; # number of atoms nbasis = 0; # number of basis functions bohr2A = 0.529177; # Bohr to Angstrom conversion factor number = "^[-+]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$"; getline; # 1st line (ignore) getline; # 2nd line (contains basis set) basis = substr($0,35,20); # basis set sub(/^[ \t]+/, "", basis); # remove preceding spaces and tabs if (FILENAME == "-") { # standard input file_psi1 = "tmp.psi1"; file_psi2 = "tmp.psi2"; file_psicon = "tmp.psicon"; } else { file = FILENAME; sub(/\.log$/, "", file); # replace ".log" by "" file_psi1 = sprintf("%s.psi1", file); file_psi2 = sprintf("%s.psi2", file); file_psicon = sprintf("%s.psicon", file); } if (Debug) { printf("basis = %s\n", basis); printf("psi1 = %s\n", file_psi1); printf("psi2 = %s\n", file_psi2); printf("psicon = %s\n", file_psicon); } } /Number of basis functions/ { nbasis = substr($0,50,20) + 0; } /Number of atoms/ { natoms = substr($0,50,20) + 0; } /Atomic numbers/ { n = 0; while (getline > 0 && match($1,number)) { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {n++; an[n] = $i+0;} } } /Current cartesian coordinates/ { n = 0; while (getline > 0 && match($1,number)) { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {n++; xyz[n] = $i * bohr2A;} } } /Alpha MO coefficients/ { print_psi1(xyz, an, natoms, basis, file_psi1); n = 0; while (getline > 0 && match($1,number)) { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { n++; mo[n] = $i+0; if (n == 8) { print_mo(mo,n, file_psi1); n = 0; } } } print_mo(mo,n, file_psi1); } END { if (natoms == 0) { printf("\007No atoms found.\n"); exit; } # psi1 has been already printed. So output just psi2 and psicon. print_psi2(xyz, an, natoms, basis, file_psi2); print_psicon(basis, file_psicon); } function print_mo(mo, n, file, i) { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) printf("% 10.6f", mo[i]) > file if (n>0) printf("\n") > file } function print_psi1 (xyz, an, natoms, basis, file) { printf("%s\n", basis) > file printf("AUTO0\n") > file printf("0101 1.0\n") > file printf("0\n") > file print_coord(xyz, an, natoms, file); printf("99\n") > file } function print_coord (xyz, an, natoms, file, i) { for(i=0;i file } } function print_psicon (basis, file) { printf("%s\n", basis) > file printf(" 1 1 0 1\n") > file printf(" 0.075000\n") > file } function print_psi2 (xyz, an, natoms, basis, file) { printf("%s\n", basis) > file printf("SUBTITLE\n") > file printf("010000 1.0\n") > file printf("00\n") > file print_coord(xyz, an, natoms, file); printf("99\n") > file printf(" 61.1000 132.1000 1.1000 0.8500\n") > file printf("02\n") > file } --------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------------------- ---Administrivia: This message is automatically appended by the mail exploder: -- everyone | -- coordinator HELP CHEMISTRY | Gopher: 73 Anon. ftp | -- archive search | for info send: HELP SEARCH to MAILSERV