/***** This file is part of the Babel Program Copyright (C) 1992-96 W. Patrick Walters and Matthew T. Stahl All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved For more information please contact : babel@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE : report.c AUTHOR(S) : Pat Walters DATE : 10-92 PURPOSE : routines to write out the statistics of a molecule (torsions, distances, angles ...) ******/ #include "bbltyp.h" int print_report_file(FILE *file1, ums_type *mol) { fprintf(file1,"FILENAME: %s\n",InfileName); fprintf(file1,"INTERATOMIC DISTANCES \n"); distance_matrix(mol,file1); fprintf(file1,"\n\nBOND ANGLES\n"); print_angles(mol,file1); fprintf(file1,"\n\nTORSION ANGLES\n"); print_torsions(mol,file1); return(TRUE); } void get_element_type(ums_type *mol, int i, char *type) { int result; char type_name[5]; result = xlate_std_type("XYZ",Type(i),type_name); if (result == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to assign XYZ type to atom %d type = %s\n", i,Type(i)); strcpy(type_name,Type(i)); toupper(type_name[0]); tolower(type_name[1]); } strcpy(type,type_name); } void distance_matrix(ums_type *mol,FILE *file1) { int columns = 7; int max, min = 1; int i,j; char type[5]; max = columns; while (max <= Atoms + columns) { fprintf(file1,"\n"); get_element_type(mol,min,type); fprintf(file1,"%15s%4d",type,min); for (i = min + 1; ((i < max) && (i < Atoms)); i++) if (i <= Atoms) { get_element_type(mol,i,type); fprintf(file1,"%7s%4d",type,i); } fprintf(file1,"\n"); fprintf(file1,"%14s",""); for (i = min; i < max; i++) if (i <= Atoms) fprintf(file1,"%11s","-----------"); fprintf(file1,"\n"); for (i = min; i <= Atoms; i++) { get_element_type(mol,i,type); fprintf(file1,"%4s%4d ",type,i); for (j = min; j < max; j++) if (j <= i) fprintf(file1,"%10.3f ",distance(Point(i),Point(j))); fprintf(file1,"\n"); } max += columns - 1; min += columns - 1; } fprintf(file1,"\n"); } void print_torsions(ums_type *mol,FILE *file1) { int a,b,c,d; int i,j,k; double angle1; int angle_count = 0; torsion_rec *tr; tr = (torsion_rec *)malloc(Atoms * 10 * sizeof(torsion_rec)); if (tr == NULL) { printf("Memory Allocation Error\n"); exit(0); } for (i = 0; i < Bonds; i++) { b = Start(i); c = End(i); for (j = 0; j < Valence(Start(i)); j ++) if (Connection(Start(i),j) != End(i)) { a = Connection(Start(i),j); for (k = 0; k < Valence(End(i)); k ++) if ((Connection(End(i),k) != Start(i)) && (Connection(End(i),k) != a)) { d = Connection(End(i),k); tr[angle_count].a = a; tr[angle_count].b = b; tr[angle_count].c = c; tr[angle_count].d = d; angle_count ++; } } } qsort(tr,angle_count,sizeof(torsion_rec),QSORT_PROTO compare_torsion); for (i = 0; i < angle_count; i++) { angle1 = torsion(Point(tr[i].a),Point(tr[i].b),Point(tr[i].c),Point(tr[i].d)); fprintf(file1,"%4d %4d %4d %4d %10.3f\n",tr[i].a,tr[i].b,tr[i].c,tr[i].d,angle1); } free(tr); } void print_angles(ums_type *mol,FILE *file1) { int a,b,c,d; int i,j,k; double angle1; int angle_count = 0; angle_rec *tr; angle_rec last; tr = (angle_rec *)malloc(Atoms * 10 * sizeof(angle_rec)); if (tr == NULL) { printf("Memory Allocation Error\n"); exit(0); } last.a = -1; last.b = -1; last.c = -1; for (i = 0; i < Bonds; i++) { b = Start(i); c = End(i); for (j = 0; j < Valence(Start(i)); j ++) if (Connection(Start(i),j) != End(i)) { a = Connection(Start(i),j); for (k = 0; k < Valence(End(i)); k ++) if (Connection(End(i),k) != Start(i)) { d = Connection(End(i),k); tr[angle_count].a = a; tr[angle_count].b = b; tr[angle_count].c = c; sort_values(&tr[angle_count].a,&tr[angle_count].c); angle_count ++; tr[angle_count].a = b; tr[angle_count].b = c; tr[angle_count].c = d; sort_values(&tr[angle_count].a,&tr[angle_count].c); angle_count ++; } } } qsort(tr,angle_count,sizeof(angle_rec),QSORT_PROTO compare_angle); for (i = 0; i < angle_count; i++) { if ((tr[i].a != last.a) || (tr[i].b != last.b) || (tr[i].c != last.c)) { angle1 = bond_angle(Point(tr[i].a),Point(tr[i].b),Point(tr[i].c)); fprintf(file1,"%4d %4d %4d %4s %4s %4s %10.3f \n", tr[i].a,tr[i].b,tr[i].c, Type(tr[i].a),Type(tr[i].b),Type(tr[i].c),angle1); last.a = tr[i].a; last.b = tr[i].b; last.c = tr[i].c; } } free(tr); } void sort_values(int *a, int *b) { int temp; if (*a > *b) { temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } } int compare_torsion(torsion_rec *t1, torsion_rec *t2) { if (t1->a > t2->a) return(1); else if (t1->a < t2->a) return(-1); else if (t1->b > t2->b) return(1); else if (t1->b < t2->b) return(-1); else if (t1->c > t2->c) return(1); else if (t1->c < t2->c) return(-1); else if (t1->d > t2->d) return(1); else if (t1->d < t2->d) return(-1); else return(0); } int compare_angle(angle_rec *t1, angle_rec *t2) { if (t1->a > t2->a) return(1); else if (t1->a < t2->a) return(-1); else if (t1->b > t2->b) return(1); else if (t1->b < t2->b) return(-1); else if (t1->c > t2->c) return(1); else if (t1->c < t2->c) return(-1); else return(0); }