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For convenience, the protocol componentof the uniform resource locator (ftp://) may be omitted.Missing host on -proxyUnrecognized optionUnrecognized optionUnsupported protocolUnknown hostUnable to forksystem type is [Aa]ccount[Nn]ot connected[Pp]asswordUnable to connect to remote hostNo such directoryinvalid [] rangeunmatched []internal urp?+* follows nothingtrailing \internal disastermemory corruptioncorrupted pointers*+ operand could be emptynested *?+too many ()unmatched()unmatched()junk on endinternal foulupNULL argumentout of spaceNULL parameter corrupted program8 Hx$ \ ” ˜ œ ǴǸX8X̠8 x” !@-4tBNOPVˀ4^<r@DHLPTXhld( %8$%|1*`(p@RPVl\Zph^txn^xs}84l4lptx|,  DDd$x\+\5XT:AFJQ$[” fPrxy0ʼX@! 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