/* x11win.c * RasMol2 Molecular Graphics * Roger Sayle, October 1994 * Version 2.5 */ #ifndef sun386 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GRAPHICS #include "rasmol.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #include "command.h" #include "render.h" /* Menu Definitions */ #define mbEnable 0x01 #define mbOption 0x02 #define mbCheck 0x04 #define mbSepBar 0x08 #define mbAccel 0x10 typedef struct _MenuItem { char *text; int flags; int pos; int len; } MenuItem; static MenuItem FilMenu[5] = { { "Open...", 0x11, 0, 7 }, { "Save As...", 0x11, 0, 10 }, { "Close", 0x11, 0, 5 }, { "", 0x08, 0, 0 }, { "Exit", 0x11, 0, 4 } }; static MenuItem DisMenu[7] = { { "Wireframe", 0x11, 0, 9 }, { "Backbone", 0x11, 0, 8 }, { "Sticks", 0x11, 1, 6 }, { "Spacefill", 0x11, 0, 9 }, { "Ball & Stick", 0x11, 0, 12 }, { "Ribbons", 0x11, 0, 7 }, { "Strands", 0x01, 0, 7 } }; static MenuItem ColMenu[8] = { { "Monochrome", 0x11, 0, 10 }, { "CPK", 0x11, 0, 3 }, { "Shapely", 0x11, 0, 7 }, { "Group", 0x11, 0, 5 }, { "Chain", 0x11, 1, 5 }, { "Temperature", 0x11, 0, 11 }, { "Structure", 0x11, 2, 9 }, { "User", 0x11, 0, 4 } }; static MenuItem OptMenu[5] = { { "Slab Mode", 0x13, 0, 9 }, { "Hydrogens", 0x17, 1, 9 }, { "Hetero Atoms", 0x17, 2, 12 }, { "Specular", 0x13, 1, 8 }, { "Shadows", 0x13, 1, 7 } }; static MenuItem ExpMenu[6] = { { "GIF...", 0x11, 0, 6 }, { "PostScript...", 0x11, 0, 13 }, { "PPM...", 0x11, 2, 6 }, { "Sun Raster...", 0x11, 0, 13 }, { "BMP...", 0x11, 0, 6 }, { "PICT...", 0x11, 1, 7 } }; static MenuItem HelMenu[2] = { { "About RasMol...", 0x10, 0, 15 }, { "User Manual...", 0x10, 0, 14 } }; typedef struct _BarItem { MenuItem *menu; char *text; int count; int flags; int len; } BarItem; #define MenuBarMax 6 static BarItem MenuBar[MenuBarMax] = { { FilMenu, "File", 5, 0x01, 4 }, { DisMenu, "Display", 7, 0x01, 7 }, { ColMenu, "Colours", 8, 0x01, 7 }, { OptMenu, "Options", 5, 0x01, 7 }, { ExpMenu, "Export", 6, 0x01, 6 }, { HelMenu, "Help", 2, 0x01, 4 } }; static int MenuFocus; static int ItemFocus; static int MenuItemSelect; static int MenuBarSelect; static int MenuBarCount; static int PopUpWide; static int PopUpHigh; static int PopUpFlag; static int ItemFlag; #ifdef DIALBOX #include static char *DialLabel[] = { "ROTATE X", "ROTATE Y", "ROTATE Z", " ZOOM ", "TRANS X ", "TRANS Y ", "TRANS Z ", " SLAB " }; static int *DialMap; static int ESVDialMap[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; static int SGIDialMap[8] = { 3, 7, 2, 6, 1, 5, 0, 4 }; static Real DialRes[8]; static int DialPrev[8]; static int DialMode; static int UseDialLEDs; static XDevice *Dials; static int DialEvent; static int UseDials; #endif #ifdef MITSHM #include #include #include #include XShmSegmentInfo xshminfo; int SharedMemOption; int SharedMemFlag; #endif #define XScrlDial 1 /*1*/ #define YScrlDial 0 /*0*/ #define XScrlSkip 8 #define YScrlSkip 8 typedef union { Long longword; Byte bytes[4]; } ByteTest; /* Determine Mouse Sensitivity! */ #define IsClose(u,v) (((u)>=(v)-1) && ((u)<=(v)+1)) static int MenuHigh; static int FontHigh; static Cursor cross; static Cursor arrow; static Cursor hglass; static Pixmap Scrl; static Pixmap tilepix; static Pixmap uppix, dnpix; static Pixmap lfpix, rgpix; static Pixmap ButUp, ButDn; static XFontStruct *MenuFont; static XSetWindowAttributes attr; static Window XScrlWin, YScrlWin; static Window PopUpWin; static Window MainWin; static Window CanvWin; static Window MenuWin; static Window RootWin; static XWMHints hints; static Colormap cmap; static Colormap lmap; static XImage *image; static Display *dpy; static Visual *vis; static GC gcon; #ifdef EIGHTBIT static unsigned long Ident[256]; static int IdentCount; #endif static int InitX, InitY; static int HeldButton; static int HeldStep; static int MinWidth,MaxWidth; static int MinHeight,MaxHeight; static int MainWide, MainHigh; static int ScrlX,NewScrlX; static int ScrlY,NewScrlY; static int SwapBytes; static int PixDepth; static int LocalMap; /* WM_PROTOCOLS */ static char TkInterp[10]; static Atom DelWinXAtom; static Atom ProtoXAtom; static Atom InterpAtom; static Atom CommAtom; /* Routine in rasmol.c! */ extern int ProcessCommand(); /* Forward Declarations */ static int HandleMenuLoop(); static void FatalGraphicsError(ptr) char *ptr; { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer,"Graphics Error: %s!",ptr); RasMolFatalExit(buffer); } void AllocateColourMap() { #ifdef EIGHTBIT static XColor Col; register int i,j; if( LocalMap ) { XSetWindowColormap(dpy,MainWin,cmap); XSetWindowColormap(dpy,CanvWin,cmap); XUninstallColormap(dpy,lmap); XFreeColormap(dpy,lmap); LocalMap = False; } else if( IdentCount ) XFreeColors(dpy,cmap,Ident,IdentCount,(long)0); IdentCount = 0; for( i=0; i<256; i++ ) if( ULut[i] ) { Col.red = RLut[i]<<8 | RLut[i]; Col.green = GLut[i]<<8 | GLut[i]; Col.blue = BLut[i]<<8 | BLut[i]; Col.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; if( !XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&Col) ) break; Ident[IdentCount++] = Col.pixel; Lut[i] = Col.pixel; } if( i<256 ) { lmap = XCopyColormapAndFree(dpy,cmap); LocalMap = True; for( j=0; j<5; j++ ) { Col.red = RLut[j]<<8 | RLut[j]; Col.green = GLut[j]<<8 | GLut[j]; Col.blue = BLut[j]<<8 | BLut[j]; XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&Col); Lut[i] = Col.pixel; } for( j=i; j<256; j++ ) if( ULut[j] ) { Col.red = RLut[j]<<8 | RLut[j]; Col.green = GLut[j]<<8 | GLut[j]; Col.blue = BLut[j]<<8 | BLut[j]; XAllocColor(dpy,lmap,&Col); Lut[j] = Col.pixel; } XSetWindowColormap(dpy,MainWin,lmap); XSetWindowColormap(dpy,CanvWin,lmap); XInstallColormap(dpy,lmap); } #else static XColor Col; static ByteTest buf; register Byte temp; register int i; for( i=0; i<256; i++ ) if( ULut[i] ) { Col.red = RLut[i]<<8 | RLut[i]; Col.green = GLut[i]<<8 | GLut[i]; Col.blue = BLut[i]<<8 | BLut[i]; XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&Col); if( SwapBytes ) { buf.longword = (Long)Col.pixel; temp = buf.bytes[0]; buf.bytes[0] = buf.bytes[3]; buf.bytes[3] = temp; temp = buf.bytes[1]; buf.bytes[1] = buf.bytes[2]; buf.bytes[2] = temp; Lut[i] = buf.longword; } else Lut[i] = (Long)Col.pixel; } #endif XSetWindowBackground(dpy,CanvWin,(unsigned long)Lut[5]); } static void OpenCanvas( x, y ) int x, y; { register unsigned long mask; mask = CWEventMask; attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask; attr.cursor = cross; mask |= CWCursor; attr.background_pixel = Lut[0]; mask |= CWBackPixel; CanvWin = XCreateWindow(dpy, MainWin, 14, MenuHigh+14, x, y, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, vis, mask, &attr ); } static void OpenFonts() { static char *fontname[] = { "-*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-14-*" }; register int i; cross = XCreateFontCursor(dpy,XC_tcross); arrow = XCreateFontCursor(dpy,XC_top_left_arrow); for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) if( (MenuFont=XLoadQueryFont(dpy,fontname[i])) ) break; if( !MenuFont ) FatalGraphicsError("Unable to find suitable font"); FontHigh = MenuFont->max_bounds.descent + MenuFont->max_bounds.ascent + 1; MenuHigh = FontHigh+6; } static void OpenCursors() { Pixmap source,mask; XColor black,white; white.red = 65535; black.red = 0; white.green = 65535; black.green = 0; white.blue = 65535; black.blue = 0; white.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; black.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; source = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy,MainWin,(char*)HGlassData,16,16); mask = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy,MainWin,(char*)HGlassMask,16,16); hglass = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy,source,mask,&black,&white,7,7); } static void OpenColourMap() { #ifdef EIGHTBIT static XColor Col; register int i; Col.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; for( i=0; i<5; i++ ) { Col.red = RLut[i]<<8 | RLut[i]; Col.green = GLut[i]<<8 | GLut[i]; Col.blue = BLut[i]<<8 | BLut[i]; if( !XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&Col) ) { cmap = XCopyColormapAndFree(dpy,cmap); XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&Col); } Lut[i] = Col.pixel; } LocalMap = False; IdentCount = 0; Lut[5]=Lut[0]; #endif } static int RegisterInterpName( name ) char *name; { static unsigned char *registry; static unsigned long len,left; static char buffer[32]; static int format; static Atom type; register int result; register char *ptr; registry = NULL; result = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), InterpAtom, 0, 100000, False, XA_STRING, &type, &format, &len, &left, ®istry ); if( (result!=Success) || (format!=8) || (type!=XA_STRING) ) { if( (type!=None) && registry ) XFree( (char*)registry ); sprintf(buffer,"%x %s",MainWin,name); XChangeProperty( dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), InterpAtom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)buffer, strlen(buffer)+1 ); return( True ); } ptr = (char*)registry; while( *ptr ) { /* Skip Window ID */ while( *ptr++ != ' ' ) if( !*ptr ) break; /* Compare Interp Name */ if( !strcmp(ptr,name) ) { XFree( (char*)registry ); return(False); } while( *ptr++ ); } XFree( (char*)registry ); sprintf(buffer,"%x %s",MainWin,name); XChangeProperty( dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), InterpAtom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char*)buffer, strlen(buffer)+1 ); return( True ); } static void DeRegisterInterpName( name ) char *name; { static unsigned char *registry; static unsigned long len,left; static int format; static Atom type; register char *src, *dst; register int result; registry = NULL; result = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), InterpAtom, 0, 100000, False, XA_STRING, &type, &format, &len, &left, ®istry ); if( type==None ) return; if( (result!=Success) || (format!=8) || (type!=XA_STRING) ) { XDeleteProperty( dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), InterpAtom ); if( registry ) XFree( (char*)registry ); return; } dst = (char*)registry; while( *dst ) { /* Skip Window ID */ src = dst; while( *src++ != ' ' ) if( !*src ) break; /* Compare Interp Name */ if( strcmp(src,name) ) { while( *dst++ ); } else break; } if( *dst ) { /* Skip Interp Name */ while( *src++ ); /* Shuffle Registry */ while( *src ) while( (*dst++ = *src++) ); *dst = 0; XChangeProperty( dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), InterpAtom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, registry, dst-(char*)registry ); } XFree( (char*)registry ); } static void OpenIPCComms() { register int i; CommAtom = XInternAtom( dpy, "Comm", False ); DelWinXAtom = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); /* XSetWMProtocols(dpy,MainWin,&DelWinXAtom,True); */ if( (ProtoXAtom = XInternAtom(dpy,"WM_PROTOCOLS",False)) ) XChangeProperty( dpy, MainWin, ProtoXAtom, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (Byte*)&DelWinXAtom, True ); InterpAtom = XInternAtom( dpy, "InterpRegistry", False ); XGrabServer( dpy ); if( !RegisterInterpName("rasmol") ) { strcpy(TkInterp,"rasmol #0"); for( i=1; i<10; i++ ) { TkInterp[8] = i+'0'; if( RegisterInterpName(TkInterp) ) break; } if( i==10 ) *TkInterp = 0; } else strcpy(TkInterp,"rasmol"); XUngrabServer( dpy ); } static void DrawUpBox( wdw, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Drawable wdw; int x1,y1,x2,y2; { register int lx,ly,ux,uy; lx = x1+1; ly = y1+1; ux = x2-1; uy = y2-1; XSetForeground(dpy,gcon,(unsigned long)Lut[3]); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y1,x2,y1); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y1,x1,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,ly,ux,ly); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,ly,lx,uy); XSetForeground(dpy,gcon,(unsigned long)Lut[1]); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x2,y1,x2,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y2,x2,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,ux,ly,ux,uy); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,uy,ux,uy); } static void DrawDnBox( wdw, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Drawable wdw; int x1,y1,x2,y2; { register int lx,ly,ux,uy; lx = x1+1; ly = y1+1; ux = x2-1; uy = y2-1; XSetForeground(dpy,gcon,(unsigned long)Lut[1]); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y1,x2,y1); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y1,x1,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,ly,ux,ly); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,ly,lx,uy); XSetForeground(dpy,gcon,(unsigned long)Lut[3]); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x2,y1,x2,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y2,x2,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,ux,ly,ux,uy); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,uy,ux,uy); } static void DrawNoBox( wdw, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Drawable wdw; int x1,y1,x2,y2; { register int lx,ly,ux,uy; lx = x1+1; ly = y1+1; ux = x2-1; uy = y2-1; XSetForeground(dpy,gcon,(unsigned long)Lut[2]); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y1,x2,y1); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x2,y1,x2,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x2,y2,x1,y2); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,x1,y2,x1,y1); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,ly,ux,ly); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,ux,ly,ux,uy); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,ux,uy,lx,uy); XDrawLine(dpy,wdw,gcon,lx,uy,lx,ly); } static void OpenMenuBar() { register unsigned long mask; mask = CWEventMask; attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask; MenuWin = XCreateWindow( dpy, MainWin, 2, 2, XRange+49, FontHigh+5, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOnly, vis, mask, &attr ); /* Create Unmapped PopUp Window! */ mask = CWEventMask; attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask; attr.background_pixel = Lut[2]; mask |= CWBackPixel; attr.border_pixel = Lut[2]; mask |= CWBorderPixel; attr.override_redirect = True; mask |= CWOverrideRedirect; attr.save_under = True; mask |= CWSaveUnder; attr.colormap = cmap; mask |= CWColormap; PopUpWin = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWin, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, PixDepth, InputOutput, vis, mask, &attr ); MenuFocus = False; PopUpFlag = False; } static void OpenScrollBars() { register unsigned long mask; Scrl = XCreatePixmap( dpy, MainWin, 16, 16, PixDepth ); XSetForeground(dpy,gcon,(unsigned long)Lut[2]); XFillRectangle(dpy,Scrl,gcon,0,0,15,15); XSetForeground(dpy,gcon,(unsigned long)Lut[0]); XDrawRectangle(dpy,Scrl,gcon,0,0,15,15); DrawUpBox( Scrl, 1, 1, 14, 14 ); tilepix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData( dpy, MainWin, (char*)ScrlTile, 8, 8, (unsigned long)Lut[0], (unsigned long)Lut[2], PixDepth ); mask = CWEventMask; attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask; attr.background_pixmap = tilepix; mask |= CWBackPixmap; XScrlWin = XCreateWindow( dpy, MainWin, 14, YRange+MenuHigh+24, XRange, 16, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, vis, mask, &attr ); lfpix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData( dpy, MainWin, (char*)LfArrow, 16, 16, (unsigned long)Lut[0], (unsigned long)Lut[2], PixDepth ); rgpix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData( dpy, MainWin, (char*)RgArrow, 16, 16, (unsigned long)Lut[0], (unsigned long)Lut[2], PixDepth ); YScrlWin = XCreateWindow( dpy, MainWin, XRange+24, MenuHigh+14, 16, YRange, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, vis, mask, &attr ); uppix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData( dpy, MainWin, (char*)UpArrow, 16, 16, (unsigned long)Lut[0], (unsigned long)Lut[2], PixDepth ); dnpix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData( dpy, MainWin, (char*)DnArrow, 16, 16, (unsigned long)Lut[0], (unsigned long)Lut[2], PixDepth ); ScrlX = (XRange/2)-8; ScrlY = (YRange/2)-8; } static void DrawXScroll() { XCopyArea(dpy,rgpix,XScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,XRange-16,0); XCopyArea(dpy,Scrl ,XScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,ScrlX,0); XCopyArea(dpy,lfpix,XScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,0,0); } static void DrawYScroll() { XCopyArea(dpy,dnpix,YScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,0,YRange-16); XCopyArea(dpy,Scrl ,YScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,0,ScrlY); XCopyArea(dpy,uppix,YScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,0,0); } void UpdateScrollBars() { register int temp; temp = (DialValue[YScrlDial]+1.0)*(YRange-48); NewScrlY = (temp>>1)+16; if( NewScrlY != ScrlY ) { XClearArea(dpy,YScrlWin,0,ScrlY,16,16,False); XCopyArea(dpy,Scrl,YScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,0,NewScrlY); ReDrawFlag |= (1<>1)+16; if( NewScrlX != ScrlX ) { XClearArea(dpy,XScrlWin,ScrlX,0,16,16,False); XCopyArea(dpy,Scrl,XScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,NewScrlX,0); ReDrawFlag |= (1<data; for( i=0; inum_classes; i++ ) { if( ptr->class == ValuatorClass ) { if( ptr->mode & 0x01 ) { DialMode = Absolute; max = MinFun(ptr->num_valuators,8); for( j=0; jvaluators[j]; } else DialMode = Relative; break; } else ptr = (XValuatorState*)(((char*)ptr) + ptr->length); } XFreeDeviceState(stat); } static void OpenDialsBox() { register XValuatorInfo *valptr; register XFeedbackState *list; register XFeedbackState *feed; register XDeviceInfo *devlist; register XDeviceInfo *ptr; register Atom devtype; register int i,j,max; static XEventClass dclass; static int count; UseDials = False; /* Avoid X Server's without the extension */ if( !XQueryExtension(dpy,"XInputExtension", &count,&count,&count) ) return; devlist = XListInputDevices(dpy,&count); devtype = XInternAtom(dpy,XI_KNOB_BOX,True ); if( (devtype==None) || !devlist ) return; ptr = devlist; for( i=0; iuse==IsXExtensionDevice) && (ptr->type==devtype) ) { valptr = (XValuatorInfo*)ptr->inputclassinfo; for( j=0; jnum_classes; j++ ) { if( valptr->class == ValuatorClass ) if( (Dials=XOpenDevice(dpy,ptr->id)) ) { UseDials = True; break; } valptr = (XValuatorInfo*)(((char*)valptr) + valptr->length); } if( UseDials ) break; } else ptr++; /* XFreeDeviceList(devlist); */ if( UseDials ) { /* Determine Dial Mapping! */ if( !strcmp(ServerVendor(dpy),"Silicon Graphics") ) { DialMap = SGIDialMap; } else DialMap = ESVDialMap; DialMode = valptr->mode; max = MinFun(valptr->num_axes,8); for( i=0; iaxes[i].resolution; GetDialState(); } else return; UseDialLEDs = 0; feed = list = XGetFeedbackControl( dpy, Dials, &count ); for( i=0; iclass == StringFeedbackClass ) UseDialLEDs++; feed = (XFeedbackState*)(((char*)feed) + feed->length); } XFreeFeedbackList( list ); if( UseDialLEDs >= 8 ) { for( i=0; i<8; i++ ) SetDialLabel(i,DialLabel[DialMap[i]]); } else UseDialLEDs = False; DeviceMotionNotify( Dials, DialEvent, dclass ); XSelectExtensionEvent( dpy, MainWin, &dclass, 1 ); XSelectExtensionEvent( dpy, MenuWin, &dclass, 1 ); XSelectExtensionEvent( dpy, CanvWin, &dclass, 1 ); XSelectExtensionEvent( dpy, XScrlWin, &dclass, 1 ); XSelectExtensionEvent( dpy, YScrlWin, &dclass, 1 ); } static void HandleDialEvent( ptr ) XDeviceMotionEvent *ptr; { register double temp; register int count; register int value; register int index; register int num; /* Limit Number of Dials */ count = 8 - ptr->first_axis; if( count > (int)ptr->axes_count ) count = (int)ptr->axes_count; for( index=0; indexfirst_axis+index; if( DialMode == Absolute ) { value = ptr->axis_data[index] - DialPrev[num]; DialPrev[num] = ptr->axis_data[index]; } else value = ptr->axis_data[index]; if( value ) { temp = (Real)value/DialRes[num]; num = DialMap[num]; temp += DialValue[num]; ReDrawFlag |= (1<1.0 ) temp -= 2.0; } else { if( temp<-1.0 ) temp = -1.0; if( temp>1.0 ) temp = 1.0; } DialValue[num] = temp; if( num==YScrlDial ) { value = (temp+1.0)*(YRange-48); NewScrlY = (value>>1)+16; } if( num==XScrlDial ) { value = (temp+1.0)*(XRange-48); NewScrlX = (value>>1)+16; } } } } #endif static void DrawMainWin() { register int temp; DrawUpBox(MainWin,0,0,MainWide,MainHigh); DrawUpBox(MainWin,0,0,MainWide-2,FontHigh+7); temp = YRange+MenuHigh; DrawDnBox(MainWin,12,MenuHigh+12,XRange+16,temp+16); DrawDnBox(MainWin,XRange+22,MenuHigh+12,XRange+41,temp+16); DrawDnBox(MainWin,12,temp+22,XRange+16,temp+41); } /********************/ /* Menu Bar Display */ /********************/ static void DisplayMenuBarText( ptr, x, y ) BarItem *ptr; int x, y; { register unsigned long col; register int under,wide; if( ptr->flags&mbEnable && !DisableMenu ) { col = Lut[0]; } else col = Lut[1]; XSetForeground( dpy, gcon, col ); XDrawString( dpy, MainWin, gcon, x, y, ptr->text, ptr->len ); under = y + MenuFont->descent; wide = XTextWidth( MenuFont, ptr->text, 1 ); XDrawLine( dpy, MainWin, gcon, x, under, x+wide, under ); } static void DrawMenuBar() { register BarItem *ptr; register int wide; register int x,y; register int i; x = 6; y = MenuFont->ascent+4; XSetFont( dpy, gcon, MenuFont->fid ); for( i=0; itext, ptr->len ); if( x+wide+24 > MainWide ) break; /* Right Justify "Help" */ if( i == MenuBarMax-1 ) x = MainWide - (wide+24); DisplayMenuBarText( ptr, x+8, y ); if( MenuFocus && (i==MenuBarSelect) ) { DrawUpBox( MainWin, x, 2, x+wide+16, FontHigh+5 ); } else DrawNoBox( MainWin, x, 2, x+wide+16, FontHigh+5 ); x += wide+24; } MenuBarCount = i; XSync(dpy,False); } /***********************/ /* Pop-up Menu Display */ /***********************/ static void DisplayPopUpText( ptr, x, y ) MenuItem *ptr; int x, y; { register unsigned long col; register int pos, wide; register int i,under; register int index; col = (ptr->flags&mbEnable)? Lut[0] : Lut[1]; XSetForeground( dpy, gcon, col ); XDrawString( dpy, PopUpWin, gcon, x, y, ptr->text, ptr->len ); if( ptr->flags & mbAccel ) { under = y + MenuFont->descent; pos = x; for( i=0; ipos; i++ ) { index = ptr->text[i] - MenuFont->min_char_or_byte2; pos += MenuFont->per_char[index].width; } index = ptr->text[ptr->pos] - MenuFont->min_char_or_byte2; wide = pos+MenuFont->per_char[index].rbearing; pos += MenuFont->per_char[index].lbearing; XDrawLine( dpy, PopUpWin, gcon, pos, under, wide, under ); } } static void DrawPopUpMenu() { register unsigned long col; register MenuItem *ptr; register int count; register int x,y; register int i; DrawUpBox(PopUpWin,0,0,PopUpWide,PopUpHigh); ptr = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].menu; count = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].count; y = 2; x = 2; for( i=0; iflags&mbSepBar) ) { DisplayPopUpText( ptr, x+8, y+MenuFont->ascent+2 ); if( ItemFlag && (i==MenuItemSelect) ) { DrawUpBox(PopUpWin,2,y,PopUpWide-2,y+FontHigh+3); } else DrawNoBox(PopUpWin,2,y,PopUpWide-2,y+FontHigh+3); y += FontHigh+4; } else { XSetForeground( dpy, gcon, (unsigned long)Lut[1] ); XDrawLine(dpy,PopUpWin,gcon,2,y,PopUpWide-2,y); XSetForeground( dpy, gcon, (unsigned long)Lut[3] ); XDrawLine(dpy,PopUpWin,gcon,2,y+1,PopUpWide-2,y+1); y += 2; } ptr++; } XSync(dpy,False); } static void DisplayPopUpMenu( i, x ) int i, x; { register unsigned long mask; register int wide, count; register MenuItem *ptr; register int flag; static int xpos, ypos; static Window win; MenuBarSelect = i; DrawMenuBar(); ptr = MenuBar[i].menu; count = MenuBar[i].count; flag = False; PopUpHigh = 4; PopUpWide = 4; for( i=0; iflags&mbSepBar) ) { if( ptr->flags & mbOption ) flag = True; wide = XTextWidth(MenuFont,ptr->text,ptr->len); if( wide+28 > PopUpWide ) PopUpWide = wide+28; PopUpHigh += FontHigh+4; } else PopUpHigh += 2; ptr++; } /* Determine pop-up menu position! */ XTranslateCoordinates(dpy,MainWin,RootWin,x,FontHigh+6, &xpos, &ypos, &win ); if( ypos+PopUpHigh > MaxHeight ) ypos -= (PopUpHigh+FontHigh+6); if( xpos+PopUpWide > MaxWidth ) xpos = MaxWidth-PopUpWide; if( xpos < 0 ) xpos = 0; XUnmapWindow(dpy,PopUpWin); XMoveResizeWindow(dpy,PopUpWin,xpos,ypos,PopUpWide+1,PopUpHigh+1); XRaiseWindow(dpy,PopUpWin); XMapWindow(dpy,PopUpWin); PopUpFlag = True; DrawPopUpMenu(); } /******************************/ /* Pop-Up Menu Event Handling */ /******************************/ static int HandleItemClick( x, y ) int x, y; { register MenuItem *ptr; register int count,i; static int xpos, ypos; static Window win; XTranslateCoordinates(dpy,MenuWin,PopUpWin,x,y, &xpos,&ypos,&win); /* Ignore by not setting ItemFocus! */ if( (xpos<0) || (xpos>PopUpWide) ) return; if( (ypos<0) || (ypos>PopUpHigh) ) return; ItemFocus = True; ptr = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].menu; count = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].count; y = 2; for( i=0; iflags&mbSepBar) ) { if( (ypos>=y) && (ypos<=y+FontHigh+3) ) { if( ptr->flags & mbEnable ) { if( !ItemFlag || (MenuItemSelect!=i) ) { /* Avoid Flickering */ MenuItemSelect = i; ItemFlag = True; DrawPopUpMenu(); } return; } else break; } y += FontHigh+4; } else y += 2; ptr++; } if( ItemFlag ) { ItemFlag = False; DrawPopUpMenu(); } } static int HandleItemMove( x, y ) int x, y; { register MenuItem *ptr; register int count,i; static int xpos, ypos; static Window win; XTranslateCoordinates(dpy,MenuWin,PopUpWin,x,y, &xpos,&ypos,&win); if( (xpos>=0) && (xpos<=PopUpWide) ) { ptr = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].menu; count = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].count; y = 2; for( i=0; iflags&mbSepBar) ) { if( (ypos>=y) && (ypos<=y+FontHigh+3) ) { if( !ItemFlag || (MenuItemSelect!=i) ) { /* Avoid Flicker! */ MenuItemSelect = i; ItemFlag = True; DrawPopUpMenu(); } ItemFocus = True; return; } y += FontHigh+4; } else y += 2; ptr++; } } if( ItemFlag ) { /* Avoid Flicker! */ ItemFlag = False; DrawPopUpMenu(); } } static int HandleItemKey( key ) int key; { register MenuItem *ptr; register int count; register int item; register int ch; register int i; key = ToUpper( key ); item = MenuItemSelect; ptr = &MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].menu[item]; count = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].count; for( i=0; iflags&(mbEnable|mbAccel)) && !(ptr->flags&mbSepBar) ) { ch = ptr->text[ptr->pos]; if( ToUpper(ch) == key ) return( (MenuBarSelect<<8)+item+1 ); } /* Advance to next item! */ if( item == count-1 ) { ptr = MenuBar[MenuBarSelect].menu; item = 0; } else { item++; ptr++; } } return( 0 ); } static void SelectFirstItem( menu ) int menu; { register MenuItem *ptr; register int count; register int i; count = MenuBar[menu].count; ptr = MenuBar[menu].menu; ItemFlag = False; for( i=0; iflags&mbEnable) && !(ptr->flags&mbSepBar) ) { MenuItemSelect = i; ItemFlag = True; break; } else ptr++; } static void SelectPrevItem() { register BarItem *ptr; register int flags; register int item; register int i; if( !ItemFlag ) return; item = MenuItemSelect; ptr = MenuBar + MenuBarSelect; for( i=0; icount; i++ ) { if( !item ) { item = ptr->count-1; } else item--; flags = ptr->menu[item].flags; if( (flags&mbEnable) && !(flags&mbSepBar) ) break; } if( item != MenuItemSelect ) { MenuItemSelect = item; DrawPopUpMenu(); } } static void SelectNextItem() { register BarItem *ptr; register int flags; register int item; register int i; if( !ItemFlag ) return; item = MenuItemSelect; ptr = MenuBar + MenuBarSelect; for( i=0; icount; i++ ) { if( item == ptr->count-1 ) { item = 0; } else item++; flags = ptr->menu[item].flags; if( (flags&mbEnable) && !(flags&mbSepBar) ) break; } if( item != MenuItemSelect ) { MenuItemSelect = item; DrawPopUpMenu(); } } /***************************/ /* Menu Bar Event Handling */ /***************************/ static void SelectMenu( menu ) int menu; { register BarItem *ptr; register int wide; register int i,x; if( !PopUpFlag ) { MenuBarSelect = menu; DrawMenuBar(); return; } if( menu != MenuBarMax-1 ) { x = 6; for( i=0; itext,ptr->len); x += wide+24; } } else { ptr = MenuBar+menu; wide = XTextWidth(MenuFont,ptr->text,ptr->len); x = MainWide - (wide+24); } SelectFirstItem( menu ); DisplayPopUpMenu( menu, x ); ItemFocus = False; } static int HandleMenuClick( pos ) int pos; { register BarItem *ptr; register int wide; register int x,i; x = 6; for( i=0; itext, ptr->len ); if( i == MenuBarMax-1 ) x = MainWide - (wide+24); if( (pos>=x) && (pos<=x+wide+16) ) { if( !PopUpFlag || (MenuBarSelect!=i) ) { ItemFlag = False; DisplayPopUpMenu(i,x); } else if( ItemFlag ) { ItemFlag = False; DrawPopUpMenu(); } ItemFocus = True; return( True ); } else x += wide+24; } return( False ); } static int HandleMenuKey( key ) char key; { register int i; key = ToUpper(key); for( i=0; i48)? (Real)(ScrlX-16)/(XRange-48) : 0.0; ypos = (YRange>48)? (Real)(ScrlY-16)/(YRange-48) : 0.0; YRange = high-(MenuHigh+53); XRange = wide-53; if( dx = XRange%4 ) XRange += 4-dx; MainHigh = YRange+(MenuHigh+53); HRange = YRange>>1; MainWide = XRange+53; WRange = XRange>>1; Range = MinFun(XRange,YRange); XResizeWindow( dpy, CanvWin, XRange, YRange); XResizeWindow( dpy, MenuWin, XRange+49, FontHigh+5 ); XMoveResizeWindow( dpy, XScrlWin, 14, YRange+MenuHigh+24, XRange, 16 ); XMoveResizeWindow( dpy, YScrlWin, XRange+24, MenuHigh+14, 16, YRange ); NewScrlX = ScrlX = (xpos*(XRange-48))+16; NewScrlY = ScrlY = (ypos*(YRange-48))+16; XClearWindow( dpy, MainWin ); XClearWindow( dpy, CanvWin ); DrawXScroll(); DrawYScroll(); DrawMainWin(); DrawMenuBar(); ReDrawFlag |= RFReSize; XSync(dpy,True); } int FatalXError( ptr ) Display *ptr; { dpy = (Display*)NULL; RasMolFatalExit("*** Fatal X11 I/O Error! ***"); /* Avoid Compilation Warnings! */ return( (int)ptr ); } int OpenDisplay( x, y ) int x, y; { register unsigned long mask; register int i,num; register char *ptr; static ByteTest test; static XVisualInfo visinfo; static XClassHint xclass; static XSizeHints size; static Pixmap icon; static int temp; image = (XImage*)NULL; MouseMode = MMRasMol; UseHourGlass = True; DisableMenu = False; HeldButton = -1; for( i=0; i<8; i++ ) DialValue[i] = 0.0; #ifdef EIGHTBIT RLut[0]=0; GLut[0]=0; BLut[0]=0; ULut[0]=True; RLut[1]=100; GLut[1]=100; BLut[1]=100; ULut[1]=True; RLut[2]=150; GLut[2]=150; BLut[2]=150; ULut[2]=True; RLut[3]=200; GLut[3]=200; BLut[3]=200; ULut[3]=True; RLut[4]=255; GLut[4]=255; BLut[4]=255; ULut[4]=True; #else Lut[0] = 65793*0; Lut[1] = 65793*64; Lut[2] = 65793*128; Lut[3] = 65793*196; Lut[4] = 65793*255; #endif XRange = x; WRange = XRange>>1; YRange = y; HRange = YRange>>1; Range = MinFun(XRange,YRange); if( !Interactive ) return( False ); if( (dpy=XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL ) return( 0 ); num = DefaultScreen(dpy); RootWin = RootWindow(dpy,num); XSetIOErrorHandler( FatalXError ); #ifdef EIGHTBIT if( !(XMatchVisualInfo(dpy,num,8,PseudoColor,&visinfo) || XMatchVisualInfo(dpy,num,8,GrayScale,&visinfo)) ) { XCloseDisplay(dpy); return(0); } else PixDepth = 8; #else if( XMatchVisualInfo(dpy,num,32,TrueColor,&visinfo) || XMatchVisualInfo(dpy,num,32,DirectColor,&visinfo) ) { PixDepth = 32; } else if( XMatchVisualInfo(dpy,num,24,TrueColor,&visinfo) || XMatchVisualInfo(dpy,num,24,DirectColor,&visinfo) ) { PixDepth = 24; } else /* No suitable display! */ { XCloseDisplay(dpy); return(0); } #endif vis = visinfo.visual; if( vis != DefaultVisual(dpy,num) ) { cmap = XCreateColormap(dpy,RootWin,vis,AllocNone); } else cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy,num); OpenFonts(); OpenColourMap(); MaxHeight = DisplayHeight(dpy,num); MinHeight = MenuHigh+101; MaxWidth = DisplayWidth(dpy,num); MinWidth = 101; MainHigh = YRange+MenuHigh+53; MainWide = XRange+53; mask = CWEventMask; attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PropertyChangeMask; attr.background_pixel = Lut[2]; mask |= CWBackPixel; attr.border_pixel = Lut[2]; mask |= CWBorderPixel; attr.colormap = cmap; mask |= CWColormap; attr.cursor = arrow; mask |= CWCursor; MainWin = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWin, 0, 0, MainWide, MainHigh, 2, PixDepth, InputOutput, vis, mask, &attr ); gcon = XCreateGC(dpy,MainWin,0L,NULL); /* DefaultGC(dpy,num) */ XSetGraphicsExposures(dpy,gcon,False); icon = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy,MainWin,(char*)icon_bits, icon_width,icon_height ); size.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; size.min_width = MinWidth; size.max_width = MaxWidth; size.min_height = MinHeight; size.max_height = MaxHeight; XSetStandardProperties(dpy, MainWin, "RasMol Version 2.5", "RasMol", icon, NULL, 0, &size ); xclass.res_name = "rasmol"; xclass.res_class = "RasMol"; XSetClassHint(dpy,MainWin,&xclass); hints.icon_pixmap = icon; hints.flags = IconPixmapHint; XSetWMHints(dpy,MainWin,&hints); OpenCanvas( XRange, YRange ); OpenScrollBars(); OpenMenuBar(); OpenCursors(); OpenIPCComms(); #ifdef DIALBOX OpenDialsBox(); #endif #ifdef MITSHM ptr = DisplayString(dpy); if( !ptr || (*ptr==':') || !strncmp(ptr,"localhost:",10) || !strncmp(ptr,"unix:",5) || !strncmp(ptr,"local:",6) ) { SharedMemOption = XQueryExtension(dpy,"MIT-SHM",&temp,&temp,&temp); } else SharedMemOption = False; SharedMemFlag = False; #endif #ifndef EIGHTBIT /* Determine Byte Ordering */ test.longword = (Long)0x000000ff; if( ImageByteOrder(dpy) == MSBFirst ) { SwapBytes = test.bytes[0]; } else SwapBytes = test.bytes[3]; #endif XMapSubwindows(dpy,MainWin); XMapWindow(dpy,MainWin); DrawXScroll(); DrawYScroll(); DrawMainWin(); DrawMenuBar(); XSync(dpy,False); return( ConnectionNumber(dpy) ); } int CreateImage() { register Long size, temp; if( !Interactive ) { if( FBuffer ) free(FBuffer); size = (Long)XRange*YRange*sizeof(Pixel); FBuffer = (Pixel*)malloc( size+32 ); return( (int)FBuffer ); } if( image ) { #ifdef MITSHM if( SharedMemFlag ) { XShmDetach( dpy, &xshminfo ); image->data = (char*)NULL; shmdt( xshminfo.shmaddr ); } #endif XDestroyImage( image ); image = (XImage*)NULL; } size = (Long)XRange*YRange*sizeof(Pixel) + 32; #ifdef MITSHM if( SharedMemOption ) { SharedMemFlag = False; image = XShmCreateImage( dpy, vis, PixDepth, ZPixmap, NULL, &xshminfo, XRange, YRange ); if( image ) { temp = (Long)image->bytes_per_line * image->height; if( temp > size ) size = temp; xshminfo.shmid = shmget( IPC_PRIVATE, size, IPC_CREAT|0777 ); if( xshminfo.shmid != -1 ) { xshminfo.shmaddr = (char*)shmat(xshminfo.shmid,0,0); if( xshminfo.shmaddr != (char*)-1 ) { image->data = xshminfo.shmaddr; FBuffer = (Pixel*)xshminfo.shmaddr; xshminfo.readOnly = True; SharedMemFlag = XShmAttach( dpy, &xshminfo ); XSync(dpy,False); } /* Always Destroy Shared Memory Ident */ shmctl( xshminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0 ); } if( !SharedMemFlag ) { XDestroyImage( image ); image = (XImage*)NULL; } else return( True ); } } #endif /* Allocate Frame Buffer! */ FBuffer = (Pixel*)malloc( size ); if( !FBuffer ) return( False ); image = XCreateImage( dpy, vis, PixDepth, ZPixmap, 0, (char*)FBuffer, XRange, YRange, ((PixDepth>8)?32: 8) , 0 ); return( (int)image ); } void TransferImage() { #ifdef MITSHM if( SharedMemFlag ) { XShmPutImage(dpy,CanvWin,gcon,image,0,0,0,0,XRange,YRange,False); } else #endif XPutImage( dpy, CanvWin, gcon, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, XRange, YRange ); XFlush(dpy); } void ClearImage() { XClearWindow( dpy, CanvWin ); XFlush(dpy); } int PrintImage() { return( False ); } int ClipboardImage() { return( False ); } static int HandleIPCError( disp, ptr ) Display *disp; XErrorEvent *ptr; { return( 0 ); } static void HandleIPCCommand() { static unsigned long len,left; static unsigned char *command; static Window source; static int serial; static int format; static Atom type; char buffer[32]; int (*handler)(); register int result; register char *ptr; command = NULL; result = XGetWindowProperty( dpy, MainWin, CommAtom, 0, 1024, True, XA_STRING, &type, &format, &len, &left, &command ); if( (result!=Success) || (type!=XA_STRING) || (format!=8) ) { if( command ) XFree( (char*)command ); return; } result = 0; ptr = (char*)command; while( *ptr ) { if( *ptr=='C' ) { sscanf(ptr+1,"%x %x\n",&source,&serial); while( *ptr && (*ptr!='|') ) ptr++; if( *ptr=='|' ) { result = ExecuteIPCCommand(ptr+1); } else result = 0; sprintf(buffer,"R %x 0 %d",serial,result); handler = XSetErrorHandler( HandleIPCError ); XChangeProperty( dpy, source, CommAtom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char*)buffer, strlen(buffer)+1 ); XSync(dpy,False); XSetErrorHandler(handler); } /* Next Command! */ while( *ptr++ ); } XFree( (char*)command ); if( result==2 ) RasMolExit(); } static int CropRange( val, min, max ) int val, min, max; { if( valmax ) return( max ); return( val ); } static void ClampDial( dial, value ) int dial; Real value; { register Real temp; temp = DialValue[dial] + value; if( temp > 1.0 ) { DialValue[dial] = 1.0; } else if( temp < -1.0 ) { DialValue[dial] = -1.0; } else DialValue[dial] = temp; } static void WrapDial( dial, value ) int dial; Real value; { register Real temp; temp = DialValue[dial] + value; while( temp < -1.0 ) temp += 2.0; while( temp > 1.0 ) temp -= 2.0; DialValue[dial] = temp; } void SetMouseMode( mode ) int mode; { if( mode==MouseMode ) return; if( (mode==MMQuanta) || (MouseMode==MMQuanta) ) { /* Enable/Disable Pointer Motion Events! */ attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask; if( mode==MMQuanta ) attr.event_mask |= PointerMotionMask; XChangeWindowAttributes( dpy, CanvWin, CWEventMask, &attr ); } MouseMode = mode; } static void MouseMove( status, dx, dy ) int status, dx, dy; { register int index; if( MouseMode == MMRasMol ) { if( status & ShiftMask ) { if( status & Button1Mask ) { if( dy ) /* Zoom Vertical */ { ClampDial( 3, (Real)dy/HRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFZoom; } } else if( status & (Button2Mask|Button3Mask) ) if( dx ) /* Z Rotation Horizontal */ { WrapDial( 2, (Real)dx/WRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateZ; } } else if( status & ControlMask ) { if( status & Button1Mask ) { if( dy ) /* Slab Vertical */ { ClampDial( 7, (Real)dy/YRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFSlab; } } } else /* Unmodified! */ if( status & Button1Mask ) { if( dx ) /* Rotate Y Horizontal */ { WrapDial( 1, (Real)dx/WRange ); index = (DialValue[1]+1.0)*(XRange-48); NewScrlX = (index>>1)+16; ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateY; } if( dy ) /* Rotate X Vertical */ { WrapDial( 0, (Real)dy/HRange ); index = (DialValue[0]+1.0)*(YRange-48); NewScrlY = (index>>1)+16; ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateX; } } else if( status & (Button2Mask|Button3Mask) ) { if( dx ) /* Translate X Horizontal */ { ClampDial( 4, (Real)dx/XRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFTransX; } if( dy ) /* Translate Y Vertical */ { ClampDial( 5, (Real)dy/YRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFTransY; } } } else if( MouseMode==MMQuanta ) { if( status & ShiftMask ) { if( status & Button1Mask ) { if( dy ) /* Slab Vertical */ { ClampDial( 7, (Real)dy/YRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFSlab; } } else if( status & Button2Mask ) { if( dx ) /* Translate X Horizontal */ { ClampDial( 4, (Real)dx/XRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFTransX; } if( dy ) /* Translate Y Vertical */ { ClampDial( 5, (Real)dy/YRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFTransY; } } else if( !(status & Button3Mask) ) if( dy ) /* Zoom Vertical */ { ClampDial( 3, (Real)dy/HRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFZoom; } } else if( status & Button2Mask ) { if( dx ) /* Rotate Y Horizontal */ { WrapDial( 1, (Real)dx/WRange ); index = (DialValue[1]+1.0)*(XRange-48); NewScrlX = (index>>1)+16; ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateY; } if( dy ) /* Rotate X Vertical */ { WrapDial( 0, (Real)dy/HRange ); index = (DialValue[0]+1.0)*(YRange-48); NewScrlY = (index>>1)+16; ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateX; } } else if( status & Button3Mask ) if( dx ) /* Z Rotation Horizontal */ { WrapDial( 2, (Real)dx/WRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateZ; } } else /* MMInsight */ switch( status & (Button1Mask|Button2Mask|Button3Mask) ) { case( Button1Mask ): if( dx ) /* Rotate Y Horizontal */ { WrapDial( 1, (Real)dx/WRange ); index = (DialValue[1]+1.0)*(XRange-48); NewScrlX = (index>>1)+16; ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateY; } if( dy ) /* Rotate X Vertical */ { WrapDial( 0, (Real)dy/HRange ); index = (DialValue[0]+1.0)*(YRange-48); NewScrlY = (index>>1)+16; ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateX; } break; case( Button2Mask ): if( dx ) /* Translate X Horizontal */ { ClampDial( 4, (Real)dx/XRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFTransX; } if( dy ) /* Translate Y Vertical */ { ClampDial( 5, (Real)dy/YRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFTransY; } break; case( Button1Mask|Button2Mask ): ClampDial( 3, (Real)dx/WRange - (Real)dy/HRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFZoom; break; case( Button1Mask|Button3Mask ): WrapDial( 2, (Real)dx/WRange - (Real)dy/HRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateZ; break; case( Button1Mask|Button2Mask|Button3Mask ): ClampDial( 7, (Real)dx/XRange - (Real)dy/YRange ); ReDrawFlag |= RFSlab; break; } } static int ProcessEvent( event ) XEvent *event; { register int result; register int index; result = 0; switch( event->type ) { case(ButtonPress): { XButtonPressedEvent *ptr; HeldButton = -1; ptr = (XButtonPressedEvent*)event; if( ptr->window==CanvWin ) { InitX = PointX = ptr->x; InitY = PointY = ptr->y; } else if( ptr->window==MenuWin ) { if( !DisableMenu ) if( HandleMenuClick(ptr->x) ) result = HandleMenuLoop(); } else if( ptr->window==XScrlWin ) { ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateY; if( ptr->x<16 ) { HeldButton = XScrlDial; HeldStep = -XScrlSkip; } else if( ptr->x>=XRange-16 ) { HeldButton = XScrlDial; HeldStep = XScrlSkip; } else { index = ptr->x-8; if( XScrlDial<3 ) { if( index>XRange-32 ) index -= XRange-48; else if( index<16 ) index += XRange-48; NewScrlX = index; } else NewScrlX = CropRange(index,16,XRange-32); } } else if( ptr->window==YScrlWin ) { ReDrawFlag |= RFRotateX; if( ptr->y<16 ) { HeldButton = YScrlDial; HeldStep = -YScrlSkip; } else if( ptr->y>=YRange-16 ) { HeldButton = YScrlDial; HeldStep = YScrlSkip; } else { index = ptr->y-8; if( YScrlDial<3 ) { if( index>YRange-32 ) index -= YRange-48; else if( index<16 ) index += YRange-48; NewScrlY = index; } else NewScrlY = CropRange(index,16,YRange-32); } } } break; case(MotionNotify): { XMotionEvent *ptr; int dx, dy; ptr = (XMotionEvent*)event; if( ptr->window==CanvWin ) { if( !IsClose(ptr->x,InitX) || !IsClose(ptr->y,InitY) ) { dx = ptr->x-PointX; dy = ptr->y-PointY; MouseMove( ptr->state, dx, dy ); PointX = ptr->x; PointY = ptr->y; } } else if( HeldButton == -1 ) { if( ptr->window==XScrlWin ) { index = ptr->x-8; NewScrlX = CropRange(index,16,XRange-32); } else /* if( ptr->window==YScrlWin ) */ { index = ptr->y-8; NewScrlY = CropRange(index,16,YRange-32); } } } break; case(ButtonRelease): { XButtonReleasedEvent *ptr; HeldButton = -1; ptr = (XButtonReleasedEvent*)event; if( ptr->window==CanvWin ) { PointX = ptr->x; PointY = ptr->y; if( IsClose(PointX,InitX) && IsClose(PointY,InitY) ) ReDrawFlag |= RFPoint; } } break; case(KeyPress): { XKeyPressedEvent *ptr; static KeySym symbol; static char keychar; register int i; ptr = (XKeyPressedEvent*)event; index = XLookupString(ptr,&keychar,1,&symbol,NULL); switch( symbol ) { case(XK_Begin): case(XK_Home): ProcessCharacter(0x01); break; case(XK_Right): ProcessCharacter(0x06); break; case(XK_Left): ProcessCharacter(0x02); break; case(XK_End): ProcessCharacter(0x05); break; case(XK_Up): case(XK_Prior): ProcessCharacter(0x10); break; case(XK_Down): case(XK_Next): ProcessCharacter(0x0e); break; case(XK_F10): if( !DisableMenu ) { SelectMenu(0); result = HandleMenuLoop(); } break; default: if( index == 1 ) if( !(ptr->state&(Mod1Mask|Mod2Mask)) ) { if( ProcessCharacter(keychar) ) { if( ProcessCommand() ) RasMolExit(); if( !CommandActive ) ResetCommandLine(0); } } else if( !DisableMenu ) if( HandleMenuKey(keychar) ) result = HandleMenuLoop(); } } break; case(Expose): { XExposeEvent *ptr; ptr = (XExposeEvent*)event; if( ptr->window==CanvWin ) { if( image ) { #ifdef MITSHM if( SharedMemFlag ) { XShmPutImage( dpy, CanvWin, gcon, image, ptr->x, ptr->y, ptr->x, ptr->y, ptr->width, ptr->height, False); } else #endif XPutImage( dpy, CanvWin, gcon, image, ptr->x, ptr->y, ptr->x, ptr->y, ptr->width, ptr->height ); } } else if( ptr->window==MainWin ) { DrawMainWin(); DrawMenuBar(); } else if( ptr->window==XScrlWin ) { DrawXScroll(); } else if( ptr->window==YScrlWin ) DrawYScroll(); XSync(dpy,False); } break; case(EnterNotify): { XCrossingEvent *ptr; ptr = (XCrossingEvent*)event; if( ptr->detail != NotifyInferior ) { if( LocalMap ) XInstallColormap(dpy,lmap); } #ifdef DIALBOX if( UseDials ) GetDialState(); #endif } break; case(LeaveNotify): if( LocalMap ) { XCrossingEvent *ptr; ptr = (XCrossingEvent*)event; if( ptr->detail != NotifyInferior ) XUninstallColormap(dpy,lmap); } break; case(ConfigureNotify): { XConfigureEvent *ptr; register int wide,high; ptr = (XConfigureEvent*)event; wide = CropRange(ptr->width, MinWidth, MaxWidth ); high = CropRange(ptr->height,MinHeight,MaxHeight); if( (wide!=MainWide) || (high!=MainHigh) ) ReSizeWindow(wide,high); } break; case(ClientMessage): { XClientMessageEvent *ptr; ptr = (XClientMessageEvent*)event; if( (ptr->message_type==ProtoXAtom) && (ptr->data.l[0]==DelWinXAtom) ) RasMolExit(); } break; case(PropertyNotify): { XPropertyEvent *ptr; ptr = (XPropertyEvent*)event; if( (ptr->atom==CommAtom) && (ptr->state==PropertyNewValue) ) HandleIPCCommand(); } break; case(MapNotify): DrawXScroll(); DrawYScroll(); DrawMainWin(); DrawMenuBar(); break; default: #ifdef DIALBOX if( event->type == DialEvent ) HandleDialEvent( event ); #endif break; } return( result ); } /*************************/ /* Modal Dialog Handling */ /*************************/ static int HandleMenuLoop() { register unsigned int mask; register int result; register int done; auto XEvent event; /* Passive Pointer Grab */ mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask; XGrabPointer(dpy,MenuWin,False,mask, GrabModeAsync,GrabModeAsync, None,None,CurrentTime); HeldButton = -1; MenuFocus = True; DrawMenuBar(); result = 0; done = False; while( !done ) { XNextEvent( dpy, &event ); switch( event.type ) { case(Expose): { XExposeEvent *ptr; ptr = (XExposeEvent*)&event; if( ptr->window==PopUpWin ) { DrawPopUpMenu(); } else ProcessEvent(&event); } break; case(ButtonPress): { XButtonPressedEvent *ptr; ptr = (XButtonPressedEvent*)&event; /* All Events Relative to MenuWin */ if( (ptr->y>=0) && (ptr->y<=FontHigh+5) ) { HandleMenuClick(ptr->x); } else if( PopUpFlag ) { HandleItemClick(ptr->x,ptr->y); } else done = True; } break; case(MotionNotify): if( ItemFocus ) { XMotionEvent *ptr; ptr = (XMotionEvent*)&event; /* All Events Relative to MenuWin */ if( (ptr->y>=0) && (ptr->y<=FontHigh+5) ) { HandleMenuClick( ptr->x ); } else if( PopUpFlag ) HandleItemMove(ptr->x,ptr->y); } break; case(ButtonRelease): { XButtonReleasedEvent *ptr; ptr = (XButtonReleasedEvent*)&event; /* All Events Relative to MenuWin */ if( (ptr->y>=0) && (ptr->y<=FontHigh+5) ) { if( HandleMenuClick( ptr->x ) ) { SelectFirstItem(MenuBarSelect); DrawPopUpMenu(); } else done = True; } else if( PopUpFlag ) { if( ItemFocus ) HandleItemClick(ptr->x,ptr->y); if( ItemFlag ) result = (MenuBarSelect<<8) + MenuItemSelect+1; done = True; } else done = False; ItemFocus = False; } break; case(KeyPress): if( !ItemFocus ) { XKeyPressedEvent *ptr; static KeySym symbol; static char keychar; register int index; ptr = (XKeyPressedEvent*)&event; index = XLookupString(ptr,&keychar,1,&symbol,NULL); switch( symbol ) { case(XK_Right): index = MenuBarSelect+1; if( index != MenuBarCount ) { SelectMenu( index ); } else SelectMenu( 0 ); break; case(XK_Left): if( MenuBarSelect ) { SelectMenu( MenuBarSelect-1 ); } else SelectMenu( MenuBarCount-1 ); break; case(XK_Up): if( !PopUpFlag ) { PopUpFlag = True; SelectMenu(MenuBarSelect); } else SelectPrevItem(); break; case(XK_Down): if( !PopUpFlag ) { PopUpFlag = True; SelectMenu(MenuBarSelect); } else SelectNextItem(); break; case(XK_KP_Enter): case(XK_Linefeed): case(XK_Return): if( PopUpFlag && ItemFlag ) result = (MenuBarSelect<<8) + MenuItemSelect+1; done = True; break; default: if( (index==1) && (keychar>=' ') ) { if( !(ptr->state&(Mod1Mask|Mod2Mask)) ) { if( PopUpFlag ) { result = HandleItemKey(keychar); if( result ) done = True; } else HandleMenuKey(keychar); } else HandleMenuKey(keychar); } } } break; case(ConfigureNotify): /* done = True; */ default: ProcessEvent(&event); } } /* Passive Grab Release */ XUngrabPointer(dpy,CurrentTime); XUnmapWindow(dpy,PopUpWin); PopUpFlag = False; MenuFocus = False; DrawMenuBar(); return( result ); } static void DoneEvents() { register Real temp; register int index; if( HeldButton == YScrlDial ) { index = NewScrlY+HeldStep; if( YScrlDial<3 ) { if( index<16 ) { index += YRange-48; } else if( index>YRange-32 ) index -= YRange-48; NewScrlY = index; } else NewScrlY = CropRange(index,16,YRange-32); } if( NewScrlY != ScrlY ) { XClearArea(dpy,YScrlWin,0,ScrlY,16,16,False); XCopyArea(dpy,Scrl,YScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,0,NewScrlY); temp = ((Real)(NewScrlY-16))/(YRange-48); DialValue[YScrlDial] = 2.0*temp - 1.0; ReDrawFlag |= (1<XRange-32 ) index -= XRange-48; NewScrlX = index; } else NewScrlX = CropRange(index,16,XRange-32); } if( NewScrlX != ScrlX ) { XClearArea(dpy,XScrlWin,ScrlX,0,16,16,False); XCopyArea(dpy,Scrl,XScrlWin,gcon,0,0,16,16,NewScrlX,0); temp = ((Real)(NewScrlX-16))/(XRange-48); DialValue[XScrlDial] = 2.0*temp - 1.0; ReDrawFlag |= (1<>8; *grn = exact.green>>8; *blu = exact.blue>>8; return(True); } else return(False); } void BeginWait() { if( UseHourGlass ) { XDefineCursor(dpy,CanvWin,hglass); XDefineCursor(dpy,MainWin,hglass); XFlush(dpy); } } void EndWait() { if( UseHourGlass ) { XDefineCursor(dpy,CanvWin,cross); XDefineCursor(dpy,MainWin,arrow); XFlush(dpy); } } void CloseDisplay() { #ifdef DIALBOX register int num; #endif /* FatalXError! */ if( !dpy ) return; if( image ) { #ifdef MITSHM if( SharedMemFlag ) { XShmDetach( dpy, &xshminfo ); image->data = (char*)NULL; shmdt( xshminfo.shmaddr ); } #endif XDestroyImage( image ); } if( *TkInterp ) { XGrabServer( dpy ); DeRegisterInterpName(TkInterp); XUngrabServer( dpy ); } #ifdef DIALBOX if( UseDials && UseDialLEDs ) for( num=0; num<8; num++ ) SetDialLabel(num,""); #endif XCloseDisplay( dpy ); }