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Version: MolScript v1.3 plot background rgb %#g %#g; window %g; slab %g; read mol "%s"; transform atom * by centre position atom * by rotation x 180.0 by rotation z %#g by rotation y %#g by rotation x %#g by translation %#g0.0; coilhelixstrand turn residue %d; end_plot @o?pbM@o@@LcLc?@@select all colour %s [%d,%d,%d] colour %s none select (atomno>=%d) and (atomno<=%d) select atomno=%d select (atomno=%d) or (atomno==%d) # Atoms colour atoms cpk atomsspacefill on spacefill %d spacefill off set shadow on set shadow off %s %d %s on %s dash %s off # Bonds wireframebonds # Backbone backbone # Ribbons set strands %d set cartoon %s onoffset cartoon %d ribbons %d cartoon %d strands %d strands dash %d trace %d ribbons off ribbon1ribbon2ribbons # Labels labels off colour labels [%d,%d,%d] colour labels none set fontsize %d label "%s" label "%s" # Monitors monitors off set monitors %s monitor %d %d monitorsmonitor#!rasmol -script # File: %s # Creator: RasMol Version 2.6 zap background [%d,%d,%d] pdbalchemycharmmmol2mdlxyzload %s "%s" set ambient %d set specular on set specpower %d off reset slab %d slab on set slabmode solidrejecthalfhollowsectionslab off rotate z %d rotate y %d rotate x %d translate x %d translate y %d zoom %d colour axes [%d,%d,%d] set bonds %s set axes %s set boundingbox %s set unitcell %s set hbond sidechainset ssbond set bondmode and dots off # Avoid Colour Problems! select all colour bonds none colour backbone none colour hbonds none colour ssbonds none colour ribbons none colour white ssbondshbonds@Y@I@LcLc@vectorlist {} color= %s {%.4s %.3s %d}{%.4s %d} P %g %g %g {} L %g %g %g {} P %g %g %g L %g %g %g @o@@@@subgroup {wireframe} dominant @subgroup {alpha trace} dominant off @subgroup {CPK spheres} dominant @balllist {} color= %s radius= %g %g %g %g @o@@subgroup {labels} dominant @labellist {} color= %s {%s} %g %g %g @o@@group {h-bonds}@subgroup {sidechain} dominant@subgroup {mainchain} dominant@group {h-bonds} dominant @group {S-S bridges}@group {S-S bridges} dominant @group {dot surface} dominant @dotlist {} color= %s {} %g %g %g @group {coord axes} dominant{} P %g 0 0 {} L %g 0 0 {} P 0 %g 0 {} L 0 %g 0 {} P 0 0 %g {} L 0 0 %g @group {bound box} dominant@group {unit cell} dominant@o@@text RasMol v2.6 generated Kinemage Molecule name ....... %s Classification ...... %s Brookhaven Code ..... %s @kinemage 1 @caption RasMol v2.6 generated Kinemage @onewidth zoom %g @group {chain %c} @group {molecule} ?// File: %s // Creator: RasMol Version 2.6 // Version: POV-Ray Version 2.2 #include "shapes.inc" #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" // Camera camera { location <0, 0, %lg> look_at <0, 0, 0> } // Light light_source {<0, 20, -100> color rgb <1, 1, 1>} // Objects object {sphere {<%lg, %lg, %lg> %lg} texture { pigment {color rgb <%lg, %lg, %lg>} finish {phong 1} } } @o@@o <dgdpˀFʀ(AnǀӀK܀MQZ[_. 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double:t18=r18;16;0;void:t19=19Real:t13Byte:t11Char:t10Card:t5Long:t3Pixel:t11div_t:t20=s8quot:1,0,32;rem:1,32,32;;ldiv_t:t21=s8quot:3,0,32;rem:3,32,32;;lldiv_t:t22=s16quot:6,0,64;rem:6,64,64;;size_t:t4uid_t:t3wchar_t:t3fpos_t:t3FILE:t23=s16_cnt:1,0,32;_ptr:24=*11,32,32;_base:24,64,32;_flag:11,96,8;_file:11,104,8;;_h_val:T25=u8_i:26=ar1;0;1;5,0,64;_d:13,0,64;;_h_val:t25version:T27=elibm_ieee:-1,c_issue_4:0,ansi_1:1,strict_ansi:2,;exception:T28=s32type:1,0,32;name:29=*2,32,32;arg1:13,64,64;arg2:13,128,64;retval:13,192,64;;fp_direction_type:T30=efp_nearest:0,fp_tozero:1,fp_positive:2,fp_negative:3,;fp_precision_type:T31=efp_extended:0,fp_single:1,fp_double:2,fp_precision_3:3,;fp_exception_type:T32=efp_inexact:0,fp_division:1,fp_underflow:2,fp_overflow:3,fp_invalid:4,;fp_class_type:T33=efp_zero:0,fp_subnormal:1,fp_normal:2,fp_infinity:3,fp_quiet:4,fp_signaling:5,;sigfpe_code_type:t1sigfpe_handler_type:t34=*35=f19single:t12extended:t36=ar1;0;2;4quadruple:t14fp_exception_field_type:t4decimal_string:t37=ar1;0;511;2decimal_record:t38=s532fpclass:33,0,32;sign:1,32,32;exponent:1,64,32;ds:37,96,4096;more:1,4192,32;ndigits:1,4224,32;;decimal_form:T39=efixed_form:0,floating_form:1,;decimal_mode:t40=s12rd:30,0,32;df:39,32,32;ndigits:1,64,32;;decimal_string_form:T41=einvalid_form:0,whitespace_form:1,fixed_int_form:2,fixed_intdot_form:3,fixed_dotfrac_form:4,fixed_intdotfrac_form:5,floating_int_form:6,floating_intdot_form:7,floating_dotfrac_form:8,floating_intdotfrac_form:9,inf_form:10,infinity_form:11,nan_form:12,nanstring_form:13,;_Atom:T42=s52anext:43=*42,0,32;bucket:43,32,32;next:43,64,32;xorg:3,96,32;yorg:3,128,32;zorg:3,160,32;x:8,192,16;y:8,208,16;z:8,224,16;radius:8,240,16;serno:8,256,16;temp:8,272,16;col:8,288,16;label:44=*19,320,32;elemno:11,352,8;refno:11,360,8;flag:11,368,8;altl:2,376,8;irad:8,384,16;mbox:8,400,16;;Atom:t42_Bond:T45=s20bnext:46=*45,0,32;srcatom:47=*42,32,32;dstatom:47,64,32;radius:8,96,16;irad:8,112,16;col:8,128,16;flag:11,144,8;;Bond:t45_Group:T48=s20gnext:49=*48,0,32;alist:47,32,32;serno:8,64,16;width:8,80,16;col1:8,96,16;col2:8,112,16;insert:2,128,8;refno:11,136,8;struc:11,144,8;flag:11,152,8;;Group:t48_ChainSeg:T50=s16cnext:51=*50,0,32;glist:52=*48,32,32;blist:53=*45,64,32;ident:2,96,8;model:11,104,8;;Chain:t50_AtomRef:T54=s12chn:55=*50,0,32;grp:52,32,32;atm:47,64,32;;AtomRef:t54_HBond:T56=s32hnext:57=*56,0,32;srcCA:47,32,32;dstCA:47,64,32;dst:47,96,32;src:47,128,32;energy:8,160,16;radius:8,176,16;irad:8,192,16;offset:10,208,8;flag:11,216,8;col:11,224,8;;HBond:t56_Molecule:T58=s16slist:59=*56,0,32;hlist:59,32,32;clist:55,64,32;blist:53,96,32;;Molecule:t58MaskDesc:t60=s26radius:8,0,16;mask:61=ar1;0;18;2,16,152;flags:11,168,8;r:11,176,8;g:11,184,8;b:11,192,8;;_IntCoord:T62=s40inext:63=*62,0,32;na:8,32,16;nb:8,48,16;nc:8,64,16;refno:8,80,16;dihed:13,128,64;angle:13,192,64;dist:13,256,64;;IntCoord:t62_AtomSet:T64=s48next:65=*64,0,32;data:66=ar1;0;9;47,32,320;count:1,352,32;;AtomSet:t64Branch:t67=u4set:68=*64,0,32;ptr:69=*70=xs_Expr:,0,32;limit:3,0,32;val:1,0,32;;_Expr:T70=s12type:1,0,32;rgt:67,32,32;lft:67,64,32;;Expr:t70ElemStruct:t71=s20symbol:72=ar1;0;1;2,0,16;covalrad:1,32,32;vdwrad:1,64,32;cpkcol:1,96,32;name:29,128,32;;ShadeDesc:t73=s8refcount:3,0,32;r:11,32,8;g:11,40,8;b:11,48,8;;_Item:T74=s8list:75=*74,0,32;data:47,32,32;;Item:t74_DotStruct:T76=s1408next:77=*76,0,32;col:78=ar1;0;99;8,32,1600;xpos:79=ar1;0;99;3,1632,3200;ypos:79,4832,3200;zpos:79,8032,3200;count:1,11232,32;;DotStruct:t76_Monitor:T80=s16next:81=*80,0,32;src:47,32,32;dst:47,64,32;dist:9,96,16;col:8,112,16;;Monitor:t80_Label:T82=s12next:83=*82,0,32;refcount:3,32,32;label:29,64,32;;Label:t82Knot:t84=s80px:1,0,32;py:1,32,32;pz:1,64,32;tx:1,96,32;ty:1,128,32;tz:1,160,32;hnx:1,192,32;hny:1,224,32;hnz:1,256,32;vnx:1,288,32;vny:1,320,32;vnz:1,352,32;dx:1,384,32;dy:1,416,32;dz:1,448,32;wx:1,480,32;wy:1,512,32;wz:1,544,32;hinten:2,576,8;vinten:2,584,8;hsize:8,592,16;vsize:8,608,16;wide:8,624,16;;ViewStruct:t85=s20fbuf:86=*11,0,32;dbuf:87=*8,32,32;xmax:1,64,32;ymax:1,96,32;yskip:1,128,32;;KinemageCol:S88=ar1;0;19;89=s16r:1,0,32;g:1,32,32;b:1,64,32;name:29,96,32;;FreqEntry:t90=s8datum:3,0,32;count:3,32,32;;FatalScriptError:f19ptr:P29ResetFreqTable:f19IncFreqTable:f19datum:P3count:r3i:r1GetBondDatum:f3bptr:P53GetHBondDatum:f3bptr:P59MolScriptSegment:f19ptr:P29src:P1dst:P1chain:P2WriteMolScriptFile:F1name:P29temp:13psi:r13phi:13theta:13chain:r55group:r52next:r52prev:r52flag:r1len:r1ptr:r29WriteScriptAll:f19WriteScriptColour:f19ptr:P29col:P1shade:r91=*73WriteScriptBetween:f19lo:P1hi:P1WriteScriptSelectBond:f19src:P47dst:P47WriteScriptAtoms:f19chain:r55group:r52aptr:r47first:r1last:r1same:r1init:r1cpk:r1vdw:r1col:r1rad:r1WriteScriptDatum:f19ptr:P29datum:P3WriteScriptBonds:f19bptr:r53defdat:r3datum:r3col:r1WriteScriptBackbone:f19chain:r55bptr:r53defdat:r3datum:r3col:r1WriteScriptRibbons:f19chain:r55group:r52aptr:r47WriteScriptHBonds:f19obj:P29list:P59ptr:r59defdat:r3datum:r3col:r1WriteScriptLabels:f19chain:r55group:r52aptr:r47first:r1last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