From chemistry-request ":at:" Thu Jun 25 14:41:36 1992 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1992 11:45 CST From: MCCCM #at# Subject: help To: chemistry ":at:" Status: RO Dear Folks, I am an earlier Gaussian programms, I carried out at the ab initio hf/3-21g Level. It has 210 Basis Function. And I had gotten an error like that: Erroneous write. write -1 instead of 4096 File system characteristics: Fragment size =0 Total blocks =4002240 Free blocks =2744299 Job blocks max=204800 File characteristics: File descriptor=7 Words to extend=27136 out2e will use a cutoff of 1.00E-10 Standard cutoffs selected in Shell. error termination in lnk1e. And my input file was : # USER=concha # QSUB -r big # QSUB -s /bin/sh # QSUB -lm 4Mw # QSUB -lM 4Mw # QSUB -lt 25300 # QSUB -lT 25400 # QSUB -q standby # ja set -x cd $TMP cfs get check.chk date # cat > big.dat << EOF %chk=big.chk #N HF/3-21G OPT NAME=MONICA big 0,1 Z-MATRIX....... Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Please send responses directly to me. Monica Concha Dept. of Chemistry University of New Orleans New Orleans LA 70148 Email: Bitnet%"mcccm.,at,.uno"