From aiba -8 at 8- Thu Jul 7 10:58:35 1994 Received: from for aiba%!at! by (8.6.9/930601.1506) id JAA12850; Thu, 7 Jul 1994 09:53:01 -0400 Message-Id: <> Received: from by id <04416-0&$at$&>; Thu, 7 Jul 1994 15:53:44 +0200 X-Vms-To: ethz::"chemistry-: at" To: chemistry%!at! From: aiba $#at#$ (Aiaz Bakassov, Phys. Chem., ETH Zurich) Subject: G92. Add to summary about 2e-integrals. Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 15:53:44 +0200 Dear netters, After I posted a summary and described MY failure with extraction of 2e-integrals from G92, one additional mail arrived. After some correspondence, it was decided that the SCF=DIRECT option must be removed. I have removed it and I have got 2e-integrals in a quite readable format! I thank my adviser who wished to keep anonymous. I must stress that the failure is ENTIRELY MINE, and in fact EXACTLY the same advise came originally from Alberto Gobbi who of course couldn't know beforehand that I will be using his advice together with SCF=DIRECT which caused the failure. The net result is this -- to get 2e-integrals, input the following line (no SCF=DIRECT!!!): #RHF 6-31G EXTRALINKS=L316 NORAFF Symm=NOINT The only thing makes me wonder. I thought before of removing SCF=DIRECT (it seemed natural) however in G92 Programmer's Guide (page 41) it is written in front of the option "InCore": "Insists that the SCF be done storing the full integral list in memory. THIS IS DONE AUTOMATICALLY IN A DIRECT SCF CALCULATION IF SUFFICIENT MEMORY IS AVAILABLE". See what it means ? It means that if SCF=DIRECT then integrals AUTOMATICALLY are stored in memory. If they are stored in memory, then they are available for further manipulations, right ? For printing out, for instance. It has really misled me. And I am upset -- it seems that each line of the manual should checked by trial and error for the precise meaning of words. Who has time for that ? Thanks once more, Ayaz Bakasov.