
What is the Invoice Number and how to get it and where I put it?

Invoice number is issued when you used the CCL service. It is provided in the emails confirming your service or payment, in the invoice itself, and in the receipt of payment. The number is just a time of service augmented with a random number for security. For example, if you posted a job ad to the CCL Job Page on Sept. 12, 2005 at 5:32pm (and 16 seconds) your invoice number could be: 050912173216-1234, i.e., YYMMDDhhmmss-random.
If you cannot find your invoice numbers, you need to ask us. Just send e-mail to and provide us with your name and affiliation, a short description of the service(s) that was provided, and an approximate time of service(s), so we can locate this information in our payment logs. We will promptly email you back your invoice number(s).

The ordering of CCL supporters on the Supporting Members page depends on the sum of the amount that you are pledging now (which may be none if you are claiming your Free entry as a past customer) and the sum of paid invoices that you are entering (which may be none, if you do not claim past support). You can enter one or more invoice numbers that correspond to the paid services of CCL within the past year. In this case, please enter them under Previous Invoice Number(s) field. If you are entering more than one, separate them with spaces and/or commas.

On top of this, you can enter additional contribution under Support Amount. and choose the appropriate Payment Method from the menu, i.e., the Free... Customer if you only claim past support, or a payment method that you intend to use with the current payment. If you are paying now, you will be presented with an invoice for the amount of support currently pledged, Your position on the Supporting Members page will reflect the combined amount of your Support Amount and the combined amount paid for the previous CCL services corresponding to the invoice numbers that you entered.
Thank you for your support of CCL!
