Summer Undergraduate Program at Cornell University

 Below is an announcement for a summer program for undergraduates.  There
 are a number of chemistry projects--so if you know any undergraduate
 students who might be interested, please feel free to forward this mail!
          Supercomputing Program for Undergraduate Research
                      June 8 - August 14, 1992
                         Cornell University
                          Ithaca, New York
 The Cornell Theory Center's Cornell National Supercomputer Facility is
 pleased to announce the 1992 Supercomputing Program for Undergraduate
 Research (SPUR), which offers undergraduate students the opportunity to
 pursue a computational science research project while developing skills
 in the use of high performance computing technologies.  Students may
 apply to work on a specific research project under the guidance of a
 faculty or staff member at Cornell University (see list of projects
 below).  The proposed projects explore current research problems in
 areas such as chemistry, physics, environmental engineering, geology,
 electrical engineering, and mathematics.  Several of the projects
 include a strong visualization component.
 Successful applicants will attend a 10-week research program at Cornell
 University and will pursue the research projects using the computing
 resources of the Cornell National Supercomputer Facility (CNSF),
 including the use of vector and parallel processing, large memory,
 visualization tools, and distributed processing.  Students will also
 receive a $2,000 stipend, travel allowance, and room and board (shared
 dorm rooms) during the 10-week program.  Several of the best students
 will be invited to present poster sessions at national conferences
 (expenses paid).
                       Eligibility Requirements
 - Relevant coursework for research area
 - Coursework or programming experience in FORTRAN or C
 - Graduation date not before December 1992
 - U.S. Citizen, U.S. National, or permanent resident
 Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged
 to apply.  Students from four-year colleges with limited research
 facilities are also encouraged to apply.
                           Project List
 One applicant will be selected to work on each of the research projects
 listed below.  During the first two weeks of the program, students will
 receive intensive training in the use of supercomputers and other
 high performance computing resources.  For the remaining eight weeks,
 each student will focus on the specific research problem under the
 guidance of the research advisor.  Weekly seminars on research topics
 will be presented throughout the 10 weeks, and CNSF technical
 consultants will be available to provide technical support on the use of
 computing tools and technologies.  By the end of the program, each
 student will prepare a final written report and give an oral
 presentation of his or her research accomplishments to peers, faculty,
 invited scientists, and Theory Center staff.
 Seismic Imaging of the Subsurface: Parallelization Across Multiple
 Dr. Larry Brown, Geological Sciences
 Linear Algebra Algorithms R&D on a Cluster of RISC System/6000's
 Dr. Adolfy Hoisie, Cornell Theory Center
 The Mechanism of Hydroboration. An Ab initio Study of the Reaction of
 Ethylene With Boranes
 Dr. Charles Wilcox, Chemistry
 Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanical Study of the Photodissociation of HCO
 via a Renner-Teller Mechanism
 Dr. Evelyn Goldfield, Cornell Theory Center
 Applications of Simulated Annealing Algorithm to the Analysis of High
 Resolution Spectra
 Dr. Laura A. Philips, Chemistry
 Modeling and Visualization of Magnetohydrodynamics
 Dr. Steve Lantz, Cornell Theory Center
 The Sudden Cardiac Death Syndrome
 Dr. Niels Otani, Electrical Engineering
 Why Does the Sun have a Magnetic Field?
 Dr. Niels Otani, Electrical Engineering
 A Computational View Into Cytochrome c
 Dr. Atsuo Kuki, Chemistry
 Visualization of High-Dimensional Quantum Mechanical Systems
 Dr. Bruce Land and Dr. Malvin Kalos, Cornell Theory Center
 Vectorial Decomposition of a Reaction Coordinate
 Dr. Barry Carpenter, Chemistry
                              To Apply
 Applicants must submit a completed application form, two faculty letters
 of recommendation, and college transcript(s).  Applications must be
 received by March 6, 1992.  Students will be notified of their
 acceptance no later than April 1.  For more information or an
 application (including all forms and project descriptions), contact:
              Judith Eastman
              Workshop Coordinator
              Telephone 607-254-8686
              Fax 607-254-8888
              judy $#at#$
 It is anticipated that this program will be sponsored by the National
 Science Foundation; the program is dependent upon approval of funding
 through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program.