Help! Your e-mail address doesn't work

Dear all,
      Sorry to use the list for this request, but the e-mail address I was
 given for Cheltan Premari doesn't work.  Dr. Premari, could you send me
 your e-mail and surface mail addresses at my e-mail address below?  Thanks.
 (and thanks to all of you for your patience!).  Cheers.
 - Shaun D. Black, PhD     | Bitnet:   black %-% at %-% ohstphrm.bitnet
 = Ohio State University   | Internet: black %-% at %-%  =
 - College of Pharmacy     | Phone:    (614) 292-3925                          -
 = 500 West 12th Avenue    | FAX:      (614) 292-2435                          =
 - Columbus, OH 43210-1291 | :-)       (...Start every day with a smile...)    -