Disclaimer on platform survey

 Dear OSC readers:
 A short time ago I conducted an informal survey on user's opinions on hardware
 platforms for computational chemistry.  I subsequently posted the responses
 to this forum.  I have since had some requests from both industry and private
 researchers to allow them to disseminate the results.  To all of these requests,
 I must answer with the disclaimer below.
 The survey and its results are not condoned or sponsored in any way by Battelle
 Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, or any of its clients.  As I
 stated in the survey results, the survey and it's results are not statistically
 significant.  No statistical significance should be placed on the results, nor
 can the results be used in any statistically meaningful way.  Neither my name,
 Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, or any of Battelle's
 clients' names may be associated with any reproduction or reporting of the
 results of the survey.  I conducted the survey solely as an individual, and do
 not represent anyone other than myself.
 Mark Thompson