Summary: enforcing symmetry in MOPAC93

 Last week I asked the following question on CCL:
 We cannot seem to enforce symmetry in some of our optimizations.  Sample
 input [and output are] given below.  Any suggestions?  Thank you in advance
 for any thoughts anyone may have on this!
 C  1.4  1
 C  1.4  0  130  1            1 2
 F  1.3  1  110  1   60  0  2 1 3
 F  1.3  0  110  0  180  0  2 1 3
 F  1.3  0  110  0  300  0  2 1 3
 F  1.3  0  110  0   60  0  3 1 2
 F  1.3  0  110  0  180  0  3 1 2
 F  1.3  0  110  0  300  0  3 1 2
 0  0.0  0    0  0    0  0  0 0 0
 2, 1, 3
 4, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
 Thank you to the many folks who responded.  The problem was simply too many
 blank lines (only one is needed, the line of zeros counts as a blank line).
 There is an error in the MOPAC93 manual on p. 49.  The example there shows
 two blank lines.
 Dave Ewing
 John Carroll University
 ewing (+ at +)