Re: G:alpha_linux

 On Fri, 22 May 1998 09:50:14, Eva Scholtzova <uacheva (- at -)>
 > Has anyone  experience whith compilation of GAUSSIAN94 in alpha_linux
 > enviroment?
 We have been able, under very specific circumstances, to compile
 Gaussian 94 on a Digital Unix machine, and then get the executables
 to run under Linux/Alpha.  One key ingredient is a (publicly available)
 replacement for DEC's proprietary DXML math library.  On a 533MHz Alpha
 Linux system, e.g., G94 runs very fast.
 Unfortunately, native compilation on Linux/Alpha has not yet been
 successful.  But hopes are up it will be soon.  Our efforts in this
 direction continue.  We will post advances in this matter to the CCL.
 Bob Williams,  &  Marc C. Nicklaus
  Marc C. Nicklaus                        National Institutes of Health
  E-mail: mn1 (- at -)               Bldg 37, Rm 5B29
  Phone:  (301) 402-3111                  37 Convent Dr, MSC 4255
  Fax:    (301) 496-5839                  BETHESDA, MD 20892-4255    USA
     Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, National Cancer Institute,  &
   Center for Molecular Modeling, Ctr. for Information Technology, NIH