From Thu Oct 29 16:57:02 1998 I see one problem immediately with this approach: As you step the torsions, one might expect internal bond angles to change. In particular, as VDW interactions rise as 1 / R^12, as two atoms get closer during the torsion rotation, internal bond angles are likely to open to relieve the VDW energy. Look at the example of the central torsion of butane: C1---C--(T)--C---C2 If T = 180, C1 and C2 are maximally distant and VDW energy in minimized If T = 0, C1 and C2 are closest and one or more of the internal C-C-C bond angles opens to relieve the strain. Hope this helps, --andrew Dr. Andrew Smellie, CombiChem Inc. 1804 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 Phone: (650)-842-0560 FAX: (650-842-0575 email: Answer 5: