UV/Vis calculations

 Hi All,
 Does anyone know of a program that calculates UV/VIS spectra? And is it
 theoretically possible to do it with DFT?
 Roelant Harmsen                      |tel: ++31 40 2473575/5032
 University of Technology Eindhoven   |fax: ++31 40 2455054
 Schuit Institute of Catalysis        |e-mail: R.J.Harmsen # - at - # tue.nl
 P.O. box 513                         |e-mail : tgakrh # - at - # chem.tue.nl
 5600 MB Eindhoven                    |
 The Netherlands                      |AD&D: Xahnar (Wild Mage)
 Homepage: http://www.tak.chem.tue.nl/personal/rharmsen