Re: CCL:Source code for MC with Ewald sum

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 scott.l.owens()at() wrote:
 > I am trying to get hold of source code for performing Monte Carlo
 > simulations on molecular/ionic periodic systems which includes an
 > implementation of Ewald, if anyone has or knows of such a source code (in
 > some flavour of C or FORTRAN) then could you get in touch with me. We need
 > to be able to edit the routines to include some non-standard MC procedures.
 > Thanks in anticipation. Will summarise if there are sufficient replies to
 > warrant it!
 > Scott Owens
 > slo1()at()
 Check There are several codes. Maybe some of
 them fullfill your requierements.
 Dr. Rafael R. Pappalardo
 Dept. Quimica Fisica, Fac. de Quimica, Univ. de Sevilla. 41012-Sevilla (Spain)
 e-mail: rafapa()at()