Re: CCL:solvation energies

Hi Irena!
 Electrostatic (polar) solvation free energies ->
 	look for UHBD (FDPB continuum solvent model) or
         the TINKER package (GB model) or
 	AMBER 6 (GB too)
 For the non-polar (SA dependent) solvation free energies:
 	TINKER too and
         many other packages implemmenting the Connolly algorithm.
 Best regards
 * Felipe Pineda,PhD                                                  *
 * Institut fuer Molekulare Biotechnologie                            *
 * AG Theoretische Biophysik                                          *
 * Beutenbergstrasse 11, Jena                Tel.: +49-3641-65-6491   *
 * Postfach 100 813, D-07708 Jena, Germany   Fax:  +49-3641-656495    *
 * DISCLAIMER: Unless indicated otherwise, everything in this note is *
 * my personal opinion, not an official statement of my employer      *