WebMO: WWW-based interface to Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC

WebMO version 2.1 has been officially released and is available for FREE download at
WebMO is a web-based interface to popular computational chemistry programs including Gaussian, MOPAC, and GAMESS. WebMO permits users to build 3-D molecular structures, submit multiple jobs, monitor job progress, and view text and graphical results all from within a standard web-browser. WebMO has a very fast learning curve for novices, yet offers total control over every job for experts. A tour of screenshots and a working demo are available at the WebMO website.
 WebMO features include:
   * Entirely web-based (no software or plug-ins to install on clients)
   * True 3-D molecular editor for building input structures
   * Built-in support for Gaussian 94/98, GAMESS, MOPAC 6/7
   * Automatic parsing of output files for calculated properties
   * Vibrational mode and partial charge visualization
   * IR and NMR spectra visualization
   * Job queuing, monitoring, and control
   * Web-based administration of user accounts, time limits, job control, etc.
For a detailed list of features, system requirements, screenshots, a working demo, download information, installation and upgrade instructions, and general support information, visit the WebMO homepage at
In addition, the WebMO website has support material of general interest to the computational chemistry community, including
   * Detailed Gaussian, GAMESS, and MOPAC installation instructions
   * East-to-follow Red Hat Linux installation instructions
   * Computational chemistry course lecture notes and exercises
 which are available at
 The WebMO Team