Pharmacophore Datamining Competition

Dear CCL members,

Accelrys is delighted to invite you to participate in our first Pharmacophore Datamining Competition in 2004.

This is a competition for Catalyst users to develop a pharmacophore best able to retrieve a subset of known actives > from a database, given an initial dataset.

Our ambition is to challenge you to explore new ideas and directions in the arena of pharmacophore perception and design.  Our hope is that this will be a springboard to a broader competition encompassing all methods and avenues of datamining.

More information about the competition can be found at the following URL

Prize winning entries will be made publicly available on our webpages at the conclusion of the competition.

We invite you to take part in this challenge and look forward to the great pharmacophore models derived from this competition.

For any further questions or comments please contact pharmacophore)at(