Pardon this very naive question, but I am new to this cluster arena, and wondered if anyone has worked with using Gaussian, AMBER or DOCK on Apple's XGrid or Dauger Research's Pooch, and if so, has written code for usage to run any of these apps under XGrid or Pooch. I know the application 'Linda' is available for Gaussian/Linux, but we prefer to run under the OS X environment.
Any help would be certainly appreciated. Please feel free to respond to me personally or via the list.
 Thanks in advance.
 Noah Allen
 Noah W. Allen, III, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor of Chemistry
 Department of Chemistry,  CPO #2310
 University of North Carolina at Asheville
 Office 208A Rhoades Hall
 Research Laboratory 211 Rhoades Hall
 One University Heights
 Asheville, NC 28804-8511
 Phone 828.232.5174
 Fax 828.232.5179
 Instant messenger or messenger: theallenlab