05.07.20-26, 5th Congress of Int Soc Theor Chem Physics, New Orleans

  Fifth Congress

of the

International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics


July 20 – July 26, 2005

Renaissance Arts Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana



(1)    To promote interaction, exchange of ideas and collaboration on an international level.

(2)    To provide an opportunity for students and postdoctoral research associates to interact with leaders in their fields and to present their own work in poster sessions.


Congress Format:

There will be nine sessions of invited speakers, dealing with:

(1)   Methodology; (2) Statistical Mechanics; (3) Noncovalent Interactions;

(4) Nanomaterials; (5) Surfaces, Materials; (6) Molecular Biophysics;

(7) Solvation; (8) Ab Initio/Density Functional Theory;

(9) Open Problems in Theory.

There will also be three poster sessions, involving all areas of chemical physics, molecular biology and materials science.


Partial List of Speakers:

L. Adamowicz (University of Arizona)                        M. Levy (North Carolina A&T University) 

W. D. Allen (University of Georgia)                              D. Millar (Scripps Research Institute)

A. van der Avoird (University of Nijmegen)              K. Mhller-Dethlefs (University of York)

P. B. Balbuena (Texas A&M University)               R. R. Netz (University of Munich)

R. J. Bartlett (University of Florida)                       M. Nooijen (University of Waterloo)

S. Boniv (Halifax University)                                   M. Orozco (University of Barcelona)

C. Brooks (Scripps Research Institute)                  R. Osman (Mt. Sinai Medical School)

K. J. Burke (Rutgers University)                          R. G. Parr (University of North Carolina)

A. M. Chaka (Nat. Inst. Stand. Tech.)                   J. P. Perdew (Tulane University)

D. Clary (University of Oxford)                             N. Richards (University of Florida)

C. J. Cramer (University of Minnesota)                 A. Rubio (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)

M. J. Frisch (Gaussian Inc.)                                            D. R. Salahub (University of Calgary)

J. Gao (University of Minnesota)                          A. Savin (University of Paris)

N. Gidopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK)    G. E. Scuseria (Rice University)

A. Görling (University of Bonn)                                     T. Seideman (Northwestern University)

M. Havenith (Ruhr-University of Bochum)              J. M. Seminario (Texas A&M University)

S. Hirata (University of Florida)                            J. F. Stanton (University of Texas)

P. Hobza (Czech Academy of Sciences)                 M. S. de Vries (University of California, Santa Barbara)

B. Jeziorski (University of Warsaw)                      H. Weinstein (Cornell Medical School)

K. Jordan (University of Pittsburgh)                      D. Woolard (U.S. Army Research Office)

H. J. Kreuzer (Dalhousie University)                    W. Yang (Duke University)                                 

J. Ladik (University of Erlangen-Nuernberg)            T. Zwier (Purdue University)       

R. Lavery (Institute Biol. Phys. Chim., Paris)


For further information, please go to www.istcp.org or contact Peter Politzer, Department of Chemistry, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, 70148; Tel: 504-280-6850; E-mail: ppolitze<>uno.edu