Re: CCL:dual-core Opteron 275 performance

Thanks for the review.
 While the results are very impressive I wonder  what the results would
 have been if you compared 4 3.2 Xeon's against the two opterons.
 A quick look at shows the Xeon 3.2 selling for USD $310
 were as the opteron 275's are going for USD $1328.
 Also I would be interested to know if the Xeon processors had 1 or 2 M
 of cache.  I have found this to make a difference on certain
 Anyhow thaks for posting the review.  I am looking into building a new
 test system and I will certainly be looking into AMD processors.
 John Furr
 Dynamol Inc.
 On 7/1/05, S.I.Gorelsky <gorelsky *o*> wrote:
 > To add to the discussion about the performance of new dual-core
 > processors for computational chemistry applications,
 > the comparison of Intel and AMD dual-CPU based computers is shown at:
 > As can be seen from the graph, the Gaussian 03 execution speed (test job
 > 397) on dual-core dual-CPU Opteron 275 workstation is faster by a factor of
 > as compared to the dual-CPU Xeon 3.2GHz 800MHz FSB machine.
 > -----------------
 > I would like to thank Ed Gasiorowski (AMD) and Mike Fay (Colfax
 > International) for their support.
 > Serge Gorelsky
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------
 >  Dr S.I. Gorelsky, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University
 >  Box 155, 333 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305-5080 USA
 >  Phone: (650) 723-0041. Fax: (650) 723-0852.
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