CCL: Testing the new ccl

 Sent to CCL by: Jan K Labanowski <jlabanow|a|>
 Another test
 ----- Forwarded message from CCL <owner-chemistry|a|> -----
     Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 00:52:26 -0400
     From: CCL <owner-chemistry|a|>
 Reply-To: CCL <owner-chemistry|a|>
  Subject: CCL: Testing the new ccl
       To: "Labanowski, Jan " <janl|a|>
 Sent to CCL by: Jan K Labanowski <>
 The test of ccl
 Jan K. Labanowski, Ph.D.                   Tel. (574) 631-5465
 Science Computing Facility                FAX (574) 631-9293
 University of Notre Dame
 225 Nieuwland Science Hall
 Notre Dame, IN 46556-5670
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