CCL: W:Program for reading MOPAC output

 Sent to CCL by: "William F. Polik" []
 At 05:00 PM 10/5/2005, you wrote:
I have a large number of molecules that I have optimized using the MOPAC program. I would like to know if there is a graphical program that can read the MOPAC output, draw the molecule on the screen and provide an easy way of showing the charges over each one of the atoms. The program could either show the charges as a label over the atoms or as a table beside the drawn molecule. I am really looking for a free for academia program, but any suggestions are welcome. The program should be for Windows or Linux operating systems.
      Thank you very much in advance for your help.
WebMO,( has the capability to import files and graphically display the results, including partial charges.
WebMO is free and installs on any unix server, including Linux. Since WebMO is web-based, you can then access it from almost any web-browser (Windows, Linux, OS X).
 Before installing WebMO on your own, try out the Working Demo at
After logging in as username="guest" and password="guest", choose New Job: Import Job. Give the job a name, choose MOPAC file type, and browse to your local output file. Click Import Job and WebMO will upload your output file and add it to its list of jobs in Job Manager. Click on the job name to view your results graphically.
Of course, WebMO is designed to provide a comprehensive web-based interface for building, submitting, and viewing computational chemistry jobs. But it also allows the viewing of previously computed jobs as you have requested. And its free!
 Will Polik
 Dr. William F. Polik
 Hofma Professor of Chemistry
 Department of Chemistry
 Hope College
 35 East 12th Street
 Holland, MI  49422-9000
 tel: (616) 395-7639
 fax: (616) 395-7118