CCL: W:frequency error

 Sent to CCL by: "Jayasree  Eambalassery" [jayaeg{}]
 Dear CCL subscribers,
 Did anybody come across the error message on a frequency calculation after the
 optimization? Do you know how to get around the problem?
      1 vectors were produced by pass998.
  PrismC:  NFx=      2048 NFxT=         5 NFxU=         5.
      1 vectors were produced by pass999.
  PrismC:  NFx=      2048 NFxT=         5 NFxU=         5.
      1 vectors were produced by pass***.
  CPHF failed to converge in LinEq2.
  Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/software/gaussian/g03/l1002.exe at Sun
 Any helpful replies will be highly appreciated