CCL: Chemoinformatics Blogs

 Sent to CCL by: Egon Willighagen [e.willighagen*o*]
 Dear CCL-readers,
 it is my great pleasure to announce Planet Blue Obelisk [1], a blog aggregator
 for the Blue Obelisk Movement [2,3]. It is a bit like the CCL mailing list,
 but different in some ways: first, a blog is a HTML page with small day-to-day
 notes by a specific author, often including images to make things more
 visual. Additionally, blogs often have thoughts instead of questions.
 The planet [1] has contributions from 10 scientists from all over the world,
 and discusses chemoinformatics (including bits of modeling) from a rather
 practical point of few (code snippets) to philisophical thoughts. Most
 authors welcome comments and the planet provides link to allow that.
 Looking forward to seeing you on the planet!
 Kind regards,
 Egon Willighagen
 Cologne University Bioinformatics Center (CUBIC)
 GPG: 1024D/D6336BA6