CCL: Molegro releases Molegro Data Modeller

 Sent to CCL by: "Rene  Thomsen" []
 Aarhus, Denmark, October 4th, 2007 - Molegro is pleased to announce the release
 of Molegro Data Modeller, a cross-platform application for data mining, data
 modelling, and data visualization.
 Molegro Data Modeller offers a high-quality modelling tool based on state-of-the
 art data mining techniques combined with a user interface experience focusing on
 usability and productivity. Molegro Data Modeller utilizes a spreadsheet
 centered user interface making it a simple and affordable alternative to complex
 workflow based solutions or command-driven statistical products.
 Highlights of Molegro Data Modeller:
 * Regression: Multiple Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Neural
 * Feature selection and cross-validation is simple to set up and use (using the
 built-in wizards)
 * Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
 * Visualization: Histograms, 2D scatter plots, and 3D plots
 * Clustering: K-means clustering and density-based clustering
 * Built-in algebraic data transformation tool
 * Outlier Detection
 * Sophisticated subset creation: create diverse subsets by sampling from
 n-dimensional grids
 * Cross-platform: Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X is supported
 To download a trial version, please visit our company website at:
 For more information contact:
 Rene Thomsen, CEO
 Hoegh-Guldbergs Gade 10, Bldg. 1090
 DK-8000 Aarhus
 E-mail: rt]=[
 Phone: (+45) 89 42 31 65
 About Molegro
 Molegro is a Danish company founded in 2005. Our company concentrates on
 developing high-performance drug discovery solutions leading to a faster
 drug-development process. Our goal is to provide scientifically superior
 products focusing on both state-of-the-art algorithms and an intuitive graphical
 user interface experience.