CCL: DL_POLY electric field

 Sent to CCL by: John W Daily []
You must have three lines. The following imposes an electric field of 5.0 (kcal units) in the x-dir.
 5.0 0.0 0.0
And be sure to get the units right. They depend on the units you are using in the FIELD file.
 On May 13, 2008, at 10:03 AM, Nicola Salvi nicolasalvi _ wrote:
 Sent to CCL by: "Nicola  Salvi" [nicolasalvi{=}]
I have a problem with DL_POLY. I have to understand how to set up an external electric field in my simulation, parallel to z-axis. I know that I have to use elec command in FIELD file, but that's all I was able to find out, it still continues to output me error 52 and I didn't find much on web!
 Thanks all for your help!
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