CCL: COSMOtherm / COSMO-RS Training

 Sent to CCL by: Karin Wichmann [wichmann{}]
 COSMOlogic has a small number of seats available for a free COSMOtherm
 training on December 8. The training is a one-day course covering
 COSMO-RS theory for fluid thermodynamics and its applications in the
 areas of chemical engineering and life science. The course will take
 place at our  location in Leverkusen (Germany).
 For further information please contact us at cosmotherm (AT)
 Dr. Karin Wichmann
 COSMOlogic GmbH & Co. KG
 Burscheider Str. 515
 D-51381 Leverkusen
 Phone   +49-2171-73168-3
 Fax     +49-2171-73168-9