CCL: Upcoming MOE Training Courses in Europe in Spring 2009

 Sent to CCL by: "Wolfram  Altenhofen" []
 Chemical Computing Group is pleased to annouce the following MOE training
 courses offered in Europe during Spring 2009:
     * Feb 4th - 6th hosted by the University of Leuven, Belgium
     * Feb 16th - 18th hosted by the CESCA, Barcelona, Spain
     * March 2nd - 4th hosted by the University of Bonn, Germany
     * April 27th - 29th hosted by the University of Strasbourg, France
 The first two days will cover MOE applications focusing on
 Small Molecule Modeling, HTS Analysis, SAR and QSAR, Library Design (day one)
 and Protein Modeling and Structure Basd Design (day two)
 Day three offers an introduction to CCG's Scientific Vector Language (SVL).
 In all cases the content will be tuned to match the requirements and level of
 experience of the attendees as much as possible.
 The courses are free of charge, refreshments are included; food and
 accommodation have to be organized and covered individually.
 Should you feel that someone else in your group would be more interested but
 may not have received this mail, please feel free to forward.
 For further questions and to register please contact Tracey Nixon
 (tnixon[a] or +44 1223 422319) at the Cambridge CCG office.
 We look forward to welcome you,
 Dr. Wolfram Altenhofen
 Director of Scientific Services
 Chemical Computing Group
 AG Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 11
 50672 Koeln