CCL: Freeware with analytical Hessian after DFT geometry optimization

 Sent to CCL by: Frank Neese [neese^-^]
 > I'm not sure that ORCA can really make analytical Hessian for DFT...
 > Here is a text from the latest ORCA 2.8.0 documentation:
 > "6.3 Vibrational Frequencies
 > Vibrational frequency calculations are available through one-  or two-
 > _numerical differentiation_ of analytical gradients, i.e. for Hartree- Fock
 and DFT models."
 ... that is correct - ORCA does not yet have analytical Hessians. But we are
 working on it and it will be available in the not too distant future
 All the best,
 Frank Neese
 > 20.07.2011 21:31, dipankar roy theodip[*] wrote:
 >> Hi,
 >> You may try ORCA.
 >> best,
 >> Dipankar Roy
 ++++ NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS ON 1.7.2011 ++++
 Prof. Dr. Frank Neese
 Max-Planck Institut für Bioanorganische Chemie
 Stiftstr. 34-36
 D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr
 E-Mail: neese]-[