CCL:G: .chk from log

 Sent to CCL by: "Fatima  Mons" [Fatima.mons\a/]
 Checkpoint files are written in a binary format which Gaussian can directly
 read.  If you want to transfer
 the file to a different machine, especially a different platform then you need
 to use the FORMCHK utility
 that converts the binary file into a formatted ascii file.  The conversion
 should be done on the machine
 that created it.  If you want to use the file in a Windows environment, then
 you'll need to run UNIX2DOS
 command (it replaces the Line Feed (LF) ascii code with Carriage Return (CR)
 Line Feed (LF) used by
 Windows), before FTPing it to the Wondows machine.  There is Unix2dos utility
 for Windows called
 Tofrodos ( if you wish to do
 the Unix-DOS conversion under
 For more info see: