CCL: Multiwavefunction analysis

 Sent to CCL by: Pablo Vitoria Garcia []
 Hi Sergio,
If you refer to the program referenced in this paper 'Multiwfn: A multifunctional wavefunction analyzer' (, in its webpage ( you can find the manual (with tutorials in Chapter 4)
"Sergio Manzetti sergio.manzetti|*|" <> ha escrito:
Dear all, there is a program that was advised here in the CCL some months ago, called "Multiwfn", which runs in DOS. Does anyone know if there is a tutorial for this program?
 Pablo Vitoria Garcia
 Servicios Generales de InvestigaciÃn (SGIker), Unidad de RX
 Universidad del PaÃs Vasco (UPV/EHU)
 Fac. Ciencia y TecnologÃa, Edificio CD3
 c/ Barrio Sarriena s/n, 48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)
 Tfno. +34 946015334
 Fax   +34 946013500