CCL:G: Error

 Sent to CCL by: "Ahmad  Ziaee" []
 Hi All,
 I want to do a PBC optimization with the input below:
 # opt=calcfc pbepbe/gen pseudo=read scf=maxcycle=512
 PBC optimization
 0 1
  Zn                 3.57045000    3.57045000    3.80340000
  F                  3.57045000    3.57045000    1.74652128
  F                  2.39862831    2.39862831    0.00000000
  N                  3.57045000    1.39818822    3.80340000
  C                  3.57045000    0.70409274    2.70421740
  H                  3.57045000    1.15254126    1.89028980
  Si                 3.57045000    3.57045000    0.00000000
  F                  3.57045000    3.57045000    5.86027872
  F                  4.74227169    2.39862831    0.00000000
  F                  4.74227169    4.74227169    0.00000000
  F                  2.39862831    4.74227169    0.00000000
  N                  5.74271178    3.57045000    3.80340000
  N                  3.57045000    5.74271178    3.80340000
  N                  1.39818822    3.57045000    3.80340000
  C                  6.43680726    3.57045000    2.70421740
  C                  3.57045000    6.43680726    2.70421740
  C                  0.70409274    3.57045000    2.70421740
  C                  3.57045000    6.43680726    4.90258260
  C                  0.70409274    3.57045000    4.90258260
  C                  3.57045000    0.70409274    4.90258260
  C                  6.43680726    3.57045000    4.90258260
  H                  5.98835874    3.57045000    1.89028980
  H                  3.57045000    5.98835874    1.89028980
  H                  1.15254126    3.57045000    1.89028980
  H                  3.57045000    5.98835874    5.71651020
  H                  1.15254126    3.57045000    5.71651020
  H                  3.57045000    1.15254126    5.71651020
  H                  5.98835874    3.57045000    5.71651020
  Tv                 7.14090000    0.00000000    0.00000000
  Tv                 0.00000000    7.14090000    0.00000000
  Tv                 0.00000000    0.00000000    7.60680000
 C F H Si N 0
 Zn 0
 Zn 0
 After one step and having the SCF done and getting the energy I get a
 strange error like below:
 ECPInt:  NShTT=    5778 NPrTT=   35633 LenC2=    5258 LenP2D=   18786.
  LDataN:  DoStor=T MaxTD1= 6 Len=  172
  Symmetrizing basis deriv contribution to polar:
  IMax=3 JMax=2 DiffMx= 0.00D+00
  G2DrvN: will do    29 centers at a time, making    1 passes.
  Calling FoFCou, ICntrl=  3507 FMM=T I1Cent=   0 AccDes= 0.00D+00.
  NB too large for integers on this machine.
  Error termination via Lnk1e in /ichec/packages/gaussian/09d01/l1110.exe
 at Mon Mar 23 22:26:39 2015.
  Job cpu time:       0 days  5 hours 10 minutes 42.3 seconds.
  File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=  37381 Int=      0 D2E=      0 Chk=    696
 Scr=      1
 Would you please let me know what can I do in order to solve this error?
 I even increased the shared memory amount but it didnt work.
 Thanks a million,