CCL:G: how to freeze in gaussian

 Sent to CCL by: "Sofia Vasilakaki" []
 There are a few things you might want to try. Usually 'nosymm' keyword
 will keep the atoms fixed during opt. 'modredundant' usually works for me.
 There are some examples here
 (scroll down) in case you haven't seen them.
 is an older thread.
 Sofia V.
 > Sent to CCL by: "kiran  k" []
 > Dear CCLusers,
 > Could anyone suggest how to find interaction energy between formaldehyde
 > and
 > fluoride ion in gaussian using z-matrix, by keeping the distance constant.
 > After the calculation, the distance changed. Here is my example input look
 > like
 >  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 > #P B3LYP/6-31+G* opt Test
 > Geometry Optimization
 > -1 1
 > C
 > O  1  r2
 > F  1  r3  2  a3
 > H  1  r4  2  a4  3  d4
 > H  1  r5  2  a5  3  d5
 > Variables:
 > r2= 1.2246
 > a3=  90.00
 > r4= 1.1017
 > a4= 122.24
 > d4= 354.18
 > r5= 1.1017
 > a5= 122.24
 > d5= 174.18
 > constant:
 > r3= 2.5000
 > Thank you in advance>