From Tue Jun 11 17:00:01 2019 From: "Alexandre Hocquet alexandre.hocquet .." To: CCL Subject: CCL: history computational chemistry and minisupercomputers Message-Id: <-53763-190611165848-6754-s1c/> X-Original-From: "Alexandre Hocquet" Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 16:58:46 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Alexandre Hocquet" [] Dear CCLers, As historians (see an example of our papers at for more details), we're interested in writing about computational chemistry modelization and computational chemistry software. The issue of portability to minisupercomputers in the eighties is attracting our interest and we are looking for witnesses that could share their memories and views about relationships between comp chem software developers and hardware manufacturers, (such as Alliant, Ardent, Multiflow... among others). We're even more interested if they're living on the east coast as we are currently working until the end of July on archival material at the Science History Institute in Phladelphia, before going back home to France. Alexandre Hocquet and Frederic Wieber