Administrator Tool for Registered Users

The registered user information file s stored as XML and is named registeredUser.xml which contains user information. To maintain the data file, there is the OSC SciPortal Registered User Administrator Tool.

The full API consists of two classes:

  1. parseRU - the registered user XML parser.
  2. registeredUser - the primary class for the application.

The OSC SciPortal Registered User Administrator Tool has two main components:

  1. List/Modify the users tabbed pane.
  2. Add a user tabbed pane.
Registered user application.

Maintaining the XML file
List/Modify Pane

The List/Modify pane provides fast access the the contents of the XML file. This pane allows the administrator to maintain the registered user information:

To begin, list all the users. The list contains the following information:

  • Date the XML file was last modified.
  • Number of users in the XML file.
  • List of users showing userID and Name.
List all users.

Enter the user ID (found by listing the users) and select the Find the user information. button.

Once the user is found, the information can be updated, by selecting the Update button or removed by selecting the Remove the user information. button.

To exit the program select the Exit

Find user information.

Adding a User

To add a select the tabbed pane Add User and fill in the type-in text fields. The pane has three parts:

  1. Type-in fields
    • Select a different file:

      This is the name of the XML data file. This default value is set in the JAVA application.

    • Set of fields for user identification.
    • Reset the form will set the fields to default values.
    • You can also select the List the users and a list of the users will appear in the third part of the window.
  2. Control buttons
    • After checking the information click on the Add the user.. Note if you are creating a new file then select the Create the file and add this user.

  3. Viewer for the list of users.
Add a user type-in fields