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Ideally the disk should be accompanied by a hard copy printout. Alternatively, the files can be emailed to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cate.foster@blacksci.co.uk" cate.foster@blacksci.co.uk You should also bring a hardcopy and a Word document on a floppy disk, CD or zip disk to the conference as a back up. This should be handed in to the conference management at registration. Title and Summary The title should give an informative and accurate indication of the content of the paper. The text must be preceded by a structured summary to include the following headings: Aim(s), Methods, Results (some numerical data including confidence intervals on differences, where appropriate, must be included), Conclusions. The summary should be couched in terms which will be understood by the majority of the readers of the Journal. Drug names As far as is possible code names for drugs, e.g. those used by pharmaceutical companies, should be avoided. Where code names have to be used the chemical name or structure of the drug should be detailed in the Introduction. Where a code name has been used and a proper name becomes available before publication, authors are asked to inform the Journal of the drug name. Units These are normally expressed as SI units. If other units are used a conversion factor should be included in the Methods section. See Editorials, Br J Clin Pharmacol (1983),16,1,3-7. Statistical methods Statistical methods should be described clearly in the Methods section with references when appropriate. Editors and referees will be concerned particularly that any study described had sufficient statistical power for its purpose, and where appropriate considerations of the power of the study should be laid out in the Methods section. In the Results section 95% confidence intervals on differences should be cited whenever possible for all important endpoints for the study. This is particularly important when equivalence is being claimed (i.e. for non-significant comparisons). Figures Hard copy: These should not be larger than A4 and may be in the form of original drawings, recorded tracings, high quality photographic prints made from them or digital files. Symbols which are to appear in figures or legends should be chosen from the following: PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Figure symbols"(((((((( Photographs and photomicrographs should be unmounted glossy bromide prints of good contrast, well matched and preferably with a transparent overlay for protection. The overlay should be used to indicate masking instructions, lettering or arrows. Authors are advised that figures may be redrawn by the Journal, and figures should therefore be checked particularly carefully at proof stage. Electronic: Digital files in accordance with our instructions at www.blackwell-science.com/elecmed/digill.htm can be used by production. EPS (illustrations, graphs, annotated artwork) and TIFF (micrographs) are recommended, although in some cases other formats can be used. Files should be at print size and a resolution not below 250 dpi. Further advice on digital artwork submission can be obtained by e-mail to artwork@blacksci.co.uk. Tables These should not have more than 85 characters to a line (counting spaces between columns as 4 characters) and certainly not more than 110 characters to a line, unless absolutely unavoidable. Figure legends and tables should be typed on separate pages. References References should be cited using the Vancouver style (see examples below). References in the manuscript text should appear as numbers in square brackets, following the authors' names in the text if necessary. The reference list should show the references in numerical and not alphabetical order, and should include the names of all the authors (if there are more than six authors only the first three should be given followed by et al.), the full title of the article, title of publication (abbreviated in accordance with Index Medicus), the year, volume number and first and last page numbers. References to books should, in addition include the names of the editor, the edition number, where appropriate, and the town of origin and name of publisher. The accuracy of the references is the responsibility of the author. 1 Davies RH, Sheridan DJ. The treatment of heart failure - what next? Br J Clin Pharmacol 1993; 35:557-563. 2 Hoffman BB, Lefkowitz RJ. Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists. In The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Eighth Edition, eds Gilman AG, Rail TW, Nies AS, New York: Pergamon Press, 1990: 229-243. Acknowledgements All support, financial or otherwise, for any work described should be acknowledged, with the exception of support from employing institutions identifiable from the title page. Studies using human tissue The Methods section should contain a statement that the study was approved by an identifiable ethics committee or similar body, and that explicit patient consent was obtained for use of tissue for research. Stereoisomers Where a drug can exist as stereoisomers or diastereoisomers (e.g. geometrical isomers), the form of compound studied must be designated as follows in the methods section. In the case of racemates a prefix rac- should precede the drug name (e.g. rac-propranolol). Where possible the absolute configuration of enantiomers should be indicated (eg (S)-warfarin). Similarly geometrical isomerism should be indicated by prefixes Z/E or cis/trans. Where appropriate, the interpretation of data obtained using mixtures of isomers should take account of stereochemical aspects. Page proofs Proofs will be sent via e–mail as an Acrobat PDF (portable document format) file. The e–mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following Web site: www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. In your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e–mail to retrieve the proofs. Proofs will be posted if no e–mail address is available. Two page proofs will be supplied, one of which may be retained by the authors. The other should be corrected immediately and returned to the Press Editor. Corrections should be kept to a minimum. Extensive changes may be charged to the author. Abstract and Paper Publication: Some General Guidance Notes Abstract submission Ideally, authors should submit their papers or abstracts as a Microsoft Word document with any figures pasted into the Word file. Tables should be kept simple and should be inserted as Tab-spaced text, or as Word tables, i.e. not pasted in from other applications. If figures are allowed, then they should also be kept simple but should be embedded in the Word file (i.e. pasted in). Authors should be made aware that figures will be reduced prior to reproduction, so all lettering/symbols/lines should be clear and distinct. For submission via a website, authors should be encouraged to upload the Word file or should be supplied with a Word ‘Abstract Submission’ form that they can then send by e-mail. Obviously, it is important that the submission route ensures that all special characters/symbols/artwork are retained successfully. Font size You should employ font 12. Review the website regularly for any modification to this instruction or contact the Conference Chairman if in doubt! Abstract structure Although the final page design can be customised, the abstracts should have the following general structure: Title Author name(s) Address(es) Abstract text If the abstract text is to be structured, then each new subsection headings should start on a new line, for example: Title Author name(s) Address(es) Objectives Methods Results Conclusions The subsection headings can be specified as required (see templates). References should be kept to a minimum and, ideally, should be consistently presented in Vancouver (numbered) style. Format and word count Abstracts tend to be typeset in a smaller type than for the journal, so a sample page design would normally be provided for approval prior to typesetting. The length of the abstract cannot generally be effectively limited during electronic submission, so a maximum word count should be specified if desired. NB - If authors are allowed to include figures or tables, then this word limit would need to take this into account. However, authors will inevitably submit abstracts of different lengths and, in some cases, include figures and/or tables. Submitting for publication Once the abstracts have been submitted for the meeting, reviewed/revised and accepted/rejected, we would hope to receive one Word file for each session, containing all the accepted session abstracts in the desired order of publication. Please indicate clearly any paper or abstract numbering that is to be used, and provide a full list of the final running order (if abstracts are to be grouped by specialties or sessions, for example, then this should also be indicated in the running order list), and printouts of all the abstracts, each marked with the relevant abstract number. Without the running order, we cannot start to process the files/abstracts. The printouts are needed to ensure that all special characters/symbols have been retained successfully, as well as being a check for table layout, for example. Programme info/Indexes Ideally, any programme info or indexes should be supplied when sending in the abstracts for publication. If we are required to create the indexes, then this should be specified in advance. Timescale To ensure timely delivery to the meeting, for an paper or abstract publication such as that for EuroQSAR 2002 of up to approx 300–400 pages, we would want to receive all these materials, including any programme details to be included, at least 10 working weeks in advance of bound (print) copies being required for delivery. (Additional time shouldbe allowed for delivery to the meeting venue.) If SGML/XML is to be provided for separate CD/online publication, then this production time would need to be reassessed as necessary. Checking on the website Finally, authors should review the website on a regular basis to ensure that they are aware of any changes to the procedure and instructions. 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