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 * A class for reading text from a file. The class
 * contains the same readLine method as BufferedReader and
 * adds methods to read all the Java primitive data types
 * with integrated error checking.  It also handles EOF.
 * Full documentation for the classes in the hsa package available at:
 * @author Tom West, Nathan Stevens 
 * @version 2.0, April 29, 1999


public class TextInputFile
     * The file name.
    private String fileName;

     * Streams used for the file
    private BufferedReader f = null;
    private DataInputStream stdin = null;

     * Set if the file has been closed.
    private boolean closed = false;

     * Indicator whether to write to standard output or a file.
    private boolean useStandardIO = false;

     * The end-of-file flag
    private boolean eofFlag = false;

     * Constants and variables used by the input line buffer.
    private static final int EMPTY = -1;
    private String lineBuffer = ""; // The line of input read in from the file.
    int lineBufferPtr = 0;          // The pointer in the line of input.
    int ungotChar = EMPTY;          // The next character to be read in.

     * Contructor - TextInputFile to read from standard input.
    public TextInputFile ()
	this ("Standard input");
    } // Constructor - TextInputFile (void)

     * Contructor - TextInputFile to read from a File.
     * @param file - File to be opened.
    public TextInputFile (File file)
	    FileReader fileReader = new FileReader (file);
	    f = new BufferedReader (fileReader);
	catch (FileNotFoundException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to open file \"" + fileName + "\"");
	    // Never reaches here
	this.fileName = file.getName ();
    } // Constructor - TextInputFile (File)

     * Contructor - TextInputFile to read from file with specified name.
     * @param fileName - Name of the file to be opened.
    public TextInputFile (String fileName)
	if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase ("standard input") ||
	    fileName.equalsIgnoreCase ("keyboard") ||
	    fileName.equalsIgnoreCase ("stdin"))
	    stdin = new DataInputStream (;
	    this.fileName = "Standard input";
	    useStandardIO = true;
		f = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (new File (fileName)));
	    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
		errPrint("Unable to open file \"" + fileName + "\"");
		// Never reaches here
	    this.fileName = fileName;
    } // Constructor - TextInputFile (String)

     * Close the file to further reading.
    public void close ()
	if (closed)
	    errPrint("\"" + fileName + "\" is already closed.");
	    // Never reaches here.

	// If writing to standard output, don't close standard out.
	if (useStandardIO)
	    useStandardIO = false;
		f.close ();
	    catch (IOException e)
	        errPrint("Close failed: Unable to close \"" + fileName + "\"");
		// Never reaches here.
	    f = null;

	closed = true;
	lineBuffer = "";
    } // close (void)

     * Return whether there is an eof before the next token.
     * @return Whether there is an eof before the next token
    public boolean eof ()
	    char ch = readACharacterThrowsEOF ();
	    pushACharacter (ch);
	catch (EOFException e)
	    return (true);
	return (false);
    } // boolean eof (void)

     * Place the character in the unread position.  The next time a character
     * is read, this one will be returned.
     * @param ch - The character to be pushed into the unread position.
    private void pushACharacter (char ch)
	ungotChar = ch;
    } // pushACharacter (char)

     * Read a single character from the file. If we reach EOF before
     * reading the character, display an error message and exit.
     * @return The character read from the file.
    private char readACharacter ()
	    return (readACharacterThrowsEOF ());
	catch (EOFException e)
	   errPrint("Attempt to read past end of file on " +
	    // Never reaches here.

	return (0);
    } // char readACharacter (void)

     * Read a single character from the file.
     * @exception EOFException - Thrown if attempt to read past EOF.
     * @return The character read from the file.
    private char readACharacterThrowsEOF () throws EOFException
	// Check if stream already closed.
	if (closed)
	    errPrint("Read failed: \"" + fileName + "\" is already closed.");
	    // Never reaches here.

	if (ungotChar != EMPTY)
	    char ch = (char) ungotChar;
	    ungotChar = EMPTY;
	    return (ch);
	if (lineBufferPtr < lineBuffer.length ())
	    return (lineBuffer.charAt (lineBufferPtr++));

	readALineFromFile ();
	return (lineBuffer.charAt (lineBufferPtr++));
    } // char readACharacterThrowsEOF (void)

     * Reads a line from the file.
     * @exception EOFException - Thrown if attempt to read past EOF.
    private void readALineFromFile () throws EOFException
	    if (useStandardIO)
		if (eofFlag)
		    throw new EOFException ();

		lineBuffer = stdin.readLine ();
		if (lineBuffer != null)
		    if (lineBuffer.indexOf ('\032') != -1)
			lineBuffer = lineBuffer.substring (0,
			    lineBuffer.indexOf ('\032'));
			if (lineBuffer.length () == 0)
			    lineBuffer = null;
			eofFlag = true;
		    else if (lineBuffer.indexOf ('\004') != -1)
			lineBuffer = lineBuffer.substring (0,
			    lineBuffer.indexOf ('\004'));
			if (lineBuffer.length () == 0)
			    lineBuffer = null;
			eofFlag = true;
		lineBuffer = f.readLine ();
	    if (lineBuffer == null)
		throw (new EOFException ());
	    lineBuffer = lineBuffer + "\n";
	    lineBufferPtr = 0;
	catch (IOException e)
	    if (e instanceof EOFException)
		throw (new EOFException ());
		errPrint("Read on \"" + fileName + "\" failed: " + e);
    } // readLineFromFile (void)

     * Reads in input from the keyboard buffer until it hits a
     * whitespace, which indicates the end of a token.
    private String readAToken ()
	char ch;

	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ();

	// Skip white space
	    ch = readACharacter ();
	while ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\n') || (ch == '\t'));

	if (ch == '"')
	    // Read until close quote
	    ch = readACharacter ();
	    while (ch != '"')
		sb.append (ch);
		ch = readACharacter ();
		if (ch == '\n')
			"No terminating quote for quoted string in \"" +
			fileName + "\"");
		    // Never reaches here.

	    // Read the character following the close quote.
	    ch = readACharacter ();
		sb.append (ch);
		ch = readACharacter ();
	    while ((ch != ' ') && (ch != '\n') && (ch != '\t'));

	// Lastly, skip any whitespace until the end of line
	while ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t'))
	    ch = readACharacter ();

	if (ch != '\n')
	    pushACharacter (ch);

	return (new String (sb));
    } // String readAToken (void)

     * Read a boolean from the file.
     * The actual text in the file must be either "true" or "false"
     * although case is irrelvant.
     * @return The boolean value read from the file.
    public boolean readBoolean ()
	String s = readAToken ().toLowerCase ();

	if (s.equals ("true"))
	    return (true);
	else if (s.equals ("false"))
	    return (false);
	    errPrint("Unable to convert \"" + s + "\" to a boolean");
	    // Never reaches here
	return (false);
    } // boolean readBoolean (void)

     * Read an 8-bit integer (a "byte") from the file.
     * The actual text in the file must be a number from -128 to 127.
     * @return The byte value read from the file.
    public byte readByte ()
	String s = readAToken ();

	    return (Byte.parseByte (s));
	catch (NumberFormatException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to convert \"" + s + "\" to a byte");
	    // Never reaches here
	return (0);
    } // byte readByte (void)

     * Read a single character from the file.  Note that this discards any
     * whitespace.  If you want to get every character on the line, use
     * the readLine () method.
     * @return The character read from the file.
    public char readChar ()
	char ch, result;

	// Skip white space before the character.
	    ch = readACharacter ();
	while ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\n') || (ch == '\t'));

	// The non-whitespace character read is the one to return.
	result = ch;

	// Skip whitespace following the character until end of line.
	    ch = readACharacter ();
	while ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t'));

	if (ch != '\n')
	    pushACharacter (ch);

	// Return the character read.
	return (result);
    } // char readChar (void)

     * Read a double precision floating point number (a "double") from
     * the file.
     * @return The double value read from the file.
    public double readDouble ()
	Double d;
	String s = readAToken ();

	    d = Double.valueOf (s);
	    return (d.doubleValue ());
	catch (NumberFormatException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to convert \"" + s + "\" to a double");
	    // Never reaches here
	return (0.0);
    } // double readDouble (void)

     * Read a floating point number (a "float") from the file.
     * @return The float value read from the file.
    public float readFloat ()
	Float f;
	String s = readAToken ();

	    f = Float.valueOf (s);
	    return (f.floatValue ());
	catch (NumberFormatException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to convert \"" + s + "\" to a float");
	    // Never reaches here
	return ((float) 0.0);
    } // float readFloat (void)

     * Read a 32-bit integer (an "int") from the file.
     * The actual text in the file must be a number from
     * -2147483648 to 2147483647.
     * @return The int value read from the file.
    public int readInt ()
	String s = readAToken ();

	    return (Integer.parseInt (s));
	catch (NumberFormatException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to convert \"" + s + "\" to a int");
	    // Never reaches here
	return (0);
    } // int readInt (void)

     * Read a full line of text from the file.
     * @return The line of text read from the file.
    public String readLine ()
	char ch;                                // The character being read in
	StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer ();   // The string typed in

	// Skip whitespace up to the first newline
	ch = readACharacter ();
	while (ch != '\n')
	    s.append (ch);
	    ch = readACharacter ();

	return (s.toString ());
    } // String readLine (void)

     * Read a 64-bit integer (a "long") from the file.
     * @return The long value read from the file.
    public long readLong ()
	String s = readAToken ();

	    return (Long.parseLong (s));
	catch (NumberFormatException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to convert \"" + s + "\" to a long");
	    // Never reaches here
	return (0);
    } // long readLong (void)

     * Read a 16-bit integer (a "short") from the file.
     * The actual text in the file must be a number from -32768 to 32767.
     * @return The short value read from the file.
    public short readShort ()
	String s = readAToken ();

	    return (Short.parseShort (s));
	catch (NumberFormatException e)
	    errPrint("Unable to convert \"" + s + "\" to a short");
	    // Never reaches here
	return (0);
    } // short readShort (void)

     * Read a whitespace delimited token from the file.
     * @return The token read from the file.
    public String readString ()
	return (readAToken ());
    } // String readString (void)

    private void errPrint(String s)
} /* TextInputFile class */
Modified: Mon May 24 17:39:20 1999 GMT
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